Moon Port.

The huge fleet of ships slowly landed, and Sanbao took people to contact the post station to arrange for supplies.

Zhu Di took Zhang Yu and a few people to wander around Zhangzhou.

But I found that it was no wonder that Chen Yong chose Yue Gang for the first time when he opened the sea.

Compared with Hangzhou, although this place is unknown, its geographical location is really unique.

A river winds down the mountain like a crescent.

Hence the name Moon Port.

Although this is only a port, there are seventeen piers on the waterway of the crescent moon!

More than Yingtian.

There are shops on both sides of the waterway, most of which are from Fujian and Jiangxi.

Porcelain from Jingdezhen is the most popular here.

Fujian’s eight mountains, one water and one field, Jiangxi because of the many jinshi, less arable land, the contradiction between people and land is very prominent compared to the entire Daming!

Opening the sea to Yuegang was exactly a way for Chen Yong to find for the people.

Zhu Di couldn’t help but sigh with emotion, with Daming as a chessboard, any drop has a far-reaching layout and consideration, which is the real ability of Liaozhai.

It is also a manifestation of an extreme understanding of the reality of Daming.

Why can’t Hu Weiyong think of it!

Not long after walking forward, he vaguely saw the Zhangzhou city wall.

Zhang Yu said: “Your Highness, look! ”

“That’s the Shenming Pavilion!”

“Could it be that the judicial envoy is holding a public trial meeting?”

Zhu Di said with interest: “Let’s go, let’s take a look.” ”

After a while, several people arrived.

There was a person standing inside the pavilion, and next to him stood an old man, full of white hair, bamboo cane and mango shoes, looking quite a hermit.

Zhang Yu said: “The one in the middle should be the Zhangzhou judicial envoy!” ”

“The old man…”

“Who is that old man?” Can he stand with the judicial envoy, is it the local gentry? ”

“Could it be the head of the Xu family that Xu Shuangxi said?”

Zhu Di bowed his head slightly: “Very likely!” “One, four, three”

The official in the pavilion said, “This official is Gu Ning, the judicial envoy of Zhangzhou. ”

“Look, the box next to me is full of opium!”

“The divine decree has been issued, this is a harmful thing, after smoking it will make people addicted, even if the family is broken, it cannot be extricated!”

“When I first smoked, I was fluttering, but after that, my body will slowly lose strength, and in the end, I can’t even stand up if I say it’s a woman!”

“This is the ghost who colluded with the Pu family to seize my people’s wealth!”

“Today, this official and Yuegang gunsmoke.”

“He also invited Xu Wendao, the head of the local gentry Xu family, to come and witness that the city boss had not come because of his busy official duties.”

“However, he has promised that in the future, he will strictly check the imported goods of the customs and not allow a trace of opium to enter it!”


The servants of the government threw opium into the large pit dug and poured lime into the sea.

Only a loud sound was heard, and all the opium slowly melted in the heat.

Seeing that the time was almost up, he sent someone to bury the pit with a shovel, and this time the smoke ended!

Gu Ning’s expression was grim, and he continued: “Coming people! ”

“Bring me the prisoner!”

Yan Yan walked in with a few people, their mouths were plugged, and their bodies were also tied, even so, they still struggled in the direction of Gu Ning and Xu Wendao, and their expressions were full of hatred!

From inside, Zhu Di seemed to feel something.

Gu Ning said coldly: “Er and others colluded with the wokou to smuggle opium and mutilate the living beings, but they still dare to be rampant now? ”

“Dear people, this is the people of the Pu family.”

“The head of the family, Pu Leyou, has been executed before, and these are fish that have slipped through the net.”

“This official has been raised to the emperor, the Criminal Department has reviewed and approved, and a public trial meeting will be held today to execute him as an example!”

“No one is allowed to smuggle opium!!”

The executioner raised the ghost head and big knife, only to hear a pop, and several human heads fell to the ground, just rolling to Zhu Di’s side.

The onlookers shouted in unison: “Good kill!” ”

“These bastards who smuggled opium, my neighbor’s baby, was quite a good person, and as a result, they tempted them to smoke a few mouthfuls in the green building”

“I wanted to participate in next year’s trial, but it turned out…”


“In order to get money and even learn to steal property, he was dismissed from his reputation and hanged a few days ago.”

“Who says it’s not, this thing is really harmful!!”

“If you want to talk about overseas, you really have everything, you have to be careful in the future.”

“That kid in my brother’s family also smoked opium, and after the divine decree was issued, he was locked up in prison for two whole months, and he finally quit, and when he came out, he was skinny, and he couldn’t even see the human form, which was particularly miserable!”


Zhangzhou judicial envoy Gu Ning said: “Next, let the Xu family master speak two words.” ”

Xu Wendao walked up and smiled slightly, his appearance really looked like Gui Yanliang’s kind of famous Confucian.

Even Zhang Yu had a hint of doubt: “Your Highness, is that Xu Shuangxi lying to us.” ”

“Is this Xu family master really behind the pirates?”

Zhu Diyan said, “Don’t jump to conclusions. ”

“Forgot that sentence from Mr. Chatsai?”

“It is difficult to draw skins and bones, and it is difficult to know people without knowing their hearts.”

Xu Wendao smiled and said: “Dear people of Zhangzhou, I usually send people to the sea, knowing that there are many opportunities overseas, but there are also many things that are not right!” ”

“Although I am a businessman, I should also study more and be a Confucian merchant of flesh and blood.”

“What is a Confucian businessman?”

“Do you think Zhuge Liang is a businessman?”

“Some people say that of course not, but Zhuge Liang is a famous minister of a generation, a role model of Shilin, and the leader of officials, how can he be considered a businessman?”

“Luo Guanzhong’s Romance of the Three Kingdoms must have been read by you, it is written that Liu Bei Baidi City was defeated, leaving a mess, and the dying entrusted to Ge Liang to assist the country.”

“So how did the gentleman fill the treasury? In addition to encouraging farming, he also brought Shujin’s business to the whole country! ”

“Even Cao Wei Sun Wu, although he is not said on the surface, he is proud of wearing Shu Jin!”

“All of this contains a lot of ways to do business.”

“Therefore, if we want to do it, we must be businessmen like Zhuge Chengxiang, earn the money we deserve, and earn money with a conscience!”

“Do your best to fulfill your dream of practical learning.”

“Build a great contemporaneous era with great material abundance!”

“This year I will build a road near Moon Harbor and donate two more nursing homes.”

“There is a way to teach people to fish, it is better to teach people to fish!”

“Sanatoriums will support the unemployed for a period of time, and if anyone wants to go to sea, they can also sign up.”


“Take you overseas to find a way out!”

When he spoke righteous words, all the people whispered when they heard them.

“This Xu family master is really a good person.”

“Before many people went to the nursing home to sign up, he took them to sea.”

“No one came back.”

“Huh? Didn’t someone write back before? What is it called to say overseas as heaven? ”

“Happy to be happy!!”

After hearing this, Zhu Di asked, “Isn’t there a unified grain payment for the official gentry here in Fujian?” ”

“Why are so many people still going to sea?”

The other person asked, “You’re not a local, are you?” ”

“Hmm! I came at the heavens, and this time I went south to the sea and docked with Yue Gang for supplies. ”

“No wonder!”

“We Fujian and Yingtian are different, eight mountains, one water and one field, especially Zhangzhou, there is a good saying.”

“The ground is not three feet flat, the sky is not sunny, how many points do you look back at the places suitable for farming?”

“The ten families and the official gentry have all implemented the grain, but even so, there are still many people who have no land.”

“If you don’t go to sea, how can you live?”

This person obviously had a big mouth, and seeing Zhu Di’s abrupt expression, he couldn’t help but want to show it twice, “I’ll tell you a secret.” ”

“Before the sea was opened, one out of every two people in Yue Gang was smuggling!”

Zhu Di’s pupils shrank suddenly after hearing this, and the others hurriedly pulled the big mouth and said, “What nonsense are you talking about!” ”

“It’s true! Anyway, the emperor has already forgiven the previous sins! ”

“Then don’t talk nonsense!”

Later, the man said to Zhu Di: “I’m sorry, he drank too much.” ”

“Farewell, farewell!”

Because of the coastal area of Yuegang, the popularity of the Liaozhai dictionary is relatively comprehensive, so that Zhu Di can understand them.

If he goes deeper into the hinterland, he will find another characteristic of Fujian.

The dialect of one village and one village may not be the same

Special is southern Fujian…

Zhang Yu asked, “Your Highness, what should we do now?” ”

Zhu Di stood there quietly, turned his head after hearing the inquiry and said, “Do you know what I saw in the eyes of the Pu family who was just killed?” ”


“Betrayal, and unwillingness.”


Hearing these two words, Zhang Yu thought thoughtfully: “Your Highness, what do you mean.” ”

“What Xu Shuangxi said is true, the Xu family did unite with the Pu family, but in the end, the Xu family betrayed him and abandoned him?”

Zhu Di did not continue.

If this is the case, then Xu Wendao is a hypocrite who has lost gold and jade outside.


What about his good image and helping others to go to sea!

At this time, Sanbao came over: “Your Highness, the post station has been contacted, I asked them to prepare good forage black beans and feed the war horses something to eat!” ”

“In addition, I really didn’t expect that they have silage here, and we can take some to the ship to ensure the combat effectiveness of the war horses!”


Is there a horse farm nearby?

“Let’s go, let’s go to the post station.”

After the public trial meeting dispersed, Xu Wendao and Gu Ning left here, and as soon as they entered the city, one of them ran over in a hurry.

“Sir, my lord.”

“Someone just contacted the post station and said that the fleet led by His Royal Highness King Yan landed!”

“King Yan?” Xu Wendao was stunned after hearing this, “Why did he come to Yuegang?” ”

“Said to come here to resupply.”

Gu Ning smiled and said, “It’s just passing by, it’s not a big deal.” ”

“I’ll go back to report to Lord Fuzun, order my subordinates to do things more quickly, and let him leave after preparing supplies.”

“Strive to finish it in half a day, nothing will happen.”

Xu Wendao was suspicious by nature and more cautious, and shook his head slightly when he heard this: “Still send someone to stare.” ”

“Make sure.”

“Isn’t it too cautious, there is no need for this!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Just do as I say!”

“Because of the opium problem, the imperial court has set its sights on customs, there is no harm in being cautious, it will be good after this time…”

After hearing this, although Gu Ning was a little unimpressed in his heart, he still arranged to go.

Zhangzhou Station is located at the foot of the mountain, next to the water, and the traffic is extremely convenient.

As soon as Zhu Di came on horseback, Yicheng walked up quickly, showing a philistine fawning expression, and said, “Xiaguan has seen His Royal Highness King Yan. ”

“Your Highness Chitose Chitose Chitose Chitose!”

“Hurry up.”

“Are you ready for what you’ve prepared?”

“Everything is in order, please rest assured!”

“Please follow me!”

After settling in, Yicheng went to hand over with the Three Treasures, and Zhu Di wandered around the post station, looking around at the rolling mountains, which he had never seen in Yingtianbeiping.

The environment in Fujian is indeed much more complicated.

He also learned some grand historical views, from ancient times to the present, so that after Wuyue developed Jiangnan, Fujian’s territory seems to have not changed much.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Sun Quan occupied 81 prefectures in six counties in Jiangdong, of which Huiji County was the whole province of Fujian plus one part of Zhejiang!

Later, for the role of defense, Fujian could not be allowed to monopolize the mountains, so the southern part of Zhejiang was divided separately.

The Tang Dynasty, the Former Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, and the Fujian map are what they look like now.

Because the terrain here is separate in blocks and is closed!

If you want to make the people rich, there is only one way, open up outward!

He thought of the globe sent by Chen Yong, and his mind fell on a large island next to Fujian.


At this time, a stink suddenly came in, Zhu Di withdrew from deep thinking and looked to the side, and saw a manure digger staggering over with a flat burden.

He frowned slightly, took a step back, who knew that the sole of the dung picker’s foot slipped and almost fell on Zhu Di.

Zhang Yu grabbed him after seeing this: “If you don’t take such a wide road, you have to pass by us?” ”

The dung digger hurried to make amends: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I…”

“I’m a little sick today, my body is weak, and I can’t control my direction.”

“Your pardon, forgiveness!”

Zhu Di’s eyes were cold, and with a slight wave of his hand, Zhang Yu said: “Get out!” ”

“Yes! Be! ”

After the dung diggers left, Zhu Di turned around and walked to a place where there was no one, spread out his palms and saw that there was a note there.

“His Royal Highness King Yan, the seventh family in the third mile of the small village three miles outside Zhangzhou City, please see you.”

“Zhou Xin has something to explain!”

“Attention, there are people watching inside the station, please get rid of them.”

Zhu Di looked around, returned to the room, and handed the note to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu’s pupils suddenly shrank after seeing it, and his cheeks were full of shock.

“Zhou Xin?”

“Isn’t this the one Xu Shuangxi said, the deputy of the city boss who has died?”

“Is it the manure picker just now?”

“He deliberately dropped the note and handed you the note!?”

Zhu Di’s gaze became even colder.


That deliberate drop was to deliver this note to himself, and things were obviously not simple!

As he expected, his death was tricky!

This month the port is really getting more and more interesting.

“Your Highness, what should I do?”

Zhu Di pondered for a moment: “You stay in the room in my royal robe, no matter who calls it, don’t show your face 2.7, just let the three treasures come out.” ”

“Send all the small houses out to buy the things I need for sailing, and change me into a small clothes.”

“Let’s have a fish eye mix!”

“I’m going to meet this Zhou Xin who has come back from the dead!”


Not long after, a group of people dressed in small clothes left the post station one after another, and Zhu Di mixed in with it, found a corner and changed into the clothes of a merchant, and headed outside the city.

In a small village three miles outside Zhangzhou City, Zhu Di followed the ten family cards to the position on the note, and if the person he met asked about the origin, he said that it was a maritime merchant and came to the village to see if there were any treasures.

So that no one doubts.

Bang Bang Bang!

Zhu Di gently buttoned the door, and one person opened the door, only to see him wearing a linen robe, his cheeks full of wrinkles, his hands covered with calluses, and he looked like an ordinary farmer.

There was also an old woman in the main room, who was supposed to be his mother.

Just looking around, Zhu Di didn’t see the manure picker.

Could it be that you have been deceived?

He was a little guarded and touched the dagger in his arms!

After feeding the old woman the medicine, the farmer came to the courtyard and respectfully performed an official etiquette, and then said: “Xiaguan City Deputy Commander Zhou Xin, see His Royal Highness King Yan!” ”

“So you are Zhou Xin?”

“Who was the previous manure digger?”

Zhou Xinyan said, “That’s my most loyal bookboy!” ”

“Now the outside of his house must have been monitored.”

Zhu Di was stunned in his heart, but his face did not fluctuate at all, and he asked, “Yes…”

“The Xu family did it!?”

This time it was Zhou Xin’s turn to be shocked, he couldn’t believe that Zhu Di had already discovered the Xu family’s cat greasy after just coming for so long a day, and immediately said with emotion: “It seems that I really found the right person this time!” ”

Zhu Di asked, “What’s going on?” ”

(Flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly passes)

(The author kneels and begs)

(The plot is over, and it is estimated that there are still 300,000 words)

(Is there a wave of tips?) )。

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