“What the hell is going on?”

Zhu Di asked, and Zhou Xin asked him to sit down first and poured a bowl of well water.

“Your Highness, the conditions are simple, let’s drink this first.”

“If it weren’t for the fact that Si Nongqing has been promoting the method of well irrigation recently, I am afraid that if you want to drink a well water, I am afraid you will have to go ten miles away to pick it up!”

Fujian is rainy and rich in groundwater resources, and well irrigation is also the smoothest place for promotion.

Just because of the relationship between the sea, it is like a straight gu, the water contains salt at high tide, and when drinking, you need to use grass and trees to cut the salt skin on it.

Zhou Xin explained: “The reason why His Highness was called here in this way is because the entire Zhangzhou is monitored by the Xu family, Xu Wendao and judicial envoys. ”

“Xu Wendao is suspicious by nature and cunning like a fox, if you are not careful, I am afraid that Zhangzhou and this moon port will always be shrouded in their shadow!”

Zhu Di asked, “What do you say?” ”

“Your Highness, inside the City Boss of Yuegang, there is a big cat!”

“Before the sea was opened, the Xu family and the Pu family had been engaged in smuggling activities.”

“I already know this, Fu Baixue has already said the cause and effect when investigating the Pu family’s opium trafficking!”

Zhou Xin shook his head: “No, that’s not comprehensive. ”

“What’s more, when Jinyiwei investigated the case, Xu 27’s family had already cleaned up all their hands and feet, leaving only some clues!”

“Plus they deliberately guided when investigating the case, and poured all the dirty water on the Pu family!”

“Actually, the Xu family is also involved in opium smuggling!”

Zhu Di remained silent, learning Zhu Yuanzhang’s attitude towards things, and his face did not change, signaling Zhou Xin to continue, while he thought quickly in his heart.

Zhou Xin sighed with emotion, worthy of being the heir of the emperor!

“This matter needs to be started from the beginning, before the opening of the sea, Xu Jiapu’s family has been engaged in smuggling activities, as in Fujian and Zhejiang.”

“When the smuggling trade was at its peak, there was one smuggling every two months in Yuegang!”

“Now the dragon tour Zhejiang merchants who are known to travel all over the world are just vassals of Fujian merchants.”

“The root cause lies in the fact that Fujian has many cedar trees, and he has been proficient in shipbuilding since ancient times.”

“The famous treasure ship was built by Fujianese.”

“Because they control ships, the Xu family and the Pu family almost monopolize maritime trade, and Zhejiang merchants either turn to them or can only supply them.”

“Later, with the rise of practical learning, the craftsman system was completely abolished, and Mr. Liaozhai went to sea to open up trade routes, so that the shipbuilding method was also spread.”

“It is precisely because of this that Fang Guozhen’s son can make such a big move.”

“Why didn’t you make any moves before, just cooperating with Lu Zhongheng to suppress them on land?”

“Because their ships are restricted by Fujianese!”

“Later, Xue Xiang was killed, the Zhejiang case broke out, the imperial court announced the opening of the sea, four large seaports rose, and the Fujianese people were crippled, thinking that they could lie down and make money, but they refused to make changes, but they missed the opportunity, and by the time they came back to their senses, the overseas market had almost been divided.”

“In order to get rid of this predicament, the Pu family and the Xu family thought of smuggling opium at the same time!”

“At the same time, the Xu family also summoned pirates behind the back of the Pu family, let them resume their old business in the vicinity, and did the business of raiding homes and robbing houses.”

Zhu Diyan said, “If he did this kind of thing, could it be that all the officials in Zhangzhou City were dead?” ”

“Didn’t you find a little?”

Zhou Xin shook his head: “Naturally, there is a discovery!” ”

“Xu Wendao hid behind, let Pu Leyou come out to sell opium, and he relied on the looted merchant ship items to go to sea to trade, black and white.”

“In this three-pronged way, I gradually accumulated some money.”

“He bribed the prefect of Zhangzhou, the prefect of Zhangzhou, and the judicial envoy of Zhangzhou, and cleverly took advantage of it, established an entire commercial street, and openly and secretly collected all the merchants in Zhangzhou City.”

“Merchants from other places came and seemed to sell their goods to different merchants, but in fact they all sold them to the Xu family!”

“They monopolized the trade of Yue Gang in this way.”

“If a merchant is not satisfied, the prefect of Zhangzhou will come forward and call his people to Yamen in the name of bidding, take the opportunity to knock them unconscious, and then throw them into the open sea and drown!”

“Sea trade, maybe when there will be a storm, it is normal to have some casualties!”

“Later, they bribed the head of the bureaucracy and transferred their son Xu Jie to the city bus, so that the name of those merchants who sat in the business was renamed!”

“As long as the city boss says that there is a problem with their cargo, he can easily deceive his people to sea.”

“When they were in the diplomatic dynasty, it can be said that they yearned for the sea and wanted to go to sea, but they were killed.”


Zhu Di asked, “I heard about this before. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“But the Ming Dynasty did not allow locals to serve as officials locally, even if they bribed the head of the bureau, such an obvious mistake would not pass the inspection of the official Fujian Qing official foreign lang!”

Zhou Xin nodded: “According to the rules, this is indeed the case. ”

“But Mr. Chatsai said a word, rules…”

“It has been vandalized since the day it was set.”

“Because of the lack of the Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office, the name of the imperial history picket is not justified, and this kind of thing has become more and more.”

“This surnamed Xu was designated as Haoyou at the beginning of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and was forcibly divided once, and one moved to Shandong!”

“Xu Jingjiao settled in Shandong after his life, and no one checked this kind of thing before the launch of the ten cards, and when the ten cards were implemented, he had already been admitted to the junior high school to become an official, let alone see it.”

“Actually, this person has been living in Moon Port!!”

“They used this flying method to bypass the local people’s rule that local officials are not allowed!”

Zhu Di was simply amazed after hearing this.

In the end, Hu Weiyong was right.

Never overestimate the temperance of officials!

Sometimes, they can come up with anything!

Even if the policy is comprehensive, there will be loopholes!

The establishment of the Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office is imminent!

Zhou Xin continued: “After taking control of the city department and dragging all the officials into the water, they still evaded taxes based on this. ”

“Because 600 commerce is gradually prospering, the total amount of goods going to sea is constantly increasing, even if tax evasion, taxes will not fall, if the household department asks, it will say that the monthly port is too small and the throughput is not enough, so the increase is not much, so as to prevaricate!”

“Mr. Liaozhai set up a dental shop, and selected ten of the most reputable shops in each port to guarantee it, because he was afraid that the price of the dental bank would cause taxes to be lost and harm the interests of the imperial court.”

“But the ten shops in Yuegang died, and those who defected to the Xu family turned to the Xu family, and the dental shop was directly erected.”

“When the goods enter the Xujia street, how much tariff should be paid, they have already let the accountant decide!”

“Xu Wendao also secretly set up a trading company to control the profits of maritime trade smuggling, and it would be divided among officials every year.”

“Why do I say that Zhangzhou has been monitored?”

“There is one in Zhangzhou City, and they have all received his silver, so they are quite exclusive, and they have been working hard to maintain this order of secret smuggling!”

“Xu Wendao is suspicious by nature, the manure picker touched you for no reason, and now the outside of his house must have been monitored.”

“If you, or any of the people in the mission, had gone to see the dung picker, he would never have survived today!”

“There will even be a sudden event that will force you to leave here!”

“The water in Zhangzhou is really dark!”

“Later, when the opium case broke out, the Xu family relied on the power accumulated in black and white during this time to push the Pu family out…”

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