“Later, the opium case broke out, and the Xu family relied on the power accumulated in black and white during this time to push the Pu family out to confess!”

“Jinyiwei came to ask the prefect of Zhangzhou and others to cooperate in the investigation of the case, but the prefect, the judicial envoy, all the servants are people from the Xu family.”

“The information obtained in the end is naturally made up by the Xu family a long time ago!”

Zhu Di asked, “Aren’t they afraid of showing their stuffing?” ”

“No stuffing!”

“When the Criminal Ministry passed the review, the Zhangzhou prefectural government left all the people of the Pu family in Yuegang to hold a public trial meeting and execute them on the grounds that opium caused great public anger!”

“Today is the last batch!”

“The emperor has no chance to meet them at all!”

After listening to this, Zhu Di suddenly realized.

Now he finally understood why those Pu family members showed that expression after they were killed.

It turned out to be betrayed by the Xu family and the official government!

“When I first came, I saw a public trial meeting, the Xu family built bridges and paved roads, and even helped the government to emigrate to the sea, and the image in the hearts of the people was very good, what is the reason for this?”

Hearing this question, a flash of hatred flashed in Zhou Xin’s eyes!

“This is precisely the fundamental reason why I fought to the death to bring down the Xu family!”

“He had a monopoly on smuggling, and then he missed the opportunity to start over as a pirate, bribed city officials to evade customs duties, and re-monopolized maritime trade, but he also ran a business.”

“That’s a real human blood steamed bun!”

“For ordinary people, is overseas really so easy to mix?”

“Is it really the same as the Xu family said, like heaven?”

“Big shit!!”

Zhou Xin’s face was red: “The Xu family colluded with the official government to deceive the ignorant people overseas, either to sell them to the Nanyang people as slaves, or to be confined and made cattle and horses for them!” ”

“Fujian implements the integration of official gentry to pay grain, and they all inspect the imperial history very strictly, and they dare not do it for the time being, so they wantonly annex land overseas!”

“The people who have been deceived are not protected by the Great Ming Law, they are enslaved casually, and they are emaciated, but they will die miserably in a few years!”

“But the Xu family doesn’t care, because there is so little land in Fujian!!”

“There are so many people who have been tricked by him to want to go to sea!”

“That sanatorium is not a sanatorium at all, but a black nest for trading, a bloody and red fruit market!!”

Zhou Xin was heartbroken, and his eyes couldn’t help but shed tears.

“It’s a bloody human market!”

Zhu Di was also shocked, thinking of the people Daming people being tricked to go overseas, and then used as cattle and horses, a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes.

“How do you know so much?”

“My bookboy is a native of Yuegang, who was tricked into going to sea a year ago, and then fled because of the invasion of Annan pirates.”

“Otherwise, in such a depressive environment, how dare I entrust him with everything that breaks the game?”

“Actually, he and the Xu family have a bitter hatred!”

Zhu Di asked, “Are there any other people who escaped back?” ”

Zhou Xin slowly shook his head: “I don’t know.” ”

“There should still be.”

“If His Royal Highness King Yan doesn’t believe it, he can ask the Ta Kung Pao to publish a letter saying whether there are people who have been abducted and sold by the Xu family.”

“They will naturally come out and expose it after seeing it.”

It is clear that he runs a pirate, a human market, and actually wraps himself like a white lotus, and when he is in the smoke, he almost said that I do not share the sky with sin.

Is this intended to be whitewashed ashore?

“The whole moon port is rotten!”

“This bunch of bastards!”

“What other evidence is there that there is not?”

Zhou Xinyan said: “The joint-stock trading company established by the cooperation pays dividends once a year, but the accounts will be checked every month. ”

“They divided the tax stamps into two types, the first of which was specially prepared and shown to the imperial court, and the second was used for them to check.”

“Destroy it immediately after verification!”

“The previous ones have all been destroyed, only this month’s one is still there.”


“Did you find out?”

Zhou Xin nodded, “I faked my death for so long in order to bring down the Xu family. ”

“If you don’t cut that old beast with a human face and a beast heart by a thousand cuts, it is really difficult to quench the hatred in your heart!”

“Near Zhu is red, near Ink is black!”

“Because the Xu family evaded taxes and evaded taxes, the Zhangzhou prefect was wary of them, so these accounts were not stored in the Xu family’s compound, but in the warehouse of the Qingyuan Dart Bureau!”

“Dart Bureau?”

“Yes, Fujian is mountainous, there are many bandits in the ravines, plus the huge contradiction between foreign Jiangxi customers and local Fujian owners, so every business needs the protection of the dart bureau.”

“The prefect of Zhangzhou is a native of Shanxi, and the dart bureau is run by the people of Pingyao, maybe it is because of his fellow villagers that he trusts the dart bureau so much!”

“That dart bureau was cautious at first, but later relied on the power of the prefect to grow, and gradually became arrogant!”

“Why did I conclude that the accounts are here?”

“Because he sends a box to the prefect Yamen every month.”

“And every time it is the chief dart head who goes in person!”

“I once placed an order for a batch of silk, and I ended up being pressed into the warehouse for two months, and the chief dart asked me to pay a ransom, otherwise it would not be shipped.”

“This is their usual attitude, why are they so respectful to that box?”


“That’s the account required by the prefect, he doesn’t dare to snub!”

Shanxi people

Zhu Di fell into deep thought.

“Didn’t the Third Division of Fujian have the slightest notice of what happened in Zhangzhou?”

Zhou Xin said bluntly: “The political envoy is a mediocre official, he handed the emperor a letter to return to the old man, and then threw all the affairs of the clan lord Yamen to participate in the government, he only cared about sightseeing, a lot of poetry collections, and a lot of writing fees, so he didn’t care about things long ago.” ”

“And participating in politics, I suspect that he is not clean, and he needs to check the accounts specifically.”

“Fujian Inspector and Ducha Yushi are good officials, but according to the inspector staring at the ten family cards, Ducha Yushi was made gray by the Xu family, and there was no time to pay attention at all!”

“What’s going on here?”

“Can you elaborate?”

Zhou Xin nodded: “The name of the capital sent by the emperor to Fujian is Menkexin, but he is also an honest and good official, but he is a little more impatient. ”

“When he settled in Qingtian, he ignored the contradiction between subject and object, and forcibly placed Fujianese and Jiangxi people together.”

“It’s okay to use the Liaozhai dictionary to gradually promote Daming Zhengyin, but that Xu Wendao was afraid of problems, so he secretly sent people to provoke right and wrong, blocked the upstream gates, and publicized that this was done by Jiangxi people!”

“In Fujian, water is life, and without water, only a single piece of land cannot be watered.”

“Therefore, the Fujianese people are very sensitive, and they directly sent people to occupy the water source.”

“Of course, the Jiangxi customer did not want to, so the two had a fight.”

“More than 5,000 people armed with farming tools and clubs fought in a scuffle, nearly 50 people died and more than 400 were injured.”

“The prefect played impeachment, the emperor was furious, Menkexin has been dealing with this matter all along.”

Zhu Di’s gaze became even more cold: “What a trick to transfer flowers and trees.” ”

Zhou Xin was also indignant: “The problems of customers in Fujian and Jiangxi are not the same as one generation, but with the development of practical learning, the prosperity of education, and the promotion of Liaozhai dictionary.” ”

“It is possible to completely solve it in the Daming Dynasty!”

“However, this Xu Wendao arbitrarily stirred up discord because of his own selfish desires, causing more than 5,000 people to fight.”

“If Menkexin finishes dealing with this matter, there will be other things holding him back!”

“As for the commander of Fujian…”

Speaking of this, Zhou Xin paused for a moment, picked up the well water and took a sip: “Although the opening of the sea is beneficial to the imperial court, the revenue of the customs has now exceeded the salt tax, which is proof of this, and the performance of officials is also due to it.” ”

“But there have been quite a few opponents.”

“Photographed by Mr. Liaozhai’s prestige, they did not dare to raise the flag, but they secretly engaged in some small rat-like actions, but they never stopped.”

“Why is it easier said than done? That’s it! ”

“When it comes to interests, no one will let go easily!”

“This Fujian Commander Li Yuanjing is one of them.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhu Di didn’t understand: “Why did he object, what happened to him when he opened the customs?” ”

“Could it be that he also has a fleet of smuggling?”

Zhou Xin shook his head: “Opening the sea has benefited most of the people, the prefect of Zhangzhou and others have achieved political achievements, and the people have benefited, but only they have commanded and made people and wealth empty.” ”

“Because many shipyards were previously under the name of the Governor of the Five Armies, the repair of ships was delegated to various guard posts.”

“The thousands of households of the Weisho can pinch the shipbuilding at will, only destroying it, asking for silver from the five prefectures, and apportioning and apportioning the people on the other, so that a large amount of money will be passed every year.”

“After the sea was opened, practical learning developed, shipbuilding technology spread out, and private shipyards rose rapidly.”

“Even the Xu family is lagging behind, not to mention the more rigid and arrogant guards?”

“This money is also lost out of thin air, do you say he can support Kaihai?”

“Since he does not support Kaihai, he naturally will not bother with the affairs of the city boss, and he also turns a blind eye to the Xu family, as for whether he takes the silver or not, he can only find out after reconciling the accounts.”

At this point, everything is clear.

The Xu family is engaged in smuggling and black-and-white trade, obviously running a human market, but packaging itself.

After straightening out the thoughts in his mind, Zhu Di looked at him quietly: “I have one last question.” ”

“How did you survive back then!”

Zhou Xin sighed: “At the beginning, I was transferred to the deputy of the Yuegang City Department, because of the study of practical studies, I was full of ambition to do something. ”

“As a result, the bad environment in Yuegang made me feel dead immediately.”

“Mention Xu Jie and secretly ask me not to check again, and said that ten thousand taels of silver are sent every year, I falsely and secretly probe, and the more I investigate, the more frightened I become.”

“It’s just that Xu Wendao was suspicious by nature and tricked me into going to sea in the name of checking the accounts of the city boss, and sank into the sea in a sack.”

“The foreign general fabricated a charge of corruption, put it on my head, and said that I jumped into the sea to commit suicide because I was afraid of being traced!”

“Xu Jie has instead become a clean official who investigates corruption!”

“It’s just that there is no way to go, and after they left, it was this old woman who saved my life.”

Zhu Di looked up into the house and saw that the woman was sallow and obviously terminally ill.

“Why was she there?”

“The husband and son of this old woman also opened a trading company, bought sea leads, and went to sea, but because the dispute over goods annoyed the Xu family, they were violently sunk into the sea.”

“The husband and son said to the old woman on the evening of the day before, never believe that he will commit suicide, if he really committed suicide, it was the Xu family!”

“As a result, the next day came the news that he committed suicide by jumping into the sea because of too much pressure.”

“The old woman has been fishing on the shore to investigate secretly.”

“The effort pays off!”

“She finally found out the sea area where the Xu family often went to kill people, and it was precisely because of this that she saved my life!”

“Subsequently, I secretly lurked down and lived here as her son, carefully investigating the sins of the Xu family, and later accepted a bookboy, and with his help, the situation improved a lot.”

“When promoting the Ten Brands, I ate desperately, gained weight twice, and left a puffiness on my face after falling into the sea, so that it was not exposed!”

Zhu Di sighed, “It’s really bitter for you.” ”

Zhou Xinyi was indignant and said: “I don’t care, even if I remain anonymous for another ten or twenty years, I will investigate the Xu family’s crimes clearly!” ”

“But Xu Wendao’s old beast, with a human face and a beast heart, disguised himself, and today he publicized his people’s market, if he is not eradicated as soon as possible, I don’t know how many people will die because of the destruction of the house.” ”

“If you don’t destroy this thief, I swear not to be a man!”

“Do you dare to sign everything you just said?”

“Why don’t you dare!”

Zhu Di wrote a confession, and Zhou Xin signed it without hesitation, “Wang Ye, what do you plan to do now?” ”

“Since the account book is in the Qingyuan Dart Bureau, then copy the Dart Bureau directly.”

“The reason is also very simple, I met the bandits when I went south from Datong, and I saw the banner of the Qingyuan Dart Bureau in it.”

“Suspect that he colluded with bandits to smuggle the steppe!”

Zhou Xin was slightly stunned: “Is this true?” ”

Zhu Di suddenly showed a thick black smile: “Fake! ”

“Just looking for a reason.”

“After copying the account book, immediately arrest people, and then send eight hundred li to Yingtian!”

Zhou Xin nodded: “I’ll lead the way!” ”

He said to the old woman, and the old woman’s sallow face showed a hint of a smile, and he said two words like a gossamer: “Go quickly!” Just go! ”

However, Zhu Di and Zhou Xin had just walked inside the city, but they saw a group of fast horses running towards the post station.

While walking, he was still shouting: “Lord Prefect has an order, everyone goes home, they are not allowed to go out, and the ten cards supervise!” ”

“The plague is coming!”

“The plague is coming!!”


Zhou Xin’s face was cold, even cold blue: “I can guarantee that this must be Xu Wendao’s ghost.” ”

“It’s a ploy to force you to leave!”

“That old beast!”

(Flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly passes)

(Why have you dropped so many subscriptions lately?) )

(I don’t think it’s poisonous to write)

(Kneeling for tips).

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