"Brother Zhu, I'm sorry, because of my affairs, I made you embarrassed." After waiting for no outsiders, Huang Rong said to Zhu Houzhao with some self-reproach.

  Because Huang Rong had some understanding of Zhu Houzhao's personal strength, as well as the strength of Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, she knew very well that Zhu Houzhao was not afraid of Huang Yaoshi in terms of status and strength.

  However, Zhu Houzhao still maintained patience when facing Huang Yaoshi's difficulties, and finally Zhu Houzhao agreed to go with them to Peach Blossom University, which moved Huang Rong even more.

  Zhu Houzhao smiled and said: "What's the trouble with this, I don't like sitting in the palace, but I like to travel around the world. It happened that the Yellow Island Lord invited me to Peach Blossom Island, but for me, it was in my heart, and I also planned to see it. , the beautiful scenery of Peach Blossom Island.”

  "Really?" Huang Rong burst out with joy upon hearing Zhu Houzhao's words.

  Zhu Houzhao said: "Of course it's true, well, it's getting late, you should hurry back to your room and rest, you will be on your way tomorrow."

  "Hmm," Huang Rong heard the words, quickly agreed, and then returned to her room.

  Mu Wanqing's third daughter and Zhu Houzhao said hello, and then returned to the room with different thoughts.

  "You guys stay here first, guard the safety of Miss Huang and the four of them. I have something to do. I will go back when I go." Seeing the figures of Huang Rong and the four entering the room, Zhu Houzhao slowly retracted his gaze, and then turned towards Nie. Feng He Bu Jingyun gave an order.

  "Yes", Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun heard the words, looked at each other, and agreed respectfully at the same time.

  Zhu Houzhao nodded slightly, then walked directly towards the forest on Wudang Mountain.

  Wudang Mountain has a vast area, and the Wudang faction only occupies a small part of it.

  Not long after, Zhu Houzhao left the Wudang Sect and went to a mountain and forest clearing.

  "System, use the Tianchi Twelve Sha summoning cards!"

  Arriving in the forest clearing, Zhu Houzhao immediately gave an order to the system in his heart.

  The Tianchi Twelve Demons Summoning Card is one of the four rewards that Zhu Houzhao came to Wudang Mountain to sign in this time.

  Among them, Zhu Houzhao took out a part of the black jade intermittent paste, rescued Yu Daiyan, and got closer to the Wudang faction.

  Taijiquan and Taiji sword are not particularly useful to Zhu Houzhao for the time being.

  Originally, Zhu Houzhao planned to wait until he got down to Wudang Mountain before using the Summoning Cards of the Twelve Demons of Tianchi.

  However, Zhu Houzhao and his party will go to Peach Blossom Island with Huang Yaoshi tomorrow.

  Regarding the summoning of characters, Zhu Houzhao naturally did not want Huang Yaoshi to notice, so he temporarily changed his decision.

  As for the Wudang faction Zhang Sanfeng and others, they would naturally not spy on Zhu Houzhao's actions on Wudang Mountain. .

Chapter 176

  Zhu Houzhao's order had just been given, and a golden light flashed in front of Zhu Houzhao's eyes.

  When the golden light disappeared, in front of Zhu Houzhao, there were also thirteen figures of various shapes and sizes.

  These thirteen figures are exactly the twelve evil spirits of Tianchi in the Wind and Cloud World!

  Child Emperor, Iron Broom Immortal, Food is Immortal, Paper Flower, Dog King, Ghost Shadow, Play Treasure, Husband Sings, Women Sui, Hand Dance, Foot Dance, Matchmaker!

  The child emperor at the head is a pair of twin sisters. Because of the reason of cultivating the Innocent Heart Sutra, they always maintain the appearance of a female doll.

  "Twelve evil spirits of Tianchi, see Your Majesty!"

  After the thirteen figures appeared, without any hesitation, they immediately knelt down on one knee towards Zhu Houzhao and said respectfully.

  The Twelve Demons of Tianchi may not be considered top experts in the world of wind and clouds, but the thirteen people's various assassination methods are definitely not to be ignored.

  In the world of wind and clouds, the Twelve Shades of Tianchi were once ordered by Xiongba to hunt down Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, causing a lot of trouble for the two of them.

  When the thirteen people appeared, all their strength information had been imprinted into Zhu Houzhao's memory.

  The twin sisters, Tong Huang, all have the strength of the late Grandmaster. The other eleven people have strengths ranging from the peak of the Grandmaster to the middle stage of the Grandmaster, and only three of them are the peak of the Grandmaster, and all the others have reached the realm of the Grandmaster. !

  "Let's all get up." Zhu Houzhao looked at the twelve evil spirits of Tianchi and nodded with satisfaction.

  Zhu Houzhao's current masters, Xichang, Fengyun duo, Quicksand Organization, and today's Tianchi Twelve Demons, combined with these strengths, can almost swept the entire Daming Jianghu!

  Not to mention, there are Zhu Wushi, Zhuge Zhengwo, Cao Zhengchun, Sunflower and others above the Ming Dynasty Hall.

  Now, if you don't count Zhang Sanfeng, Zhu Houzhao's desire to suppress the entire Daming Jianghu is absolutely guaranteed!

  However, for Zhang Sanfeng and the Wudang faction, Zhu Houzhao planned to win over them first.

  Judging from the current situation, he has been very successful in attracting the Wudang faction. If nothing else, the Wudang faction will never stand against him.

  In just one moment, Zhu Houzhao can suppress and integrate the entire Daming river and lake, and remove the unstable factors within Daming!

  At that time, it is time for Zhu Houzhao to start sweeping the world!

  Thinking of this, Zhu Houzhao's eyes flickered for a while!

  "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

  Tong Huang and the others naturally didn't know that Zhu Houzhao's mind had changed. After hearing Zhu Houzhao's words, they quickly thanked Zhu Houzhao respectfully, then got up at the same time and stood in awe of Zhu Houzhao.

  Zhu Houzhao's eyes swept over the body of Tianchi Shishisha, and he said lightly: "When you are outside, you can just call me your son."

  "Yes, son!" Tianchi Twelve Sha heard the words, and immediately responded respectfully.

  Zhu Houzhao looked at the thirteen people of the twelve evil spirits in Tianchi, and said lightly: "Next, your task is to infiltrate the Daming territory as soon as possible, and other major sects except the Wudang faction will secretly monitor the movements of the major sects. If there is any change, please pass the news to me through Bai Feng of Quicksand in time."

  "Subordinates take orders!"

  The Twelve Shades of Tianchi heard Zhu Houzhao's words, and at the same time spoke respectfully.

  "This is a token of contact with Bai Feng. You can use this to communicate with Bai Feng and the people under his command in the capital. In addition, I am going to Dasong Taohua Island. You can tell Bai Feng, whether it is Daming Chaotang is still a matter of the rivers and lakes, so let him contact me in time through Fei Niao."

  While talking, Zhu Houzhao took off a token of contact with Bai Feng from his body and gave it to one of the dolls.

  "My subordinates are in command, and I will definitely complete the task assigned by the son as soon as possible," Tianchi Twelve and Thirteen people heard the words, and at the same time they respectfully saluted Zhu Houzhao, and said solemnly.

  Zhu Houzhao thought for a while and reminded: "You remember to contact Bai Feng first, and then take action. Follow up with the people in the quicksand organization, and infiltrate the entire Daming Jianghu as soon as possible."


  When Zhu Houzhao finished speaking, the twelve evil spirits of Tianchi all responded to the order.

  Zhu Houzhao waved his hand slightly and said lightly, "Go down."

  "Subordinates retire!"

  At the same time, the Twelve Shades of Tianchi bowed towards Zhu Houzhao and clasped their fists in a salute, then slowly turned around and headed down Wudang Mountain.

  Looking at the back of the twelve evil spirits of Tianchi, and slowly disappearing from sight, Zhu Houzhao then withdrew his gaze, then turned to his guest room and returned to rest.


· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  In the blink of an eye, it was the next morning.

  Zhu Houzhao and his party just got up, and Song Yuanqiao came to greet them for breakfast.

  "Master Zhu, everyone, please! My master, I'm waiting for you to have breakfast together."

  Zhu Houzhao bowed back towards Song Yuanqiao, smiled and said, "There is a hero who works for Song."

  Song Yuanqiao said: "This is as it should be, please!"

  While speaking, Song Yuanqiao gestured towards Zhu Houzhao and the others.

  Zhu Houzhao nodded slightly, and immediately brought the four daughters of Huang Rong, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun to the restaurant, accompanied by Song Yuanqiao.

  In the restaurant, Zhang Sanfeng was already waiting for Zhu Houzhao.

  After the two sides greeted each other for a while, they also started to enjoy breakfast together.

........ 0 ......

  After the breakfast, Zhang Sanfeng smiled at Zhu Houzhao and said, "I heard from Yuanqiao that Young Master Zhu plans to leave Wudang and wants to go to Dasong Taohua Island. I don't know if this is true?"

  Zhu Houzhao nodded and said, "Yes, I have already agreed to Lord Huangdao and plan to accompany Miss Huang to Peach Blossom Island."

  Zhang Sanfeng smiled and said, "Since Young Master Zhu has made a decision, he must have already made a proper arrangement. However, the old man still wants to remind that Young Master Zhu has to be careful when he arrives in the Song Dynasty."

  "With Zhu Gongzi's strength, there are very few people who can threaten you in the Song Dynasty, but as far as the old man knows, there are three to four people."

  Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's words, Zhu Houzhao raised his brows slightly and asked Zhang Sanfeng, "I don't know how many people there are?"

  Zhang Sanfeng stroked his beard under his jaw, and said lightly: "One, he is a kendo madman, obsessed with kendo all his life, invincible in the world of swordsmanship, and has never lost a single one in his life! Jianghu people call it a sword demon, and he has the surname Dugu, and he calls himself Duguqiu. Defeat, as for his real name, no one knows."

  "Dugu seeks defeat!"

  Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's words, Zhu Houzhao raised his brows slightly and whispered in his mouth.

  After a pause, Zhu Houzhao said, "Apart from Dugu seeking defeat, Huang Chang in the Great Song Palace should be one of them, but the other two don't know who they are?"

  Huang Rong's four daughters, Feng Yun, Song Yuanqiao and the others all looked at Zhang Sanfeng with a bit of curiosity.people.

Chapter 177

  In fact, Zhu Houzhao faintly guessed a person in his heart, but he didn't say it. As for the last person, Zhu Houzhao really didn't know.

  Zhang Sanfeng nodded slightly and said: "Huang Chang is indeed one, and there is another person, a reclusive monk in Northern Shaolin, but no one knows the name of the law. The last person is Xiaoyaozi, the founder of Xiaoyao Sect."

  "Xiaoyaozi? Is he still alive?" Hearing the name Xiaoyaozi, Zhu Houzhao was both surprised and stunned.

  Originally, Zhu Houzhao didn't think of Xiaoyaozi at all, because in this comprehensive martial arts world, just like the Tianlong world, the three Xiaoyao elders are already very old, and the tragedy of Wuyazi has already happened.

  However, since Dugu Qiufeng can appear and Xiaoyaozi is still there, it seems that it is not impossible.

  Zhang Sanfeng pondered for a while and said: "Senior Xiaoyaozi, there is no news of his fall, and no one in the world should be able to kill him. It's just that since Laodao founded the Wudang School, he has never seen Senior Xiaoyaozi."

  "Even the three disciples of Senior Xiaoyaozi don't know if he is still alive. It's just that Old Daoist has a vague feeling that Senior Xiaoyaozi should not have passed away."

  "Dugu Qiufeng, Xiaoyaozi, the nameless monk, and Huang Chang, I remember these four people. Thank you Zhang Zhenren for reminding me." After Zhang Sanfeng finished speaking, Zhu Houzhao nodded slightly, and said lightly.

  The four daughters of Huang Rong, Fengyun, Song Yuanqiao, and other Wudang factions were also the first to hear Zhang Sanfeng talking about these world-renowned experts, and they were all eye-opening.

  Suddenly, Huang Rong rolled her eyes and asked Zhang Sanfeng: "Zhang Zhenren, there are many people in the world who say that you are the number one person in the world, and you just said that Dugu Qiuqiu has never failed in his life, so who are you and him? More powerful? And Xiaoyaozi, who is more powerful?"

  Hearing Huang Rong's words, Mu Wanqing's third daughter, Fengyun, Song Yuanqiao and others all looked at Zhang Sanfeng curiously.

  Even Zhu Houzhao looked at Zhang Sanfeng with interest.

  Zhang Sanfeng gently stroked the long beard under his chin and said with a smile: "Among these people, Lao Dao only fought against Sword Demon Dugu Qiuqiu, but in the end it was an invincible situation. As for the other people, Lao Dao has never fought against the sword. played against them."

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