Huang Rong said: "It is said that the sword demon Dugu seeks defeat and likes to challenge masters everywhere. I think he should have competed with Huang Chang and the master monk from Northern Shaolin. I wonder how they won or lost?"

  Zhang Sanfeng thought for a moment, then smiled and said: "Huang Chang's cultivation base should still be the second realm of the three realms of heaven and man, and it is one realm behind. The eminent monk in Northern Shaolin was defeated. one move."

  "As for Senior Xiaoyaozi, it's just as invincible as Dugu Qiufeng. It's just that the battle between Dugu Qiufeng and Xiaoyaozi's predecessors was too early. At that time, Lao Dao might still be a little novice in the Southern Shaolin Temple."

  Qu Feiyan said: "In this way, Zhenren Zhang, you are indeed the number one person in the world! Even if the sword demon Dugu seeks defeat, it's just a draw with you."

  Zhang Sanfeng smiled when he heard this and said, "It's not necessarily the number one in the world. The space between heaven and earth is so vast, and the generation of Hidden Dragons and Crouching Tigers does not know how many."

  Zhu Houzhao heard the words, thoughtful, and did not continue the topic.

  Next, the two sides chatted for a while, and then Zhu Houzhao bid farewell to Zhang Sanfeng and others.

  Before Zhu Houzhao and the others left, Zhang Sanfeng directly promised Zhu Houzhao that if he needed to take action, he could send a letter to Wudang, and he would rush to help him personally.

  Naturally, Zhu Houzhao thanked Zhang Sanfeng again, and then took the four daughters of Huang Rong and Feng Yun, accompanied by Song Yuanqiao, to the foot of Wudang Mountain...

  After Song Yuanqiao returned, Zhang Sanfeng looked at the direction Zhu Houzhao had left, and said to Song Yuanqiao, "No matter when it happens in the future, remember that the Wudang faction must not be an enemy of Zhu Gongzi."

  Although Song Yuanqiao didn't know why Zhang Sanfeng said this, he agreed with it very much in his heart, and immediately nodded: "It's the master, the disciple should remember."

  Zhang Sanfeng nodded slightly, then turned and left, returned to the wooden house in the back mountain, and continued to study Taoism. As for the trivial matters of the Wudang faction, Song Yuanqiao and Wudang heroes took care of them together.

  On the other side, Zhu Houzhao and his party just descended from Wudang Mountain, and the figure of Huang Yaoshi appeared in the sight of several people.

  This time, Huang Yaoshi's face was replaced with a new human skin mask.

  "I thought that Young Master Zhu had repented." Seeing Zhu Houzhao and his party appear, Huang Yaoshi held a jade flute and spoke softly towards Zhu Houzhao...  

  Zhu Houzhao smiled and said, "Since I promised something, naturally I won't go back on it."

  Huang Rong glanced at Huang Yaoshi's new mask and asked curiously, "Dad, why are you wearing such a weird mask?"

  Huang Yaoshi said lightly, "I don't like meeting strangers."

  "Oh," Huang Rong heard the words, pouted, and replied with a sigh, then looked at Zhu Houzhao with apologetic eyes.

  Zhu Houzhao smiled slightly and gave her a look back, indicating that she didn't have to worry.

  "Hey, let's go now!" Huang Yaoshi saw Zhu Houzhao and Huang Rong's eyes interacting, his face sank slightly, and he couldn't help snorting.

  After Huang Yaoshi lost his wife, he lived with his daughter and loved her very much, so he was used to pampering her without any rules. He was scolded by his father that day, and he even ran away from home.

  Originally, Huang Yaoshi thought that Huang Rong would endure hardship outside, but after seeing Huang Rong, he saw that she was living a life of ease and her face was even more radiant.

  Especially the intimate interaction between Huang Rong and Zhu Houzhao made Huang Yaoshi feel a taste in his heart, so his face suddenly changed.

  Zhu Houzhao probably understood what Huang Yaoshi was thinking, but he was too lazy to care about him, so he agreed immediately, and immediately followed Huang Yaoshi's footsteps with the four daughters of Huang Rong and Feng Yun, and headed towards the territory of the Song Dynasty together.

  Along the way, everyone was chatting and laughing. Huang Rong often changed his ways to please Huang Yaoshi, and with Zhu Houzhao's cooperation, Huang Yaoshi's attitude was eased a little.

  After all, Zhu Houzhao, with the respect of Emperor Ming, was willing to tolerate all kinds of things for Huang Rong, and Huang Yaoshi knew that.

  Moreover, along the way, Zhu Houzhao personally instructed the four daughters of Huang Rong to practice the mysterious martial arts in the Jiuyin Sutra, as well as the graceful and powerful Taiji swordsmanship.

  When Zhu Houzhao directed the four daughters, he did not hold back or avoid Huang Yaoshi, which made Huang Yaoshi feel more favorable towards Zhu Houzhao.

  On this day, a group of people arrived at the edge of Taihu Lake and looked at the vast surface of Taihu Lake. Everyone was in a good mood for a while.

  Huang Rong said to Huang Yaoshi and Zhu Houzhao: "Dad, Zhu Zhu, let's take a boat to the lake to play!".

Chapter 178

  In this regard, Zhu Houzhao naturally has no objection, and Huang Yaoshi has no objection.

  Both Zhong Ling and Qu Feiyan were also full of joy and excitement, but Mu Wanqing's expression was calmer.

  Zhu Houzhao asked Nie Feng to buy a boat, and the group stepped into the boat and rowed into the lake.

  Farther and farther from the shore, looking at the sky and wide, I really do not know that the world is in the lake and the sea, and the lake and the sea are in the world.

  Zhu Houzhao and Huang Rong's four daughters were chatting and laughing on the boat, and Huang Yaoshi occasionally interjected.

  Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun were quietly waiting to one side, paddling their oars at will.

  Before I knew it, the boat was more than ten miles away from the shore, and I saw a small boat parked in the lake at a distance of several dozen meters.

  Huang Rong pointed at the fishing boat and said, "Yanbo is vast, fishing alone with one rod, it really looks like a landscape of ink and wash."

  Naturally, Zhu Houzhao also found the fishing boat. He glanced at the fisherman and couldn't help showing a little smile. He nodded slightly and said, "Yes, it really looks like an ink and wash landscape painting."

  Zhu Houzhao recognized at a glance that the fisherman was one of Huang Yaoshi's 27 disciples, Lu Chengfeng, who called himself the "Waste Man of the Five Lakes".

  Not only Zhu Houzhao, Huang Yaoshi on the boat also recognized Lu Chengfeng, and the expression in his eyes changed slightly.

  Naturally, Huang Rong didn't know that the fisherman was her senior brother. Looking at the vast lake scenery, she couldn't help but said to Huang Yaoshi: "Dad, the scenery on the lake is very artistic, I suddenly want to hear you play the flute. It’s a song, and it will definitely have a different taste when accompanied by this scenery.”

  Hearing this, Huang Yaoshi glanced at Lu Chengfeng's position, paused for a moment, then nodded again, took out the jade flute and put it on his lips, and played it gently.

  With Huang Yaoshi's playing, a melodious piece of music sounded above the lake.

  Zhu Houzhao and his party, while admiring the beauty of the lake and listening to Huang Yaoshi's music, all felt a burst of relief.

  Huang Rong happily sang along to the tune played by Huang Yaoshi.

  Under such circumstances, the tunes played by Huang Yaoshi would naturally not be as sentimental as Huang Rong's "Water Dragon" in the original work.

  The father and daughter, one played the tune and the other sang in harmony, while Zhu Houzhao tapped the beat lightly with his hands, Mu Wanqing and the three daughters sat on the boat and listened quietly, the atmosphere was very harmonious and harmonious.

  A quarter of an hour later, Huang Yaoshi finished playing a piece of music, and put away the jade flute again.

  Just as Huang Yaoshi stopped, Huang Rong also finished singing the last syllable.

  The boat that Zhu Houzhao and the others were in was not far from Lu Chengfeng's boat. When Zhu Houzhao and the others discovered Lu Chengfeng, Lu Chengfeng also discovered Zhu Houzhao and his party.

  At first, Lu Chengfeng didn't pay much attention, but after hearing Huang Yaoshi's tune and Huang Rong's singing, he quickly attracted Lu Chengfeng.

  On the one hand, it is because of Huang Yaoshi and Huang Rong's excellent artistic water quality.

  On the other hand, it was because Lu Chengfeng felt familiar with the tune played by Huang Yaoshi. Hearing the tune, he couldn't help but think of his teacher on Peach Blossom Island and the days he lived on Peach Blossom Island.

  Out of curiosity, Lu Chengfeng immediately ordered the boy to move the boat towards Zhu Houzhao's and the others' boat.

  Seeing this, Zhu Houzhao raised his brows slightly and motioned to Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun to stop.

  After the two boats approached, Lu Chengfeng said, "I'm happy to meet a good guest on the lake, how about come over and have a drink?"

  Zhu Houzhao smiled slightly and said, "Your boat is too small, I'm afraid it won't hold so many people. If you are interested, you can come over and talk."

  Lu Chengfeng said: "I didn't think carefully about this. I heard the gentleman playing and the girl next to me singing, which made him fascinated and lost for a while, please don't blame me. I'm sick, I can't stand up and walk, and it would be very inconvenient to go to the ship of a distinguished guest."

  Zhu Houzhao said: "It doesn't matter. If you don't mind, I can ask my companion to help you and bring you over to my boat."

  Hearing the words, Lu Chengfeng hesitated for a moment, then glanced at Zhu Houzhao and his party, then nodded and said, "If that's the case, then it will be troublesome."

  Zhu Houzhao nodded and said, "You're welcome. Nie Feng, go and bring that gentleman here."

  "Yes", Nie Feng said in agreement, and immediately performed light work to quickly get to Lu Chengfeng's boat, and then gently took Lu Chengfeng directly to Zhu Houzhao's boat and placed it on a seat.

  "This brother, such a handsome Qinggong." Lu Chengfeng was a little wary at first, but he didn't expect to be on Zhu Houzhao's boat in a blink of an eye, and he couldn't help but praise Nie Feng, and he was also surprised.

  "Thank you for your compliment," Nie Feng responded lightly, and then stood beside Zhu Houzhao.

  Seeing this, Lu Chengfeng couldn't help but feel a little curious about Zhu Houzhao's identity, but he didn't rashly ask.

  Next, Lu Chengfeng took the initiative to talk to Huang Rong and Huang Yaoshi, mentioning the song and lyrics, but Huang Yaoshi ignored it, while Huang Rong was a lot more polite to Lu Chengfeng.

  The two talked about poetry at will, with Zhu Houzhao interjecting a few words from time to time, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

  Although Huang Yaoshi's attitude was indifferent, Lu Chengfeng was slightly disappointed.

  However, the conversation between Zhu Houzhao and Huang Rong made Lu Chengfeng feel a burst of admiration, and he felt that the trip was worthwhile.

  Several people talked for a while, and saw the twilight mist, and the smoke on the lake was thicker.

  Lu Chengfeng said, "The house is right by the lakeside. I don't want to take the risk. I want to invite a few people to hang out for a few days. I don't know what they think?"

  When Zhu Houzhao heard this, he didn't answer directly, but looked at Huang Yaoshi and said with a smile, "What do you think of Huangdao Master? If we're not in a hurry, why don't we go to this gentleman's Zhuangzi for a rest?"

  When Lu Chengfeng heard Zhu Houzhao's address to Huang Yaoshi, his eyes couldn't help but flicker.

  "Master, there is an urgent matter to report!"

  At this moment, a hurried voice came from not far away.

  Accompanied by the sound, a pointed clipper was rushing towards their location.

  On the Clipper, there were two men in sailor suits, with strong muscles and resolute faces.

  Seeing this, Zhu Houzhao said to Lu Chengfeng, "It seems that something happened in your village, but it's inconvenient for us to bother you. Your Excellency should deal with things in the village first."

  Hearing this, Lu Chengfeng bowed his hands to Zhu Houzhao and the others, and apologized, "You guys will wait a moment. I'll first ask what the situation is, and then make a decision before it's too late."

  Zhu Houzhao nodded and said, "Your Excellency, please."

  Huang Yaoshi was not in a hurry to express his position at this time, and watched this scene quietly, not knowing what to think in his heart. .

Chapter 179

  After a while, the two men came to Zhu Houzhao's boat.

  Lu Chengfeng asked the two of them, "Liu Si, Zhang Liu, what do you think is urgent?"

  Liu Si and Zhang Liu are the names of these two men.

  The two looked at each other and said hesitantly, "Master, are you just talking here? This..."

  While they were talking, the two of them also glanced at the positions of Zhu Houzhao and the others, obviously having some scruples about them.

  Seeing this, Zhu Houzhao smiled and said, "In that case, let's avoid it for a while."

  Lu Chengfeng was originally in a hurry, so he asked directly, but he felt a little inappropriate when he asked.

  However, the words of the two men made him speechless. In front of Zhu Houzhao, he directly put on the appearance of guarding others. Isn't this a response to others?

  As for Zhu Houzhao's words about evasion, although their boat is not small, it's not too big. Where can they evade?

  With the martial arts that Nie Feng showed just now, even if he avoided them, it was obvious that Nie Feng could hear what they were talking about.

  Thinking of this, Lu Chengfeng immediately pretended to be generous and said, "It's okay, Young Master Zhu and the others don't have to do this, it's not a big deal if you think about it, it's okay for you to listen to it."

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