Zhu Houzhao glanced at Lu Chengfeng and said with a smile, "If that's the case, then I'd be offended."

  Lu Chengfeng said, "It's nothing."

  After talking with Zhu Houzhao and the others, Lu Chengfeng looked at Liu Si and Zhang Liu again, and asked aloud, "What happened? You don't have to hide it in front of Zhu Gongzi and the others."

  "Yes", when the two heard the words, they agreed in unison, and then told the whole story in front of everyone.

  The general situation is not much different from the original.

  Lu Guanying, the young owner of Guiyun Village, took the water bandits on the Taihu Lake and kidnapped a group of envoys from the Dajin Empire. For some unknown reason, they leaked the news.

  Then the messenger invited a helping hand, and that helping hand sent them a box to Guiyun Village.

  In the box, there is a skull, and there are five finger holes in the skull.

  According to what the two of them said, Zhu Houzhao immediately understood that the messenger of Dajin should be Wanyankang, but the people from Guiyunzhuang obviously didn't know his identity.

  As for the help Wanyankang invited, there was no doubt that it was Mei Chaofeng.

  In fact, Zhu Houzhao didn't know that this time Wanyan Kang and Da Jin's messengers sent ambassadors to Da Song, and it was also related to the last time he let Wang Jian and Meng Tian teach the Da Jin Empire a hard lesson.

  The Dajin Empire experienced the last war with the Daming Empire, although it hurt a lot of vitality, but the solution to the people of the Nuhaci family has also made the power more concentrated.

  The Dajin Empire went up and down. At this time, they understood that Daming was a hard bone, and they were afraid that they would not be able to chew it down, so they made up their minds about Da Song, the soft persimmon.

  Wanyankang was named an ambassador this time, and communicated with Da Song in a friendly manner, but in fact, he wanted to take the opportunity to collude with the dark sons in Da Song, and then attack Da Song together.

  At that time, even if they can't win Da Song, Da Song must bleed once to make up for the loss of their big gold in the battle with the Daming Empire.

  It's just that Wanyankang was unlucky and fell into the hands of the Taihu water bandits led by Lu Guanying.

  When Lu Chengfeng heard Liu Si and Zhang Liu finished speaking, his face changed suddenly, especially when he learned the appearance of the skull that the other party sent him, the expression in his eyes was even more complicated.

  Thinking of the days when their apprentices and brothers studied arts on Peach Blossom Island, Lu Chengfeng couldn't help but reminisce in his heart.

  However, thinking that Mei Chaofeng and Chen Xuanfeng stole the "Jiuyin Zhenjing", causing their brothers and sisters, all of them were angered by Huang Yaoshi, broke their legs, and drove them out of Peach Blossom Island.

  Lu Chengfeng felt another burst of anger and hatred in his heart.

  Lu Chengfeng was angry and hated, but it was not his master Huang Yaoshi, but Mei Chaofeng and Chen Xuanfeng.

  Thinking again that Mei Chaofeng and Chen Xuanfeng had practiced the martial arts in the "Nine Yin Zhenjing", their strength must have improved greatly, and Lu Chengfeng couldn't help but feel worried again.

  Not only Lu Chengfeng, but also the expression in Huang Yaoshi's eyes changed suddenly after learning the whole story.

  Originally, Huang Yaoshi was still hesitating whether to go to Guiyun Village, but now he has made up his mind.

  Suddenly, Lu Chengfeng took a deep breath and said, "Young Master Zhu, Miss Huang, everyone, the great enemy of our village is approaching. I'm afraid I won't be able to invite you all to hang around in our village this time. 〃."

  "Humph! Since you invited us to your Zhuangzi, why did you suddenly regret it? As for the great enemy you said, the old man has to see how powerful it is!"

  Just after Lu Chengfeng finished speaking, Huang Yaoshi, who was beside him, snorted coldly.

  "This..." After hearing Huang Yaoshi's words, Lu Chengfeng's expression changed slightly, and hesitation flashed in his eyes.

  Although he had just seen Nie Feng's Qinggong, Lu Chengfeng didn't know about Nie Feng's true strength. As for the strengths of Zhu Houzhao and Huang Yaoshi, he was even more unclear.

  If Zhu Houzhao and his party were not strong enough and were invited to Guiyun Village by him, wouldn't it hurt them by then?

  When Zhu Houzhao heard Huang Yaoshi's words, a little smile flashed in his eyes, and he looked at Lu Chengfeng and said, ""Don't worry, Your Excellency, we still have some strength to protect ourselves."

  Hearing the words, Lu Chengfeng hesitated for a while, and then said: "You may not know that my opponent is the famous Heifeng Shuangsha in the arena. Knowing the martial arts in the scriptures and making waves in the rivers and lakes, although hateful, but the strength should not be underestimated. Why should a few of you cause trouble for the next irrelevant person?"

  Huang Yaoshi said coldly: "It's just a mere black wind and two evil spirits, the old man is just trying to see how powerful they are!"

  After all these years, although Huang Yaoshi felt a little guilty towards Lu Chengfeng and other disciples, the hatred in Huang Yaoshi's heart for Mei Chaofeng and Chen Xuanfeng never diminished.

  Zhu Houzhao smiled and said, "Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, give this villa owner some confidence."


  When Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun heard the words, they respectfully agreed, and at the same time they released the terrifying aura that belonged to the later stage of the Great Grandmaster (from money)!

  Sensing the aura of Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, Lu Chengfeng couldn't help taking a breath, and he was shocked.

  Because, Lu Chengfeng felt that the aura of Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun was not inferior to his master, and even stronger.

  As for Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, they seemed to be very young, so how could this not shock him!

  In addition to being shocked, Lu Chengfeng was filled with joy.

  With these two strong aids, he is still worried about what Heifeng Shuangsha is!

  Thinking of this, Lu Chengfeng hurriedly bowed his hands to Zhu Houzhao and the others and said, "So, Lu Xun would like to thank them for their kindness!"

  Of course, Lu Chengfeng took the current situation of the two, compared with the Huang Yaoshi back then, so he would feel a lot stronger.

  As for now, the three are actually in the same league.

  Zhu Houzhao said lightly: "Master Lu Zhuang is not welcome, let's go to Guizhuang now."

Chapter 180

  Not long after, Zhu Houzhao and his party went to Guiyun Village by boat with Lu Chengfeng.

  Just before returning to Guiyun Village, I saw a handsome young man in a white shirt walking towards the gate of Guiyun Village with an old man who looked to be in his [-]s or [-]s.

  The old man was wearing a yellow ge blouse, waving a big fan in his right hand, with a jasper finger on the thumb of his left hand.

  Seeing the two of them, Zhu Houzhao raised his brows slightly, and using his probing eyes, he easily recognized the identities of the two.

  That young man was Lu Guanying, the son of Lu Chengfeng, the young owner of Guiyun Village.

  As for the old man next to Lu Guanying, it was Qiu Qianzhang, the elder brother of Qiu Qianren, the leader of the Iron Palm Gang.

  "Daddy, you're back!" Seeing Lu Chengfeng's return, Lu Guanying hurriedly greeted Lu Chengfeng.

  Seeing that Qiu Qianzhang was dressed in an extraordinary style, Lu Chengfeng nodded slightly to Lu Guanying, and then bowed his hands to Qiu Qianzhang and said, "Xiao Ke didn't know there was a senior who came to our village, and he didn't dare to ask the senior's name?"

  Qiu Qianzhang cast a glance at Lu Chengfeng and Zhu Houzhao's group, and did not return the salute, he said proudly, "Old man Iron Palm helps Qiu Qianren."

  When Lu Chengfeng heard Qiu Qianzhang's words, his face suddenly became solemn, and his attitude became even more respectful. He said in shock, "I dare to ask, but people in the rivers and lakes are called iron palms floating on water.

  Qiu Qianzhang smiled lightly and said, "It's the old man. The old man didn't expect that after more than [-] years of walking on the rivers and lakes, there are still people who remember the nickname of the old man."

  Huang Yaoshi and Huang Rong looked at Qiu Qianzhang in surprise when they heard Qiu Qianren's name.

  Especially Huang Yaoshi, after looking at Qiu Qianzhang a few times, his eyes flashed with disdain.

  Twenty-five years ago, five people, Dongxie, Xidu, Nandi, Beibei, and Zhongshentong, were discussing swords at Mount Huashan, and they had invited Qiu Qianren to the scene.

  It's just that Qiu Qianren happened to encounter something at that time, so he didn't rush to Huashan to participate in this grand event in the Song Dynasty martial arts.

  Being invited by Wang Chongyang, Qiu Qianren's strength is naturally not bad.

  But now, Huang Yaoshi felt a little bit, but he was greatly disappointed, and felt that Qiu Qianren was just a person with a false name!

  In fact, this was because Huang Yaoshi didn't know that Qiu Qianren in front of him was a fake.

  Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun also sensed Qiu Qianzhang's strength, but they didn't know much about Song Jianghu, and they had no idea what Qiu Qianren was like, so their expressions didn't change.

  After receiving Qiu Qianzhang's confirmation, Lu Chengfeng said quickly, "I don't know that Senior Qiu suddenly came to our village, what can you teach me?"

  Qiu Qianzhang glanced at Lu Chengfeng, and said carelessly: "I said Lu Chengfeng, you are a person in the Taihu generation, so why are you so ignorant? If there is something wrong with the old man, how can you just stop at the gate? Having said that, shouldn't I ask the old man to enter the village to talk?"

  Lu Chengfeng hurriedly said after hearing the words, "It's rude. Senior Qiu, Young Master Zhu, a few, please!"

  At the same time as the voice fell, Lu Chengfeng also gestured towards Qiu Qianzhang, Zhu Houzhao and the others.

  Although the strength of Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun surprised Lu Chengfeng, they had no reputation in the Song Dynasty after all, so Lu Chengfeng paid more attention to Qiu Qianzhang.

  Qiu Qianzhang glanced at Zhu Houzhao and the others, and then unceremoniously, he took the first step towards the interior of Guiyun Village.

  Zhu Houzhao watched this scene quietly, but he was not in a hurry to expose him. Quan should be watching a monkey show.

  Shaking his head slightly, Zhu Houzhao took Huang Rong's four daughters, Fengyun and Huang Yaoshi, and walked towards Guiyun Village.

  Lu Chengfeng and his son stayed at the end, only occasionally showing the direction for a few people.

  Soon, the group entered the lobby inside Guiyun Village.

  "Guan Ying, order someone to serve the distinguished guests with tea!"

  Entering the inner hall, after everyone was seated, Lu Chengfeng gave Lu Guanying an order.

  "Yes, father," Lu Guanying agreed, and then quickly asked Zhuang Nei's servants to prepare refreshments.

  Lu Chengfeng acted as an intermediary, introducing Zhu Houzhao and his party and Qiu Qianzhang to each other.

  Then everyone was in the inner hall, chatting without a word.

  After a while, Lu Guanying brought the servants, served refreshments for everyone, and after ordering the servants to retreat, he stood quietly beside Lu Chengfeng.

  Qiu Qianzhang picked up the teacup and took a sip, then put it down gently, and said in his mouth: "Brother Lu, you Guiyunzhuang is one of the most important places in Taihu Lake. Except for the Yanziwu of the Murong family, there is no one to match. It can be said that you are the heroes of Taihu Lake. Half a leader. Brother Lu's kung fu is extremely brilliant, I don't know if your brother can show his face and show his hands for the old man."

  Lu Chengfeng shook his head and said, "This junior is so ignorant, how dare you show humiliation in front of your senior? Besides, this junior has both legs disabled, and the martial arts passed down by his former mentor have long since been put on hold."

  "Humph," Huang Yaoshi heard Lu Chengfeng saying that he was not doing well, but he was a little dissatisfied, and snorted softly.However, when he thought of his anger towards Lu Chengfeng back then, he felt a little guilty in his heart.

  Zhu Houzhao felt a burst of laughter in his heart when he saw this.

  Huang Yaoshi was arrogant and arrogant. Not only could he not say that he was inferior to others, but he also could not make his disciples inferior to others. Lu Chengfeng's humble words obviously made him dissatisfied.

  Others naturally didn't understand why Huang Yaoshi did this, Lu Chengfeng and Qiu Qianzhang glanced at Huang Yaoshi, then withdrew their gazes and continued chatting.

  Qiu Qianzhang said: "I don't know who the master is? Speaking of which, the old man may know him."

  Hearing this, Lu Chengfeng let out a long sigh, and said in a low mood: "This junior is stupid, he was unable to serve his teacher well, and later he was tired of others and was expelled from his teacher. ."

  Qiu Qianzhang said arrogantly, "My brother is in the prime of spring and autumn, and the leaders are all heroes. Why don't you take advantage of this opportunity to cheer yourself up? It's a good way to teach your seniors to regret what they did before."

  Lu Chengfeng replied, "The younger generation is disabled, immoral and incompetent. Although the teachings of the older generation are good words, the younger generation is powerless."

  When Huang Yaoshi heard Lu Chengfeng's words, he looked over his legs for a while, and his expression flickered.

  Qiu Qianzhang said: "My brother is too modest. I'm here to show you a clear way, but I don't know if my brother has any intentions?"

  Lu Chengfeng bowed his hands to Qiu Qianzhang, and said, "I also ask the senior to make it clear."

  Huang Rong's four daughters, Fengyun, Huang Yaoshi, and Lu Guanying all looked at Qiu Qianzhang, wanting to see what he would say.

  Zhu Houzhao raised his brows slightly when he heard the words, secretly thinking in his heart, a good show is coming! .

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