Dance With the Nightingale

Chapter 32 - Aftermath

[Earl's Bedroom]

"Have you tracked it?"

A feminine voice asked solemnly.

"Yes, I have."

"I see."

The voice said before turning her head to the screen. A screen that showed her, the figure of her battered son.

For a while, the room was silent, as both the husband and wife watched the fight.

But it was broken, by an enquiring voice.

"You look upset?"

And that triggered her.

Snapping her head at her husband.

"You aren't!?"

She asked in a deep voice.

Yes, she was upset, and not just upset, she was enraged, thoroughly.

Right now, there were only two things she wanted to.

First, save her son.

And second, to fucking kill this demon.

But if her husband continued acting like that, then, adding 'punching him in the face' in the list won't be a far-fetched move.

After all, wasn't it because of him, that her son was fighting this demon?

Couldn't he just keep his mouth shut!

Why did he have to say, 'Clean up your own mess' and things like that!

Of course, she actually knew why.

And that was the only reason she was still sitting in this room, waiting, watching and doing nothing...

Her son, needed combat experience.

Not the usual sparring he did, but actual, life and death combat experience.

Obviously, her husband knew that too, so as soon as he found a chance, he used it.

Just, the opponent he found outclassed her son in all ways.

At first, she was overjoyed as she watched the fight, and why wouldn't she be?

After all, her son, defeated a D ranked vessel like it was nothing.

And note the word 'vessel', a being with infinite regeneration, just how many kids, no, just how magic users could do that!

Very few.

She was just so thrilled at that time, that she could suppress a smile from blooming on her face, and it was not just because of his feat, but also due to the spells he used.

Spells of his of his own attribute. Meaning, he finally overcame his inferiority complex.

He finally accepted his attribute, and even started researching it.

This fact overjoyed her more than his win...

Thinking the fight was over, she got up and was about to change, so that she could go and shower her son with praises.

Well, that is after she took care of the vessel.

Not like that dampened her mood.

Rather, she even planned to use this chance to show off her B+ ranked magical might.

Amy had tipped her off to do this.

But she was stopped, by her own husband.

And from there, everything went downhill.

Her son put up a good fight, but he was outclassed in the end, his body got battered, so did his mind, but even then, her husband didn't allow her to intervene.

And now, if her husband cracked some joke, then she was ready to pounce on him.

She had matured, but even now, she was a fiery woman at her core. Just that, she limited showing this side of her, to only her true self to husband.

And she didn't mind showing him that again.

Thankfully, his reply didn't disappoint her.

"What do you think?"

He asked back, his words weren't impressive, but his voice, his atmosphere, and most importantly his eyes, convinced her.

His deep eyes, shone with so much power, that even an Archmage would cower back with just a look.

But not her, even though she wasn't Archmage, she was close, just a step away. And most importantly, she wasn't afraid of her own husband.

"Then go help him already."



Still a no?

Why the hell is he doing this!?


She asked, as calmly as possible.

"He will win."

He said in a voice so filled confidence, that for a moment she thought, 'Has he gone from half crazy to fully crazy now?'

"No, I haven't Latina, just trust me this once, okay?"


This man was making her mad; can't he see!!

The vessel's rank just got boosted up!!

He has reached C- rank!!

(A/N: After the first transformation.)

No matter what!, she couldn't think of a way, in which her son could win against that. Especially, with that infinite regeneration and mana that the vessel possessed.

But for now...

"Okay, I will, but if by any chance something bad happens, then you will face the consequences, remember that!'

...she chose to believe.

And, three minutes later...

A shell-shocked Countess sat on the couch, as she watched a footage that should have had an title 'Hundred-ways-to-torture-someone'.

" knew this didn't you?"

She asked in a shaking voice.

"No, I didn't, but I expected this."

"You expected this...?"

"Yes, I expected this.

Say Latina, he has gotten crazier hasn't he?"

He said, before finally breaking into intense laughter, laughter that he was suppressing for so long.


Shaking her head, she turned her head towards the screen, inwardly quipping as she saw the scene, 'I don't think, this is the best time to say that.'

Before she continued in a serious tone.

"What about the demon? You tracked him, right? Where is he?"

"Laraska, deep in the demon realm."

"Hmm, and what are you going to about him?"

With a smirk, the Magus turned to her as he asked, "Don't you know already?"

He asked as his voice got lower than it already was.

"Some cockroach touches my son, and expects to live!?"


"Ho~ it could be a trap, you know?"

"And what if it's an trap?"

"Well...nothing, just be careful, and heal Rayne before leaving."

"I know that already, Oh! Looks like he stopped."

Those were the last words she heard before the Magus before he disappeared, appearing in the screen instead.

With a sigh, she too stood up, got changed, and headed to the infirmary.

First, she wanted to see her son.



[Rayne's POV]




Where am I?

"Finally awake, huh."

I heard, while I questioned myself, as I registered my unfamiliar surroundings.


Oh, right?

Right, right, right.

I got fucked by a Demon Contractor.

I crushed him like the insect her was, but he fucked me quite a bit.

I turned my head to the side, catching the massive silhouette of the Magus, who for some reason had a glowing hand atop my abdomen, which he promptly removed.

"Healing your messed up body."

He said, noticing my questioning look.

"I see."

I said, before I falling silent.

I looked around the room and found the Countess sleeping on the couch, along with Amy was sitting beside her.

She flashed me smile, before gesturing silence while pointing at the sleeping Countess.

And I obliged.

She then, picked up an unknown fruit and started peeling it like an apple.

Feeling the atmosphere, I didn't think much time has passed.

And that was confirmed by the Earl, who spoke in my mind.

'It's been two days if you are thinking about that.'

'I see.'

Two days, huh?

That's acceptable, my plans won't be pushed back too much.

'Are you feeling any discomfort?'

'No, rather I am feeling quite refreshed.'

Yes, I was feeling quite good, no headache, no body pain, no exhaustion.

In fact, I felt even stronger than before.

As for my mental state, it was similar to post-nut clarity.

Now, I realized that I had choices, a lot of them.

I could have totally avoided the situation, or atleast, I could have prevented my bones from being broken.

But, I didn't.

Instead, I acted like a total chuunibyou, and jumped head first into the situation.

But not without reason, though the reasons were quite childish.

First, I didn't want to disappoint this man.

The weariness I felt from his voice at that time was very real.

So, I decided to play along.

And second, soon as I thought of the possibility of being able to use a Magus class spell, I acted on it, reflexively.

I didn't think much, nor did I had some kind of grand plan or something, even winning or losing didn't matter that much, I simply wanted to use that spell.

So, I acted on it.

Must say, that changed at the end of the fight.

I wanted to kill that bastard, just as much as I wanted to use that spell.

And, I succeeded in doing both.

But now, I also realized how crazily I acted.

Sadly, even now, I couldn't confidently say that I wouldn't jump at such an situation again.

Of course, it wasn't like I would do this in any other circumstances, I didn't lose my mind after all.

Rather, I clearly knew a Magus was protecting me, I wouldn't die even if mess up, that's why I acted so decisively, so swiftly, so crazily.

As for the pain, and the torture session?

My brain cleverly ignored those.

Honestly, just how much thinking do you expect from an injured person.

Anyways, let me check my status.



Name: Rayne Von Ellsworth.

Age: 13 years

Height: 162 cm --> 163 cm

Weight: 45 kg --> 47 kg.

Condition: Healthy

Class: Swordsman.

Class Grade: Bronze.

Sub-Class: Rune Scholar

Sub-Class Grade: Bronze

Power Rank: E+ --> D-

Rank Limit: -error

Body Stats:

• Strength: E+ --> D

• Agility: D

• Stamina: E --> E+

• Endurance: D+ --> C-

• Dexterity: D

• Intelligence: E --> D-

• Perception: D- --> D

Limit: -error

Spirit Stats:

• Mana: C+ ~>26733/26760 --> C+ ~> 30,000/30,000

• Mental Power: D- ~>427/450 --> D ~> 526/526

Limit: B+ --> A-


• Mana Manipulation: A

• Magic Comprehension: B+ --> A-

• Mental Perception: A-

Limit: A-

Skills: [Split Second --> S], [Parallel Mind --> A+], [Attribute Infusion --> A], [Mana Reading --> B+], [Peekaboo --> B+]

Attribute: Enchanter.

Magic user level: Soldat

Spells: Dry, Ignite, Accelerate,...etc., Spell Reading (new), Spell Interrupt(new), Spell Steal(new).

Unique Condition:

[Limit Breaker]

Power assimilated: 1/7

Power Granted: Body beyond mortal shell, no limits to your body's growth.

Time for next assimilation: 8962(hrs.):02(min):15(sec). à 8002:46:28.

(A/N: I skipped the explanation)

[Mismatched Soul]

A unique condition that occurred due to sudden and unexpected growth in soul's power.

Due to the sudden growth, the talent limit, and spiritual limit is expected to increase.

These changes will occur during a breakthrough and will continue to occurring until the soul matches the body.

Current Soul level: A+ (Archmage)



I was healthy, and I even broke through?

And most importantly, I have another Unique Condition?

What the fucking hell?

Wait, wait, wait.

Let me think.

My soul is Mismatched?

My talent will continue increasing until, I reach Archmage level?


What the fucking hell!!

I opened my eyes wide, as my head snapped towards the Magus.

"I broke through."

I said, still quite bewildered by the news.

It wasn't actually uncommon to break through after an tough battle, but breaking through while being unconscious, I didn't know that was possible.


And, I got an plain reply, totally indicating that this wasn't actually a news for my father.

But the Magus didn't stop there.

Observing me with his hawk like eyes, he asked.

"But Rayne, that's not all, right?

There must be something else, right?

Something strange about your breakthrough...?"



How the fuck does he know that?

No, now is not the time to think about this.

Rather, how should I handle this?

Should I tell him, or not?

Looking at his face, looking at those shining eyes observing me, clearly, I couldn't escape this one by spouting nonsense?

So, the question is, how much should I tell him?

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