Dance With the Nightingale

Chapter 33 - A Lazy Day.

In the end, I decided tell him as much as I could.

Sitting up, I lifted my hand, made my bracelet touch his, and transferred the information about my spirit stats, talent, and unique condition, Mismatched Soul, to it.

Amazement flashed through the Magus' eyes, as he processed the information.

In the end wasn't able to contain his excitement, causing a smile to spread on his face.

With a huge smile spreading through his face, he said a single line.

"You did well...Rayne."

A single line, but it was so-filled with emotions, that it was more impactful than any praises I had ever received.

Words filled with emotions of relief.

Well, I knew where he was coming from.

Afterall, how could he, a Magus, not know about his son's talent?

And how aggrieved he must have felt, when he saw his son trying so hard to get stronger, while knowing that his son's efforts won't be rewarded, ever...

He couldn't encourage his son, for that will be giving him false hope, and he couldn't even stop him.

How could he?

What would he say to do so?

Son, stop training so hard cause you won't get stronger even if you train.


Because you aren't talented enough.

Could he really say that?

No, I don't think he could.

Maybe, that's the reason he didn't say anything, and just let Rayne do his own thing.

But now!, That had changed!

So, it was understandable that he couldn't be more relieved than ever.

Anyways, I just nodded my head, too busy in trying to figure out how to deal with follow up questions.

But to my surprise, they never came.

"We should wake your mother up. She's been here, ever since you got admitted, forsaking her sleep and work. So, I put her to sleep for a while."

He said instead, while lifting his hand.

A complicated magic circle, that absolutely didn't look like a simple sleeping spell manifested on it, before shattering like a piece of glass.

Then, the sleeping beauty, my mother, woke up.

With a subtle twitch, her eyebrows opened halfway. And with those half-open, still dreamy eyes, she lifted her head, scanning the room.

Before she closed them again and leaned back.

1 second, 2 second, and...

Her eyes opened wide!, As she stood up the next moment!

Naturally, all the eyes in the room were drawn to her.

Recovering from her sleeping stupor, the Countess noticed her situation, and coughed.

Before casting a 'freshen-up' spell?, and started walking towards me, while a plate full of fruit slices drifted in the air, following her steady gait.

All embarrassment faded from her face, as she came close and stood beside me.

Naturally, she wasn't fazed by the attention.

With her eyes lighting up, she inspected me for a bit before sighing in relief.

Then with a tender, caring, voice she asked.

"Are feeling well, Rayne?"

"I'm fine, Mother. You don't have to lose sleep because of me."

She broke in a smile, and reached out to pat my head.

"I'm the who should be worried about you now, young man, you aren't old enough to worry about your mother. Now let me apologize."

"What!?, Why would you apologize?"


Placing a finger in front of her lips, she shushed me down, before continuing,

"You suffered a lot, Rayne. I saw you while you did.

That must have been painful, right?"

"But, even though I saw it, I didn't help you.

It doesn't matter if it was for your own good or not. The fact is, I didn't help you.

For that, forgive me Rayne.

I am sorry for not helping you."

"I-It's okay, y-you don't have to apologize. I know why you did that, and I know you wanted to help-"

I couldn't finish.


Because two thin but strong arms pulled me in, into an incredibly soft bosom.

I was so shocked, that I couldn't even speak.

It was soft, incredibly soft, and warm.

My face felt like it was being wrapped by an soft warm cloud.

"Listen to me Rayne Von Ellsworth!

You aren't an adult yet, and even if you become one, you will always be a child for me. So, at least in front of me, you don't have to act mature.

Feel free to speak, complain, or even whine a little, I won't scold you. Rather the more you act like this, the more I feel like I have failed as your mother.

So, please just be yourself around mother, okay?"


I said seriously, but then, I felt like shouldn't be this obedient.

"T-then mother, will you please release me, I-I can't breathe."

So, I tried a joke

The room immediately became silent for a moment as the Countess froze in place, but just as I thought I messed up, the Count burst out laughing, followed by Amy who tried to stifle her giggles, but was unsuccessful.

The solemn and emotional atmosphere broke in an instant, as the Countess released me slowly.

Unable to look into my eyes, the Countess looked to the side as she mouthed, "I'm sorry.", in a mosquito's voice.

Taking a few deep breaths with exaggerating moments, I caught my breath, before joining the laughing duo.

And just like that I finished my day in a good mood and strange thought.

'My mother looks adorable when she sulks.'


I moved to back my room the last night.

I was completely healed, when I woke up. So, there was no need to forsake the comfort of my room for no reason.

Moving in, the first thing I wanted to do was test my strength.

And when I registered that thought in my mind, I seriously wanted to dig a hole and hide myself in it.


What the fuck is wrong with me.

Why are my thoughts starting from getting stronger and ending in getting stronger as well?

It was like my brain had a problem, the thoughts of getting stronger, the feeling of strength and the recent feeling of owning that magus class spell, they were just so occupying my mind, that I couldn't think of anything else.


I said, as I made a major decision.

I decided to take the day off.

Today, I won't train.

'But then, what to do?'

Well, it wasn't like I did nothing at all, but those things were more like side jobs, most of my day was normally spent in physical training, magical training and then attribute researching.

'Let's complete my daily ritual first.'

I thought, as I stopped rolling on my bed and took out a shiny silver hand mirror.



Closing the door and the curtains with Psychokinesis, I held the mirror in my hand and pressed the only button present on the mirror, before injecting my Mana into it.


Silver ripples spread through the mirror's surface, as the scene changed to that of an orphanage.


It was early morning, so naturally, kids were having breakfast.

And as you can expect from kids, the whole place was buzzing with chatter.

A hundred or so kids in the same room, eating breakfast, harmoniously, naughtily...until he arrived.

The chatter died down, as a green haired, red eyed kid, entered the dining hall.

With a speedy gait he approached the counter, completely unobstructed, as the file of kids standing in front of him moved back without a word.

Taking a plate from the counter, he filled it and started moving towards the nearest table.

The table that was filled to the brim, got empty as soon as he started approaching it.

Finally, he sat down with a thump, and started eating as quickly as possible.

And thanks to his efforts he finished eating in record time.

Just as he was about to get up, another thump resounded as a purple haired girl sat beside him.

"Once again you scaring others, Valen."

"I didn't do anything, it's their problem if they got scared."

"That's exactly the problem, you dummy! You didn't do anything! Why don't you just explain yourself, just like you explained it to me. Everything would be back on track if you do."

"A waste of time."

"And how do you know that without even trying?"

"Just look in their eyes Tiara, you will get your answer, for them I am just a monster."


He said as he stood up, ignoring the purple haired girl with puffed cheeks, and returned to his lab, not wasting a single moment.


'Another failure, I guess.'

I shook my head, as saw the scene, placing the mirror back.

It was artifact that used a blood magic spell, [Blood Tracking] to monitor the target by using a drop of his blood.

It was the reason I collected Valen's blood that day, I wanted to keep an eye on him.

Normally, Valen should have been in jail right now, but due to my interference his murders were changed into an act of self-defense, which spared him from his imprisonment and gave him more time to mature. But that set his future on a completely different path, so keeping an eye on him was necessary.

So, this, slowly became a daily ritual of sorts.

Valen was doing good, and not just good, he was doing great, at least in the magical aspects.

Emotionally, he was devastated, he took his mother's death quite badly when compared with original self, rather than accepting it, he scheduled himself.

After breaking the jaw of a kid who insulted his dead mother on his first day, he scheduled himself.

After the news that he killed people spread through the orphanage, he scheduled himself.

And when someone tried to break into his walls, he scheduled himself even harder.

But well, that only made him focus more on his research and training, so it isn't a bad thing, I guess?

The purple haired girl, Tiara, was complete surprise though.

I need to keep my eyes on him, for nothing could go wrong this time.

But..., now that I was done with that.

What should I do next?

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