Dance With the Nightingale

Chapter 34 - Night Attack!

The day had passed, and the night came.

Unable to decide what to do, I just ended up reaffirming my plans, and tried to gauge the butterfly effect that my existence must have caused.

While doing so, I idly watched another one of the many matches fought in the arena.,

The match ended before my thoughts, but,

'There's no use thinking about it.'

I halted my thoughts, with a logical argument, and walked out.


'Really, just what has become of my life.'

It was during such times that I really missed my old world.

There were just so many things to pass the time there, but here I didn't even have someone whom I could call a friend.

'Guess, this is the life of a Young Master?'

I chuckled dryly, as I watched the sunset.

'It sure makes it hard to take it easy.'

Feeling a bit melancholic, I aimlessly wandered through the estate before stumbling back into the main building when it was the time for dinner.

"Big brother!, I heard that you did something cool again!"

"Tell me!, tell me about it!"

I heard as soon as I entered the room.

Now that, wiped off my previous melancholy from my mind, as I stepped in with a smile, fully intending to show off.

'As long as I have this family.'

** (Some time passed the same scenario.)

The dinner went well, It wasn't as awkward, or silent as it used to be.

Though most of the speaking was still done by Reonald and the Countess, but I wasn't a mere bystander anymore.

Other than the Countess praising me more than necessary everything was normal.

Oh wait! I didn't see Mora today!, and not just today I didn't see her yesterday as well…

Is something wrong with her?

Wait, my thinking is wrong.

She just got implicated in a magical fight.

So, it was normal for her, for an ordinary girl, to take a few days off.

I remembered her state that day, her body got paralyzed with fear, but even then, she tried to stop me…

I hope she doesn't get a mental trauma or something.

Maybe I should visit her?

Ugh, why didn't I think of this before!, I could have just visited her today…

'Oh well, I'll just do that tomorrow, I shouldn't visit her this late.'

At that time, I didn't know, that I was going to thoroughly regret my decision.


Late at night, when I was deep asleep.



Someone knocked on my door.

Instantly, my eyes shot open, as I entered a full state of alertness for a moment…

"Young Master, open up, young master!"

…before most of it disappeared, as I recognized the owner of the voice.


"Open! Up! Young! Master!"

From a whisper to a call, and maybe it something worse if I didn't open the door.


So, I opened it, with psychokinesis, while I sat up on the bed.

…something felt off.

In the dim light of the room the intruder stepped in.

And slammed the door shut behind her.


This wouldn't be a problem normally, but in the dead of night the slamming sound of the door would attract a lot of unwanted attention.

This move took me by surprise, for she was the last person I would expect such a thing from. But making haste, I somehow stopped the door, with air magic, and slowly closed it shut.

With the door out of way, I focused on the intruder who entered my room.

And the first thing I noticed, sent me reeling in shock.

Just a whiff and I knew, from that sourly sweet smell of hers, this girl…is she drunk!!??

Wrapped in a robe, hair down, blushing cheeks and watery eyes…

Yes, looks like my intruder, Mora, was drunk…

With her head angled downwards, she opened and closed her palm, as if thinking of something.

"Mora, are you alright…?"

I asked, as I clearly couldn't imagine her, of all people being drunk without reason.

But she didn't answer.

Instead after hearing my voice, her body trembled, before she tightly clenched both of her fists, as if making a decision.

Then abruptly, she lifted her head, her watery, but now determined eyes meeting mine, as she started marching towards me.

With a few steps she was just in front of me, but to my surprise she didn't stop, rather she stopped holding her robe and jumped on me.


I thought, as I caught the girl coming my way and habitually pushed her down in a pinning position.

"Ouch, ow, ouch."

Only when I heard her cries of pain, did I hurriedly moved aside, unhanding my assailant.

'Just what the fuck actually happened?'

I thought in shock, as I noticed something else.


Mora, that Mora, the serious Mora was wearing a lingerie!!!

And not just a normal lingerie but a sexy, black-red half-transparent lingerie!!

'Is this the end of the world!'

I thought,

But then-

-Sob, sob…

Rather than getting up, the maid just stayed there, and started crying.

'REALLY!, will some-fucking-one explain me what is happening here!!'

What the hell is going on!

Okay, calm down, calm down Rayne, calm down!

Being drunk, a lingerie, and her jumping on me, I knew what that meant.

I wasn't that dumb.

But why?

Why would she do this?

And why the hell is she crying?

I don't fucking know, but it can't continue like this.

But then, what should I do?

"…..young master….. didn't…. accept…. how can I repay…..him now…..?"

The maid kept mumbling as she sat up. She turned to me and tried to jump on me again…


…but, that was enough for a night show, maid.

'Now, go to sleep.'

I retracted my hand that held an actual sleep spell, completely different from the Count's version, after putting my maid to sleep.

Oh, fuck!

That was too much of an escalation.

'Guess, things always escalate crazily when I'm with Mora?'

I hit myself on the head for making a joke in such a situation before considering my options.

But seriously, I didn't expect this.

Like se-rious-ly, this anime trope that found the most hilarious happening to me?

'Now I know why the authors do this.'

'Yep, a drunk girl is the best for fan service.'

I thought, as I ogled my maid's body.

'What?, I shouldn't do this?'

'Hehe, not happening, though I refused eating the cherry, I could at least appreciate it.'

Fair skin, scattered brown hair, damp with sweat maybe because of the alcohol and nervousness, along with a brand-new lingerie that was probably especially bought for tonight…

Must say, the lingerie did its job perfectly.

Be it the way it emphasized her mature curves, or the way the half transparent material showed some things that shouldn't be seen…

Umu, it did its job well.

Yes, Mora was definitely a beauty with her own style. I knew hordes of men from my previous world that would beg for a woman like her, and not just other men, maybe I would have accepted her advances if I didn't have a world to save…


Tugging her hair behind her ear, I uncovered her face. Flushed face, red ears, fluttering eyebrows and half-open lips…

Knowingly or unknowingly, she made an extremely alluring face, especially those half open lips, as if inviting me to have a taste.

Those lips that I stared for a month...

'Should I have a taste?'


"Owowow, ow, ouch."

I smacked myself again, this time with a full powered psychokinesis, to bring myself back on track.

And damn!, That hurt like a bitch!

Anyways, I more or less understood what happened,

The most basic anime trope, the girl getting all guilty, as she got the MC in trouble and decides to repay him with her body.

Okay, maybe, just maybe, in some unlikeliest scenario this trope actually makes sense, but this, this was not that fucking trope!!

And this definitely was not the thing you do to an 13-year-11-month-old child.

She could have just made more of those pancakes of hers, I would be happy enough of she did that, why did she have to resort to this..?

The serious they are the complex they become?



Exhaling heavily, I picked her up with psychokinesis and laid her down on the bed, burying in the sheets, before walking out of the room.

I needed to think, I needed to empty my mind and I knew how to do that.

Taking out my half-melted sword, I headed towards my lab.

'Let's see if I can fix you.'


I got the answer to that question after five hours of wasted effort.

No, I couldn't fix that.

The sword was too damaged for that.

Melting of the metal disrupted the internal structure and layering of the sword, causing a huge dent in its Mana conductivity, it's physical toughness and the boost in power I got while using it.

It wasn't completely useless, I could still enchant it, but those enchantments would be subpar at best, making the whole reason of using a weapon pointless.

So, I decided to do what rich do.

Buy a new one.

I needed a new sword anyways.

So, putting back that molten sword back, I changed my clothes.

Last night, I was in such a rush that I didn't even change my clothes, and left while wearing the same nightgown.

Thankfully, I had some clothes in my bracelet.

Everytime this bracelet saves me from a pinch, I somehow feel proud. So, patting myself on the back for stocking up a lot of such stuff, I departed for the main building.

I'm pretty sure some people already know what happened, and decided to let it slide but I shouldn't test their patience.

Anyways, it was 6:30 a.m. already, I had to wake up my sleeping beauty, no, drunken beauty and clear-up some things before resuming my schedule.


I sighed again.

'Was a day's leave too much to ask for?'

I thought, as I planned what to do next, and how to make things less awkward, for Mora…

'All for my maid, I guess?'

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