Dance With the Nightingale

Chapter 56 - Farewells And New Start.

[The Next Day]

[Ellsworth Estate]

It was time for goodbyes.

After having breakfast and dealing with all the prep-work, our group was ready to depart.

Naturally, goodbyes preceded the departure.

And yeah, there were a lot of people who wanted to say 'goodbye'.

The first among them was Gandalf, no, not Gandalf, I mean, the Gandalf like librarian, as for what his actual name was, I had no idea.

Anyways, he was the first to step forward among the people present here, which was quite a crowd in my opinion.

"Greetings Young Master, here are the books you asked for."

He bowed a bit, before 12 thick books materialized beside him, floating in the air.

Um, yeah he wasn't technically here to for goodbyes, but since he said,

"I wish you a safe, and comfortable journey."

He was counted.

"Thanks for the service."

I said, pocketing the books in my bracelet.

"I'm just doing my job Young Master."

He said, bowing again and leaving the plaza.

Not paying much mind to him, I turned to my next customer, a troublesome customer.

"...young master..."

Mora said, weakly, as she presented me with a small package.

Taking the package, I didn't scan it with my senses or something, that would be disrespectful, instead I just kept it in my bracelet and looked back at the maid.

For the past few days, she was as indifferent as she could have been, talking as much as needed, doing as much as needed, maintaining an appropriate distance.

Her behavior created an illusion, an illusion that she was okay, an illusion that she wasn't bothered.

But now, even a simple glance was enough to infer her state.

The girl was infatuated, no, she wasn't in love, she was just infatuated.

But that didn't mean it didn't hurt, that didn't mean she wasn't bitter.

She was hurt, she was bitter, and the feeling was even worse cause it was probably her first time experiencing it.

For her...

"Thanks, Mora."

I said, showing her the best smile I could, before reaching out my hand.

"I hope to see you after my return."

Tapping the middle of her forehead, with my fingers, I said that, meeting her now raised eyes.

"Maybe, I'll be taller than you by then?"


"I hope to see you too... young master..."

"That's good."

I said, as I watched the maid leave the plaza with small steps.

Seeing her like that stung a little, but I couldn't do anything about that...

With her leaving, I finally paid attention the four people left, let me rephrase that, four important people left.

Reonald, Mom, Dad, and Amy.

And the first to get my attention was Amy.

Now, I won't deny it.

The kitsune maid was the person closest to my heart.

Spending each day with her, basking in her care, receiving her love, I could only say, I was blessed.

Without a word, I stood in front of her and hugged her, burying myself in her soft bosom.

For a moment I forgot all my worries, I forgot my life had a deadline, I forgot the upcoming disasters...

All I knew in that moment, was that this person loves me from her very being.

It was only after she patted my head, that I came to my senses, and said,

"I will miss you..."


Saying the last part through a mind link.

And with a smile that was overflowing with love, she replied.

"I will miss you too..."


Feeling a fuzzy in my heart, I nodded imperceptibly, and moved on.

Hugging the woman who was warmly, but a bit sullenly, was watching our interaction.

Though she hid it well, really well since I didn't feel a hint of it, I knew my mother, the Countess was jealous.

Thankfully, the long hug did its magic.

I got a kiss on my forehead, a ton of dos and don'ts, and finally request.

"No matter what, be safe Rayne, I request this of you, be safe and come back without a scratch."

"I will try my best..."

I replied as such, to her emotion laden words and left her embrace, finally facing my father.

Unlike my mother or should I say mothers my father wasn't that emotional.

"You know what to do when in danger?"


"You remember how to contact faction members?"


"You got familiar with your new identity?"

"Yes, yes, and yes, I know it all Dad, don't worry. Rather, do you remember the kids that I mentioned you?"

"Valen and Tiara?"

"Yes, I remember them, though, I will test if they are as capable as you said."

"Go ahead and do so."

"Be safe, Rayne. I hope you achieve whatever you are traveling for."

"Thanks dad. I will."

I said sincerely.

Then, I patted Reonald's head, messed up his hair, and pinched his cheek, saying a "Bye-bye, little brother~"

Before taking Allen's hand, who had God knows when sneaked out of the carriage and was talking with Reonald, in mine, and walked towards the carriage.

Waving a final goodbye, I boarded the carriage after Allen, and closed the door, instantly getting a,

"Your family loves you a lot, Young Master."

From Cana.

"I know, and I love them too."

'That's why, for protecting them, I'm leaving.'

I left those unsaid words in my heart told the coachman to start driving.

And just like that our carriage left the estate, through one of the many secret passages, that I didn't know of.


[The Ellsworth County]

[City of Rabhat]

[Mercenary Guild]

Mercenary Guild was a chaotic place.

Chaotic and busy.

Filled with the brim with gruff and rough mercenaries, who were eagerly waiting for an easy mission to appear.

Naturally, the waiting was filled with food and beer. Beer that made a lot of these mercenaries to lose control.

Normally the intoxicated mercenaries would argue, fight and break a few pieces of furniture.

And that was totally acceptable, rather it was helpful.

The charges of the broken furniture made these good for nothings move the assess, while the money the guild received helped it to make an excuse to replace the old dusty furniture with good new ones.

So, when the peculiar group of four, who entered the guild and walked straight towards the counter, was blocked, it was no surprise for Savva.

After all, she worked in the guild for five long years, and saw this scenario happening many, far too many times to actually be surprised.

Without paying much mind to the commotion which was becoming increasingly rowdy she just continued her paperwork.

And just in a few moments she heard that familiar,



Sound of furniture breaking.

Casting a glance towards the source of the sound, she quickly calculated the damages.

'Four chairs, a table, and the old clock that fell down from the wall due to the impact. That's good I finally won't have to hear that annoying cuckoo.'

That was her train of thought, before she noticed something.

'Isn't the Joe?'

Instead of the rookie she expected there to be, she saw Joe the local bully of the guild, lying within the broken furniture.



Bringing her back to her senses was a knocking sound of someone tapping her counter.

Snapping her head to the side, she saw, a handsome young man smiling at her.

'Yeah definitely handsome.'

"Nice to meet you... Savva. I'm Ray and I would like to register my mercenary group."

"How do you know my name?"

She unconsciously spouted.

"Oh that, it's written that tag you wear on your bosom, quite a nice one you got there... the tag, I mean."

He said with a wink.

And for a moment she was speechless, considering whether to be happy for the appreciation or to punch the handsome guy on the face for the blatant sexual harassment.

Fortunately, she did none, and went back in her professional mode.

'He must be skilled if he render Joe unconscious with a throw.'

She thought, as she asked

"Then this won't be the first time you are visiting the guild, I presume?"

"Yes, it isn't. Here, our mercenary cards, just create a group of the four of us."

"Then you must know all the terms and conditions?"

"Yes, we do big-sis!"

The child in the group said.

"You heard him."

The handsome guy, Ray, said. While the other two just nodded.


She said, taking the four cards, and got to work. Inserting them in the guild's magical artifact she tapped the keys and checked their information.

[Ray Niger à D- Rank, 19 yrs. old, Male]

[Signor Tone à D+ Rank, 25 yrs. old, Male]

[Camila Mercer à F+ ranked, 24 yrs. old, Female]

[Alex Dresher à E- ranked, 12 yrs. Old, Male].

Naturally, the information wasn't visible to her, the artifact was the one who cross-checked it.

She only confirmed the card's authenticity, and when it was confirmed, she added the group in the database.

"Who is the leader, and what should I name the group?"

She asked when she was almost done.

"The leader is me of course, as for the name... Trouble-seekers would sound nice, right?"

"Trouble-seekers? Are you sure? The name can't be changed again."

She said her face turning strange as she heard that name.

"I am."

He chuckled a little as he said that.

"If you are fine with it..."


She said, as with a bell like sound, the registration was complete.

"Thanks for waiting, your mercenary group, Trouble-seekers, is now established and connected to the Guild."

"Also, here, take this."

She said handing Ray, a small book.

"With you being the group leader, some functions of your card have been unlocked, this book will explain them to you."

"I see..."

"Savva, thanks for your service, I'll come around if I have any issue."

Ray said.


She said, as she watched the group leaving the Guild.

Only remembering about the charges after they left.

'Fuck! The guy totally had me in his pace!'

She said inwardly.

'Oh well, I'll just charge Joe for the whole thing.'

She thought a minute later.

She definitely was annoyed with the cuckoos.

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