Dance With the Nightingale

Chapter 57 - Stay In Rabhat.

We left quietly and moved quickly.

A few days passed since then.

And the city of Rabhat was our first actual stop.

Exiting from the Mercenary guild along with my party members, no, I should call them my mercenary group, right?

Anyways so exiting from the guild, I turned around and instructed them.

"You guys are free to do whatever you want." I said, while handing them small pieces of paper. "Just be careful, and inject your mana in them if you're in trouble."

"Also, you all have the amulet I gave you, right?"




I got three yeses with various degrees of enthusiasm.

"Umu." Nodding, I continued. "Keep them with you, and contact each other by them, use those talismans only as a last resort."

"Now, as you do your thing, do these simple tasks as well. Signor (Syrus) you, take the carriage and find a place for us to stay. It should have everything we require, but shouldn't be lavish. Especially, it should have a stable that can keep our carriage and raptors. As for else what we require, think that yourself."

"Yes, Ray (Rayne)."

"Camila, you and Alex will be together, I presume?"


"Okay, then keep an eye on city's atmosphere."

Camilla (Cana) opened her mouth to say something, but I didn't let her speak.

"You don't have to go out of your way to do that. As I said, just keep your eye open. Avoid dangerous places with Alex's instincts (Allen), and don't hesitate to use your powers to make your work easier."

Saying that, I turned to Alex (Allen) who was listening quietly, smiling a little I asked

"You will help big sis, right Alex?"

"Of course, I will help big sis!! You can count on me Big Brother Rayne!!"

I grimaced as he said that.

Seeing my expression, the little boy quickly understood his mistake as he said.

"I-I mean, big brother Ray..."

Patting his head, I consoled.

"It's okay, but make sure not to repeat this, okay?"

Inwardly adding.

'That's why I made a sound proof barrier around us.'


"That's good, now off you go, you three. Shoo, shoo."

I waved them away.

"Wait!, Wait Young Master!!"

But the previous manipulator refused to budge.

"What will you do when we're gone?"


I said pointing at my face.

"Yes you, surely you won't be idling around?"


I said, as a huge smile appeared on my face.

"You can always accompany me Camilla." My smile growing with each word, "What do you say? Wanna come?"

"I-I'd rather not, come on Alex!, we are going!!"

She said, drifting off with Allen.

(A/N: Guys, I will call them by their original names outside of conversations, I mean, outside of these "_")

With everybody gone, my smirk faded away as I walked through the streets of Rabhat.

Say, what do you think an author would do if got reincarnated in his own world?

Obviously, he would look for power-ups, right?

Power-ups, cheat items, skills, magic and so on...

I was the same, and instead aiming for just any power-up, I was aiming for a highest-tiered one.

A power that would rival hers.

A power that directly countered her darkness, while also complementing it.

It was a must have power for me.

Just there was a problem.

A huge problem.

The power I was looking for, the power I wanted, was occupied.

Occupied in a bad sense.

The power I wanted, was the Chief Deity of The Church of Light.

With Church of Light being a hidden religion.

And if I wanted to get what I want, I had to mess things up.

According to the plot, I had time, anything between six months to a year, to be exact.

In six months, the church would act, and if church acted then it would be game over.

Both for me and for the church.

As soon as it acted, it would torn down and absorbed by much bigger powers. Powers that know what that so-called deity actually was and knew how to use it.

In the plot they weren't that successful and were only able to use a bit of power.

But that single bit of power was a big enough pain in the ass, enough to actually be a high ranked villain.

So, before it acted, I had to act. Act while the stakes were still low...

Destroying a whole religion for a power-up?

Well, that was my plan.

That was for later though, right now, I had work to do.


After donning another disguise, and walking for an hour and half, I reached my destination.

If any of my group members saw me right now, even they would fail to recognize me.

Yes, it was a bit of covert operation.

My destination was an ordinary, a not-so-different-from-others bar and restaurant, Night's Reel.

Entering the restaurant, I was greeted with silence.

There were no customers nor were there many employees.

'Well, that is to be expected considering no one would drink in the middle of the day.'

"Welcome, Dear Customer."

Said the sole employee, who was busy organizing the shelf.

Quickly placing the wine bottle in his hand on the shelf, he turned around, only to find me sitting on the counter.

Smiling, he said, "Order anything you want Dear Customer, except for alcohol. We don't sell alcohol at this time."

Placing my hand on the counter, I pushed back the menu that he passed me saying.

"I don't want alcohol though; I want something unique."

"Something unique?"

He said raising he eyebrow.

"Tell me."

"An Ale, a Ginger Ale."

(A/N: I know ale is also an alcohol. But this is supposed to be a secret code, so please don't mind that.)

"What kind of Ginger Ale?"

He asked.

"The kind that has never touched the sunlight, the kind that has been locked away."

"Then you must have the key of that lock?"

Moving my other hand, I placed it precisely on the menu, before opening my closed fist.

A small, silver-cookie-like piece of metal, no bigger than a bite sized cookie, landed on the menu, as I said.

"I do."

The menu that was a magical artifact itself, lit up, as a few words appeared on its black cover.

-Identity Verified.

-High Level Clearance.

As soon as those words flashed, the employee's attitude did a total 180.

"Nice to meet you, Master. We received the news of you coming, looks like it wasn't a faux."

"Nice to meet you too, but no need for greetings or formalities, I'm in hurry."

"Okay, please come in, we'll talk inside."

"After you."

I said, following him inside.

Passing through the restaurant's kitchen, we entered another door, a secret door hidden behind a shelf, before finally entered the 'inside.'

Walking down the stairs from the hidden shelf, we arrived into some kind of basement.

There were passages on both sides, each leading to two rooms, while the room I was being led into, was right in the front.

Opening the door for me, the employee said, "Go in Master, there will be someone to receive you."

"Okay, good work."

I said, not worrying much about my identity, as I stepped past him.

And just like he said, someone was waiting for me.

Sitting on the couch, that was placed in the middle of the office like room, a middle-aged man was calmly browsing through documents.

Just like with the bartender, I had no idea about his identity, and honestly, I had no interest in knowing who he was.

'He is a dead-man anyways-'


'My thoughts leaked out.'

I chided myself inwardly.

Cutting the chase, I sat down on the couch, right in front of him, and placed a bunch of documents on the table.

"Nice to meet you, Master, I almost couldn't-"

"Please, drop the formalities." I interrupted. "We both are far too busy for that."

"The city of Lueurre, that's the information I want. More specifically, I want information the Western District in the city of Lueurre. I have already specified every detail I want in this document, but just in case I'm telling you this, focus on rumors and people's behavior. Also, try to find someone by the name of Travis, if you can that is."

Taking the documents from my hand, the middle-aged man, who was also the Manager, from the tag he wore, skimmed through them before opening his mouth.

"It can be done young master, but it will take some time."

I sighed inwardly as he said that.

'He didn't find anything.'

"I expected that, how much time?"

"4~5 days, as the city itself is a quite far from here. Master won't stay here for that long, I think?"

"You thought correctly, I am departing today itself. So, what do you suggest?"

"I suggest you inform me of the cities you will stay at, I will make the information available at those branches."

"Okay, that works." I said, waving my hand in air, as a piece of paper and pen appeared in from of me.

Using my good old psychokinesis, I wrote a series of five cities on the paper before passing it to him.

"All of them are quite big cities, thankfully, we have our bases in them as well. Any special reason for the route, Master?"

"None of your business." I stated rudely.

After that we settled a few details, before I left the building, quickly.


Taking out my disguise in a vacant ally, I contacted Syrus with my amulet.

And just like with a phone call, I had to wait a bit, before the link formed, which did form in a few moments.

'Syrus, have you found a place.'

'Hm, not yet.'



'Go to the southern district, pick an inn from ones there.'


Sometimes, it is good to have a subordinate who doesn't ask questions, I thought, as I made my way through the network of alleys, using a few artifacts to lose any tails I had before wandering off, sightseeing the city, looking for anything that caught my eyes.

Nothing did though, guess plot armor only helps the protagonists?


[Ellsworth Estate]

[Earl's Office]



"Is something wrong, Earl?"

A skinny man, wearing a red robe that had a huge 'OCTAA' written on it, said.


Only to be met with silence.

Honestly, the man was confused.

It was just a two-page list of talented orphan children?

Just two pages!!

And yet! The mighty Archmage had already flipped it over for the fifth time!

Plus! He wasn't even answering his questions!

Just what was wrong!?

Tell him already!!

His mind couldn't handle the suspense, nor could his C rank body withstand the pressure the Archmage was unconsciously emitting.

About to reach his limit, the man opened his mouth...

Only to stop in his tracks, cause at that exact moment the Archmage moved, his pressure disappearing as he did.

"Okay, I will study the list, and inform you about my decision tomorrow-hm? Were you saying something?"

"No, nothing."

The man replied with a constipated smile.

"I see, anyways, I will inform you tomorrow. Enjoy your stay in the Estate."

"Thank you, your highness."

The man said before running out of the room.

What that man didn't know was – The Archmage, or the Hidden Magus, wasn't unconsciously emitting his pressure, instead he was enjoying every bit of it. Also, he didn't know that he was really going to be constipated tonight.

Looking at the list of orphans, the Earl read the first two names.

"Valen Rosemary, talented in Alchemy."

"Tiara Ludwell, talented in Combat Magic."

'How could you be so sure Rayne? And most importantly how did you find him?'

His own son was becoming more mysterious with each passing day.

'Anyways, I have to recruit them."

'But two snatch top two talents from the Empress?'

'I have to prepare for negotiations if I want them.'

But first, "Lets meet them."


[City of Rabhat]

[3:00 AM]

In the dead of night, when the cats sleeping, so were the horses. In the dead of night, when even the patrolling knights were taking turns sleeping. In the night, when even bars were closed.

A flower bloomed in western region of the city.

A fire flower.

A building had caught fire.

The fire broke the calm winter night, making a commotion, waking those who were sleeping soundly in the warmth of their beds.

In the inn we were staying, I suddenly opened my eyes.

Getting out of the bed, I walked towards the window and opened it, turning my head towards the right, as I did.

Thanks to our inn being a three storied one, I could see it.

The flames devouring the building, along with the lives in it.

I observed the flames for a bit, before returning to the bed, as if losing interest.

I said out loud as I laid on the bed.

"Go take a look at what happened if you want, you are awake anyways."


Syrus, who was laying on the other bed said.

Getting up the next moment, he dressed appropriately and left.

With him gone, I finally took out an amulet, an amulet that projected a holographic screen in front of me.

A holographic screen with the title, [Faction Missions à Selected Missions].

There, a single mission was present under the title.

'Eliminating the spies of Rabhat.'

Clicking on the mission, I selected the completed tab, before turning the amulet off, and closed my eyes.

'Mission Completed.'

Muttering heavily in my heart.

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