That night.

Lucia's cold gets worse.


The fever is terrible and the breath is rough.

In addition, they were wondering if it hurt somewhere.

Can you tell by the symptoms very similar to the flu?

By the way, the hunters and Teresa, and Tempo, are asked to leave this room (room).

Because if the disease is infected by air or splash, it will increase the number of patients in mischief.

Of course, Catalina is the exception.

"This could be awkward"

It's a statement in front of a suffering patient.

Normally, I'd say, "Huh? Are you going to die?! 'It may be the level at which it reacts.

Well, the patient (Lucia) is on medication and sleeping, so he shouldn't have heard.

"What situation?

"Well... if it's not a normal cold... spot disease, maybe."

"Spot disease?

Diseases appearing on plant leaves, not.

"If you suffer from this disease, one or more black wounds appear somewhere in your body."

"By the way, did Lucia have it?

"No, Lucia hasn't. In roughly three or four days, I think it will come up."

Hmm, and waltz I won't put in my mouth, but I'm convinced.

Situationally, they could have guessed what kind of disease it was.

"... so, how awkward?

As hard to say I will, Catalina told.

"... when children hang, they often die"

"... yes..."

Waltz drops his gaze on Catalina's words.

"I just didn't decide it was spot disease..."

Catalina's words seemed to contain something like 'wishes'.

"So, can you cure this disease?

Waltz threw a question at Catalina with the usual look, without feeling down, worried or moaning.

"... it's hard for me, too. In my current knowledge, I can only pray..."

"You can't be cured by magic."

"Yes, temporarily it gets better, but it's only a snuff on the spot"

Illness cannot be cured by magic.

Especially in the case of what Catalina calls spot disease.

"Okay. Then I'll tell you what caused this disease. In conclusion, it's not a cold, is it?

Waltz then began to take off his pajamas to keep Lucia awake.

And while floating with gravity control, check the entire body without neighborhood.

I just checked my armpit, the base of my foot, and scalp, and discovered that a (...) ru (...) also (...) of.

"This one."

"What is it? This."

Around the base of Lucia's beast ear, there is a small red spot.

"This is the mark Dani bit."

"Dani, is it? I was in that bed..."

Did you imagine Yedani biting, Catalina's complexion gets worse?

"Well, there are so many kinds of dandelions that not all of them are, you know, dangerous, right?

"Dani in bed is okay, right?

"If Catalina's okay now, it's fine."

Catalina seems relieved by the words.

"... how is it caused by dandelions?

Ask Waltz, who was dressed in Lucia.

"First of all, do you remember the explanation that we, the animals, are all made of small cells?

Waltz used to use microscopes using gravitational lenses to go to Catalina and Lucia for lectures about microorganisms and cells.

"Yes. Something like slime, right?

"That's right. This time, it looks like the bacteria that was in the dandelion entered Lucia's body when Lucia was bitten by the dandelion. They put out a little bit of saliva to keep the blood from solidifying when they suck blood, but you had bacteria in it."

"I see, you did"

By the way, this reaction of Catalina, which also seems omnipresent in healthcare, has a reason.

She has so much understanding of a person's body that she can create a tempo.

However, he had no knowledge of the mechanisms and so-called fields of pathology that were made ill by external bacteria and viruses.

Just because you can make a human (tempo) doesn't mean you're familiar with medicine as a whole.

Forget that.

"So, a child dies from an intolerable illness, that's the principle..."

Catalina began writing down Waltz's words with a notebook of where she put it out of her hands.

"The point is your strength."

"Is it strength?

In Catalina's head, apparently, the dwarves, who looked the same as Lucia, are battling the slimes.

There's a character dancing somewhat briefly written in the notebook.

"There are several mechanisms by which bacteria attack a person's body, roughly in two. One is something that poisons and weakens your body. Another thing that eats people's bodies directly. There are other things like clogging the blood vessels, disbalancing the body... well, there are a lot of other things, but if it's my normal life, I guess these two are the most common causes of illness."

"How does that relate to your health?

"Right. For example, let's say there were bacteria that poisoned you."

Waltz is poisonous in size with his right hand (?).

"And the other is the healing power of people. I mean, the power to heal your body."

And use your left hand to express your healing power.

"This balance is important, but able-bodied adults have great healing power. By contrast, suppose the poison size is constant and not very large? At this point, if the rate of recovery is greater than the rate at which the poison destroys your body, you won't get sick."

Waltz explains to Catalina by raising or lowering his left hand.

And align your hands to the same height.

"And when this balance is the same or the healing power is lower, people get colds and diseases."

"I see. I mean, children have less healing power than adults."

"Well, I guess it will turn out that way"

You seem to understand what I'm trying to say, Waltz, but I feel a little different.

"And the healing power can vary depending on whether you have trouble sleeping, undernourished or overnourished, or have a heart, so you can't just judge the patient's health by how he looks, can you?

"It's hard..."

"The only way to make an accurate decision is to gain experience and gather knowledge."

With knowledge, not everyone can be a doctor.

"So, after I got sick..."

Waltz explains using both hands again, saying.

"For example, suppose it was less healing than this?

That said, lower your left hand.

"But if the body of an organism is well made and is attacked by the same bacteria all the time, it creates a weapon in the body for that most recent time."

"Weapon, is it?

"Yeah, antibodies are the ones. If you can do this, you will be able to effectively repel the bacteria that enter your body. And this is what happens."

and slowly lowered the right hand that hit the toxin.

"So, on balance, resilience will rise, so it will heal."



Place a prefix.

"If, even if antibodies were made, the healing power would be considerably less..."

And I stopped expressing myself with my arms.

"It's too late."

"I see."

"Back to what I was saying, if you're a child, the balance on this healing side is really small."

"So when you treat, you increase your healing power while reducing your toxins."

"That's right. By the way, reducing toxins means reducing the number of bacteria."

When Waltz says so, Catalina looks surprised.

"Uh, maybe bacteria increase in the body?

"Yeah, it's not a few or dozen levels, is it? Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, maybe more."

Incidentally, that number is in the case of influenza (...) a (...) l (...) s (...).

Then I think Catalina.

He had something in his mind about Waltz's words.

After a while, open your mouth.

"Maybe that's why the healing magic won't cure your illness?

Recovery magic can also fix injuries, promote cell to cell adhesion, and increase cells, depending on how they are used.

Especially if this only works on your own body.

However, because it is not possible to determine the extent of the effect of how far it will work, the restorative effect will be applied not only to one's cells, but also to bacteria.

As a result, your body recovers, but the bacteria also recover, or grow, so that relative terms do not change at all.

"Right. I can't use magic, so I don't know the details, but I'm guessing from the effects of healing magic so far, you can't reduce bacteria."

Then Catalina thinks again.

"Um... something... almost..."

The pain of childbirth, is it?

After worrying for a while, she raised her voice.


Picorn! and the sound effect is not strange.

"I mean, should I combine it with junctional magic?!

"Um, not to me, either..."

"No, because you can't detect bacteria in your body..."

Ignore Waltz, Catalina starts whining about bumps.

Apparently, you've started entering your own world.

If this happens, there's no gap that can get into the waltz.

Waltz watched his apprentice (Catalina) think happily about it.

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