Initially, Waltz planned to teach Catalina about antimicrobial drugs.

Antimicrobials, such as penicillin, would be famous.

But Catalina's actions were above Waltz's imagination.

First, prepare a fine mesh (made of waltz) made of heated sterile metal.


"Lucia, it hurts a little, but please bear with me"

and then stab a needle (made of waltz) in the arm to draw blood.

Especially since Lucia is asleep, she won't hear the words.

... Before that, if you look at not showing any bare gestures of waking up, Catalina's injection skills may be considerable.

Actually, don't you have to apologize?

Now, then, using a gold net with junction magic as a filter, we filter the blood.

Finally, if you return the blood you took back to Lucia's body, it's over.

In other words, it is the same principle as artificial dialysis.

However, adjusting the properties of junctional magic allows the free choice of subjects to be filtered, so it is also possible to remove only bacteria and toxins, as in this case.

It's similar to artificial dialysis, but the filters are so high that they're not comparable to those in the modern world that what you're doing can be said to be separate.

"I know it takes a lot of time to filter the entire body's blood, but wouldn't this mean you'd lose any more strength by bacteria and toxins?

Combining this method with restorative magic will buy you time until you can have antibodies.

In other words, it can reduce bacteria while allowing them to recover from losing strength.

"I see."

Waltz was purely impressed.

The antibacterial drugs Waltz was trying to teach us, nothing, only attacks bacteria that are harmful to the body.

For example, in the case of oral drinking, side effects such as causing abdominal pain, diarrhoea and other symptoms are likely to occur because intestinal bacteria are killed regardless of whether they are good or bad.

Many other side effects occur in some people, such as reduced immune system and impaired liver function, so it is not recommended to use antimicrobial drugs or to use them regularly.

But Catalina's method, although it may cause infection when stabbing a needle, basically just filters your own blood and returns it again, so I can't think of any such side effects.

Even if it causes an infection, filtering the blood in the same way, healing magic will not be a major problem.

In other words, it was a particularly excellent procedure with regard to infections in which bacteria entered the blood by biting by dandelions and the like, as in this case.

Speaking of shortcomings, would it take time to filter the blood in the body and during that time the surgeon would have to keep magic on the filter?

"Still, there's room for improvement, but it's a great way."

"Right. A little more, if you find out about the disease, I think you'll find a more effective way..."

Catalina seems to be wondering if there is a better way to continue treating Lucia.

"How to use the junction, or..."

Waltz also thought about the new possibilities of the junction.

Well, while I was treating Lucia, hunters, temps and Teresa were discussing it in the living room with their magical faces.

"Lucia... will you be all right..."

"Hunter, this isn't the tenth time, is it?

"Are you all right?"

"I'm sorry. It's got waltz and catalina on it, so I don't think it's going to be very..."

Apparently, the hunter thinly feels Lucia hanging from 'Spotted Disease'.

If it is not winter and you develop a symptom like an epidemic disease (influenza), is it natural that the probability is about speckle disease?

"It's okay. Your sister and Catalina are skilled and capable enough to make me."

"Oh. Right."

It is repeated 10 times that...

"But I don't see your Lord as a homunculus at all... if you try this, you're not a completely normal woman..."

Repeating the same thing over and over again, I wondered, and Teresa shook another topic.

I can only keep worrying about what I know is okay.

"Right... hard to prove..."

That's what I said, tempo with my hands open.

"Is that all I can do?"

Then suddenly four pieces of metallic material appeared about 20 cm above the tempo hand.

It is the palm of the (...) manoeuvre armor of wa (...) l (...) z (...).

Thumb, middle finger, pinky finger?, and a huge hand of three fingers composed of palms, floating with gravitational control, so that each finger is not in physical contact with the palm.

"Being able to manipulate your sister's hands freely... is not evidence of homunculus..."

If you don't have the same brains as Waltz, there's no way you can hack a motorized armor or anything like that.

But in order to explain it, we have to convey the mechanisms of manoeuvre armor itself, the concept of hacking, etc., and in the end, it will not come true for us to understand.

Tempo finds it surprisingly difficult to prove himself a homunculus.

"No, I'm not doubting anything, am I?

"It seems to me that just because I can handle that hand, it's proof enough."


Teresa agrees with the hunter.

"I hope so... Well, it's not really something to talk about, so on the contrary, maybe it's better for us if we don't have a way to prove it."

It would be one of those things that wouldn't be a busy thing if someone other than my buddies found out.

"Speaking of which, that's a lot of secrets. We."

The hunter seems to remember what he's been through.

"Hmm? Still keeping some secrets?

"Well... was there anything troubling about teaching Teresa?

Before I say anything bad, the hunter asks Teresa.

"No, Teresa is one of the members your sister recognized. You won't have any particular problems being asked."

"Well... then..."

And, after meeting Waltz, the hunter began to talk about what had happened.

Suddenly one day, he taught Tempo about two months of memories as far as the hunter could think of, including what he had done to Alk's village, fighting the brave, being saved his life, hunting with him and having fun... etc.

"It's like I can't really make a delicious meal."

At the end of the day it ends with mesimoz.

"... Lord..."

Teresa noticed.

"From earlier on, I've only been talking about Lord Waltz..."

I'm talking about the secret of the party, but for some reason, all I came up with was waltz talk.

"Hmm? Speaking of which, right..."

Well, if the hunter thinks we should even talk about Lucia or Catalina,

"... no way, what a rival!?

Theresa's gaze suddenly sharpens.

but it doesn't seem to have gotten cold.

Rather, I feel something hot.

What that gaze means... wouldn't an understandable hunter still be a musina in the same hole?

"... no, it's not"

But deny it head-on.

"Waltz is my first friend. It's important, but I'm not getting married."

"I can't do it because I have the same last name in the first place," I don't say.

"Well... too bad. I thought I could be a good competitor..."

"Ha. I'm sorry."

Normally, the hunter apologized because he said, "What's a rival?"

What do you mean, "stuck"?

Or, 'Not in your eyes, like you!' The manifestation of will...

Tempo watched such an exchange between the two quietly.

Rather than... I couldn't follow you, so in the end, I moved my gaze out the window, which was already dark.

"(... Outside the window, there must be your sister's manoeuvre armor (body)...)"

And so on.

The point is, all the conversations here are listened to by Waltz.

"(I can't tell anyone, I guess that's the real secret of this party)"

But the two people who didn't realize it were having a slightly warped Girls Talk.

Then shortly after, Waltz and Catalina came out of the guest room where Lucia was sleeping.

"Things have calmed down, but you should stay calm for a while"

Catalina told me about Lucia's condition.

"Are you all right?

It is the 11th Hunter's word.

"Yeah, boulder Catalina. You can rest assured now."

Catalina said earlier dialysis magic (?) to establish further advanced therapies.

"It's a boulder. Can we go see what's going on now?

"Yep. We don't have air infections or splash infections, okay?

"Kuki? Himachi?"

"... the point is, it's not contagious."

It didn't seem to tell Teresa.

At the same time, the hunter looks like he doesn't understand.

"But since you're asleep, make sure you peek"

Then, two +1 people (tempo) ask how Lucia is doing from the gap in the door.

I didn't put it in my mouth, but I guess I was worried about tempo too.

At the end of the three gaze, Lucia was breathing regularly, and there was no way she was being done.

"We haven't completely healed yet, so we need to see how things are going for a while now, but there shouldn't be any more problems."

All three seem relieved by the words and how Lucia is doing.

"... will the collection of the children be some time away?

Women who had been captured as witches.

Among them are the children of those who said that they would soon leave this village to pick them up.

I would have picked him up by Lucia's metamagic and waltz flight, but if Lucia did, I wouldn't be able to pick him up right away.

"Well... if Lucia's going, I'd just like to see how it goes for a week..."

Consider the encounter with the angel, if you want to be full, you should be able to bring enough time for recovery.

"That's why I'm coming"

"Are you sure?

Can I find out that I can fly?

"You don't have a choice, do you?

Life and personal confidential information.

It's not even enough to put on the scale.

That's why Waltz was supposed to pick up the children by himself.

... By the way, all that day, Waltz didn't gaze at the hunter and Teresa.

Needless to say why.

That said, neither the hunter nor Teresa cared...

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