Waltz and Catalina, as well as the hunter, came to the Biomagic Research Facility (Catalina Room) after the Anti-Sacubus Conference.

The entrance to the room is an automatic, password-entered door by touch panel.

Looks like a hatch-like shape of a spaceship.

Well, the three of us came here for a reason.

Waltz and Catalina.

Let's just say these two are good.

Why did you bring the hunter?

... Well, in brief, it's an experimental bench.

If Sacubas is hostile to the Waltz, he should launch some kind of attack on the charming opponent.

bait to confirm it, so.

Of course, I haven't informed the hunter.

(... well, no matter what happens, you just have to process the sacubus, so you're okay. Sorry! Hunter.)

... is half a joke.

The real reason was in the sacubus outfit.

Because Waltz's surgery had torn him apart from his clothes, Sacubas is now unwrapped.

Moreover, various things were drooling over having been attached to a torture table (workbench).

In other words, the minor's eyes were poisoned, so Lucia and Teresa could not be brought.

Tempo is attached as a watchman to keep the two of them from sneaking in to see how things are going.

That's why only the hunters came.

Well, it seemed irritating to hunters who are adults too...

"... Could it be that you tortured him?

To the tragedy of Sacubus, the hunter accidentally spoke.

"No, I haven't"

(No, I won't ever do that)

But I don't talk about it.

"Well, there's something I'd like to ask you...?

Waltz grinned and brought his face closer to the place where Sacubus's face was about 10 cm.

On top of that, let your eyes glow bright red.


Torture once (?) Though it opened up from, I wondered if time for fear would begin again, a trembling sacubus.

Waltz asked her that.

"What will you eat, my lady?

For a moment, Sacubus couldn't understand what Waltz said.

But I started crying because I thought it might be torture using a meal.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please don't..."

(Uh... what do we do?

I didn't mean to do that to Waltz, but I think I've mentally cornered him.

But I never put my inner heart on my face.

"If you don't answer me, I can't cook your meal?

"I'll eat! I'll eat anything!... Yeah, yeah."

I cried completely.

"They're gonna eat anything, aren't they?

"... I just want to ask you about the meal, but I feel like it was a lot of interrogation..."

"Um, I don't mean to be abusive, but... hey, yeah, you're not here to ask me about the meal."

That's it for the record.

"Well, Mr. Sacubas. What's your name?

"... Guru... Yulia... Guru..."

"Then Julia. Do you want to get out of here alive?

"... yes... gusu..."

I was Yulia ready to commit suicide once, but I couldn't seem to stand Waltz's interrogation (torture).

Looking briefly at where I gave in, maybe I haven't been trained as a soldier or anything.

"Then do anything?

"... yes..."

After a little thought, Julia agreed with Waltz's words.

Instead, for her already broken heart, the only option was to agree to it as soon as possible.

Will you be forced to commit treason against the Demon King, or will you be sold as a slave?

Or will you be used as a dreamer (Sacubus)...

But the words that came out of the waltz,

"Then you'll be a choreographer today."


"... Huh?

"We're gonna have a proper meal, too, right? You said anything would be fine, so I'm sure it would be the same meal as us, but you wouldn't mind, would you? Instead, it's a pain in the ass to prepare another dish just for one person, so that's the decision."

"Ha, yes..."

Julia returns a reply, though flattered by an unexpected development.

"So nice to meet you"

"Uh... Gu Gu... I don't know what..."

"Do I need to know?

Waltz's eyes shoot through Julia.

"Yes, no..."

"Well, nice to meet you."

"... yes"

"... and then I have to tell you something. You're a dreamer, aren't you?

"... yes"

Then Waltz muttered in the ears of the sacubus so that Catalina and the hunter who were behind him could not hear him.

"(I never sleep, but don't tell anyone, okay?

And I smile normally.



I was scared for some reason.

"Absolutely, I won't bother you all! So stop torturing me any more..."

Julia pleading desperately.

I mean, is it a schematic of waltz laughter = torture?

Apparently, Waltz's grin has become traumatic for Julia.

"... well fine. So, you're going to take the restraints off, and you're going to start with your own coarse phase?

Thus, Waltz released Yulia's restraint and gravity control.

Then, prepare buckets, rags and water with gravity control to pass to Julia.

At first it was Julia, flashing when she saw a bucket of flying water and a rag, but she immediately returned to me and began to wipe the workbenches and floors she had defiled.

We will continue to talk about the future as we see how it goes.

"Well, let's get dressed next."

"Now, please use my stuff"

Height and physique are as good as Catalina's, so there won't be any problems.

"So is Teresa, but you all have no clothes... I figured I'd better hurry up and go out and buy out..."

Yulia responded with a pimple to that word and was about to say something, but ended up back cleaning without saying anything.

"If it's about four days each way, I don't think there's a problem. I don't usually wear them on the move..."

said Catalina.

In the first place, Waltz had never seen Catalina wear her regular clothes in the past month.

I still wear white clothes.

Is it Kitchen II disease?

"Well, if you lose your clothes, you'll be fine because I have mine, too"

The hunter gives an answer (...) Uh (...) Difficult (...) Suggestion.


Waltz returned an ambiguous answer.

For what reason?

The hunters, Catalina and Sacubas are roughly the same height.

... but in order for Sacubas to wear her clothes, we have to do something about it.

The reason is guesswork.

Such, (unilaterally) barren conversations,


Looks like Julia's finished cleaning.

Seeing where the whimper was missing, he apparently calmed his mind while cleaning.

"Yeah, I get it. Well, dinner then."

"... yes..."

Dark expressions Julia.

Apparently, he thinks that the meal, the torture of the name, is waiting.

"Well, come with me when you take a shower and get dressed"

So Waltz leads Julia to a certain room that leads from Catalina's room.



Julia solidifies when she sees the sight of the room.

It is natural to take a shower because it was painted on various things.

No way, living in a dangerous smelly state is standard.

So what the hell was Julia surprised by?

... is the presence of a bathtub.

It is also a great bath.

Wouldn't 10 people be allowed in at once?

Plus, one side of the wall gleams spookily, with no light sources at all, such as lanterns and candles.

... itself, Catalina's room is the same, but for the first time since she came to this room, Julia noticed.

"... what room is this?

"Bathroom, but... you don't know?

"A bath... what's going on in this workshop?

The hunter seems surprised, too.

Yes, there are no exceptions in this other world, and the bath is a hobby (venue?).

It was not strange to have it in a noble house or anything, but it was not like a common man would have it.

By the way, this bath is not for everyone to use.

Is there a hint that it is directly connected to a biomagic research facility (Catalina's room)?

The point is the place for cleaning specimens and laboratory instruments.

Well, sometimes Catalina uses it normally.

"There's no hot water in the bath, so be patient in the shower. Because if you twist the faucet there, the hot water will come out."

Hot water is supplied from an electric water heater.

"Uh... what is a faucet?

(... you're not supposed to know)

In the first place, water supply is not common in this world.

So Waltz and the others (mainly Catalina) taught Julia how to use the shower, cleaned her body, and then let her change into Catalina's clothes.

And the four, including Waltz and Julia, go up to the first floor of the workshop through the whole underground workshop in the matter.

When I left the Biomagic Research Facility (Catalina's room), Julia, like the bathroom, saw a bright white space, but I couldn't help but say that I saw something horrible, but I couldn't get out without going through here.

... so it's lunch.

Since the ingredients for three meals a day are covered by hunting done first thing in the morning each day, there is no need to go out hunting or collecting for lunch or dinner.

So Yulia, who was being interrogated, was suddenly driven out hunting and never entrusted with draining the blood of his prey or carrying luggage such as picked mountain vegetables.

I don't treat anything that bad.

Well, today's lunch is supposed to be served not in the house, but at a bright white round table prepared for the garden.

However, the moody heat wrapped around the outside, so the atmosphere is not as easy as it is to take lunch or anything.

Therefore, Lucia's ice magic air conditioning was used to adjust the (...) ring (...) environment (...) of the circumference (...), including the entire village, so that the meal could be enjoyed comfortably.

Lucia's enormous amount of magic prevented her from changing temperatures only in the garden of the workshop.

Is it my fault that the more I train, the further away I will be from the little magic that Lucia aspired to?

Aside from that.

The menu includes tea-like drinks, jams of bread and wild strawberries made from yeast Waltz taught hunters, salads decorated with colorful petals and boiled eggs, whole roasted chicken demons for those who want meat, chilled soup with cherries and raisins (dessert)... and more? That was the level.

Completely a hunter's hobby.

I don't usually cook like this, 'Sometimes, why don't you eat outside?' He was aroused by Waltz's suggestion.

"Well, there was no ingredient, so only to this extent... well, taste it."

Apparently, I'm confident in the flavor as well.

(I'd like to see what the hunter really means...)

If I had all the ingredients, what the hell would I be able to cook?

Such, extravaganza (?) Before the dish, the fellows get lunch with a colloquial audience.

... but there was something wrong with Julia.

Stay silent and don't try to get your hands on it.

"Uh, was there anything in there that you didn't like?

A hunter asks Julia.

"... can I eat it?

"Oh, sure."

But I don't eat.

And suddenly, Julia starts crying.

"Are you sure you don't mind if I eat... gu...?

"No, so I thought I could eat..."

Before Julia, who cried, the hunter didn't know how to handle it either.

After watching for a while, Julia finally gets her hands on the dish.

Bread at first.

"Ha mu... gu...!

I put the bread in my mouth crying... and it hardened.

"... didn't it fit your mouth?

A hunter asks Julia.



Like I said all the time, Julia starts to weep and snot.

"Higu... so... gu... delicious... higu..."

Share your thoughts with your cheeks of soaked bread.

... The person says it's delicious, so I guess it's delicious.

"Well, that's more than anything."

Thus, Julia began to eat lunch... but why did she cry?

"I thought you were gonna be mean?

Waltz asks.

"... oh, I'm sorry!

Would I have abused you too much in interrogation?

Julia seems scared of the waltzes.

"I was wondering if maybe they put in a hercherry or something... gu"

About three people had dead eyes on the words, but Julia didn't seem to notice.

"You can't do such a dangerous thing. It's torture."

The hunter who cooked answered.

Two people look at Waltz with dead eyes.

Then Waltz gradually fades away.

At such times, holograms are convenient.

"Well, eat a lot. For once, it's also a celebration of more new members."

Miscellaneous (captive).

"... thank you very much..."

... Thus there was a place for introductions between Julia and the waltzes, who normally started eating meals.

At that time, I actually found out that Julia and Catalina were hometown, and I blossom into the story, but of course I don't know what I'm talking about to the waltzes, so I left them to eat.

However, what I found out was that the Demon King, who gossiped about Julia to Waltz, was the castle owner of the Demon King's Castle in the destination of his journey.

Apparently, the possibility has emerged that they will take away the work of the brave (civil servants).

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