Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

4 Medium-10 Training on the Road

Then two days went by.

Ever since morning Lucia has been as high tension as the elementary school students before the excursion.

In fact, from today on we will travel towards South Fortress.

Besides, the attending doctor (Catalina) taunted me that the illness had completely healed, so the tension would increase.

... but at the next moment, I'm suddenly going to be as big as someone else.

"I always need to apprentice my calm sister...!

(Something, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry)

Waltz repented in his heart.

"It's okay, Lucia. You can live more freely."

"Yeah, okay, sister."

(You have no idea...)

Waltz's worries elsewhere, Lucia's "waltzing" proceeded well.

Well, the line left the village after breakfast.

If you are a normal villager, you must leave the village of Alc in the dark and pass a certain forest within that day.

Otherwise, because you risk being attacked by bandits or demons in the woods.

Especially not for Waltz and the others.

By the way, Julia accompanies Waltz and the others as chores.

... Nevertheless, I haven't had a chore job at all so far as the temp with the item box is in charge.

When the line walked away for a while, I arrived at a certain place.

The woods that there are bandits... is where it was.

On one side, in the burning fields, there is no shadow of the forest left.

More than half of the forest was once burned down after a (one-sided) fierce battle with the braves, so from the village side of Alk, you won't see anything like a forest unless you walk further.

"It's a landscape killing place."

I mouthed what Julia thought of a hill where no grass was growing.

"... you know how this happened?

I heard Waltz grinning niggardly.



At the earliest, Julia trembles like a conditional reflex.

"Hey Waltz. Don't abuse Julia too much, okay?

He complained to Waltz as the hunter forgave Julia.

"Because she was cute..."

"Hmm. You mean this is cute..."

"No, you're not gonna tell me you're cute if you do it on purpose, are you?

"Well... I'm sorry."

"... and yet, that's a really killer landscape... waltz did this, didn't he?"


Theresa and Julia's voices overlapped.

Tempo started passing through here too, but he hasn't reacted in a natural way.

"Hey, weren't you kidding?!

"My concubine thought it was a joke."

"If your sister's serious, I think it's gonna be a lot harder, okay?

"I'm not doing this anymore."

The last time we fought the braves, we used charged particle cannons with the meaning of sanctions.

Nevertheless, Waltz now reflects that it was a reckless act.

"I mean, even Lucia, if you're serious about using magic, you can't do this, can you?

"Uh, yeah. Maybe."


The hunter, Teresa and Julia's voices overlapped.

Well, no one has ever seen Lucia, including herself...

"Speaking of which, you've never used all your magic yet, have you?


"So next time, let's go hunting even the sea demons, shall we? Because I don't think the ocean would bother anyone if they were free to use magic."

"The sea? That little puddle of water?

"Oh, maybe you've never been to the ocean?

"As much as I saw when I was flying"

Apparently, Lucia has never been to the sea.

"In the sea?

"Is something wrong?

"No, actually, I've never even been to a concubine..."

Wang Du is in the middle of the land.

It's not strange if you've never been there if you live in the royal palace, as you can be far from the sea.

"At this point, do we all go to sea? It's not that far away."

It's like 40 km southeast of South Fortress.

In other words, it is about a day's walk away.

"I don't have a rush to run, so why don't you?"

Half the time, Tempo agrees with the manager of the party.

"The opposition is... indefinite. Do you want to go then?"

Thus, it was decided to go to the sea after a stop at South Fortress.

By the way, is.

"Sea... sea no..."

and about 3 people were blue-faced and crushed while touching their bodies... well, people have a lot going on.

Apparently, it has nothing to do with Waltz.

It was evening by the time I had advanced my legs for a while and plugged them into the area where the forest trees still remained.

It's hard to prepare the camp after dark, so I decide to reveal the night here.

"Well, I'll set the rules. Yikes?

Waltz raised his voice before starting to prepare for the camp.

What rules?

The waltzes will see their own answers if they think about what they're traveling for.

Besides, this is a forest of rumors that bandits come out good.

In other words, rules for training, bondage in combat.

"I'm not taking part in the fight. Also, the use of bangles is prohibited in principle. However, Teresa has illusion practice, so put a bangle on it and join the fight. Oh, of course, if you're about to be attacked like your life is in danger, I'll cover you, so don't worry, you can fight. But I won't take care of you until you get hurt, so be careful. And you're gonna get away with it, so don't make loud noises and fight it, okay?

and communicate the rules as if fishing.

"What are we going to do with the members' sorting?


and Waltz divided it considering the characteristics of its members.

"Lucia, there's only one hunter, two Catalina and Tempo, and two Teresa and Julia to fight"

"What, me too?

"You don't have a veto, do you? Dead or Alive?"


"Well, then, thank you."

"Ha, ha no..."

... so these four groups were to take turns watching.

I just don't keep an eye out all night, it ends when it's over half the night.

If you don't get enough sleep during your journey, it directly leads to fatigue, so let everyone get enough sleep.

From there until morning, as usual, Waltz's firearms control system erupts into flames.

"So shall we start preparing for the camp first? Tempo? Use Julia for him."

I understand, sister. "


Thus, worn out (?) Until then, Julia was tortured.

... night.

On the horizon a big moon was sinking to the ground.

After the demons that were nearby were hunted down by Lucia and the hunters.

Without demons or bandits attacking, Catalina's tempo came to an end, and it was Teresa's and Julia's turn.

There are only two of us here.

Although the other members are not asleep, they are having late meals and bickering on the side of the incineration a little further away.

Why only two people are left in the dark, it's not like they're splitting the village apart.

I needed to get used to the dark in order to fight at night.

"Lord Julia. Truth be told, this is the first time we've fought..."


It was an unexpected word for Julia, who thought it was a party full of combat fanatics.

Yes, it's Teresa's first line.

Plus, he's a complete amateur who's never trained or anything.

"So I don't know how to fight, but what am I supposed to do?

When it comes to protecting oneself, it's just the bangle Waltz gave it to me.

Besides, the only magic Theresa can use is transformative magic that shouldn't be useful in battle.

How the hell am I supposed to fight?

By the way, Waltz said,

"Even Catalina can't use attack magic, but she's fighting normally, right?

It was.

Incidentally, in the case of Catalina, healing magic itself is used as a means of attack.

She used restorative magic in cell cultures, for example, in previous experiments.

In other words, when you use restorative magic on healthy body animals and plants, it can grow semi-infinitely, like cancer cells.

In particular, it seems that the limiter is usually hung so that it does not happen, but Catalina uses it by disabling it.

I wonder what I would do if the medicine passed.

Aside from that.

In the first place, Teresa can't use the restorative magic of animal experimentation clubs like Catalina.

I mean, you can somehow use Teresa's transformative magic to fight, but I didn't even think Waltz could do such an artistic work for her, the princess.

But Julia, who I attached as a partner, should have had enough strength to serve in the castle as a bent servant of the Demon King...

Waltz cannot master transformative magic, but he will have something to learn from Julia, who is usually a sacubus that uses transformative magic.

"Eh, I'd do a crisp job of attracting enemies and unconscious back and forth."


Then Teresa confirms her body.

"... I can't."

I seem to have honestly given up my charm for whatever reason.

It doesn't seem to be the presence or absence of demonic eyes.

"Only transformative magic can be used in concubines."

"Then why don't we transform and fight?"

"Transform and fight?

Until now, for Teresa, who has only ever been transformed, Yulia's word to transform and fight was a shelf to a peony.

"For example... look at it"

Then a black smoke engulfed Julia's body and shortly afterwards the first giant, the so-called Cyclops, with a golden rod like a nail bat appeared (Theresa perspective).



The Cyclops golden bars plunge into the ground with the sound of

"Oh... even illusions are offensive, aren't they?

"Yes, it is."

Julia affirmed, returning to her original appearance.

But with all this loud noise, fight quietly, and see what Waltz doesn't point out, I guess it's still an illusion.

In other words, it affects what you see illusion.

"Then the concubine too...!

and Theresa, equipped with a bangle, uses transformative magic.

Seems like he's going to turn into a cyclops in the same way for now.


"What do you say? You look good in there, don't you?

"Uh... that's fine..."


"Where am I?

... Two stood in the wilderness with red rocks and sand as far as I could see.

No, I have company nearby.

"Ugh?! Where are we?"

"... you don't use metastatic magic, do you?

"I could only feel the magic activation coming from Mr. Teresa..."

Hunters, Lucia and Catalina utter their words to the Trinity.

"... could something weird be happening?

They don't know waltz or tempo.

"Yeah, I think I'm in some wasteland"

"... not the magic of a concubine."

From a short distance, Cyclops and Julia came and said that.

"Huh! Enemy?!

"I only know one person who says' concubine 'about me?

"... so is that."

He was a hunter armed with a weapon for the advent of the cyclops, but figured out the status quo and regained his posture.

"... could it have been dangerous?

I wonder if the hunter would have hunted me in a little while, which means.

"Well, I'm watching, so I think it's okay"

Even if my buddies get confused and weird, there's no problem if an illusionless waltz puts them in a stop.

"Why don't you try and control that magic while you train?

"Control," he said.

"I don't get it, but can't the view we're all seeing right now actually be changed at Teresa's will?

Like a clear dream, is.

"I see. So this is..."

With that said, Teresa seemed to meditate on her eyes and remember something.

Then the view that everyone sees changes.

"What is this... a workshop?

For some reason, the underground workshop seems to have been reproduced.

"Hmm. Weirdly impressive."


Lucia is convinced by Theresa's words.

Meanwhile, did Julia recall interrogation (torture) or was rattling trembling?

"I don't know what's going on with us."

"Right. But wouldn't it be convenient if you thought you weren't affected by illusion?"

"Well... let's just say that."

Waltz and Tempo felt somewhere alienated in a world (reality) where only two people were left behind.

In the meantime, Teresa adjusts her magic to change the world of illusion with all sorts of things.


"Oh... could it be..."

Reproduce a certain place with a grin on your face.

"Uh, is this... a church?

Apparently, he reproduced a church in King's Capital where he fought angels.

"Wow, Teresa's dress is amazing..."

Lucia was admiring Teresa when she saw her.

By the way, I don't know why, but changing the outfit magically also looks like waltzes.

So Waltz also understood what Teresa was going to do.

"So long... here's the deal!

And he jumps on Waltz's arm.

... but

"I can't."


I tried to jump on the waltz... and just slipped through the waltz and dived off my face to the ground.

Why did Waltz avoid it?

Because Teresa was wearing a white wedding dress.

"And don't be shy..."

Where Waltz doesn't realize, it looks like Teresa planned a wedding impersonation.

Teresa, who remains on the ground, looks up at Waltz with tears in her eyes.

Bride shaken on the day of the wedding, something like that.

Waltz's heart was broken by Teresa's appearance, but even Waltz has something he can't give way to, no matter what.

"That's sweet."

"Geez... I'm not giving up."

"Well, good luck with that."


And tell them in a transparent state.

"Look, you haven't finished your watch job, have you? Just keep going."

To that voice, Teresa returned honestly with a bitter face.

"Watch now..."

with the word.

Julia, on the other hand,

"Oh, haunt..."

He followed Teresa, rattling and trembling.

Himself, he says, is a dreamer, but he's afraid of haunts.

Especially since Waltz isn't haunted, it's a bucket thing to say one way or the other...

Thus, the first day of the journey to South Fortress ended.

In the end, not a single one came until Lucia and the hunters had hunted down the demons or the waltzes had withdrawn their camp the next day.

None of them are about bandits.

Well, no one will ever want to stay in a place like the one where the forest disappeared in an instant.

... and the waltzes continued their journey like this.

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