Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

5 Medium-03 bump production?

Another 3 days later at noon.

Two news came in for the waltzes eating in the great cavity.

The first is the story of the Canopes shooting down a airship for the transport of the barracks.

I didn't know the details because the information was still complicated, but he flew in the sky for a dogfight, or used the dragon to fight...

Furthermore, there seems to be some unexplained information such as wild rays flying in from somewhere and shooting down the dragons on the canopy from each of the airships.

(What is it? The story is that the beam flew out of nowhere. If such a noisy world flies, it shouldn't be doomed a long time ago... Who the hell is randomly shooting such dangerous objects...)

With that in mind, Waltz turned his attention to Lucia, who looked deliciously cheeky with semi-frozen Inari sushi next door.

Looking up at Waltz, who has suddenly turned his gaze, Lucia tilting her neck.

"... chew well and eat slowly"


Waltz smiled gently at Lucia.

Well, there's another piece of news.

... that 800,000 soldiers will arrive in South Fortress in one day.

"I knew they were human..."

I wish it was a demon, Waltz.

"I... I'm starting to get scared of something..."

Smelly little swordsman.

"We don't have to fight this time, so I don't think there's much to worry about, right?

The wise are calm.

"Actually, I'm getting scared too..."

Tempo doesn't look scary because he's faceless.

"After all, your sister is going to kill all 800,000..."

"Excuse me! We're going to keep the power down."

the output of defense systems around South Fortress, literally fortified.

"Looking forward to it, huh? Sister!"

With that said, Lucia reaches for the eighth semi-frozen Inari sushi, waving her tail.

"Right. But I'm a little anxious to say that you really don't know if it works properly unless you try. I'm gonna test it."

For once, the trap was working fine on Waltz's simulation, but still unsure she might still be a dwarf too.

The big guy would be about Lucia, cheeky with Inari sushi as usual, even in the tingly air.

"Huh... I destroyed the means of transport at the barracks, so I was wondering if you could return to your country..."

"I've come this far, so you think it's quicker to occupy South Fortress than to return to your own country"

and Sage.

"That's right. Normally, with 800,000, you'd think South Fortress would fall in an instant.... but I won't let you."

That's what I said, waltz with a nigga and a grin.

... the hell, are you confident or not...

It was when such waltz tried to get his hands on his share of the meal (skewered monster bird bought at the stall).

"Wah, Master Waltz! It's an enemy! I see an enemy!


Julia flew in with ferocity reports.

"No, don't you still have a day? Exams and tears?!

"But, you know, a lot of people are pushing up the cigarettes, right?

Was there a mistake in the transmission somewhere, or did the opponent increase the speed...

"Uh... yeah, we're bumping into the real deal"

There was no choice but to say four or five, so Waltz decided to decide on the operation.

(If this doesn't work, I'll have to do something.)

Waltz skipped the instructions to his buddies, even as he looked like he had chewed up a bitter bug for undeniably feeling unprepared.

"Catalina? Hold the control of the junction to the inside of this cavity to expose the surface to the outside of the junction. When that's over, can you go to Teresa's?


"Tempo is in order, please start the furnace"


"Lucia... in case, at the hunter's in town, will you defend the town? But you can't kill the soldiers, can you?

"Yeah! Thunder magic okay?

"Yeah, when you get closer,"


"Will the swordsman go with Lucia to the hunter?

"Oh, leave it to me!

"Also, Sage is good for Catalina's assistant."

"... I don't feel like I have anything to do in particular..."

"You're a man, so protect one of the ladies or about 10,000 and show them!

"Huh?... oh, okay"

In the first place, though the operation would be a complete failure if soldiers came in to the Count's mansion where the two would be headed.

"And who hasn't been called by name? You're not here."

Julia already has a role to play as she works as a messenger at Teresa and the Count in the Count's Count's Residence.

The hunter, this time, is in command on the ground as the head of the Knights defending the town.

The water dragon is babysitting (?).

So all the waltz parties had some role to play.

And manipulating a set trap is

"Sister, the furnace has been successfully started. In about an hour, I think the boiling will begin."


The furnace she said is a nuclear fusion furnace.

It's even bigger than what's on board an air battleship designed for the braves, and it's 10 times bigger in output.

What the hell do you use this for...

For now, the first gate is broken.

One of Waltz's concerns was whether this fusion reactor would work.

Over and over again, the simulation confirmed that it would definitely work, but since it was the first time that the nuclear fusion reactor had actually been built and put into operation in the modern world, and through different worlds, I was not sure.

"What compressor for heat exchange?

"It's running smoothly"

Using the power created in the nuclear fusion reactor, the compressor... the point is, it ran the air conditioning outdoor unit.

Nevertheless, it wasn't the size of an air conditioner or anything, it was a huge one the size of a building...

The difference with the air conditioning outdoor aircraft was in its heat escape path.

Waltz and the others mowed holes deeper underground than they were currently underground, allowing water to circulate there, thus creating a mechanism to escape heat into the ground.

It is a liquid circulating underground heat exchanger.

Normally, when the air conditioner is put into cooling mode and running, hot air comes out of the outdoor unit, but this method does not increase the ambient temperature (because it escapes heat to the ground with a large heat capacity).

And vice versa.

"What about needle exposure?

"Send compressed air to test"


... I heard that sound from those on the surface.

"Yeah, looks fine. And then... make sure there's no leakage on the electrode for discharge."

"I'll energize."


There was such a noise that a spark splashed in abundance from the contact of the huge switch that was holding the tempo.

"62% load of turbines for electricity generation... acceptable"

And tempo to switch it off.

"Yeah, the equipment you installed was a success."

Apparently, the equipment in the basement is working fine.

"All you have to do is wait."


But Waltz's expression is dark.

"How many of them could be dead?"

Even though we created a trap to keep the dead from coming out as far as possible, it was not meant to be a safe creation because it was meant to stop the soldiers who came to fight.

"But if you care about that, you won't be able to protect what you can, will you?

"To save 100,000 people, to sacrifice 800,000 people... I wonder if you're going to defend it... but it won't even start if I say this"

And Waltz punched himself in the face with bread with both hands to get in the mood.

"Well, why don't we go somewhere nice, too?"

The waltzes then left the basement and followed everyone up to the surface.

Waltz and Tempo came to the aisle on the main entrance, where they had previously seen their comrades fight when 10,000 demons pushed against South Fortress.

"Uh, where could it be?... Oh, I was there."

and waltz that speaks like a tourist who came to Whale Watching.

"You're on your way here with a lot of momentum..."

As I raised the earthen smoke, I could see the spirits and a bunch of thoughts coming straight this way.

"Bye, sister. I'm heading to the Count's residence, where the command post is located, so if you need anything, please speak up."

Having said that, Tempo walked down the fence to the Count's residence, where a remote control device (remote control) for underground installations was installed.

And there was only one waltz on the fence.

... for some reason?

Because I perceived her presence, or because the other soldiers did not come near.

Yes, she was becoming famous in this city.

Though... he doesn't seem to realize that.

(I wonder why you're in such a hurry though...)

Waltz slowly began to observe the soldiers, who had some leeway in his mind because of the completion of checking the operation of the system.

According to that, the Spike Corps is roughly 50,000.

They don't look lightweight and armed.

At first glance, it looks like I said a marathon tournament for 50,000 people.

(Maybe they're all wizards or something?

Relatively, if you think about Endercia, which has a larger wizard population than Mid-Eden, you can't deny it.

(Hmm? Right behind the Spikes, about 200,000 people, people are going on...)

Neither was this one, lightly dressed and unarmed.

(So nearly 300,000 people are all wizards? Wow...)

After that, the number of people grew as they saw it, and Waltz's vision showed 600,000 people pushing it in large numbers.

(... Everyone feels like we're ahead of them.... I mean, all of them, they don't have weapons, like a magical saturation attack for all 800,000 people?

At this point, the formation made no sense at all.

It's as if there's no command...

Waltz starts to feel something uncomfortable about the appearance of those enemy soldiers.

But it didn't seem the same to the soldiers around.

"Me, when this fight is over..."

"It's my daughter's birthday tomorrow..."

"He said he'd be discharged in two days..."

Everyone started flagging.

Flag an unbeatable enemy before you.

Or can't you win because you flagged it...

Either way, the soldiers' morale seems to be over zero and going negative.

(... ma, whatever.)

It is also bothersome to go out of your way to accompany the flag collection, so leave it there.

And when the enemy soldiers stepped into the realm where the trap set them.

She used parametric speakers and declared them to her colleagues who would be at the Count's residence.

"Well, shall we begin?"

Thus the lid of hell was opened.

... but they didn't realize it was important.

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