
Waltz realized that shortly after the tempo carried out an operation to get the hot water from the nuclear fusion reactor across the trap.

"What... are you waving a white flag?

Her eyes showed soldiers waving desperately at it with their shirts bracketed on sticks without weapons.

... shortly after,


Like I said, the fog covers up one side of the area.

Of course, about the enemy soldiers...

This fog was caused by the thermal water generated in the nuclear fusion furnace made by Waltz and the others, which evaporated by circulating the aqueduct made by Lucia and came into contact with the cold air released from the underground giant heat exchanger.

But that's not all.

Other systems were in operation to blow steam produced in nuclear fusion furnaces from piping installed on the ground in order to hydrate the air more directly.

The point is, I used fog to dazzle you.

Why did you set up a massive system so far to generate fog?

Truth is, it's a secondary one, and I didn't install it to generate fog.

The real use of it... will be something we can talk about later.


"Hey... isn't this awkward?

The soldiers who were waving the white flag fell into the first trap.

Still, it's not something to get hurt, so if the waltzes were to turn back, it was now.

So towards the Count's mansion, a waltz to speak up.

"Tempo! Now or 'Whoa!!

... I didn't want to scream all of a sudden.

As Waltz attempted to fly the instructions towards the tempo of manipulating the trap, a roaring voice boiled down from one side of the neighborhood.

Apparently, the fact that the fog engulfed the entire South Fortress, as if to protect ourselves, inspired the morale of the soldiers who were shaking negative.

For once, even in this situation, the use of parametric speakers did not help, but unfortunately, the waltz of the cautious himself was put under barometric pressure by the soldiers and the words stopped coming out.

(And I can't stop... Next time, discharge...)

A large number of electrodes are planted on the ground, which electrically shocks those who walk on it.

(We need to stop it somehow...)

However, there is a great distance from where Waltz was to the Count's residence.

It was a short flight distance away, but Waltz couldn't fly right now.

In fact, he said it was already too late, but he still cared about other people's eyes.

Apparently, she could not have conceived of the idea that there would be no problem if she were transparent.

When she's worried about her actions to take,


a low sound;


I heard countless screams from the fog.

(Ugh, shush. You're sooner than planned!

and waltz in confusion.

Apparently, it was awkward that she spoke halfway to the Count's mansion, and Tempo regarded her voice as a signal to run the next trap.

Anyway, it was waltz trying to run towards the Count's mansion to stop the trap as soon as possible, but...

"Ah, sister"

"The operation seems to be going well."

"... even if it works... can I be happy..."

Lucia, the hunter, and the swordsman showed up.

"Hey, just fine. Lucia! Do all you can to restore magic to those enemy soldiers!


Lucia is confused by how her sister panicked.

"I'll explain why later. Anyway, hurry up!

"Ugh, yeah..."

Then, from above the fence, Lucia began to unleash an oversized healing magic toward the fog.

"Hey, what's going on, Waltz?

A hunter with an unexpected look on his waltz.

"Excuse me, I don't have time to explain. I'm going to the Count's mansion for a moment."

Even while we're having that exchange...

JAKIN!! 'Yah!!!

JAKIN!! 'Yah!!!

JAKIN!! 'Yah!!!

I could hear the noise continuing to rise.

"Wow... there are no brave men over there..."

The swordsman shrugged as he looked sincerely disgusted.

Apparently, a needle placed on the ground forced out under air pressure and stabbed the soldiers in the body.

Length is about 3cm, but if the area is bad, you may die.

Well, thanks to Lucia's continued use of restorative magic, we may not even be able to lose our lives...

But that was a problem.

If you wander through the fog, you touch the electrode, electrically shock it, and get skewered on the needle where you fell.

Some soldiers may dodge electrodes and needles well, but ahead is a storm of steam blowing out at high voltage...

Beyond that lies the hot tub made by Lucia (90 degrees).

Besides, Lucia's ultra-high power recovery magic makes her not even allowed to die.

At the earliest, it was merely hell, not at Pita O las O ch.

Perhaps there is a widespread situation in the field where it is not even acceptable to pass out.

The problem so far is probably caused by the fact that all the enemy soldiers have stopped marching on the trap without gear-like gear.

Neither did the waltzes expect the enemy to stop waving the flag over the trap.

Now the current emitted from the electrodes is attacking them, but the next step is towards the fog, releasing the demons gathered by the hunters and knights from the woods around them.

This will spread the enemy soldiers and increase the efficiency of the trap.

For this reason, I asked Catalina to weaken the urban ties around the trap.

Waltz finally reached the Count's residence when a desperate, white-flagged enemy soldier came up in his brain to be eaten and killed by demons without remnants.

"And, tempo! Call off the operation now!

Waltz raised his voice as he moved into the command room where the remote control (remote console) of the underground facility was located, wondering if the door might break.

"What is it, sister? It was just the last finish..."

Tempo with his hand on the red execution key (button), which is probably meant to open up the captured demons, puts his neck on such a waltz.

"An enemy soldier was waving a white flag. Plus, without any protective equipment or anything. If we keep this up, we'll really kill 800,000 people."

"Oh, did I? Now shut down the system."

That was a disaster, like that, tempo to honestly stop the nuclear fusion furnace and all kinds of traps.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Waltz. What the hell does that mean?

The Earl, who is the Commander-in-Chief, also seemed concerned about Waltz's words.

"I saw it just before the first fog occurred... The soldiers waving the flag directly above the trap..."

Correctly, it's not a white flag, it's underwear.

"I don't think so, but in this world, if you wave a white flag, it's not a mark of war or anything, is it?

"... no, it's a sign of surrender"

And, a grinning Earl.

"... but what do you mean? There are 800,000 soldiers, why did you want to surrender..."

Put your hands on your mouth, thoughtful Count.

And mouth the conclusion.

"I guess I wasn't willing to fight from the start..."

"I wasn't willing to fight..."

Soldiers who were waving the flag without even wearing protective equipment.

And the speed of the march, which was unusually fast.

Given the time lag conveyed by the reports from the scouts the waltzes received this morning, perhaps a few days ago they had taken off their armor and were on their first journey.

"So it would also be pointless for a magician to say Canopus or something to have shot down a airship (for the transport of a barracks)?

"I don't know about that..."

Now a voice flew in from Teresa.

"It is also believed that Lord Canopus lost his barracks and fell into a state of chaos because he shot down his airship."

Waltz opened his mouth to the words once he looked out of the Count's mansion.

"... a lot to think about, but you don't seem to know the truth unless you ask them directly"

"Mm-hmm. That would be the fastest."

Waltz decided to stop thinking once.

It's about time the fog cleared up.

"Well, why don't we go and see how it goes?"

By this time Waltz, who regained his composure, declared.

The battlefield where the waltzes came was scattered.

who are falling with burns all over their bodies.

He who grows needles from all over his body, like a hare.

He who leaves traces of electric shock vividly, as if something had crawled through his body.

And even now, the groaning that rises from everywhere.

If there is hell, it is definitely a place like this.

"What do I do with this..."

Those words have leaked out of Waltz's mouth.

of what she thought, about the second scattered result from the bottom.

In other words, all 800,000 people who had attacked had been trapped and wiped out.

Happy or unhappy, there seemed to be no deaths thanks to Lucia.

"... hey, how far the hell did you set the trap?

and the hunter asks looking over at the corpses spreading in sight (though alive).

"... 10 km square around South Fortress?

"How did that happen..."

Why has the scale grown so far?

As a waltz, I initially intended to stop at about 2 km square, but the result is five times that and 25 times the area.

"I mean, I was too immersed in trapping, and when I realized, I was trapping a huge area, Master Hunter"

Tempo answers nicely instead of Waltz.

"... if you really disable 800,000 people..."

Although, the opponent was an unarmed surrender soldier.

"Uh... yeah. I think I've done too much. I don't regret it."

and waltz showing an unclear attitude as to whether he is reflecting or not.

Either way, it doesn't make any difference that her rampage saved South Fortress.

"More than that, it's a question of what to do with these soldiers. Besides, I don't know why he was trying to surrender."

Soldiers in a situation that should be described as not even alive, even though they are not dead.

If we leave it in this place, which has become hot due to summer temperatures and traps, it will all be debilitating and life-threatening due to dehydration and other symptoms.

Besides, there's no food or drinking water here in South Fortress just to feed their 800,000 soldiers.

"You can handle letting the information spit, but I don't know about the treatment of the soldiers..."

With that said, the Earl does his hand on his chin with a frown.

I didn't know what to do with the rest of my people, and they were reacting roughly the same way...

... except for one.

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