The only one among his companions who did not have a difficult face.

That was Lucia.


As everyone had a difficult face, she opened her mouth slowly,

"Perhaps with all these people, you can return to your original country with my metastatic magic?

And I briefly told him that if he heard about the transfer wizard, he was going to graduate.

"... can you?

"Yeah. But if I don't decide where to move it, I might move it to something weird."

To that word of Lucia, behind Waltz's brain, there passes the figure of soldiers who are transferred into stones and walls.

"If it's a place I've seen once, I can transfer..."

Again, in the case of Lucia's metastatic magic, she doesn't need to take a direct trip to the destination.

"If you look at the view from above the sky, do you think you can transfer?

"Yeah, I think we'll be fine then"

Behind such unsure words, there was something like certainty in her eyes that she could metastasize.

"Then hurry up... and you don't have a problem returning all of these people, do you?

and breathing constantly (?) Waltz asks the Count as he points to the soldiers.

"Yep. Be sure, it would be helpful if you could give it back... can you really do that?

An Earl who speaks naturally of doubts about a statement that strayed from the usual track of transferring 800,000 people at once.

If this were the rear of the brave party, it would take a year even if I let it transfer every day.

"Well, Lucia says, and maybe it's okay"

It is about her like a piece of magic.

Speaking of which she can, I guess she can.

"Uh, is Lucia okay? Aren't you tired?

Until earlier, Waltz remembers that she had continuously photographed the restorative magic of a large output with a bang.

"Yeah. Totally fine"

Meanwhile, Lucia responds instantly with a flat look.

(Something, I'm starting to feel definitely cheaper than I am...)

Her power, exercising the magic of recovery and transfer of 800,000 people at a time, was also worthy of amazement as a waltz.

Nevertheless, it is also true that her magic power is aided by the presence of monsters.

"... you can't do that, can you?


"Well, shall we go"

"Can I have a moment?"

Theresa called me when I was about to leave.

"As you probably know, it would be helpful if you could leave some soldiers behind. Because I want information."


"Yeah. Okay, I got it."

Afterwards, Waltz and Lucia went up to the sky after receiving a brief feed from their companions.

After sitting Lucia on the back of his manoeuvre armor, Waltz came as close as two mountain ranges, at supersonic speeds, present on the border between the territory of Endelucia and the territory of Alexandros, where South Fortress is located.

And as he passes over, Waltz notices an anomaly in the mountains.

"Is that it? There's a lot of holes in the..."


The mountain range had a beautiful line of horizontal holes about 100 m in diameter, spanning approximately 10 km.

Apparently, when we created the trap, after Lucia's magic particle beam penetrated and diffused through the ground, it hit the mountains and was made.

"... maybe this is what caused the soldiers to come running at all costs and try to surrender..."

If we were marching, the mysterious light that flew from nowhere would penetrate the mountains one after the other beyond our own heads.

I wouldn't have cared when we'd pour it on ourselves.


Lucia raises her doubts against her sister's whining.

Apparently, he doesn't realize he wore the hole in front of him.

"... yeah. It's nothing. So, what do you say? From here, you can also see the town of Endelusia..."

From the top of the mountain range, both the town on the territory of Endelusia and the South Fortress on the territory of Mid-Eden could be seen without the eyes of Waltz.

"Sounds like I should, but... but okay? Do you mind if I put the soldiers together in such a small town?

Apparently Lucia knows why South Fortress alone cannot accommodate enemy soldiers.

Did you ask around Teresa?

"... uh, I got worried about Lucia being physically okay. Metastatic magic says it consumes extra magic when the distance is away... and it doesn't matter if you're away?

"Yeah, you don't have to worry about it, do you?

"Well... shall we raise the altitude a little bit?"

And the waltzes have risen to an altitude of about 20 km.

The sky is black, high enough to see the stars even during the day.

Coming this far, Waltz inverted his maneuvered armored body.

"Yikes! Falling... not...?

"I just made it visible because I can't see the view, okay? Don't worry, I won't fall."

Gravity control hangs on the back of the manoeuvred armor so that the acceleration is constant all the time, so whether it's upside down, rapid acceleration or rapid deceleration, the view just seems to have changed for those on the back.

And when Lucia realized she was not going to fall, she took a slow look at the world spreading in front of her (...) up (...) down (...).

"The world is huge..."

Lucia shrugged compared the green earth and blue sea as far as we could see, and the South Fortress where we were.

During the last ballistic flight, I didn't get a good view directly below because it wasn't as upside down as it is now.

But I guess I thought again because I saw that well this time.

"What do you think? Here, you can see the whole country of Endersia."

"Yeah. But now I can't see the soldiers, so the big (...) weird (...) or (...) too (...)"

Waltz, who captured her words like that in the sense of 'indistinguishable the soldiers,'

"Can you see this?

That's what I said and created a telescope by gravity lens.

"Yeah. I'll be fine with this."

and Lucia.

Waltz hit her with questions like that.

"... could you use metamagic from here?


"Yeah, right?

She said with a mouthful as if it were natural.

(... that, after all, I don't feel like metastatic magic...)

Apparently, there is no range in Lucia's magic.

Then I'll go.

And Lucia's metamorphosis magic was to prove that it was not metamorphosis magic.

"Yes, it's over."

... the time it took to transfer 800,000 people, roughly 3 seconds.

They had been moved in an instant to the side of Crestling, the largest city, perhaps the capital, in the territory of Endelusia.

(... what do you mean?

The problem is metastasis (?) It happened in the moment.

I wondered if the soldiers had glowed dull and moved straight through the mountains, forests, highlands, etc. as if there was nothing.

Yes, as if you moved a range specified icon on your PC desktop with a drag-and-drop...

(... I knew it wasn't a metastasis...?

Especially if the authentic metamorphosis magic doesn't travel in the same way.

At least, it was clear that Lucia's magic was not similar to instantaneous travel as Waltz had thought.

(What is this? Drag-and-drop magic?... but this would also explain why I can't transfer myself...)

Thinking that far, Waltz imagined an unpleasant magical existence.

(... CTRL + Z Sounds like magic or something)

... in other words, it is' undo 'magic.

Perhaps one of the magic that many people living in the modern world so eagerly desire.

"Uh, what's up, sister?

Lucia asked, looking at Waltz with a strange look on his face, wondering if he had done anything awkward.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's nothing. Shall we go back then?"

Lucia gives a slightly unfortunate look to such a sister's words.

And she said, little selfishness.

"Yeah... but if I had time, I might want to see a little more of the world here..."

Blue stars similar to the Earth illuminated by the two suns, and the large moon rising from the other side of the horizon, and the appearance of the stars showing brilliance even though it is daylight.

She seems to want to take her time to see a world she doesn't normally see.

"Right. Just long enough not to bother everyone."

That said, Waltz disappeared from his manoeuvre armor.


Suddenly, Lucia, thrown out of her seat of manoeuvred armor, shouted for the second time today as she glued around the air.

"Oh, falling -!!

It was only this time that the floating sensation hit her body.

Lucia trying to get stuck on something.

Waltz caught her with his right hand.

"Hey, it's okay. You don't have to put that much effort into it."

Lucia clings desperately as she swoops her tail into Waltz's hand, which has caught her floating self in the universe.

"Because you're about to fall?!

Waltz smiled and said to Lucia like that.

"... are you sure it's falling?

And Waltz gently releasing the hand that caught Lucia.

"Didn't fall...?

"I support it (with gravity control), so it won't fall."

Yes, Waltz created this gravity-free space with gravity control.

At an altitude of about 20 km, the magnitude of the surface and gravity varies considerably.

So it is that waltz reproduced space in a pseudo manner.

Lucia was caught with considerable force in Waltz's arms at first, but apparently, realizing she hadn't fallen, she takes a terrible hand off Waltz.

And I tried to swim in the air and started moving.

"Wow... are you flying?

Usually, on the ground, even if you float in the air with waltz gravitational control, you can't travel by your own will.

The point is, it's like being grabbed by a waltz.

But not here.

The extent to which Lucia is surrounded has been gravitationally neutralized to a certain extent.

It wasn't much of a space, but the place Waltz created was a 'birdcage' where even she could fly around freely without wings.

Lucia was dry on her first experience of being free to fly around.

Waltz said to her like that.

"The truth is, higher up... if we go to space, we can fly more freely..."

If you go outward than the stationary orbit, the speed (relative to the surface) will not fall even at 0.

Especially since there is no air or cosmic rays pouring down, we won't even survive without Waltz's assistance in any case.

"I want to fly free like your sister too..."

Lucia shrugged as she grunted vertically.

"... right. But maybe we can fly."


"Yep. We have to give up."

That said, Waltz removed his gaze from Lucia and shifted his gaze to a distant universe...

... as if what you're after is there.

Waltz and Lucia came down to the ground after about two hours of plenty of gravity-free experience.

There, the enemy soldiers who were supposed to have been there earlier, as well as the earls and knights, disappeared, leaving only their companions looking up at the sky worryingly.

The Counts are probably going back to the city and interrogating the enemy soldiers they caught.

"Oh, you're back, aren't you?

Julia was the first to raise her voice.

And fly off the ground and come up to about 300m above the ground at once.


"Yes, I was worried I wasn't coming home."

"I'm sorry, Julia. I said so myself."

And apologize, Lucia, to reveal the upside of things.

"No, you don't have to apologize like that, Master Lucia. The battle is over, and sometimes you need to breathe."

That said, Julia grinned as she showed her octagonal teeth.

With such an exchange, the three arrive on the ground.

"Good day to you."

The first person I spoke to was Teresa, who came running over to the waltzes.

"I just took Lucia."

"But Miss Lucia couldn't have exercised her magic without Waltz, could she? Half of it is in the hands of the Lord."

Teresa in a tone like there was a big catch.

"Is that what this is?

"Not like that."

With that said, she also smiled with much happiness.

After all, as chairman representing Mid-Eden, I guess I was happy that the fight ended without anything.


Now, the hunter has spoken out in a way that has changed.

"... that was really helpful this time. No thanks at all."

That's what I say. A hunter who bows his head to the waltz.

"... when you return to the Count's mansion, you'll do the same to the Count... I'm sure"

"Oh, my God, you're a town hero."

"If you're gonna say that, isn't everyone who helped set the trap a hero? Sure, the hunter, too, huh?

"... do you?

"Yep. Yes, it is."

"... heh, the same hero as Waltz..."

A hunter who laughs with heartfelt joy.

(A hero...)

Waltz holding his head in his heart, as opposed to a hunter.

Of course, it's troublesome.

"Come on, everyone in town is waiting. Let's go home!"

With that said, the hunter began to walk in the lead.

"Good day, Lord Waltz!... Oh, sister, wait!

After greeting the hunter only for a moment, the swordsman, completely subordinated to the hunter, went after the hunter.

Exactly a dwarf.

"Mr. Waltz is going to be in trouble."

The next person I've talked to is Catalina.

"... can I run?

"... wouldn't that be nice?

Catalina smiles just like everyone else.

"... right. I'll think about it."

Waltz said so in sigh.

"Lord Waltz. There's talk of happiness escaping when you sigh, okay?

and Sage.

"Yeah, I know. But..."

That's what I said. Her face wasn't very good.

And lay your eyes down.

"Uh, what's wrong?

Catalina calls out worryingly.


Lucia also tries to peek into her face to see if she has detected a waltz anomaly.

"... no... nah, you have a really bad feeling..."

"... oh, was your sister the same"

and tempo.

Just like Waltz. Her complexion was not superior either.

"We'd better get back to King's Landing soon."


Everyone raised doubts about Waltz's words.

"I agree"

Tempo, however, seems to agree.

"... I feel like there's too much fighting in South Fortress. It could be the trap Cortex said..."

... apparently, the waltz party doesn't have time for rest.

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