Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

5 Medium-06 Return to Wangdu

After noon, the summer sun falls relentlessly.

The waltzes were in a hurry and moving to South Fortress.

Waltz opens his mouth as he moves.

"Hey, we have a preaching order to get in touch with Wang Du, right?

The point is, I asked if there were any magicians using metastatic magic to get in touch with Wang Du.

"Uhm. Because it was decided in the resolution"

"Yes. You should go to the Count's mansion, right?

and responding Teresa and Julia.

Previously, when the Royal Castle was attacked, it took a considerable amount of time for information to reach the entire country, so it was manned so that the decree could reach the country's main points in an instant.

"Yes. Then, as soon as we arrive, we'll get in touch with Wang Du to make sure he's safe."

"Ha, ha, no. Okay."

Yulia hangs out at the unusual state of Waltz.

"Hurry back to the king's capital, but no problem? If you want to stay a little slower, you can stay in South Fortress, okay?

Everyone was laughing bitterly, but no one stayed in South Fortress.

"... busy, sorry"

"What, don't worry. I'm not tired of working with Waltz."

and hunters.

"It would help if you could say that."

And after one breath, Waltz said.

"I don't care if Wang Du is safe or not, let's just go home, shall we? So, if you get in touch and make sure you're safe, you can quickly get Lucia's transfer magic (?) I will send everyone to the Royal Castle. If not... we'll figure out how to get back then."

Friends who nod at the words with a strange face.

If the situation is out of touch... the royal castle, and the king's capital, will be miserable again.

When they arrived in South Fortress, the town was filled with joy of victory.

After all, it must have been hopeless for everyone to fight 800,000 enemy soldiers.

Still didn't escape because their pride didn't allow it, or because they believed in the Count (leader) who was leading everyone...

And Waltz and the others pass the examination on the facepath at the main entrance.

It should be noted that Waltz thinks he was able to pass by facepath because there was a hunter, but, of course, the procedure is necessary even for hunters who are countess.

Then why was it possible to pass?

... the soldiers who saw Waltz's face were saluting him, let's just say.

After arriving in the entrance hall of the Count's residence, Waltz flies instructions to everyone.

"Bye, Julia. Please."


Then Julia hurries up the stairs and climbs.

"Everyone will wait here until Julia returns. Wash your hands before you travel."


"I'd like to say hello to my father..."

and hunters.

"Yeah, of course. Shall I go, too?

"I'm sorry. I think that would make my father happier."

So Waltz left his people standing by on the spot and headed to the Count.

The Earl was talking to Julia somehow in the room where Julia was coming, that is, in the command room and command room.


Waltz spoke to the Count.

"Mr. Waltz... Yulia told me. I'm in touch with Wang Du right now, so wait a while longer."

Liaison with Wang Du, which is done by the transfer of letters.

Although there is a constraint of needing a metastatic magician at the forwarding destination and source, it was an excellent means of communication in that the transmission of the letter is completed in an instant.

A magical version of e-mail in the modern world, I guess.

However, not all towns and villages were manned due to the absolutely small number of practitioners who could use metamagic, but took the form of limited placement by choosing a border with a fortress (Fortress) and a large street between East, West and North, and an area that was likely to be required (not quite) in defense.

Now, when Waltz thinks about what we're going to talk about in front of the Count,

"Mr. Waltz. Thank you so much for this. If we had fought 800,000 people against the boulders alone, we would certainly not have won."

The Count has also bowed his head, as he was made a hunter earlier.

"No, we did, until we had our purpose and protected South Fortress. Don't worry too much."

"But I want to make sure this debt is paid back"

and earl to mouth with his head bowed.

Waltz to such an Earl,

"... okay. Then I might ask you to do whatever you can to return it."

and responded with inclusions.

"Yeah, if you mean as much as we can."

It was when the Earl with his head up returned it that way.

"I got your reply! Nothing seems unusual to Wang Du."

Julia raised her voice when she received a letter from the transferring magician of the messenger.

"... yes. I hope so..."

For once, Waltz shows relief.

"You just have to go back over there and make sure everyone's okay."

With that said, the hunter has put his hand on Waltz's shoulder.

"Right. We've been able to confirm the safety of the destination, so let's head back to King's Capital anyway."

And after the waltzes had said goodbye to the counts, they went down to the entrance hall where everyone waited.

Waltz raises his voice as he brings his people out to the garden of the Count's residence.

"Guys, you ready?

"Even if you're not ready, you send it."

Catalina sends a grin to Waltz while saying.

"You know exactly what I mean, don't you?

"Yeah, I'm used to it."

And he spoke as if he had been dating for a long time.

By the way, the two have only been four months since they met.

"If you suddenly get hungry or you want to go pick flowers, hurry up, go over there."

"Okay.... so far, nothing."

and bitterly laughing Catalina.

Then now the hunter opens his mouth.

"Hey Waltz. You look like you're crawling about something, but if you care too much about the details... your life expectancy's gonna shrink, okay?

There was a weird time in the hunter's words, but it doesn't seem particularly profound.

"Yeah, I don't care more than I look, so I'm fine"

"Really? Fine, but you look like you've got something in mind..."

Waltz silent on that word of the hunter.

And the tempo opens its mouth.

"Sister. Me, when this metastasis is over..."

... that was the limit of waltz.

"Already, why do we all flag it?! Get out of here! Lucia, you can send it."

"What, yeah..."

Then, from before his eyes, everyone disappeared.

At that time, it must have been Waltz's mistake to smile.

"Uh, are you glad?

"You know, if we were talking like a lifetime breakup, even if there's nothing in the king's capital, you'd hit your head on the tofu horn and die!

In all seriousness, Waltz spilled his stupidity.

"Well, Mi (...) na (...) Let's go, shall we? It's also super fast."



"Yes, please"

So Waltz, again, was to send three people: Lucia, Teresa, and Julia.


Making such a noise, Waltz landed in the square of the royal castle.

"is too fast..."

Julia turning her eyes, even though she didn't make a rapid swirl.

"Mm-hmm. It's a comfortable trip to the sky"

"I knew it was strange. Why does the sky darken when the sun is out..."

Three people descend (grated) from the transparently waltz's manoeuvre armor, sharing their thoughts with each of them.

The time from South Fortress to here is approximately 8 minutes.

I'm going to the convenience store for a bit, which is the level.

After unloading everyone, remaining transparent, Waltz hid in the shadows nearby and then appeared as a maid as if nothing had happened.

It should be noted that Lucia and Yulia, unidentified, have also been made to look similar to Waltz by Yulia's transformative magic since before arriving at the Royal Castle.

Everyone, from the standpoint, is the exclusive maid of the chancellor.

"So, what about everyone?

Waltz, dressed in maid clothes, opened his mouth as he stuck to an emergency meal that had been served in a maneuvered armored cargo container.

"... I don't know. Looks like he went inside the royal castle first."

Theresa was right, there was usually no sign of the fellows who were supposed to be waiting for the waltzes.

"Sounds nasty."

But as far as the soldiers on guard surrounding the waltzes from the vicinity of the flashy landing, it doesn't seem to have the atmosphere that something happened at the Royal Castle.

Except for ourselves, who returned flashly.

After this, these soldiers immediately disbanded after seeing Teresa's hand sign.

"In the meantime, let's go to Cortex"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Ah... souvenirs..."

"... again, you just have to go back, so it's okay. I'm sure."

I still totally forgot about the souvenir, Waltz.

Rather than rushing out of South Fortress, I don't have time to prepare a souvenir.

Thus, the Waltz and the others went to see the three of them who would be in the chancellor's office.

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