Afterwards, Alfania showed me some magic props...

"O Teat, O Confectionery Death"

The three of them were back in the reception room again.

"Oh, sorry, Pinus."

"Hmm. Fairy hey..."

"Can you eat this species ~?" Gassi.

"Hih?!/(adv, adv-to) (on-mim) (on-mim) (on-mim) (on-mim) bumpy/

Pinus caught by Cortex and closely observed. For once, she could not have forbidden fear to Cortex, who, although inside the body of the Golem, was sparkling the eyes of a predator... Looks like he was desperately trying to escape from that arm.

Seeing how it goes, Alfania laughs bitterly.

"Lord Cortex. I hope you don't eat it if possible. Pinus is a precious family."

"Of course I won't eat ~? It was so cute, I just made a joke."

So Cortex freed Pinus. As soon as that happened, Pinus ran away from the room without even turning around, I guess because he was afraid of Cortex and couldn't help it.

Following that with his eyes, Alfania asked Cortex.

"... Lord Cortex has a lot of arm power, doesn't he?


"That exorcist armor in Pinus said that even though the big fat man suppressed it for 10 people, it wasn't something he could suppress... but he looked cool and held it down completely"

"Oops? This has shown you the ugly part ~. Actually, I'm not human ~"

"Well, it was n... eh"

After hearing the words of Cortex, alfania solidifies after a little while. Then after taking more time, she finally gets to talk and asks questions to Cortex.

"Not human...... no? Does that mean, not that the Demons......?!

"Right ~. Humans and demons are the same as species of organism ~. Yeah, that's right. I am neither human nor demonic. Or it's not even a creature. What does Master Alfania think I am ~?

"... God?

"That's too much leap. I'm not God, and I've never wanted to be God."

and Cortex sees the waltz next door as chilling while mouthing a statement that seems to contain something. However, Waltz did not react with an expression...... It just seemed to leave me out of it and give off that kind of vibe.

In the meantime, Cortex began explaining who he was, with a nickel and a grin, to Alfania, who was still thinking about who Cortex was.

"... I am Homunculus. It's an artificial organism made by culturing human somatic cells."


"Organs, soft fats, secretions, etc. to create energy were dependent on human cells, otherwise skeletons, skin, brain and sensory organs, etc. are made of machines enchanted. Is it like stuck a person's skin to Pinus's body just now ~"


"Er... Dear Alfania ~? Are you listening ~?

and when Cortex inquired toward Alfania, who was flabbergasted by the way he lost his word to his cumming-out--,


—— Alfania rose out of the chair with momentum, approached Cortex and began to observe her face squeamish.

"Hih, it just looks like people...... Can I touch that?

"Yeah, you don't mind just touching it ~?

After obtaining permission from Cortex, Alfania put a terrible hand on Cortex's cheek.

"Hey, what the heck...... you just look like a normal person no matter where you look from...... Smells like... people themselves, even in their mouths... it doesn't make any difference to people. And it stays firm until the heartbeat..."

"Wait a minute, Master Alfania. I said it would be good if you just touched it, but you didn't say it would be good to smell it or observe it in your mouth ~? For once, even this, there is something called shame, so please don't make any further observations."

"Shh, I'm sorry... But people only see it because they see it...... Is that really homunculus? Are you kidding me?

"Yep. If you say it in this world classification, it's definitely homunculus ~? Well, I have all the physiological phenomena as a person left, so it might not hurt to say" human "who is just sturdy ~"

With that said, Cortex spontaneously detaches the beast ear over his head, or his tail, to appeal to him that he is a homunculus subtly. Is there finally no doubt about her behavior... Alfania seems to have begun to sparkle her eyes.... Especially though the gaze seemed closer to that of the researcher than to that of the girl as she looked.

Well, that too --,

"Hello, Lord Waltz?

"No? I'm not a homunculus, am I?

"Right...... That's rude..."

"Well, not even human," Bhun.

"... eh"

—— Talk about waltz disappearing from the scene of the hologram until he shows up with manoeuvre armor. Alfania seems to have accidentally lost her word to the giant who suddenly appeared in the room.

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