An obscure monster made of a metallic, black-like material--that was Waltz's impression of manoeuvre armor from Alfania.


Alfania seems to have lost her word to that giant she sees for the first time. In his own mansion, "something" appeared that he could only describe as a monster, so the surprise would have been unimaginable. It should be noted that the figure of the manoeuvre armor that was there is actually holographic...... The main body that didn't knock the mansion door seems to be waiting outside.

What Waltz really looks like (?) Alfania, who saw, was solidified with her eyes open, as if she had hung magic. In contrast to her like that, Waltz starts talking with the kind of voice he hears from his speakers.

'I didn't mean to surprise you, but Cortex is going to tell you who you are... well, because of that, I'm going to introduce myself, too, right?

And since I said it. Waltz came here and started introducing himself for the second time.

"Nice to meet you, Alfania. My name is Waltz.... Town girl?

"... is that a joke?

'No, you're serious? I don't care what anyone says, I'm a town girl. You don't need power, you don't need titles. "

And he claims to be a town daughter about himself until Waltz looks like a manoeuvre armor... Pinch your mouth from side to side like a cortex stunned.

"Your sister says this, but she is officially recognized as a" demon "by the goddess of this world ~?

"That's because Deprexa's just saying it on her own."

"Yes, yes, that's right. Well, don't worry about who your sister is. From time to time, if you even meditate on the fact that the country leans so big that you are really just a town girl ~.... Now the world (...) has just caused so much trouble that the world (...) leans ~"

That's what I said, then I said, "Huh? Sister ~?," Cortex asks the person to consent. Waltz, on the other hand, seemed to be able to argue only with his cuddly voice. Apparently, he's conscious.

Cortex grins like he was satisfied with how his sister looked...... I started talking to Alfania again.

"I'm going to get to the point where your sister reveals who she is, okay ~?

"The real deal......?

"Yeah, that's right. It's about what you would never have believed if you hadn't revealed who we are ~"

"What you don't believe...... oh, you mean the moon?

"Yeah, that's right. Exactly. I'm talking about the loss of the moon from the sky. Actually, the moon... it's not gone ~"

"... what does that mean?

Alfania gave a look of surprise. They were unnecessarily confused when they said that it was their fault that the moon had disappeared and that the vigilance had been maximized even when those who spoke appeared.

"In fact, isn't the moon gone? I don't know what it means to be told it's not gone."

"Yeah, I guess so. But the moon, it should almost certainly not have disappeared. I'd like to explain that to you ~... where the hell should I start talking to you ~... Does Master Alfania know about the zoological theory ~?

"What are you doing?

"... you don't seem to know ~. Let me start with that."

And after using the Waltz hologram to explain to Alfania that we live on a planet that goes around the stars.

"… indeed, their explanations are reasonable. In other words, the eagles are tiny as leaves that grow in the great trees..."

"I'm glad you understand that much. So let's get back to business ~?

Cortex resumed his explanation while displaying a hologram of planetary orbit in the air.

"Until yesterday, around the stars we are, this is how the moon turned"

"Hmm. I understand that."

"But now it's like this, the moon is gone"

That's what I said, Cortex, who doesn't pick the holographic moon with his fingers and takes it off.

"Well, you're invisible, so I guess that's what you're saying"

"Yeah, but it wasn't, actually."

When Cortex said so, he put the moon back in its original position again.

And what she grabbed--,

"We believe it's this one who's actually changed"

—— I was on a blue planet. She moves the grabbed planet to different points in planetary orbit.

"Like this, the planet and the moon are separated ~... that's what we think. So the moon itself isn't gone."

"I see..."

Was it easy to understand the description of Cortex using holograms, and Alfania struck the correlation as convinced.

Well, it seemed like that's all I was convinced of.

"But why would you do that?

"... because of our experiments. Because of the use of too high-output time-lapse artifacts in an attempt to try a way back to the future. As a result, it is believed that every planet has been flown into the world of the past."

"... what?

"The planets go around the Sun, so the place will always change. What happens when you jump in time even if it's only an hour in there ~..."

"... the moon has also gone around the sun, so they left the moon and left only this star... no, if you think about time going back, you mean it's moved to where it went forward in position?

"Yeah, that's what I mean. If we personally jump in time, we won't be separated from the planet for some reason, so it's not a confirmed story yet though ~"


Although I understand the principle, it was not acceptable content... Alfania leans down with her head in her arms.

Towards the head of such an elf, Cortex dropped a further bomb.

"That's the thing, so this planet could perish if it stays like this"

"... eh..."

"Or it will surely perish"

And hardening air. Apparently, the waltzes were destroying the world before the future changed unchanged.

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