The clash between Elder Bear and the Elves was so one-sided that it should no longer be described as a battle. The elves who hid themselves on the tree used bows and arrows to attack the Elder Bear from a distance.

As a result, the hunted down Elder Bear appears to have expressed his anger with a not small roar. But still he (?) The voice did not reach the Eves because the spot was wrapped in soft snow and absorbed all the sound of sound?

Because of that, when Eve and the others caught up, it was no exaggeration to describe it as all over. Elder bear's body is stabbed with massive arrows...... He (?) was squatting (groaning) on the ground, looking bloody.


Eves, who saw the appearance, accidentally lost the word. It was already too late to say that we had come up with measures that might not have to hunt Elder Bear. The expression quietly spoke of their dismay.

But its complexion, too, changes quickly. Elder Bear, who had been subjected to massive arrows--,


—— and because only the sushi were trapped.

"Mr. Bear!

Eve, knowing the bear was alive, tried to rush over unexpectedly.

But there's tons of snow in her goings--

"Phew!" Zuch......

—— I fall in a few steps.

However, from the hunter's point of view, it seemed like something to say that Eve was fortunate to have fallen.

"Eve! It's dangerous to leave now! I don't know when the arrows will fly from the elves more than the bears are alive!

He was a hunter who worried about Eve and advised him, but as for Eve, he didn't seem to care.

"But if you don't get out now, Bear, you could get hit?! Why isn't Eve's foot moving anymore?!


What can I say and persuade you about Eve, who was desperately trying to get to the bear...... The hunter couldn't find a word to hang against Eve, who devoured his teeth and looked remorseful.

Eve continued to wonder if there was any way to save Elder Bear until she got there. As a result, the hunter did not deny the way she came up with it, but rather, even thought that it was better to do as Eve wanted.

But reality is as harsh as stepping on Eve's thoughts...... Only the fact that it was just too late was poking at her young.

Even as a hunter, in such a state of affairs, he seemed to feel remorse. If I can, I want to help Eve... That's what he seemed to think.

The problem was that if we approached Elder Bear poorly, the elves might hit the arrows they unleashed. Alternatively, the possibility of being attacked by Elder Bear, who was murderous, would not be discarded either. In any case, if we approached him inadvertently, he was more than likely involved in a dispute between Elder Bear and Elf.

"(Is there any way... What can we do before it is completely too late…)"

And the hunter realizes something.

"... yes! Macrophage!"

".................." Plum

A clear artificial demonic life form macrophage still above Eve's head. If you ask him to escort you, you can get rid of this predicament... Apparently the hunter realized the possibility.

"Can you protect us?

".................." Plum

"... I don't know what you want to tell me right now... but I asked you to?

".................." Plum

The hunter, who felt affirmed by the reaction of the macrophages that shook his body according to his own words, took Eve, who was scratching algae on the snow--,

"Eve! Will you excuse me?/(adj-na, n) (1) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk)


—— and when you lift it and hold it aside......

"I'm keeping my mouth shut. You gonna bite my tongue?



I jumped for a tree nearby. And the hunter, when he lands on its trunk without difficulty, ignores the reaction of a small, screaming 8-year-old and jumps again... Now land near Elder Bear.

Then, at an untimely time, an elf arrow poured out of the sky. Although the arrows were not aimed at the hunters, there was a landing point for the hunters on the arrow parabola...


The hunter's back, who was in charge of Eve, hangs on, and the arrow is sucked in.

But in fact, it doesn't come down to a hole in the hunter's back. The macrophage that was over Eve's head suddenly deformed and --,

".................." Bakung!

—— and I thought I absorbed the flying arrow, because I instantly broke it down.

"Huh!... Huh. Thanks for your help. Macrophages."

".................." Plum

"(But that's an amazing ability... This, I hope the bear didn't attack me......)"

The hunter, looking at the ability of the macrophages, with all his worries, lowered Eve to the spot.

Then Eve, when he stood up in the red-dyed snow --


He offered his hand toward the scratchy Elder Bear.

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