The elves were all in a hurry as they watched the girl reach for the scratchy Elder Bear. Somehow the bear is a vicious and ferocious bear who took the lives of their people. A girl who was not old enough to touch her without any warning appeared to be foolish enough to commit suicide. At this time, there must have been a girl floating in the back of the elves' brains who would be attacked by a bear in a few seconds.

But she —— Eve -- never got eaten by Elder Bear. The same goes for the fact that Elder Bear was already breathing constantly and didn't even have the energy to strike Eve...... Him in the first place (?) because I didn't intend to attack Eve.

So that little hand that Eve stretched out, just like the first time she met Elder Bear, he (?) will be placed over the head of the She lay down on the ground powerless as a gutter when she touched Elder Bear --,

"Mr. Bear! Maybe it's not over yet!

—— Exercised healing magic toward the bears without worrying about the elves.

Unlike Lucia and Catalina and others, Eve's magic of recovery is not so strong. It is enough to stop it if there is blood flowing, and take that pain if there is a painful part.

Still, the elves who were watching the restorative magic she exercised seemed to be wrapped in surprise. It is only natural, because we are about to stop it, when we say that we will be desperate in a little while.

It's just that there was nothing they could do. Even if Eve tries to prune Elder Bear's life before he saves Elder Bear, the arrows he unleashes stop in the air as if they hit a transparent wall, and instantly collapse away like sand. That was the ability of the macrophages that were over Eve's head, but from the elves that were looking at it from a distance, it looked as if Eve was capable of sagging... They even seemed to have lost words to protest against Eve.

That's what they must have thought.... a hell of a monster appeared to save the bear thing.

But of course not, Eve is a normal girl, like anywhere in this world. The only difference with the others is their birth and experience. Having been placed in a situation where she lost her parents as a child and didn't even know when she was going to die after being kidnapped herself, she seemed to have something to think about the appearance of a dying elder bear.

Therefore, as for her, she seemed to really want to save the Elder Bear thing. The problem is the fact that Elder Bear killed Elf. Unless you can somehow overshadow it, even if you saved Elder Bear here, the Elves will have him (?) It was quite unlikely I would give up on that.

As a result, Eve put behind him the unexpected event that Elder Bear has suffered a major injury, first of all he (?) began to act in order to restore their position.

Hanging the healing magic with your left hand toward Elder Bear, with your right hand, take out the mana-in test tube that was in the maid's clothing with cold specs, and bounce that stopper with your thumb --,

"Mr. Bear! It might hurt, but drink this!" Gah.

—— They poured the contents of the test tube into Elder Bear's mouth without hesitation.

Then, shortly afterwards, the hunter put his arms on either side of Eve, lifting her up and jumping behind her.

"If you let him drink Mana, he'll leave once he's gone! Eve!"

"Ugh, yeah."

The beasts who have drunk Mana have been surprised and sometimes ravaged by the pain of performing the transformation. If Elder Bear were to be the same, then if Eve was him (?) It should be dangerous to be near...... That's what the hunter seems to have decided. Seeing that Eve had also followed the hunter with great admiration, she also seemed to have anticipated the development.

But only this time, it didn't work out the way the two of us expected. Elder Bear just sounded a grunt of gu and never transformed.

"Is that it?"

"Don't be transformed..."

Would we have done something wrong....... The two approached the dreaded Elder Bear with such doubts. Or he also seemed to think that Elder Bear was too debilitating to transform.

So, Eve, when he approaches Elder Bear again, he (?) began exercising restorative magic toward the While hanging the restorative magic, he (?) an arrow that had been stabbed in the body of --,

"I'm sorry, Mr. Bear. Patience! ♪ Trousers ♪


And I pulled it out with my strength. At that time, the hunter, dressed up to escape with Eve so that Elder Bear could rumble out whenever he wanted, looked at the sharp edge of that arrow and frowned as if he had noticed something.

However, Eve, who was dedicated to treatment, did not seem to have noticed the hunter's expression. She gets desperate and keeps pulling arrows out of Elder Bear's body...... A while later, I pulled out all of it. At that point, Eve's forehead seemed to see a large amount of sweat and how she was wearing off considerably.

Then Eve's efforts came to fruition...... Elder bear wakes up eyes.

When he (?) slowly raised his face, he moved his nose closer towards Eve, who was exercising healing magic against himself...... And towards her--,

"... Enough is enough"

They let go of people's words, as if they were bears.

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