
The moon when Waltz stepped down was literally a scorching hell. Orihalcon, where the attributes of fire dwell, is burning with melameras, inspired by Lucia's magic. The flame cannot be extinguished because there is no clear oxidizing agent or fuel. Because cosmic rays that had fallen from the sun over hundreds of millions of years had accumulated in Orihalcon in the form of magic, which had been used as a source of energy to radiate fire magic. To paraphrase it, maybe it's like a fully charged battery is on fire.

In such a situation--,

"Parallel Thinking Begins"

"Start cooling", "Attitude control parameter correction", "Coordinate calculation"

"Moon Orbit Confirmation," "Sensor Error Correction," "System Check —— Good"

"Time Confirmation," "Start Gravity Correction Calculation," "State Machine Initialization"

—— Waltz hadn't been serious in a long time. No one was watching, so they stopped acting like people.

The behavior also appeared in her appearance. Her figure in the hologram disappeared, and manoeuvred armor appeared instead, and all parts of the body began to deform while opening and closing.

Her manoeuvring armor like that, in fact, is just a shell. Her essence as Guardian No. 13 is its interior of manoeuvre armor. It was in that various equipment could be delivered into a shell called manoeuvre armor. If you want to add another word to that —— more than that volume of equipment.

Because she was said to be the greatest work in the Guardian series. There were two of them. Inside, for one, lay low here, but the other is a subspace that extends inside her manoeuvre armor.

Their Guardian series had features like the 'Item Box' where everyone was called 'Out-of-phase Space'. The reason why the function was only obnoxious to Waltz, that was why (...) wide (...) was (...) ru (...) subspace in her inner (...) side (...) —— no, it was an out-of-phase space.

Her manoeuvring armor was both a shell and a gateway to out-of-phase space. It is impossible to place an out-of-phase space named "Waltz" inside another out-of-phase space. Therefore, she was the only of the Guardians who did not have an out-of-phase space control system. No, should I really say I have it?

Why such a roundabout representation is because Waltz does not recognize the space that extends into him as an out-of-phase space. For her, an out-of-phase space was a space that stretched out on the outside of manoeuvre armor until she was exhausted, and for a space that stretched out on the inside it was a no-count.

And even at this moment, Waltz drops the equipment out of his manoeuvring armor without knowing that he is manipulating an out-of-phase space. Dimension cutter to take away mass from the moon. A micro-black hole device that compresses the mass taken away into a mass of neutrons. And retreat furnaces to energize them, etc... Waltz lined up the equipment in a space insulated by gravitational barriers.

"... could it be something like this?

Waltz's voice sounds a little different than usual in the insulated space. One reason why the moon's atmosphere was made of heavier carbon dioxide than normal air was that her voice had changed, but if you subtract it —— her voice seemed a little higher than usual.

"... before you can see what (...) you are (...) doing, let's get this over with. Let's start with the neutron mass."

Waltz moves his hand (...) while checking with his eyes (...) that there is no strandia floating in the sky. Connect the equipment lowered from the manoeuvre armor with each other by cable to see if the system works as previously checked...

"… System Startup," "Parameter Fine-tuning," "System All-Green"

Shortly after those words were zeroed out of her mouth (...) --,


—— The ground sounds hit the surface of the moon. Yes, it was the ground of the moon that was attacked.

The cause was in the dimension cutter activated by Waltz. In order to compress the substance into a mass of neutrons, it was necessary to cut mass from space to space. Otherwise, because the neutron mass that generates supergravity grows involving flame-wrapped moons and nearby planetary anias, and eventually even swallows the sun, turning it into a black hole.

Isolating the surrounding space so that it does not grow into a black hole would naturally separate the earth of the moon and the body of the moon within that space. The separation caused the earthquake, which rocked the earth.

On such a earth, with a flat table (...) sentiment (...), Waltz sends the following instructions to the equipment.

"Begin retraction furnace operation," "micro black hole, military power," "-- compression"

It was right after that. The surface of the moon, cut and isolated by a dimension cutter, became smaller as it distorted the surrounding space.

"Gravity Control System, Output Correction," "Moon Orbital Reconfirmation —— Error Confirmation," "Stella Barnia Startup"

As the neutron mass is shaped, it changes in the orbit of the moon, losing as much as 1/10 of its mass all at once, causing it to lose centrifugal power and bend to the planet's Ania side more than the last lunar orbit.

But that's about the scope of the assumption. Instead, it was what you planned. Waltz therefore created explosive energy by performing mass-energy conversions using gravity control systems. She used it to replace the rocket booster. Stellavania to fine-tune the orbit and speed of the entire moon. When used on the surface of the planet Ania, the atmosphere was suddenly lost by releasing it into space, which should lead to the demise of the world, but there was no particular problem with moving it on the surface of the moon. Well, the carbon dioxide that covered the moon seems to have disappeared while I was looking around.

And after the complete loss of atmosphere from the moon and the successful fine-tuning of the orbit.

"... the neutron mass is complete."

In front of Waltz, there seemed to be a stark, white, bee-ball thing floating. A chunk of neutrons with a mass of 1/10 of the moon. Or maybe I should describe it this way.

—— neutron stars, and.

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