"... whoa... dangerous..."

From the gravitational control system, Waltz manages to regain hold, even though he is about to drop a beeball-sized neutron star at risk. If the neutron star had left the management of the gravity control system, it would have eaten the mass of the moon and grown, and it would have been a big deal.

Waltz housed such neutron stars within a cross-world transfer system that continued to repair them over a year. There is also a small gravity control system in the different world transfer systems, and it seems to be able to neutralize the mass of a neutron star, which is supposed to weigh tremendously, and control it as if it doesn't weigh.

As long as Waltz checked, it didn't look like there was a problem with the otherworld-transfer system, nor with the neutron stars to distort space. … that is.

"… the system is finished repairing. It's been a long time..."

A different world transfer system has been completed to return to the original world. Well, I repeat, if I don't decide exactly where I'm going, I can't go back.

Shortly after soaking up the finish, Waltz moved on to his next action. Yes, her purpose is not just to repair her system. She pushed the equipment inside of the manoeuvring armor to close the "shell" and prepare to take off into space.

At this stage, the two moons had to be fine-tuned in position and velocity, just at roughly the proper coordinates; within the two moons, if they were burning (...), the moon was fine-tuned when Waltz took away the mass. I mean, the next thing you have to do is orbit the moon for those who are freezing.

Soon her manoeuvring armor will return to its original appearance. The gaps that were visible in each part of the body were completely closed and ready for take-off.

"Ignition," "Attitude Control Started," "Thruster Stable"

In a vacuum without air, Waltz's manoeuvring armor floats in the universe in a light way. And her body was drunk into the darkness of the universe... Some time later, from the surface of the first moon, it seems completely invisible.

"... free time"

While drifting through space. Waltz was free. I had everything I needed to do, so I only had enough to get a view of the universe.

So it seems that after some leisure time she decided to find and communicate with Strandia flying somewhere in the moon's satellite orbit.

"Where are you first..."

In space, radio waves fly everywhere with little attenuation. Therefore, in principle, we can communicate with people who are away from us for many light years.

However, there is a problem that when trying to reach waves that spread round and far like radio towers, the density of the energy of the waves drops and communication becomes impossible. By analogy, you might say that a large bucket of water draped only one drop of ink named Radio Wave and then wrote a letter with it.

So in space, you have to use laser-like waves with sharp directions to communicate with your opponent at a pinpoint. But there's a problem there, too. In that you can't point that wave at them if you don't know where they are.

You can't even use radar in a space as vast as the universe. Because if you can use radar in the first place, you can use that radio wave to communicate.

Several methods exist to solve this problem. The simplest way to do this is --,


"... I want to!

—— attach a strobe like light emitter to Waltz or Strandia and fly radio waves toward that light source. It is arguably a unique way to locate dark space.

"Lucille, do you hear me?

Waltz asked Lucia, pointing a radio wave at Strandia.

Then Lucia's voice returned from Strandia, who was earlier pointing the wave at her.

"Sister?! Are you okay?! '

"Yeah, thanks to you. I'm done adjusting for the first month and now I'm moving towards the second. About six hours till we get there, right?

"That's a long way..."

"Well, 100,000 kilometers away."

What exactly is the distance of 100,000 km...... Lucia, unable to imagine it, seemed to have tilted her neck across the radio wave.

Then, now, Julia's voice flies from the other side of the radio wave.

'Dear Waltz, what is the situation?

"(Though I almost dropped a neutron mass along the way) So far, it's generally as planned, right? It feels like something unexpected hasn't happened."

'... Was there a little while now because of the bad audio situation?

"Oh, yeah. Maybe."

"I don't know..."

Did you even remember something like a catch, Julia seems to have tilted her neck on the other side of the radio wave too.

Even then, when the various people exchanged correspondence with Waltz on their behalf in turn, they seemed to have leaned their necks. We all had our doubts about each of them, but the most --

"" "(Dear Waltz, why is your voice so high...)" "

—— seemed to be a question about waltz's unusual voice color.

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