Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

5 After-18 Remote Control Robot?

Bright morning.

"waltz = a = eye's * (pea) minute cooking ~"


Heart to heart, Lucia with a disgusting face.

It should be noted that it does not seem to end in 3 minutes.

"No, Lucia? I'm not making anything else food, so you don't have to react like that..."

"Hey, can't you get a gizzard?

"Whoa boy. If you say anything more, you're gonna be a crazy girl on your hands, aren't you?


And the boy had a troubled look on his face.

... What the hell is Waltz trying to do?

Immediately after,




Such a noise engulfed the area.

... of course, it's not cooking.

A waltz-prepared machining center began to sharpen the magnesium alloy mass.

In short, Waltz was making a body for the boy.

The boy, an energy, was not equipped with a neurotip, so he could not homuncularize it because he could not adjust the physiological function of the body.

So what Waltz thought was a remote control robot.

The structure was very simple: the signal coming in from the antenna was processed by a central control circuit to move the actuators mounted in various parts of the body.

And energy hacked this robot (?) so you get a body that can move freely.

However, the appearance was not mechanical, but was intended to reproduce the boy's appearance as it stood on Waltz's camera.

Nevertheless, there was no facility to produce polymeric materials like soft skin, so it would remain hard skin for a while.

Perhaps, after rendezvous with Catalina, a procedure will be applied to transform the skin into biological parts.

... By the way, where did the ingredients come from?

Inventory bottomed out when fixing the energy, so there shouldn't have been any decent material in the workshop.

... Well, the world, if you reuse (sacrifice) something you don't need, it's something you can do about it.

For example, the Swordsmen's room on the Energia ship...

"Hey, hey, honey?

After cutting the first part, in a quieter workshop, the boy asks Waltz.

"Oh, my God, what?

"What, what? Philosophy?"


Apparently, boys don't understand gender.

"Well... Lucia's a girl, for example."

"Yeah? It's a girl, isn't it?

Lucia, unable to reach the boy's words, had a bewildered look as Waltz suddenly began to talk about his gender.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Lucia. Let's talk about this."

"Oh, yeah, I was"

Lucia gives a convincing look to Waltz's words.

There was one thing last night, and her expression was somewhere sunny because she found out the waltz wasn't broken.

"So, there's a boy over there who's a blind fool."

"Hey... who's your stupid brother!

Atlas, who was coming to help with the energy overhaul, was outraged because he was suddenly raised to a do-over.

It should be noted that he is also one of those relieved knowing that Waltz is normal.

... Well, to say that, all my people were relieved.

"Then what about me?

A boy who speaks like that.

Waltz tried to say 'boy', but...

(... but energy doesn't have a gender...)

Basically, the custom that ships are women is the same in both the modern and the other worlds.

Then isn't the boy still a 'girl'?

(You don't look either way... Well, he's a boy the way he talks)

In the end, Waltz couldn't decide whether the boy was a 'boy' or a 'girl'.

"Yeah, let's go in the middle. Which means it's neither."

Lost quote, Waltz seems to have decided to be neutral without either.

... Well, I'm a robot after all, so it doesn't change the structure of my body in men and women.

"Well, let's make some ~"

And Waltz was right, he started manufacturing parts at high speeds.

... an hour later.

"... so, done"

Magnesium skeleton with stainless steel exterior and motor.

And a control circuit and a wireless communication machine.

Others are simply simple with batteries on various sensors (?) The robot is complete.

However, the number of joints (motors) exceeded 100 in order to be able to make the same movements as humans.

"I don't want to see a motor for a while..."

Simple work (motor manufacturing) can only be painful after degrees.

"Well, boy... no, energy. You're going to ride this robot!

Waltz told the boy (Energia) as he lay down on the workbench, gazing at the robot that was turned on and in standby mode.

... of

"Are you sure?"

Somehow he doesn't know how to hack a robot that doesn't take security or anything into account, even though security can hack waltz that is supposed to be complete.

The same way that no human being could suddenly use the new appliances that he had bought, for energy he didn't seem to know what a robot made by Waltz was like in the first place.

"... how can I tell you?

Waltz worried about how we can teach him how to control robots with radio waves.

The waves have no shape, so I couldn't even teach them how to handle it.

"Try everything."

So first Waltz decided to manipulate the robot.


"Oh, wow"

Is it still a boy, the energy that makes your eyes shine when you see how the robot has moved?

"... uh... testing Mike..."

... is the first sound emitted from the robot by waltz manipulation.

"Hmm, I knew it was uncomfortable not to have a feeling of skin..."

No sensors or the like are attached to a mere stainless steel exterior.

Later, we'll have to ask Catalina to implant the tactile nerve.

"It feels like... I operate it, how about it? Okay?"

Waltz, who regained consciousness on the manoeuvre armored side, speaks.

"Sounds interesting. I'll try."

Apparently, as Waltz thought, you understood.


"... you disappeared..."

The boy disappeared from Waltz's sight.

I guess I stopped intervening in her cognitive system.

And after a while,


The robot just moved a little.


The robot leaks his voice just a little.

And he opened his eyes...


"... you can't speak well."

Perhaps the motion control system is not matched well between the energy and the robot.

Or have you not been able to form a body map...

By analogy, it is like a newborn child.

On the boulder, it didn't seem like it was when it appeared in front of Waltz as an 'image' or 'audio'.

It should be noted that the waltz could be easily operated sometimes because it is the manufacturer, but this is largely due to the fact that the motion control system of the manoeuvre armor had a similar structure.

"The eyes and ears should work normally, so I'll keep saying this, but if we practice, we should be able to move well, right? It may not be easy... If you get tired, I'll talk to you again."


A robot (energy) that speaks a voice that makes no sense, not a word like that or a non-segmented sound.

Immediately after,

"Thank you, hey."

Such words were passed on to Waltz via a wireless communication system.

"... let's see"

It should also be noted that Waltz turned around and started talking to the flying boat (energy), keeping the energy he was practicing to move his body.

"Let's finish the overhaul and get to Catalina and the others."

"Are you sure?... uh, Mr. Energia? Leave me alone about..."

Lucia seemed worried about the energy that only seemed to be moving without meaning.

"Yep. I can't help it because it's like this. It's like a baby, right?


"That's right. When Lucia has time, it would be helpful if you could help her exercise together. For example, standing exercises."

"Practice standing..."

Energy that is moving your hands and feet tightly while lying on the workbench.

Lucia didn't seem to know very well how he could stand and walk like that.

"You don't have to hurry. Teach him slowly and little by little?

"Uh... yeah. I'll try."

Thus began the days of special training for Lucia and Energia.

Time flies all at once around the evening.

"... it's finally over... back pain..."

Manoeuvre armor (waltz) that was working under the energy and in the mid back state.

Apparently, mobile armor also has back pain.

"Catalina? Can we do this now?

Waltz speaking to a Catalina radio over a wireless communication system.

Of course, it wasn't just Catalina, it sounded like everyone.

"Yes. I don't mind."

In response to Waltz's inquiry, Catalina immediately returns a reply.

We're all set, aren't we?

'You were quicker than I thought. I thought it would be tomorrow.'

"I got help from my stupid brother."

"No, I'm not a stupid brother! Look now... don't ever look back on me!

Atlas who is nearby but bothers to reply on the radio.

'Yes, sir.... So, Catalina? What's the current situation?

Catalina's reply to such a waltz inquiry came a little late.

"... it's not Fang. For once, we successfully identified the antibodies and extracted the serum... '

That's where I say Catalina.

"Mass production is going to take a while."

"Yes... but you can do it."

In order to mass-produce serum, which is a component of blood, in other words, it is only necessary to mass-produce large quantities of blood.

But the question is, how do we mass produce that blood?

That's for hundreds of thousands, too.

Even if the problem is solved, equipment is needed to manufacture the immune serum.

On the equipment Catalina took (such as centrifuges), it was not on a scale that would have made it to the end.

on top of that.

"Mr. Waltz..."

Catalina tones her voice one step down.

And she said.

'... will you protect the patients from the Endelusian army?

"... maybe you're in trouble or something?

'Yes, it looks like a massive sweep operation will begin around noon tomorrow'

... apparently, because the brave could not persuade King Endelusia, the zombies are all in the process of being killed.

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