Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

5 After-19 Probably wandering

"It looks like a massive sweep operation will begin around noon tomorrow."

Catalina's such words contained sad emotions somewhere.

Perhaps she herself advanced against King Endelusia.

But I didn't get her wish..., something like that?

'Yes... So, you want me to protect the zombies, which means you want me to fight the Endersian army?

'... in the worst case. I hope you have some other good ideas...'

There is no point in someone being sacrificed to help people.

"We can't do anything while we're stopping the Endelusian army..."

'Yes. You're really about to give me a few weeks...'

Perhaps with Lucia's enormous magic, or Waltz's technology, we could theoretically end serum production in a short time.

However, it is a case of not taking into account issues such as what to do with the various operations and controls that will be necessary in the manufacturing process, which are theoretical to the point of boredom.

If you actually try, Catalina's right, it'll take at least a few weeks.

'But, as we talked about the other day, it's too late to stand too long. So I thought maybe a week would be the limit.'

Limit to 1 week.

That was literally a dead line that would prevent the zombies from returning to humans rather than the time Catalina needed.

In other words, even if the answer is no, Keri must be attached within a week.

Besides, we have to work on the treatment of Leah.

I couldn't afford all the time being taken up by all the zombies.

'Yes... Something is going to be over in an instant if you have enough antibacterial to sprinkle it apart from the sky...'

'No, it's nothing.... Well, let's do this. By noon tomorrow, a camp (big hole) will be built inside Mid-Eden to transfer the zombies there. That way Endercia won't be able to get her hands on it either, will it?

Mostly Lucia would be the main job.

'So a week. Proceed with mass production of serum for whatever it is and administer it from one end to the zombies. This is the only way.'

The question is how to administer it, but perhaps a fully automated zombie treatment facility (?) will make something like that and administer it.

Lucia will help you, won't she?

When Waltz inquires over the radio, Lucia operates the radio in an unwieldy manner...

'Uh... I wonder if this is okay... All right, sister.'

I looked up at my sister next door and replied.

For her, it was her first conversation using a radio.

'I'm sorry, Lucia. Please. "

It seems to have arrived properly in Catalina.

'Then... I'll be there tomorrow morning. Catalina? You haven't slept again, have you?

"Uh... yes."

'You can't, can you? We need to get some sleep. Minimum 3 hours per day. Sleep 7 hours if possible. Otherwise, you're gonna get sick, and you're gonna get old all at once, okay?


... I should have cautioned against Catalina, but is it my fault that my voice was rising from various places?

"... okay."

Catalina returning those words is probably having a bitter laugh on the other side of the radio.

Well, for now, the waltzes have made time to spare until tomorrow morning.

Waltz called in Lucia, and Syranui, who had asked him how he was doing from so far away, to help him exercise his energy (robot) together.

"Lord Waltz."

The swordsman spoke to me.

"I need some time..."

"Uh, you don't mean to meet... I know, I know. You mean Leah, right?


Yesterday, there was a case of energy (boy), so it was supposed to be "explained later".

Having completed the maintenance of the energy (airship), could it be said that it is just right for the time being?

Especially for Waltz, I'm not very good at talking about this.

"... okay. It's something I don't want you to hear too much about, and it hasn't been confirmed yet, so let's go to the bridge. Lucia and Silanui? Energia, please."



Waltz then took the swordsman to the bridge.

"... it... is it true?

Explaining what Waltz had heard from Catalina, the swordsman rose out of his chair as he blued his face.

"I wish it was a lie or a misdiagnosis, because Catalina doesn't like that..."

"... well..."


A swordsman who sits in a chair like he's out of strength.

"He's got drips all over him like that because he's gonna die if you leave him alone, but you understand that area, right?

To Waltz's words, 'Infusion? He was a swordsman with questionable expressions such as' but soon he seemed to realize that he meant a thin pipe connected to the rear.

"... did this story make you a brave man?

"... if I had told you, I would have told you, too, wouldn't I?

"That too..."

The swordsman leaned down like he didn't know exactly what to do.

However, fortunately, would you have listened to Waltz calmly?

If this had been a brave man, this would not have happened.

"... I don't know what to do..."

"Well, it's not like there's no cure..."


To Waltz's words, for some reason, a surprising swordsman.


"You have a chance of healing?!


I got up again and stopped by the waltz.

"Uh, are we talking about the possibilities? I can't say enough."

"No, that's still not 0 (zero), is it?

"Oh, yeah..."

Perhaps, as far as the swordsman knows, the disease Leah is suffering from is completely incurable.

"Well, it depends on Catalina"

(Something tells me you're straining all Catalina...)

It goes without saying that Lucia and hunters and Teresa are also forced to bear considerable burdens.

"So the question is, how do you tell a brave man about this..."

What Waltz feared was that hearing this story would not make the brave half frenzied.

After all, the brave man and Leah have been friends for a long time.

I'm pretty sure you can't stay calm.

"Right... you can mediate me, but the Leo one, it's probably pretty messy..."

"I guess... I figured I'd tell you if this one came along."

You can't say anything about that from me.

"See you later. So. You're gonna have to help me out, right?

"Oh, okay."

Therefore, the report to the brave man was to be done after the zombie thing went through a paragraph...

"Lord Waltz, by the way. I need to ask you one more thing..."

Apparently, the swordsman didn't just want to hear about Leah.

"Hmm? Briefly, huh?

"Oh. I'll finish with one word, so tell me."

And the swordsman said, sending a serious look at Waltz with some difficult face.

"... our room, you know?

... Thus the waltzes, after finishing their test flight of energy, were to bring in the necessary supplies and prepare for tomorrow's departure.

... In the meantime, there was a young man sitting in a chair in a gym seat with a stunning view of the outside view from the bridge, or there wasn't...

And the next early morning.

I'm coming, Cortex.

"Huh, Wahari Ha-ha (OK) ~"

You don't like morning, Cortex, who seems to sleep for a long time.

I said, "Can I have my brother, too?

"I'm not a stupid brother, and..."

Atlas returns a reply in frustration.

"Mr. Atlas, I'm sorry I've always left you a message"

That's what Lucia bows her head.

"Hmm? I'm sorry. I have a job called Cortex."

"I'm sorry about Cole, too. Just two... uh, for three, 'cause I'm gonna get you a souvenir."

For a moment, Lucia almost forgot about Strella in Merclio.

"Looking forward to it ~"

"I like the food..."

"Yeah. Then I'll go"

That being said, Lucia went aboard the energy (airship).

"... hey, Atlas? Did you get along with Lucia?

"Hmm? No, I didn't really care, but... anything wrong?

"... no, it's nothing."

Talking about that,

"Waltz! Let's go!

"Lord, you are all waiting"

That's what I'm saying. Teresa and the water dragon come snapping on both feet of manoeuvre armor.

Apparently, the water dragon had made new clothes and was wearing cooking clothes.

Did I just say Japanese-made?

"Dear Teresa, how about it? I don't think it's a bad idea..."

"Hmm. I can't deny it feels a little stiff, but it does smell like waltz..."

Theresa comes cheeky with that said.

"... wondering what you're doing..."

Waltz floats the stuck ones with gravity control before Rotten (Julia) (?) and Smell Fetish (Sylvia) come by looking resentfully at the two.

At that time, I envied Shiranui for some reason, but... is it still being adversely affected by my people?

"Well, I'll be there."

"Welcome ~"

"Now it's time to forget your souvenirs!

And Waltz took Teresa and the water dragon, while he boarded the energy.

"Someone not in your seat, put your hands up? All right, you're not here."

It seemed like Lucia and Teresa, who were supposed to be in their seats already, were about to raise their hands, but they would finish confirming without getting their hair in between.

"Well, let's go... 'cause there's no tempo, so you're going to let me steer..."

With that said, Waltz tries to remotely manipulate the console.


Permission denied

The operation could not be accepted for some reason.

"What... yesterday, when I was flying the test, I was doing it right..."

Well, there will only be one cause.

"... energy. You're hearing me, aren't you?

Robotic energy was also brought to the bridge, but it was quiet today.

In other words, there is no him in the robot.

Then where are the contents?

"Uh, hey, can you see that?

With such a voice, he accidentally appeared in front of Waltz, the boy.

Seeing what everyone doesn't particularly care about, apparently they're hacking into Waltz's cognitive system again.

"Uh, guys? Talk to yourself for a second, but never mind."


They were buddies who doubted their ears for a moment for such Waltz's words, but apparently guessed the circumstances.

Waltz started talking quickly after checking on the condition.

"You rewrote console permissions, didn't you?

"Ken? I don't know, but, hey, you want to put this broom on, don't you?

"Yes, I am."

"Well, I'll take care of it."

The moment the boy uttered such a voice.

Kiwi, kiwi...

The output of the main engine rose and the rise of energy began.

At the same time, the hatch at the top of the large workshop is also opened.

"You... can you fly properly? Are you okay?"

"Uh, it's my body, so you can just take it?

And the energy that slowly moved toward the hatch popped out, just like it did when the tempo and the stretcher operated.

"You can't operate a robot, but you can operate energy..."

"Never mind. Then you wouldn't know if I told you to head to Crestling, the capital of Endersia..."

"Yeah, I don't know"

"... so will you fly towards the right first?

That's why Waltz decided to do the navigation.

... though.

Energy to start swirling towards the left for some reason.

"Migi's this way, right?

"... yeah, the other way around"

... thus a futuristic sky journey by the manipulation of an energy boy (?) was the beginning.

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