After Teresa used spell magic to erase her memory to restore the High Spear. I forgot that I found out that I was an Elf, and I repeated the same thing again... And when I finally got back to playing, Hi-Spear's class began. In addition, her appearance returned to that of a human being through transformation magic. Even if the waltzes miss, if they are unlucky enough to be seen by a third party, catastrophe (?).

“Now, let's start the lesson. I think I did my homework in the library yesterday to get a copy of the book--"

"(Ahh... class is finally starting!)"

Waltz listened to Hi Speer's story and was moved by it in his heart. Yesterday, I received something that would be an experience class, but at that time it was a boring "experience", and it was a rough content class that could be described as a kind of attraction. Therefore, today is the first time that a class can be said to be decent. Waltz, who was a Guardian but had never been to school, seemed to be looking forward to this moment.

Well, that seemed to have happened for a moment.

"... so, Waltz-sensei. Please take a lesson from here."

"... what about you?"

No, no matter what I think, you know more about Waltz than I do, right?

"Um... I don't really know what that means, but..."

"Please don't be humble again." During yesterday's orientation, Dr. Waltz taught us that he has been conducting cutting-edge research in the Grand Duchy of Restopen for decades and centuries. In the end, a young man like me is afraid to whip at Waltz-sama... ha?! Could it be that Waltz-sama is an elf too?! "

"I wonder why such an idea..."

Waltz, who was looking forward to the lesson, looked at Hi Speer with a muffled expression, apparently not expecting to do the lesson himself.

As for her, she seemed to be willing to turn down Hi Speer's proposal. But she couldn't refuse.

"Onee-chan's class... I'm looking forward to it!"

I definitely want to take a look at my waltz class!

You can take a master's class!

Is this Waltz-sama's lesson? It's a reward in an industry!

Because Lucia and the others had a strong interest in Waltz classes and their eyes were shining.

"(I was a little excited to know what High Speer would teach, but I don't want to be able to teach Lucia and the others the wrong knowledge of this world...)"

Waltz thought about the gaze from her sisters... And she stood up for herself.

"So... did you read the handout?"

Thirty minutes later, High Speer and Waltz switched positions. A composition in which Waltz stands on the podium and Hi Speer takes a seat on the student side. Incidentally, because the waltz was too low, she could not see her face from the teacher's desk, so she placed a chair on the pedestal and stood on it.

Waltz used a special textbook she made for her class. Basically, I followed the textbooks that I copied in the library, and I put the drawings and illustrations as they were, but the characters that were written seemed to be different.

Rather, it wasn't even a letter. It's like a hieroglyph. However, it is somehow understood that it is a meaningful sentence at a glance, and it is a strange symbol that can be read properly. Lucia and the high spirits who saw it wrapped around the content of the text in a way that was half unusual and half crafted.

In the meantime, even though everyone hadn't seen the contents properly, he asked if he had read the waltz. It's clear to everyone that you're not reading it properly.


As a result, everyone's voices overlapped. The objection that there was no way to read it in such a short time was soaked in their voices.

Nevertheless, the waltz gorgeously threw it through.

Well then, let me ask you a question. What was the calendar when the Grand Duke of Restofen signed a peace treaty with his neighbor, the Emrinza Empire? "

Waltz asked a question that was likely to come up in the test. Naturally, it is not something that can be remembered in a short time.... that's what it was supposed to be--

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--All answered the same question at the same time. Even though everyone only saw the text of the waltz for a moment, it seems that everyone remembered all the contents of the text.

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