"It looks like everyone remembers it, right? That's me. You better teach me... I'm sure"


It's a stone! Master!

Textbooks in the modern world that use forced knowledge in the brain--no, the effect of Waltz text using a compulsory learning book is excellent. Normally, everyone will remember the knowledge that should be learned slowly over about three years in just a few seconds. Before that, Lucia and Teresa somehow knew the situation, Asteria admired it without letting go, and Hi Speer--

"Eh, ehehehe......" Pah!

It was broken again. The Waltz text did not seem to retain its spirit, as it was a terrible substitute for neglecting the efforts of all the faculty present in this world.

Looking at the state, Teresa complains.

"...... Waltz. The High Spear broke again." However, since the fuel consumption of the tail is too bad, if I had to erase my memory every time it was broken, could I not do something about it? For example, applying the technology of this text to erase memories, or devising ways to accept alternate memories..... "

"Oh, I see. I think we can do it." It would be dangerous to misuse it. "

"Well, if the waltzes or concubines who are resistant to the Enhancement Book manage it, we'll be able to do something about it." If something happens like this, I think we need to take immediate action because I'm afraid it might be a pity that Lord Hi Speer has no tail. "

"Isn't it okay?" I mean, Teresa, you got a magic tool from Cortex, right? The one who can absorb the magic power by kissing someone. "

Theresa, you're filthy!

"Wait... I don't want to choose that option unless there's an accident."

Teresa, who couldn't reach her back, was still wearing a magic tool like a bat's feather on her back. I tried to get Lucia and Asteria to help me remove the magic tool, but it was as if they both had an agreement (?) I refuse to do it. Moreover, politely, the magic tool on my back penetrates through the clothes, so it has no effect on the change of clothes... By now on the second day of wearing it, it was no longer in a state that could be said to be standard equipment. It seems that the customer was embarrassed and is trying to hide it with her bag and hair.

Did you realize that Teresa hated it? The waltz seemed to have no choice, and he folded it into his notebook. At first glance, the magic circle was depicted there. But it seemed to be ultra-science itself.

"Just by showing me this, you'll recognize the textbook as a normal book?" Don't look at Lucia and Asteria. This is not a normal thing, but it rewrites the memory by force... that is, it's the same thing as going insane. "

"It's like a kind of medicine."... indirectly, I don't even feel like I've been devoured by my concubine's spiritual magic... well, okay? "

Teresa picked up the note from the waltz while saying so, and placed it in front of Hi Speer. The spirit of High Speer was in chaos because it could not accept the compulsory learning book of Waltz, so if we rewrote the compulsory learning book into the perception that it was universal, the spirit of High Speer should return to its original state.

Results --,

"Ah, what the hell am I doing...?"

--As the Waltzes thought, High Speer is safely back. Well, I recognize that the compulsory learning book is a normal book, so I can't deny that a different problem may have arisen again.

Well, it's like this, isn't it?

"I don't know if it's okay... I just have a bad feeling about it..."

"At that time, my concubine can erase her memories, so it's okay."

"Um... I don't understand..."

That's the only way to get used to it. It's always like this when you're with Waltz-sama. "

While exchanging such conversations, the four (+1) turned their gaze to High Spear, as if they were even seeing a pathetic experimental animal. On the other hand, High Speer seemed to be leaning his neck at the words of the waltzes, but it seems that his memory was lost due to the rewriting of his perception... As if nothing had happened, she seemed to have started preparing for the next lesson.

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