Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

6 Previous-04 Departure Previous4

After breaking up with Strella, Waltz returned to the royal castle.

In the first place, Waltz came to the chancellor's office for a different reason, but he was blocked by Canopus, Yuki, and the dragons and Cerberus, and lost the opportunity to cut the line.

But once again, Waltz wasn't going to be able to cut the point...



Lucia hugged Waltz, who came to the chancellor's office.

"Uh, Lucia? It would be helpful if you could stay away for a little while...?

"Yeah. I, I decided to be your sister's brave man!

"Oh, yeah..."

The dispatch of messengers to Boreas was to be delayed by two days... and this is the major cause of it.

Yes, Lucia's stuck to the waltz perfectly, and she can't leave.

"Yeah! I'm not letting you go anymore!

"Um... but I was wondering if you wanted me to let you go..."



Lucia did not reply with her face buried in Waltz's arm.

Apparently, she's not willing to leave.

Waltz told Lucia that he was worried about how to handle it.

"Sister ~? What else can I do for you ~?

The Lord of the Speaker's Office (Cortex) asked.

Seeing that there are no more Canopes in the room, apparently the necessary story is over.

"I have... Lucia won't leave me, so I'll keep talking to you, okay?

"Yes. I don't mind ~?

Waltz then started talking about the real deal when he put his hand on Lucia's head, who was hugging herself and waving her tail happily.

"... I'm a messenger to Boreas... and I figured I'd go, too"


"What? Was there a reason you shouldn't go or something?

Waltz asks two people who are surprised by their words.


"Uh, Catalina, do you want to talk about your sister or your sister Leah?

Before Cortex, Lucia opened her mouth.

"Hmm... the work you're getting Catalina to do right now isn't going to end so easily. Until that's over, all I can do is prepare and check my homework... Besides, Leah, it doesn't mean it's gonna be terrible soon. Well, worst of all, because if anything happens, all you have to do is fly back."

"If we can get in touch, right ~?

"... Something's tough. Cortex?"

"I have a precedent."

With that said, Cortex smiles.

... but with a dark smile.

"Ugh... no, now it's okay. Even Lucia and Julia are here..."

"... um... well, that would be good"

After hearing Lucia and Julia's names and pondering on the lack of trust in Waltz, Cortex finally gave her permission.

"By the way, Cor? Why did you call me?

and Lucia speaks such a question as she leans her neck.

Lucia was in the chancellor's office before Waltz arrived, but apparently she didn't come to visit Cortex.

"That's right ~... actually, I was thinking of removing Lucia from this envoy ~"


"It's already been done ~... I thought your sister's coming back and pulling you apart right away would be a bit of a terrible setup ~..."

Apparently, if Waltz didn't talk about accompanying the envoy, Cortex was thinking of removing Lucia from the envoy.

"... I'm sorry, Cole. I was so worried..."

"No, that's not true ~? Instead, in this case, your sister should apologize ~"

"No, you're really sorry, aren't you?

"Is it true ~? Well, that's okay.... back to you, if your sister is going to Boreas as a messenger with Lucia, you have nothing to say from me in particular ~"

"Thank you, Cor!

Lucia with a full smile as she said that and took Cortex's hand.

He was looking forward to going to Boreas for the rest of his life.

"... good luck ~"

It was Cortex who, seeing how such a delightful Lucia was, did not have to change members of the envoy, I think.

"Well, how do we get there?

After going out in the hallway, waltz in a maid shrugs.

Then Lucia, who was also dressed in maid clothes, opened her mouth.

"Energetic... aren't you going on your ride?

"Yep. I don't need to move the energy right now, and I don't care what happens to the rear. For a while, I guess energy means leaving a message."

"Oh well..."

Lucia, who, unfortunately, leans down to Waltz's words.

Maybe he thought he could travel with the energy that allowed him to talk freely.


"So you're walking away?

"I don't hate walking away either, but it's gonna take a while... How would Lucia get there?

In response to Waltz's question, Lucia put her hand on her chin and thought about it, then said with a bright look on her face.

"I'm flying!

"Right ~"

Perhaps after lightening up Julia and Yuki and the others with gravity-controlled magic, it will blow up with wind magic or something.

"This time, too, I think that's fine, but I mean, there's no art whatsoever... you don't feel like traveling..."

"Really? Um, so, a carriage?

"Carriage hey... That's a rattle shake, doesn't it just hurt your butt? Sure, it might be easier than walking..."


No alle, no colle, and Lucia desperately figuring out a way to get around, hanging out with a waltz that doesn't shake her neck vertically inside.

... and came out of her mouth, the next way around...

"So what do you mean, you're going on the back of a demon?

It is called Tame.

For once, even in this world, even though Tamer was few, it didn't mean zero at all.

"... may be novel depending on the type."

"So, water dragon sister or something?

"No, I think if we do that, maybe she'll be like a dried up mite on her journey"


Lucia gave a bitter look, saying so.

Perhaps even imagine a 50 m long mite dripping on the street.

"If you're going to tame a demon and use it as a way of traveling... after all, you think it's better if it's not normal?

"The unlikely one? For example?"

"Well... there are phantom beasts and stuff, and Cerberus and stuff isn't funny because Strella already does it..."

It should be noted that whether riding a phantom beast or a Cerberus, it is an unusual means of travel.

Waltz thought about it for a while.

"... yeah, I can't think of any"

The white flag was to be raised early.

"... you're in trouble"

"I'm in trouble..."

A demon (machine) maid and a brave maid holding their heads together with such a grunt in their mouth.

People in the royal castle turn a strange gaze to the different sights they create together... but go bare to show how they don't care as much as possible.

In the meantime, there were two approaching shadows without worrying about what was going on around them.

"Hmm? What are we both doing here?

I am a hunter.

Then Lucia opened her mouth when she noticed her.

"Ah, Mr. Hunter. Well, next time, I'm going to the Demon King's country, and I'm worried about how to get there with your sister."

"Hmm? Are you two going?

Waltz now answers her question like that.

"Yep. I thought I'd worship the face of a demon king named Sirius."

"... right"

To Waltz's words, a hunter who exhales deeply.

He remembers his grief that Waltz will be gone again.

"After all, are you pretty busy?

If I could afford the hunter's time, I was waltz trying to call her to see if I could join her... but apparently, that's not how it works.

"Ah... Thankfully, I don't have a problem with the funds, but I can't afford to be in South Fortress alone. I also put jobs and contacts in the neighboring city..."

"You think there's nothing you can do?

"Ah, in the winter, they have as much manpower as they can, but they're particularly busy in the coming winter season."

"Is that what you mean..."

"That's the thing. So I have to gather people, so it's hard to be with them at this time..."

Saying so, the hunter sighed deeply again.

To such a hunter, Waltz, the cause of the collapse of South Fortress, opens his mouth feeling sincerely sorry for himself.

"... okay. Now send Atlas and the brave men who should be free to South Fortress."

Then the hunter put his doubts in his mouth after giving him a look that seemed difficult.

"... no, it's very helpful to have Atlas here who can do all sorts of things... but what about the braves? Aren't you an amateur?

"Wouldn't it be good to be either an amateur or a bastard at this point? Perhaps they'll work a lot more than their male counterparts, right?

"... that may be true..."

"Is that an excuse to let them help? It's okay. Then there's the right one."

... by then, in the guest room within the royal castle...

"Um, I'm free! Free, free, free... (abbreviated)... free!!

The swordsman was calling as he knelt on the floor and scratched his head.

Recently, hunting buddies (?) Sometimes hunters are busy, and they're stressed out because they don't have a chance to get out of the royal castle.

'Hmm? What's wrong, Mr. Victor?

"My body has been dull lately, and I can't believe this... Ugh?! Energy?!"

When the swordsman noticed, at some point a black figure of energy (a collection of millimeter machines) stood directly next to him.

"Yeah! I came to see you because I was free too"

"Oops... you came to see me, you walked inside the royal castle?!

"Uh, hey..."

When Energia says so, the assembly of millimeter machines unravels and becomes liquid like slime.

"I came through the gap."

That's right, the energy that moves endlessly around the room.

If energy is a demon, unlike slime, she has no nucleus (?) would be extremely difficult to physically defeat.

"... Huh. Right. But don't surprise me too much, okay? I mean, wouldn't it be awkward if Waltz found out?

"Mm-hmm, I don't know!

"... um, well, should I find out...?

When swordsmen and energy have such conversations,

"... hey, Victor and Energia. Sounds like he found out fast, huh?

One, a wise man who was quietly reading a book, opened his mouth without moving his gaze from the book.


When the energy and swordsman returned to their original appearance turned toward the entrance,

"Ah, energy ku... chan"

"If I had any more energy... I would have said no if I had transformed using a millimeter machine..."

"Something, that was an amazing sight..."

Waltz and Lucia, and the hunter stood.

Apparently, he was witnessing the whole thing.

"Uh... yeah... sorry..."

Energy that is butt blurred and your voice is getting smaller.

Then said the swordsman, trying to shelter the energy from the waltz.

"Well, nobody's in trouble, okay... I mean, knock on it and then come in, okay?

"Hmm? You knocked, didn't you? It's a microknock, though."

"What is that... I don't know... Well, it's been a while. Is something wrong?

"Is that asking why I didn't have a lot on my face? Or are you asking me what I'm here for?

"... because it's going to be a long story, in the latter"

"... yes. It'll save you a lot of trouble."

A waltz with a slightly unfortunate look, though.

"So, it's a requirement..."

And she said that there was no clapping.

"You want some energy?

"... Huh?

Everyone who was on the spot solidified in such Waltz's words...

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