Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

6 Previous-05 Departure Previous5

"You want some energy?

"... Huh?

"I mean, it's kind of like buying and selling people, but what I'm saying is, do you want a airship or not?

Waltz to supplement just in case the energy in front of him had a sad look on his face.

Nevertheless, it's a airship = energy (girl), so in the end, it doesn't change what I'm saying.

"... sister... you hated me..."?

Energia asks with a crying look as she looks up at the waltz.

"No, no... you know what? Energy."

After saying so, Waltz began to talk about the reasons for the transfer.

"From now on, if you start acting with us, swordsman... no, you won't be able to meet the braves? Originally, I stopped talking about getting you to cooperate only for a few months... We're basically based in Wang Du and this country, so if we come here, we can meet some of our people, but the braves don't. Oh, for once, you can always come back when you've done your love to the braves."

Waltz thought of the energy he had always had with swordsmen lately, and wondered if he should act with them at this time.

Energy to bow down while closing your mouth to Waltz's words.

However, thanks to Waltz's words' You can always come back ', Energia's expression did not include negative emotions such as loneliness, sadness, etc.

If I insist, what about the expression of a traveler worried about which way to go on two strands of road on the journey, etc.?

For a while the troubled energy opened its mouth after looking up at Waltz's face and then shifting its gaze to the swordsman's face and nodding one person.

"Yeah. I'm going to my son-in-law's place with the swordsmen."


A wise man blows out the tea he was mouthing as he reads the book with momentum.

... Well, that's anyway.

"Whoa... my wife would still be my son-in-law... no, no, either way, you wouldn't have that..."

A swordsman in a hurry, turning his face bright blue or bright red somehow.

... Meanwhile,

"Hmm? Why are you in such a hurry? Isn't it common for these kids to say son-in-law or daughter-in-law?

Waltz, Lucia, and the hunter.

"No... well, that's..."

"So, what do you think? This is what Energia says, do you accept? Don't you accept? Which one?"

When Waltz urges the answer,

"... I agree if you say it in my personal view, but I'm not the leader of this party k"


'I'm a bummer, thank you. Mr. Victor!'

"... hey, listen to me..."

... Energia ignored the swordsman's words from the way in and hugged him.

"Well, that's settled. Therefore, as a condition of exchange, I will ask the Brave Party to go to South Fortress from now on to help rebuild"

"What is this abusive... newbie money lending?

"Do you want to stop?

Waltz grins with a niggle as he gazes at the energy that cheeks happily on the swordsman's chest.

"Hey... damn... well, it's good because I was free. But get a copy of Leo, too, right?

A swordsman who didn't name a wise man who was supposed to be the same party.

But when I see no objection from the wise man wiping dirty floors in front of me, I guess that means he accepts Waltz's suggestion, too.

When Waltz finishes drinking tyranny to the swordsmen,

"... I'm sorry, Victor. Thank you!

Now the hunter took the swordsman's hand and lowered his head.


"Look, if it's your sister's request, it's not stingy. We'd love to help!

The swordsman showed a different attitude 180 degrees than earlier.

To him like that,

Energy pointing a gaze without light.

... No, my eyes are also made of millimeter machines, so I'm not shining originally...

Such energy, once away from the swordsman,

"... Mr. Hunter."

He opened his mouth, pointing his gaze without light at the hunter.

'Cause you can't lose'


About what?, a hunter floating a questionmark on his head like that.

... but thus the lid of the invisible swordsman battle by Energia and the hunter was cut and dropped (?).

"Well, now you're not sure what it is."

Waltz whines out of the guest room with Lucia.

"... maybe a little sad..."

Growling Lucia as she turned her gaze down.

Apparently, he thinks energy is going somewhere far away.

"If you get lonely, why don't you just go see him in person? Lucia can fly."

"Yeah... but until now, there was Energia where I could see her when I wanted to see her, right? Thinking it's going to be far away, there's something..."

That's what I say and sigh Lucia.

"Hmm, I guess that's the thing... But I'm not going to be gone right now, because there's a chance that Energia herself will give it back with all her love.... Well, don't you regret it from now on, maybe we should play a lot with you inside the energy right now?

"Yeah... right... ah"

That made Lucia harder.

"Hmm? What's going on?

"... we were going to Mr. Sirius the day after tomorrow..."

Lucia then begins to have a crying look on her face as she shudders with a pull.

"If I stay like this, I can't play with Energia..."

"No, if you fly away, you'll get there as soon as you can, and besides, you can come right back..."

"... okay?

Apparently, Lucia thought that Waltz was trying to travel in a special way, but that it would take a considerable amount of time to get back and forth.

"Absolutely fine, huh? I mean, after all, I didn't decide how to get around."

"Yeah! So let's fly? Sister!"

Thus, the journey to Boreas was decided to fly away.

In the first place, Waltz, Lucia, Julia, Sylvia, we all had no choice but to fly from the beginning.

Waltz then came to the infirmary of the spacecraft (Energy) where he would be to talk to the brave man about the transfer of energy.

Meanwhile, Lucia, who was stuck with Waltz, left lightly and went back to her room because she found out she could travel to Boreas with her sister.

Perhaps you are preparing for the journey.

Now, there was one concern in Waltz's brain moving through the energy toward the infirmary.

... it was more than likely that the brave man was still being put to sleep (stunned) by Catalina today.

(I don't know how to wake up...)

It sinks into the water, gravity controls, sounds like an explosion near the ear, administers an awakening substance (adrenaline)...

It was a waltz who was happily thinking about how to behave against the brave while traveling, but...


"Hmm? Oh, waltz"

The brave man was rarely awake when he opened the automatic door of the infirmary, and in front of the glass window of the intensive care unit, he had a great view of the rear inside.

"... Huh."

Waltz sighs at him with such an unfortunate look on his face.

"Oh, my God. Suddenly..."

"No... I was thinking about how I'd wake up if the brave man was asleep... Unfortunately, I was awake."

"What are you going to do... (Oh, glad you're up...)"

"Nandemonaiwayo? Kinisinaide?

If you were asleep, I wonder if they were doing something like a human experiment, a brave man who feels a chill in his spine.

"Still, it's unusual to be awake, isn't it?

"Even I, the boulder, don't make a scene forever..."

With that said, a brave man sends a gentle gaze to Leah, who sleeps quietly on the other side of the window.

"... I'm worried about Leah, but you can't stop here forever. Besides, Catalina, the expert, is working on it. Where I make a scene, even if treatment is delayed, there's no going on..."

"... yes"

Waltz sympathizes with the loss of light as his story progresses from the eyes of the brave man, who until now was a gentle gaze.

It appears that Waltz had already received it from Catalina before experimenting with the human body against the brave.

Well, that's good news for you.

"Hmm? What are you talking about?

"I'll give you some energy, okay?

To such Waltz's words, the brave man gave him a difficult look and shook his head after opening his eyes for a moment.

"... I'm sorry, I may have misheard. Would you say that again?

"I'll give you this airship. Now with Girl (Energy)! (Finally, forced labor is also on the set! Yeah, great deal!

To Waltz's words, a brave man who understands that his ears weren't going crazy.

... Well, the tension seems to have dropped because of the extra options.

"Energia... should I say it? What's the point of putting her on?

"Then I ask, brave man? Can't you fly this ship?

"... lend me your daughter..."

"Well, before I lend it to you, she, it's like a part of a airship, so I follow you on my own..."

Still, Waltz, unable to understand the generation mechanism of the energy (girl), said so, skipping his gaze in the direction of the day after tomorrow...

Especially since the words never seemed to reach the brave.

"Well... now our journey, at once, approaches the Demon King to the climax..."

"... what? Are you going to die?"

"... how does that happen..."

"'Cause you're weak, aren't you? What if I was a real demon, and you think you could defeat me for being crusaded? (except for the second form (manoeuvre armor))"

"... maybe they'll kill you at a time of hostility..."

"It would be. I mean, you can't beat most of our party members, can you?

"No, to a boulder. It's... muggy... or you can't win..."

Brave guy in the brain, looking like he's simulating a battle with his people.

Lucia, Catalina, Hunter, Tempo, Teresa... apparently, they couldn't beat anyone.

Recently, though, a fellow swordsman has found that brave gravitational endurance (?) or shock resistance (?), and the ability to evade (?) and the sage was able to be angelized when he was here.

Together, perhaps the weakest of the brave parties at the moment is the brave...

"... for once, even against the Demons, you're strong, right?

Brave man to say as if reopened.

It should be noted that Catalina, classified as demonic by birth, does not seem to be able to touch one finger.

"Yes, yes, I get it. Try not to die."

"Um, something... like this... um..."

Before Waltz, who looked like he didn't trust him at all, the brave kept roaring as he put his arms together in a way that didn't boil down to anything...

"Oh, yeah, yeah. I just wanted to ask you one thing."

Waltz, who said what he wanted to say to the brave man, tries to get out of the infirmary and says something like that.

"Hmm? What?

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but... what kind of demon king are you trying to defeat?

(If it's Altair, I don't care about anything else...)

But in a way, the brave returned Waltz's expected answer.

... don't hesitate to answer that either.

"Sirius the Demon King"

"... oh, yeah"

(Wow... directly before, I've never even heard the name, but I really think it was Sirius... Later, around swordsmen and sages, I have to ask them to stop...)

When Waltz thinks about that,

"... next time, you're the demon king trying to join hands with Mid-Eden"

A brave man has refused her exit.

"... you knew?

"Well, tell the wise man I heard about the messenger from Boreas."

Apparently, before rooting, it was too late.

"So, you don't have to disagree?

Then the brave man opened his mouth, scratching his head.

"As I said before, we don't imitate anything as innocent as putting our hands on the internal affairs of other countries. Besides, we've heard stories about the Boreas empire trying to join hands with a country on the human side."

(You know that, and you still try to crusade Sirius... what do you mean?

If you do that, you could be hostile to the Waltz later.

Waltz tried to predict a few things about why the brave man would try to discuss Sirius, but in any case, he had only a troublesome feeling.

... but if you don't listen here, later, she asked me why, because I felt it would be even more troublesome.

"... why did you want to crusade Sirius?

Then the brave man tries to open his mouth with confidence, but...

"That's arr. It's... it's me. It's me. It's, uh..."

But for ever, the reason was never told out of his mouth.

"I wonder why..."

Waltz turns his suspicious gaze to a brave man who is not deliberately bogged down.

Apparently, the reason why the brave man is trying to discuss Sirius doesn't apply to any of the reasons she was thinking.

"... hey, brave man? Did you hit him in the head recently?

"No, I've been fainting lately, so I don't remember much..."

(Wow... that way...)

I think Waltz may have had a breakdown in his memory because of the drugs he kept on dosing Catalina.

... Well, that's a joke.

(If you think about it normally... altering memories, right?... when? To whom?)

A waltz equally troubled in front of a brave man who still thinks about why he defeats Sirius.

(The only person who can do this is Teresa's spiritual magic...)

"You... were brainwashed with spiritual magic when Altair caught you..."

The fact that Leah was molested, but not touched by the brave man at all, was something she could not normally have thought about.

It should have been manipulated in some way, but the Waltz have so far told him that he has a brave correction (?) I assumed there was no problem because there was.

"What do you mean, brainwashed..."

"On the contrary, as much as I'd like to hear. Well, I'll leave it up to you to figure out how to act against Sirius, but at least I suggest you remind me why I have to fight Sirius, or maybe I'll do it after I get my lost true memory back? Otherwise, maybe you'll regret it... because I'm sure it'll be terrible."

A brave man who listens to such waltz words and tries to wrinkle his memory around his eyebrows.

But I can't seem to find any reason why I was trying to defeat Sirius, and after a while, sitting in a chair holding my head with both hands, it stopped moving exactly.

(Ha... hassle... Later, maybe I should ask Teresa to release the spiritual magic...)

In the first place, I wasn't sure if there was any way to disarm the spiritual magic hung from others, but I think 'It's better than not...' etc. Waltz.

Then, having said what she wanted to say, she left one brave man in the infirmary who continued to worry and went straight outside.

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