Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

6 Medium-06 Rainy Township - Medium 2

Late that night.

The next time Eve noticed, she was in a dim room somewhere.

Seeing where a lot of stuff is... this is a storage (?) Apparently.

At least, it does not seem to be the storage of one's own house.

"... keho, keho..."

As soon as I regained consciousness, Eve coughs up feeling something uncomfortable in her trachea.

"Huh... blood...?"

The surroundings were dark and not well visible, but the sputum that came out of his throat was a little blackish.

Apparently he had a sore throat and was bleeding slightly.

Seeing that kind of blood, Eve's head, which was blurry, gradually... no, I started turning all at once.

I was cleaning up my meals at home, and strange men attacked me... and I lost consciousness.

As soon as I remembered that, my blood drew from my face, my hands trembled, my lips felt gone... even when I heard about my father's death, tears that I shouldn't have patiently shed... came zero out of my eyes...


Eve desperately tries to swallow a whimper so the sound doesn't leak.

But apparently, the nightmare isn't over yet.

She starts looking for a way to escape, literally desperate, even though she's about to be swallowed up by fear.

Then, gradually, the situation in the room became apparent...



"I'm hungry..."

Inside the room, Eve and about 20 other children of similar age were locked up like leather collars and chained to the ground.

Seeing where the stature isn't very pretty, they're probably part of the orphans who lost their parents and wandered around the city.

Eve was haunted by how those children were doing.


... she didn't want to be just a mourner of her misfortune, just like those children.

Therefore, even when his father died a month ago, he did not weep.

But what's the difference between what I look like now, trembling in fear, dripping tears and snot, and the children squatting (groaning) in the same way in front of me...

"(... it was! And when you died, I decided to grow up!

When Eve realized it, the sensation of hands and feet, which had lost temperature, began gradually to return.

"(Yikes! Absolutely, I'm gonna get you out of here!

Her, who completely regained herself, acted fast since.

"(First, don't let them notice...)"

During the roof repair, Eve did her hand on the collar that was also attached to her neck as she removed the nail she had been serving for the excess from her trouser pocket.

Then, after retreating to the wall critical, scratches are added to the rear part, which is not immediately found even when someone arrives.

In the meantime, I checked that there was only one entrance to the room, looked for a replacement for the branch (or stick) so that the door would no longer open from now on, and stared at it.

In that way, Eve, while young, thinks of one means of escape after another.

Apparently, he has a situational analysis capability for parenthood.


Let's just say this is good.

The remaining problem with escape is how to get out when there is only one entrance.

"(Where else could I possibly go through...)"

As far as I can see from her eyes... a slightly higher position, an iron lattice window.

When I knocked with Concon, the wooden floor seemed unexpectedly thin.

The walls... were made of a stack of stone slightly larger than the brick, so it seems difficult to break them directly, but if you pull out the stone below, would it be relatively easy to collapse?

"(... even if we pulled out the floor, if this is the upstairs room, we might have to get down in the middle of the scary people... even if we could all work together and climb into the window, we might not be able to get out without that cage breaking... or it would hurt if we fell...)"

With that in mind, you remembered the day, unexpectedly, Eve still doing her hand on her sore ass and precious tail.

"(All I have to do is do something about this wall...)"

She worked out a plan for her escape so that the adults who might be outside wouldn't ask her, and even the children around her wouldn't find out.

That's when, uh, the face of a certain irritant comes to mind.

"(Dear Waltz... why now, I remember...)"

It is a waltz who did not come to his crisis, even when he shouted in his heart that he had forsaken himself, help him.

In Eve, I'd say you're in Worst 5, a person you don't really want to remember.

But when he thought about the circumstances in which he and the children around him were placed, and now what he was trying to do, Eve realized why her face had suddenly come to mind.

"(... ah... this is what it was like to act for everyone without anyone noticing...)"

Eve remembers that when the giant creature was defeated, only Lucia, who was next door, stood out and nobody noticed anything, such as about the waltz that was actually protecting the city.

Such waltz's "no one cares (...) or (...) let (...) (...) (...) behavior" seemed to overlap with my present self.

"(... then there's also some reason you tried to poke me away...)"

It was when I thought about it.

The feeling of Billy... comes into her hands.

Apparently, the collar's chopped a thousand times.

Opened from the chain, at first sight, she ran towards the support rod with her eyes on it and placed it as quietly as possible into the entrance door.

This will buy the adults time to come into this room.

And she raised her voice, not too loud, towards the children who were in the room.

"Guys! We're getting out of here, now cut the collar!

With that said, Eve handed out saws and fleas to other children, found from among the luggage that was in the room.

After finishing distributing it, the second round of her battle began.


It began to heat the lower part of the stone wall with fire magic.

And after it warms up for a while,

"No, no, no...!!

Now I started cooling using ice magic.



There was a small but crack in the stone that was subjected to rapid expansion and contraction due to heat.

Apparently, he remembered an experience where, against a cup hung with hot water, he immediately hung cold water and it cracked.

"Ko, if this..."

Eve was overjoyed... at that time,


I heard the door shaking abusively.

"It's not gonna open, is it? Closed from inside...? Hey, open up! Kids! '

Because of the use of magic, the adults who were outside seemed to know something strange.

"Eh! Help me if I can use magic! If you can't use it, help those who can't take the collar yet!

Yet, with that voice raised, Eve does not rest her hands and desperately continues to exercise fire and ice magic.


"I'll help too!

"Me too!

The children also raised their voices.

If the grownups came, I don't know what kind of violence they would...

Even though such fear was in front of her, she was not swallowed up by it, and she was impressed by the appearance of Eve who hadn't given up... the children who could only watch began to join her.

"Alternate fire magic and ice magic to my signal!



And Eve wasn't enough. With the addition of Chicara...


The stone blew up big enough to reveal the view on the other side.

"Later, if you break this pile of stones..."

But Eve didn't want to collapse immediately.

It was possible that a broken wall would come down from above your head when you broke it.

So I needed to find something, like a broken castle hammer, that I could hit instead of my body... but she was thinking about replacing the closet that was nearby.

To do this, it took a little time, including preparation, to break down the wall... but it was going to take more than that for the adults who were trying to break down the entrance to come inside the room.

Apparently, the support rod (pickel for ore mining) installed by Eve was stiffer than it looked.

"Yeah, I can go!

Eve confident of the success of the operation.

... but she had two (...) things she hadn't considered.


"What are you...?


... the first is if any of the adults could use metastatic magic.



Children floating the colour of fear again to a man who suddenly appeared.

Inside, there were even those who lagged behind until they stuck their buttocks or hit the wall.

"You were trying to escape... Waste of time..."

A man who notices a hole the children have drilled and speaks so.

Wearing a black robe from his head, as he approached the entrance to the room slowly, he removed the support rod that had kept the door in check.

... In the meantime,


A few adults pour in.

This is Dear Capella... I'm sorry to bother you!

As soon as I saw the man inside, the way the leading man would have spoken in a violent tone changes to a much more polite tone.

"Hmm... well.... you're wasting your time in the future and don't even think about running away."

Turning to the children. That's all I said, a man called Capella trying to get out.

But when I suddenly stopped and turned around to see what I thought, I turned my gaze to one of the children.

... is Eve.

"... is that his daughter... Just fine, come."

With that said, the capella grabs Eve's hair unconstitutionally and tries to pull it off.

At the same time, the other men poured into the room at once in an attempt to seize the children who were in the room...


about the second thing Eve did not consider, is.

... it happened when a man who came in with a cut of the lead tried to pull up a child who was trying to escape from a hole in the wall of the room, crazed to death.



At the same time that some low noise blurred my ears... the world becomes distorted.

The next moment,


... the man's body went straight out of the middle and his blood exploded.

Adults who don't understand such a sight at all and stifle... and children.

For once, let me tell you, men weren't made of slime, or proliferated by cell division.

... was slashed in an instant with something very sharp.


Boom, boom, boom...

I wondered if such a low sound rang from the wall of the room.

Ragged, ragged...

The wall of the room was shattered and fell outward (...) down (...) and (...) (...) (...).

And I was standing outside...

"... Wah, Master Waltz...!

... was a black-haired girl with a bright red double iris, with something like a black tree branch.

The next moment Eve saw her and raised her voice,


The men in the room lined up and replaced them with 2 cm square meat chunks, which immediately turned black and disappeared into the universe.

... except for one, though.

"... spatial control magic..."

"... you know what I mean"

When Waltz uttered the magical name he could come up with as a possibility, frowning (hissing) that he had not received his gain (...), the cappella affirmed with Eve's hair grabbed.

"Hmm... I never thought I'd meet a demon god in a place like this... but no, he just kept quiet... well"

That's all I said, Capella shrugged with her back to Waltz.

"... farewell."



In an attempt to catch him somehow, he was a waltz trying to reach 'various kinds of hands' towards the cappella... but because of the space control magic being exercised, it seems that their position, which was visible in sight, differs from their actual position, and ends up emptying.

... as a result, Eve was taken away by a cappella.

"... ha..."

Waltz takes a deep breath, meditating on his eyes when he comes to a place where two people suddenly disappear (clinging).

Otherwise, he could not contain his wrath, which he had no place to do.

"... that's not going to work... I wish I could have used an anti-metastasis magic junction or something..."

And even more emotions circle around, around the sight of a crying look, I realize I have to do something about the children who are relieved in front of me.

"... if you ask Yuki directly, she'll protect these kids on the boulder..."

Having whined about that, Waltz decided to take the children back to the royal castle when he returned to his original appearance.

... At that time, she never showed a laugh... because the look on Eve's face, who was grinning happily while saving tears in her eyeballs, didn't leave her back of her brain... did she?

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