Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

6 Medium-07 Rainy Township - Medium 3

Due to various circumstances, Waltz has evidence of the offense (?) after completely covering up and then returning to Deftery Vixen's third royal castle.

After forcibly depositing the children with Yuki D (Minister of Education), who look somewhat lonely towards him, Waltz returns to the guest room...

... an unusual cold air leaking out the door of the room came into her eyes.

"Hmm, that's cool."

Waltz shrugged as he walked into the room and opened the door the best, looking at the weather forecast that was on the morning information show.

Or could it be said that I just checked that the thermometer for manoeuvre armor was -10 degrees (Celsius)?

"Ah, welcome back, sister!

Lucia, whose date had already changed, but she wore a piece as usual, not looking cold at all, calls out to Waltz.

"I'm home. What? Did you wake up and wait for me?

"Yeah... there's that too..."

Lucia turned her gaze to a certain place after such a sunless look.


At one corner of the room, an area could be created where the motion of matter would have stopped near zero unlimited...

... In short, in the corner of the guest room, Yuki A was lying down and rolling unconstitutionally, holding her knees.

Is it because she's in such a big shape and oddly glamorous... still cold?

Apparently Lucia couldn't sleep because she was concerned about Yuki (the Demon King) 's presence, which creates such strange signs besides waiting for Waltz to return.


"It's cold... it's cold..."

... Julia, with no feathers on her wings, was rattling and shivering in her bed.

Sylvia, on the other hand,


He slept happily, wrapped in wings with feathers growing.

Apparently, he had difficulty breathing and never finished his life.

"Isn't Lucia cold?

"Yeah. 'Cause I'm wearing a bangle"

With that said, Lucia shows that various resistance effects lift the bangle with enchantment in the kanst state.

However, if you put it on that rationale, Julia, who also has a bangle made of l (...) si (...) a (...), shouldn't be cold.

If it were still cold... would it mean that Yulia was fairly cold?

Or maybe only Julia's bangle is a defective product... no, that won't be there.

"Come on."

Waltz stopped thinking about the details.

Rather than..., he thought removing the cause in the first place was a prerequisite.

"... Um... Yuki?

Snow Woman With her hello and bright blue aura wrapped around her, waltz sounds terrified at Yuki, who continues to snap some bumps against the wall in the state of a fallen gym seat...

but the reply is not coming back.

(... I wonder what you're crushing...?

Waltz tried to hear her voice on a high-performance microphone while pretending to have an ear (by her side) in Yuki's mouth.

... then,

"(Can't go to your daughter-in-law, can't get married, useless demon king, useless sister, poor cook...)"

... was cursing somehow.

Perhaps you are cursing yourself for not being able to act as a guide at all.

(Oh, uh... something, I suddenly have a hard chest too... I mean, it doesn't matter if you're a demon king and you can't go to your daughter-in-law or you're a bad cook?

Waltz feels like the majority of such Yuki's curses are saying something about him somewhere, and he feels like his heart has been choosen.

But right after shaking her head and blowing her dark mood, she pulled her cheek as she floated Yuki with gravity control.

"Hiya?! Ha-ha-ha (what are you doing)?!

"If you just have a really distracted face, you'll leave a wrinkle on your face and look like a wrinkle grandmother, right?

"Huh? Hey, hey, hey. Do something worse now)... ~ ~ ~!

Keep it up, Waltz, trying to be deluded and screw up her face.

At that time, Yuki's face... in the end, the situation was impossible to describe in words, but thanks to it, her mind seemed to have been slightly solved (relaxed).

When Waltz let go of her hand from her face, to tingle, Yuki slowly began to speak in her mind (of which) as she rubbed her slightly reddened cheek.

"... when I realized that Master Waltz had disappeared somewhere and left with affection..."

Squeezing, Yuki tries to whine and say those words.

(No, no, you can't normally hate me enough to want to leave my people...)

Though, Waltz floats the face of King Endelusia behind his brain.

"... and... and when I realized, the castle I'd seen somewhere was made where the 1st royal castle was..."

(Oh, you mean Lucia's newly built castle with a transfer magic formation in the entrance hall...)

Waltz recalls Mid-Eden-style (...) Royal Castle, which also passed when he returned earlier.

It is a tonne-demo spec castle that upon entering the front door, it will be transferred immediately and flown to other royal castles.

Perhaps, unless you move the position of the metamagic formation, it won't be used.

"And... and...!


I don't know what I remembered... but Yuki's eyes began to overflow with big tears.

"on a date... fail... gu... daughter-in-law... go... gu"

(... you too...?

And, Waltz gives an unexpectedly frightening look to Yuki, who cries.

Anyway, I can't even talk about the real deal if it stays like this, so I decided to take care of her for now.

"I don't know if it's a date, but... next time, I hope you'll show me around?

"But... Master Waltz... whether or not he's coming next... gu..."

"Of course they're coming, aren't they? 'Cause I didn't bring Catalina or any of the other guys..."

Yuki grinned brightly at the words of such waltz with a terrible face dripping with tears and snot.

"Ho, is that true?!

"Huh?! Oh, yeah... sure, right?

Waltz wipes away her tears and snot with gravity control, even though she pulls a little on Yuki's expression like that.


"Absolutely! It's a promise, isn't it? I'll be ready for the wedding!

Did you get in tune with the book, Yuki started running wild?

"Wait a minute... how can that be...?


"No, I'm having trouble suddenly being turned to such a lightless gaze..."

"... it's a joke"

"I'm supposed to be joking, why are you giving me such a crying look..."

She was a waltz who didn't have to think that someone would help her.

... Around 10 minutes of repeating such an exchange, Yuki's mood finally reverts.

"Sorry for the inconvenience..."

"Yeah... hey, I don't care at all..."

and Waltz, who looks quite tired, responds to Yuki, who stopped the cold air leaking out of his body (stealing heat from his surroundings).

"So, where the hell were you going?... possibly, an encounter..."

"No, hey... so let's stop turning that sickly gaze this way? Because it doesn't really go out of style..."

"It's a joke."

"... that would be nice... So, I don't know where you were going..."

Then the color of the waltz, which had a tired look until then, suddenly changes, literally, to black.

"... Waste disposal."


All of a sudden, black hair and a waltz turned into red eyes, three non-Sylvia looking stunned.

"... it's a really impeccable story... they kidnapped Eve."

"... Huh?

I couldn't understand what Waltz was talking about at first. It was together, but I understood that the word only meant the right thing to the look that bit down her bitter bug.

"Eve, Yu, kidnapping...?

Why was he kidnapped?

Lucia and Julia raise their voices of doubt.

In contrast, Yuki:

... he had a difficult look on his face, as if he knew something.

"... Yuki? If there's something you know, could you tell me?

"No, it's not so much that I know, but I don't know if she, Scar Vixen, was the cause of the rampage... but it seems to be the daughter of the first researcher to sacrifice..."

"It was..."

"Actually, I, too, just found out this morning... sorry... keep your mouth shut..."

That's what I said, Yuki, lay your eyes down.

If he had spoken of this, wouldn't he have imitated it like Waltz would throw Eve away, and he wouldn't have been kidnapped...

That's what she thought, she bowed her head.

"... you don't have to apologize. From the beginning, it didn't change my behavior..."

"I hope you say that..."

Instead, it was because Waltz understood why he tried to push Eve aside that Yuki thought it was pointless to reveal Eve's identity and remained silent.

"So... you know what we're going to do, right?

"Yes, I'll take care of it"

Answering that to Waltz's words, Yuki stood up.

What we should do now.

In other words, he decided to return to the chair where he should have been in order to find out who was responsible for the attack on Eve.

... Yes, to exercise the supreme power of this country...

In doing so, whisper...

"(Ah, Master Waltz? Hey, girlfriend, can I borrow it?

Yuki whispered to Waltz, glancing at Julia, chilling, still wrapped in a blanket.

"(... yeah. You used to work for your men, didn't you?

"(No, now Master Waltz's faithful me (servant))... doesn't sound like it. I was wondering if I needed a re-education."

... On the way, Yuki stops whispering.

And she,

"Um, Master Julia? Could you come with me for a moment?

I said that while I could smile and write to Julia.

"Huh? Gathering information? Then I'll take care of it..."

"No, I do want to entrust you with gathering information... but before you do, it looks like the Demon King is calling you, right?

"What?! When did you hear from Sirius?


Dark (...) black (...) Keep smiling, Yuki grabbing Yuki's arm.


... At that time, Julia shivered somehow... probably because of her mind.

"So, Master Waltz. You're taking Julia."

"Ugh, yeah. Something seems to be starting to come out of the ground... but be gentle with your hands..."

Thus Julia re-educated... and was taken to be made to work like a carriage horse as an informant...

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