Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

6 Post-02 Return to Boreas 2

"Oh, sister? How am I supposed to move on?

... I asked in horror as Energia, who was watching as Waltz blew Lisa away and bloody her, showed some confusion about how to deal with her.

"Yeah... at 60 degrees bearing, please..."

Waltz, who understands what cannot be escaped, replied heartily, in a way that he regrets his actions.

Then, on the side of such a waltz, Yuki opens her mouth with her fingers together in front of her chest as she approaches somewhere sorry.

"Um... Master Waltz. Never mind."

"... yeah... it's okay. Because I know exactly what I did wrong..."

To such Waltz's words, Yuki said, slowly shaking her neck to the side.

"Actually, she belonged to Assassin, not Intelligence until the other day, but she got sick in the course of that training, and she transferred her."

"Uh... no, I knew you were somehow a sick person since you were suddenly stabbed, okay? Keep someone like that in intelligence..."

Yuki then turned her back on Waltz and said emotionally as she turned her eyes to the sunset that was still going to sink.

"... now that I think about it... I knew you couldn't..."


... Apparently Boreas is in a chronic shortage of manpower...

"That's why... no, it's nothing..."

Waltz closed his mouth when he realized it was awkward on the boulder, trying to dig back into the old story.

Yuki was concerned for a moment about the continuation of Waltz's words' That's why... '

"Ah! That mountain, isn't it the home of Yuki's ancestors?

In an attempt to somehow delude her with a surprising look at her for stopping words along the way, Waltz put his finger on the appropriate mountain that looked like a view outside, trying to turn his consciousness towards something else... that was the time.


I can hear it sounding like that, from nowhere.


"... Huh! My stomach hurts!

Suddenly, Energia started saying that.

"Hmm? Fault?

Previously, when Energia complained of abdominal pain, the bolt stopping the important sensor was about to fall out... but did something similar happen this time?

When Waltz thinks about that...


... For some reason, Energia raised her voice like a surprise.

'At the entrance, is something rampant?!

"Something... ah..."

In her (?) words, Waltz remembers having left a flying dragon near the entrance.

Apparently, Energia didn't know what to describe him because he didn't know the word dragon or dragon.

"... Ibonne? Fei Long, looks like you're awake, huh?

"It's Eve! What, really?!

"If it was, why don't you just look at me? But it's dangerous, so be careful, okay? Because it seems to be rampant. Maybe he's throwing up braces and stuff in the hallway, huh?


In Waltz's words, Eve's face, which had a bright grin until now, turns into a drawn grin.

"... well, that's good. Shall I come with you?"

"Uh... yeah. Please... I will..."

Eve said that you worried about using respectful language against Waltz.

"Yuki? What about you? Want to come with me?

"... If Master Dragon is awake, I have something to tell you, so I'm coming with you"


And Waltz, and Eve, and Yuki went unto the rampant dragon.

When they went out into the hallway, suddenly,


Flames... so-called dragon braces attacked me.

At that moment,


Eve is instantly engulfed in a scorching gas.

... Perhaps if Waltz hadn't made a shield out of gravity control, she would have carburized at that point...

on the other hand.

"... Hmm. Flames also have different flavors..."

... Yuki was deliberately coming out of the inside of Waltz's gravity control and eating flames...

"No, no, because you don't know what it tastes like to eat flames, do you? I mean, don't do it because it burns..."

"Huh? No, I don't... uh, I get it"

With that said, Yuki unfortunately returns inside gravity control.

In doing so...

"Ugh, wow?!

It was as if some super weapon had raised it when it blew up an unprotected sacubus, and Eve stuck to the waltz with all her might.

... because,

"It's a horror..."

... I won't go into detail, because Yuki's appearance in the dragon brace until earlier was amazing.

Well, that's, like, five seconds...

"What's the matter...?

Yuki leans her head against her face with an unconvincing look at Eve as if she sees something baffling.

While you're talking like that...


and her figure was completely restored.

... is super recovery by nanomachines in the body.

"What... what's going on?

It's like the dirt you were sticking on your face (special makeup?) turning a startled glance at Yuki, who returned to her original appearance, as if she were going down. Eve.

"Well, I'm the Demon King, and I need you to be able to do about it."

That was the waltz to whine about... but on the other hand, you didn't think, 'The brave man you can defeat... maybe he's not here...'

But Yuki at the time seemed not to know what had happened to him until the end.


Still, we walk in intermittently blowing braces toward the entrance and exit.

What I've been seeing moving through it for a while...


And he was the figure of a flying dragon who roared in forgetting me.

"That's rough..."

"You're absurd..."

"Are you angry...?

Three people who see that look and each mouth their thoughts.


'Please stop rambling because it hurts!

Such an energy voice was heard from a speaker nearby.



... always, a flying dragon who doesn't have ears to listen to.

If you look onboard the energy from his point of view now... the soldiers dressed in black caught you again, and you were separated from Eve by a saying, only one person was thrown into a narrow space... is that the situation?

Leaving him alone, he didn't have to worry about a fire for once, but he wouldn't even leave him there, so Waltz decided to shut him up.

"Flying Dragon! A treat!"



With the gravitational control of the waltz, a flying dragon sinks into the floor of energy.

And at the time...

"... it used to be like this, I used to do it a lot..."

Waltz turns his gaze toward Eve (Yvonne), remembering the dog he used to have.

"... hmm?

"No. Nothing."

Then at that time,

"Wah, waltz... Lord! You're safe!

Fei Long seems to have noticed their presence coming from the hallway.

"Evo... Eve is important, right?

With that said, Waltz opens up the supergravity he was putting on the Fei Long.

"It's... yes. She saved my life, benefactor. So no matter what happened, I decided to make sure I saved him."

Then once he stood up, Fei Long corrected his posture and knelt before the waltzes.

The act itself did not mean much in particular, but he wondered what it was like to lay unnecessarily on the ground in front of a waltz.

To such a flying dragon...

"... Mr. Dragon, are you feeling all right with your body?

Eve inquired worryingly.

"Mm-hmm. I don't know, but when I realized it, the wound disappeared from my body, and on top of that, it was lighter than usual. Nothing hurts at all right now, huh?

(Huh? So you mean you've always been a dall?

Waltz raises such trivial questions about the words of the Fei Long.

Meanwhile, wasn't it a big problem for Eve, when she approached Fei Long...

"Uh... thanks for the help!

That's what I said, I hugged Fei Long.

Such an eve,

"... so do I. Thanks."

Fei Long also had a slightly stiff arm and held it back.

Then a while later.

Asked why he was alive, why he was supposed to be buried in the wall and dying, and why he was here, Feilong asked Yuki, the person who helped him.

"... Lord Sirius. My partner... what happened to the dragon?

In response to his inquiry, Yuki...

"... I'm sorry"

That's what I said and bowed my head.

I mean, I couldn't help you, I guess.

"No, you don't have to keep your head down. I knew it. He passed away a long time ago."

Then Yuki,

"... no, it's not"

Somehow, I shook my head to the side.

"Lord Earth Dragon... was left in that place himself"

"As a matter of fact, after nobody was gone, I destroyed the earth dragon-like collar. At that time, Master Earth Dragon regained consciousness..."

"Yikes... you were alive?!

"Yep. Master Earth Dragon was already quite weak, but he was still alive. So I tried to help with the dragon... but with my body, it was difficult to carry both the dragon and the ground dragon at the same time. And then... the dragon asked me to help the dragon as a priority..."

I heard those Yuki words, and once he was a flying dragon with a bright gaze, but...

"Right...... but it's not Lord Sirius's fault. Because I was weak."

That's what I said, I leaned down, and I put my hand on the floor.

To him like that,

"Um, Master Dragon?

Yuki... somehow opens her mouth with a bitter smile.

"I'm not dead yet, and I don't think it means it's too late..."

"... what, you say?

"Master Ground Dragon is a Ground Dragon. Sure, I suffered major injuries, but they shouldn't be as frightening as they were in the flames of that facility. Grounddragons can live in volcanoes and such. Besides, even if the facility collapses, he should be able to dig holes and live in the ground, so I was wondering if it would be so easy to lose his life..."

A flying dragon whose eyes literally dot such Yuki's words.

Then Waltz opens his mouth this time.

"Well, it's up to me to apologize."


"No, why don't we just dig a hole and rescue him? I can do that, but... but I can't do that right now... and when those weird people find me, it's too much trouble..."

and waltz to say that remembering the humans who would be in the tank.

"Uh... no, anything that annoys Master Waltz's hands..."

That's what Feilong said... on the other hand, he accidentally shut his mouth thinking that it was a problem he could work hard to do something about.

... Still, he, after a while of worrying,

"... I will definitely try to save him."

That's what I said of determination.

I may not be able to be who I am right now, but I may be who I am going to be.

That's what I thought.

"No... in the meantime, you come out on your own... Uh, but it's a troublesome place, and maybe we should go help."


"... yeah. Nothing. Good luck."

To Waltz repeating some far-reaching remarks... but he didn't just turn a suspicious gaze.

"... waltz, do me a favor"

That's what I say. Fei Long to correct his posture again.

(... before this, you said no until you were human, and you were going to say 'I want you to be my apprentice' again?... ma, there's a good reason, it's good... nothing...)

I saw how he was, waltz I think so... but the story starts going diagonally.

"... Lord Eve looks like a dear apprentice to Master Waltz. And I was saved by Lord Eve... Therefore, I thought that I should serve as Lord Eve's disciple. Therefore, I ask you to admit my Lord Eve to discipleship."

To his words like that,

"What... how can that be..."

"Master Waltz is not my teacher!

Waltz and Eve denying their mentorship.

Then the flying dragon


I turned my shineless eyes to them...

I've lost the art of saving the dragon... such a close gaze to despair.

"Hey... even if you look at me like that..."

"Oh, yeah. Master Waltz is nothing of mine..."

That said, now Eve's gonna lean down for some reason too.

"... Speaking of which, my house..."

Apparently, he remembered that Vixen's house was gone.

The fur color is different, to two people who wrap up a similar atmosphere...

"... Huh."

Waltz sighed deeply and opened his mouth.

"... okay. Eve can come with us. But is Fei Long better? Eve, some kind of apprentice?

"It's not Eve! Is that it? Really?!

and Eve with a slightly confused, honestly bright look.

The ground dragon, too.

"Mm-hmm. Never mind. There's so much to learn from Lord Eve."

I nodded as I was convinced.

"... yes. Then it's good... There's just one more dragon, and..."

... thus.

Waltz and his people (?) were increased by two.

Note that

"... I'm not... an apprentice... I'm good in the main room, right?

There was someone nearby who was whining about that... but no one seemed to notice that...

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