Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

6 Post-03 Return to Boreas 3

... somehow a line to the bridge, taking Yuki, who leans down with a dark look.

Of course there, the figure of the Fei Long was with him.

He walked restlessly behind the waltzes somewhere as he looked around the ship uncommonly or smelled it.

After all, rarity is something that can be felt as well, regardless of man or dragon.

When it was about half a mile away after he started walking to the bridge, against him like that, Waltz spoke slowly.

"Speaking of which, why was Feilong caught?

Then the flying dragon, who was choking, turned his face toward the waltz and opened his mouth with his head tilted.

"I don't know why... I can only speculate about that, too... but is that okay?

"Yeah, you don't mind? (I'm somewhat predictable with stories from Yuki...)"

Then he... started saying things that Eve didn't answer when she asked him.

I didn't want to say it at the time, but now it's good, and so on.

"... to deduce from his words, he seems to have searched for the art of manipulating the demons as he pleases. Totally lamentable, but we seem to have been caught as that experimental bench."

(Hmm, manipulating demons... right.... that? Something catches me... ma, come on)

"... didn't you say anything else?

"Speaking of..."

That being said, Feilong slowly began to talk when he did his hand on his jaw as if to recall a long time ago.

"Um, he said," What a labyrinth, "as he glanced at the collar on our neck."

"... you don't remember the details, do you?

"No, it was a somewhat elusive word for me. The late... no, I only remembered one thing. Indeed, 'there is no great difference between the labyrinth and the dragon'..."

"... yes"

I'm not sure what there is in common between the labyrinth and the dragon, but there seems to be some causal connection between the collar the Feilongs were wearing and the labyrinth rumbling in Vixen.


"Oh, good. You can ask them directly."

and waltz that reminds me of the head of lolicon that would still be floating in a mysterious solution in Catalina's bag.

"... Huh?

Two other people but Yuki raise their voices of doubt... but seeing where Waltz gently put it through, they don't seem willing to explain here if it's a hassle.

By the way, it would go without saying why Yuki didn't raise her voice.

"Well, this is the bridge, right? Guys, you remember the way, right?

In front of the bridge door, Waltz inquired against two (and one), to delude.

"Yes. You've totally remembered that already, haven't you?

"Even I, I remember!

"... were you sure it was straight?

Fei Long didn't know what path Waltz was asking because he was loaded when he passed out, or something like that... but the other two seem confident.

Especially since I can't go anywhere other than where I'm allowed because I have a security shutter, I can't get lost...


It sounds like such a gas escape, and like earlier, the bridge door opens with momentum.

"... what principle is this?

Eve asked if you were interested in the structure of the door.

"Er... it's a simple automatic door that feels like you're running a gas cylinder by connecting a motion detection circuit using a Doppler radar to an air valve."

Pocahontas, like I said, three people who open their mouths.

"... in short, there's something like a demon prop that reacts when people come, and when it reacts, it's made to have another demon prop open and close the door, right?

"... something sounds like you're going to use a lot of magic..."

And Yuki, with a magical colour in her head, spoke her thoughts.

"No... no, yeah. I know I can't help it because I lack the knowledge to understand otherwise..."

"What... are you not?

"... that would be a long way from being able to create a replacement body for the sisters, wouldn't it?

"Yeah?! Did this have anything to do with such an important thing?!

"Ugh, yeah... I didn't think you'd be so surprised, but, well, that's important. I'm not using magic."


"Yes, sir. I've seen this development many times before, so it would be helpful if you could ask Catalina more about it."

Speaking of which, Waltz stepped onto a super-scientific chunk-like bridge with the appearance of new companions raising their voices of doubt on their asses.

Well, at that time, about the first time a flying dragon seeing a view reflected inside the bridge was reacting like a cat who was surprised by the animal appearance on TV... you won't have to explain it anymore...

Energy flying through the stratosphere at supersonic speeds.

From the view I was seeing from that bridge, when the sun finally disappeared and the little stars began to look neglected in the sky...

I could see the view under my eyes as if I had painted the ground straight with bright red luminescent paint.

It is the Great River, the boundary between the realm of man and the devil.

"Is that... the Great River?

"Yeah, right?

"Something... so small..."

For the sake of saying 'Great River', the red line that was visible to Eve's eyes was not so great.

Of course it hasn't gotten smaller, it's just that the distance is away.

If you consider flight altitude and relative position... isn't 30 km away?

"If you look close, it's huge..."

I'm whining about that... and suddenly Eve's complexion changes.

"... Huh? Are you going to jump over like this?! If you jump over it, won't you fall?! It's a place where magic can't be used..."

To the look on Eve's face like that, Waltz thought a little before...

"... oh, I totally forgot."

As if 'I just remembered', Waltz said so without changing his expression as much as possible.

"It could be awkward to stay like this..."

Waltz consciously frowns as he endures a mouth that is going to nibble.

... but

"... oh, but considering the parabola, even if you can't use magic, it's like you've already jumped over it."

Eve convinced herself on her own.

If you want to surprise Eve, Waltz looks like he ate the bastard by himself.

"... why, I know what parabola is..."

"Because you were a scholar."

To the words of such an 8-year-old,

(Well, it's a different world, but maybe there's about classical physics... What the hell was he like? You know, parabolas in this world, people who found gravitational acceleration...)

Waltz thought that to someone he didn't know.

If you say it in the original world, was there someone like Aristotle or Newton?

Well, as for that anyway.

When Waltz was caught in such a thought, Eve had turned a niggling glance at her.

To her like that,

Waltz turning a surprise gaze.

Apparently, Eve knew Waltz had tried to put himself on and wondered if there was any way to get through it.

The result seems to be that, remembering the parabola, self-completion is good... but now Waltz is better off, because of it, he's been delayed in his thinking.

Such, to the unreadable waltz of the air...

"... Mr. Waltz's idiot..."

Eve vomited evil.


"That's enough!

That's what I said. Eve hugging a flying dragon that was nearby.

In doing so, I give Waltz my tongue...

Waltz couldn't swallow the situation or seemed to have to tilt his head.

One word, "You know what," she said, we could have smiled at each other, but... it seemed like a difficult issue for her not to get along very long.

"... hmm? What's the matter with you? Did you even fight with Master Waltz?

To Eve, who suddenly hugged me, a flying dragon looking out at the view turned his long neck toward her.

"Dear Waltz, I can't have this (noble) exchange, and I can't!

"Hmm. So what kind of interaction did the Lord want?

"Hmm, conversations like the emotional spectacle pushing over?

"... I'm sorry... I don't seem to understand."

And Fei Long, sorry to lean over...

"Even I don't completely understand what it is to be told that..."

"Huh?... um..."

Both of them thought about how Eve could explain things like not knowing what she was talking about.

... Well, there's nothing hard about it, and you just wanted to have a conversation without other love...

And that's when.

"Sister ~?

Such a distracting voice came from the radio communication system and the bridge status monitor at the same time.

"Anything wrong? Cortex."

'It's not a big problem, until you report it. It appears that a large number of demons are now gathering around the Wang capital. That number ~... it's immeasurable ~. Isn't it over a million ~?

"Oh, yeah."


Yuki accidentally raises such a voice because Waltz's reaction has gone too far.

"If it's a million or 10 million, what do you think? If you're coming in bulk, you just need to use the shockwave generator... I don't know why the hell that happened, but isn't Yuki happy the other way around? Now it looks like the people of Boreas don't have to suffer from food shortages."


"'Cause you don't have a body, do you? You can't just dump the meat like it is, and..."

"Ha, ha..."

If it's your country, Yuki thinks inside, 'Before you eat or not, it's going to be about being eaten or not eaten...'

"So Cortex? If we hunt, we have to put it in the freezer, right?

"I understand ~"

And, as usual, I lost communication with Cortex.

... of...

"Hey... sister! Your father's dying!

To keep standing up, I was contacted this time by Strella, who was supposed to be at the Royal Castle in Merclio.

"Huh? Father?... Oh, you canopus. Is something wrong?

"Too many demons are dying of overwork!

"What... you too?

"That way, too," he said... and his sister?

"No, right now, I'm not in Mid-Eden, but they're attacking the king's capital. I don't think it's a problem because Cortex seems to handle it (oh, speaking of which, I forgot Atlas was there too...)"

'Well, your sister's free, isn't she? Come here for a little backup. "

"Eh, side d... it's hard because I'm busy right now. I mean, it wouldn't be if you handled it directly. Don't you have to leave it to Canopus to deal with it all, all by yourself?

'Cause on the side d... for once, you're playing a powerless lady in front of your father and the heavy towns of the government, and if I say otherwise here, you're gonna have to ruin everything that's piled up so far... I don't like that...'

... It should be noted that the status that has begun to build up is essentially less than a month.

"Well, in any case, I can't right now. It's already night, and if we sneak around in the dark, it's not a problem, is it?

"... ha..."

When Strella took a deep sigh and cut communication, she never heard back from me that clearly...

Apparently, we'll deal with it ourselves.

"... Um, Master Waltz? Is it always like this?

"Huh? Yeah, but?


Then when Yuki began to reflect on his centuries-old reign,

"Wah, Master Waltz!

Now Julia contacted me.

"Hmm? Are you a demon too?

'Uh... yes, no, it's not! That (...) is (...) Ke (...) Ji (...) Na (...) I (...)!

When she said so in a hurry, from the bridge of Energia, she began to see the light of the town of Vixen in the gap between the clouds.

But that's not the usual city light.

"... Huh?

"... what?

... was a bright red flame of war, created by some large number of shadows...

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