"The third time, the third time I sent her to Bai's house, I felt heartache, and then I fainted. When I woke up, I was in the hospital. From then on, Beibei was like a changed person. Instead of making trouble, she followed Bai Shida to Bai's house. She always told me how good it was in the Bai family, so I didn't have to worry about it."

"If Qian LAN didn't make trouble, I probably wouldn't know what kind of life she was living in Bai's family. When she was two years old, she was beaten by her mother and she didn't speak. Now she's been abused. How pathetic this child is..."

The mother-in-law said and shed tears.

Gong Yi quietly listen, he can't imagine that the little girl is growing up in such a bad environment, her soft and timid temperament is formed in this way.

No friends, no parents, except for her mother-in-law, she has grown up in this quiet way for 18 years.

Gong Liao squatted down, and he gently held the old man's hand. Beibei was not so good. She never had a good day. The old man suffered from the coldness of the world.

"Mother in law, everyone's fate is different. We can't cut off all the possibilities of Beibei's future because of fear. Beibei is not her mother." He spoke softly.

Her mother-in-law stopped crying, her eyes to the palace, she said, "that million really you give her?"


"Are you really Beibei's boyfriend?"

"Yes." Gong Yi didn't nod at all.

The mother-in-law was silent for a moment and then said, "I need time to think about it."

"Well, mother-in-law, I'll wait for you to think about it."


Gong Xuan comes out of the room, and Bai Beibei is already waiting outside.

"Brother in law, what did my mother-in-law tell you?"

"Nothing, just a couple of casual conversations."

"Oh, brother-in-law, you go back, now..."

"I won't go back tonight."

Bai Beibei was stunned.

"I'll tell your mother-in-law that you don't have to worry."

Bai Beibei looked down at her toes and said, "but there are only two rooms at home. Even if you stay, there is no place to sleep."

It turned out that she was thinking about it.

Gong Yi picked a sword eyebrow, "I sleep in your room."

"What?" White Beibei looks up in fear.

"You sleep in bed, I sleep underground." Gong continued.

Bai Beibei's face turned red. She misunderstood him. Her first reaction was that he wanted to talk to her Sleep in a bed.

"Yes." She nodded. "Let's take a bath first."


Gong Liao looked at the small room with a few square meters in front of her. This was the bathroom. There were several pots inside, without any flower sprinklers.

"You bathe here?" He asked the little girl around him.

"Well, get some hot water to wash in the basin, brother-in-law. You can stand up and wash later." The girl has a white nightdress in her arms, which looks like a crabapple.

Gong Yi did not speak.

"Brother in law, you go to wash first."

Gong looked around, "you wash first, I'll wait for you outside."

"Oh." White Beibei walks in cleverly.

Gong Li stood outside and waited. He heard the sound of water coming from inside. It was very light. At this time, it was easy for people to fantasize.

After all, she bathed in it.

Miyazaki stretched out his tongue and licked his thin dry lips, and then he wanted to go further.

Then there was a "ah" and a scream came from inside.

He was stunned. He pulled out his long leg and stepped forward. He reached out and opened the wooden door

The words are not finished, a small soft body directly rushed to his arms, the girl two small hands around his neck to climb up his body, panic cry, "brother-in-law, there are mice, ah, there are mice!"

Palace quickly reached out to catch her waist, to prevent her from falling, but this one, full of slippery hands.

She took off her coat and now she has a little white vest and a pair of trousers.

Gong Yi was stiff all over, and then all the blood flowed into his brain. The two people's current posture was too ambiguous. She was on him, and her two thin legs clamped his fine waist and abdomen.

He is a normal man, naturally think of some beautiful pictures.

"Where are the mice?" He asked in a hoarse voice.

"There, there, what a big one!" Baibeibei is afraid of mice most. She points to it while she says it.

Gong Yao held her in one hand and walked forward. Because Bai Beibei was afraid, her two thin legs kept wringing and wringing Gong's waist.

All of Gong's desires flowed down. He didn't look down and couldn't bear to see it. He was right against her.

"I didn't see the mouse. I think it was scared by your voice and then it slipped away."

Bai Beibei breathed out a breath. "It scared me. Just now it was at my feet. It was there. Brother in law, you see..."She held out her finger to call him, but as soon as her little face turned around, her lips touched the man's handsome cheek.

Bai Beibei's eyes were wide and stiff.

She realized that their faces were so close, and she was like an octopus hanging on him. She had taken off her coat and was wearing underwear. Under the thin material, she could clearly feel his man's body, strong and powerful.

White Beibei's brain boomed and exploded.

Except that night, she was so close to a man for the first time.

Gong Liao looked at the little beauty face near Chi Chi. At the moment, her eyes were wide, watery and pure, which made him feel a little excited.

Her body is fragrant and soft, so he has an impulse to rub her with a little force to see if it will come out of the water.

His eyes sank as if his body were burning.

For a while, they didn't speak. For a long time, baibeibei stuttered with her long eyelashes like butterfly cicada wings Sorry, brother-in-law, I'm not I didn't mean to kiss you... "

"I'm not kidding in the hospital. I'm not your brother-in-law."

Beibeibei's brain can't think any more. She looks at a man's eyes. His eyes are very beautiful. The corners of his eyes are long and narrow. He is born with a pair of peach blossom eyes, which can lure women to sink. She seems to be sinking.

"But they say you are."

Gong Yi doesn't have to think about all of them to know that these "they" refer to the white family. He lifts his thin lips and has a low voice, which is very sexy. "That's their wishful thinking. I can't wake up a group of people who pretend to sleep."

What he said is true. He didn't fall in love with his sister?

Babe didn't understand.

Gong Yi used some force to press her slender waist. He looked down at her delicate lips. "Don't call me brother-in-law again."

"Oh," white Beibei changed her address, "Gong Shao."

Gong Yimei moved and wanted to talk.

At this time, baibeibei felt a little pain under her, as if something had pushed her up. She was very uncomfortable.

She twitched her eyebrows.

She was twisting, Gong Yi gasped and quickly pressed her, "Beibei, don't move!"

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