If he moves on, he can't guarantee what he will do.

A 26 year old man, who has just started meat, is his first woman.

He almost suspected that she was testing him.

Bai Beibei was stiff. She suddenly knew what the stick was. It was his

She took a breath and looked at him in alarm.

How could he be like the man in the bathroom that night?

She will never forget what this stick can do.

Looking at her panic, even with a trace of disbelief in the eyes, Gong suddenly felt guilty, she probably would not think that he would have that kind of thinking about her.

She has always regarded him as a good man.

"Sorry, don't be nervous. This is The normal reaction of a man is that if a man and a woman are too close, the friction between their bodies will lead to this. Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you... "

White Beibei's face was pale. She loosened his neck and quickly went down from him.

The atmosphere suddenly embarrassed, Gong Yao also dare not look at her, so clean and pure people, he felt his eyes are evil.

"I sold that million." The girl burst out.

Gong Yi was stunned.

"My grandmother fell ill. The doctor said that she wanted to have heart surgery. I had no money and no one gave me money. Later, when I was walking on the street, I passed the bar. The owner of the bar held me and said that I could sell my body to make money. I said I wanted a million yuan. She said that there was no problem. So that night, I went into a room..."

After the words white Beibei is difficult to speak, she knows the palace to understand.

Of course, Gong Xuan knows, because that man is him.

"The man..."

He wanted to be honest.

"I've forgotten that night was a nightmare."


Gong Yi's heart to be frank was suddenly destroyed. He never forgot that night. Every detail and every feeling now makes him run electric current. But for this girl, there is no happiness, only pain.

What if he confessed?

Maybe, in the future, she won't pay attention to him.

She would be afraid of him, away from him.

But he didn't want to.

"Forget it. Don't think about it in the future. We need to look forward. You pay for grandma's medical expenses, so no one can blame you."

"Yes." White Beibei nodded. She could only do so.

"You take a bath, I'm outside."

Gong Yi went out.


Bai Beibei washed quickly and came out wearing a white dress. Gong Yao stood not far away. He was smoking with his eyes drooping and a cigarette between his right fingers.

She saw him smoke for the first time.

"Gong Shao." She gave a cry.

Gong Liao raised his eyes, he did not smoke half of the cigarette on the ground to stamp out, and then raised his feet to go to her side.


"Well, gongshao, you go in and wash it. The thermos bottle is next to the water basin, and the towels are clean, but I don't have any clothes for you to change."

"I have spare clothes in my car. Go to bed first. I'll go there when I'm done."

"Oh, you have something to call me."

Beibeibei went back to her room. She took out a quilt from the cupboard and made a floor on the floor. Tonight, he went to bed and she went to the ground.

When Gong fan came in, she saw the girl sleeping on her side on the ground, with 3000 pieces of green silk scattered in disorder. Her half bright face was indistinct in her black hair, which was very lovely.

He squatted down and whispered to her, "Beibei."

White Beibei was not asleep. She opened her eyes.

The man had already taken a bath, his short hair was wet and lying on his forehead. He was wearing a white casual dress, handsome and elegant.

"You go to bed, I sleep here."

Babe shook her head. "You sleep in bed, I sleep here."

How could she let him sleep on the ground?

See her so insistent, palace cloud draws thin lip, "that line, we sleep together on the ground."

Said the palace to lie down beside her.

Her nose was full of manliness and a bit of bath fragrance. White Beibei got up with her hands and feet and quickly got to her bed.

She slept on her side with her back to him.

"Oh." The man behind him gave a warm and spoiled smile.

Now white Beibei's little face became hot.

How embarrassing.


The next morning.

When Gong Yi opened his eyes, the girl had already got up. The red quilt was folded into a small piece of tofu and put it on the bed. He also got up.

I had a good sleep last night. I had no dreams.

He said, "good morning, mother-in-law."Mother in law laughs, "palace little, early."

Gong Yi looked around and didn't see the tiny figure. So he asked, "where's Beibei, mother-in-law?"

"Oh, she's doing the laundry in the back."


Gong Yi found a place, next to the pool, the girl sat on a small stool with several pots in front of her. She was washing clothes with her small head down.

Gong Yi took a look at the basin in her hand. It was full of clear water. She was washing His library.

she washed very seriously, a fragrant bubble, she was washing her head down.

Gong's handsome face is a little red. Even though he is the favored son of heaven, he has already developed a calm disposition to deal with affairs without fear. However, he feels very embarrassed to ask a little girl under 18 to help him wash the internal library.

Without a sound, he turned and left.

Out of the big house, his Lamborghini stopped under a big tree, surrounded by a group of village names.

It was night when I came back yesterday, no one saw it. Now in the morning, such a good car must attract a lot of people.

"Look at this license plate. There are so many 8. How much does it cost to buy it?"

"Don't look at the license plate. Look at the car. It looks strange. I've been out many times. There are more cars on the street. It's the first time I saw it. It's really beautiful."

"What do you know? It's called a sports car. Once my son pointed it out to me and said that the car is so expensive that it can only be bought for eight or nine zeros."

"Eight or nine zeros. My God, how much is that?"

"How can such an expensive car stop at the door of this poor old lady? Is there a distinguished guest in her house? In the past, her daughter went out to hook up with a rich married man, but now her granddaughter has gone out again. She should not have picked up a married man, ha ha... "

A group of village names ridiculed wantonly.

At this time, a man saw Gong fan standing by the door, and then all the village names saw it. The laughter on their faces froze for a moment.

They have never seen such a beautiful man, this man put one hand into his trouser pocket, the white sleeve of the other hand rolled up, showing his expensive wrist watch and long white fingers.

At this time, Gong's eyes fell on their faces, not light or heavy, but deep and frightening.

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