Xiaoyingying admits her mistakes and has a good attitude. She says that she will correct her mistakes and baibeibei will forgive her, "Sakura, let's go home."

"Yes." Sakura Sakura hugged mummy's neck. "Mommy, today's grandparents treat me well. I can't bear to leave them."

"Beibei," Zuo Ying also said, "just now you didn't go in to see that villa. It's very nice. Ordinary rich people can't afford to live in such a villa. Moreover, the palace master looks like an upper class aristocrat, which people admire and adore."

Baibeibei didn't speak. Gongye and Gongye were the aristocrats in Kyoto. The old man of the palace had an extraordinary natural bearing. Even Gong Yi was brought up as a noble and gentlemanly man.

In those days, her mother had such a strong desire.

I don't know what happened to her mother in prison?

The past and the past are all dust. Bai Beibei doesn't hate her mother much. After all, she is her natural mother. Maybe she should take Sakura to see her.

"Sakura, shall we go to see grandma now?"

"Mommy, do I have a grandmother, too?"


Zuo Ying is also the first time to hear about Bai Beibei and her mother, but what she is more interested in is, "Beibei, after we have seen grandma Yingying, you can take us to see the general manager Gong."

"Good, good," Sakura quickly clapped, "Mommy, I support you to fall in love, oh, I want to have a dad."

Bai Beibei looks at xiaoyingying's happy look. She feels sorry that Yingying has no father's love since she was a child, and the child is sensible. She has never asked her father who her father is and where she is.

"Sister Ying, don't mention the general manager Gong in the future. We are over."

“What?” Zuo Ying opened her mouth wide and was shocked. In her opinion, this relationship has not started yet. How could it be over?

"Beibei, tell me something about general manager Gong. I'm so curious..."

Zuo Ying is entangled in baibeibei.

What Zuo Ying didn't know was that a luxury car passed them by, and the mysterious man she was most interested in sat in.


The luxury car stopped on the lawn outside the villa. The driver opened the back door and Gong Li got up and went down.

"Young master, are you back?" The servant opened the door of the villa.

Gong Liao snorted and changed his shoes in the porch.

At this time, the palace mother ran over and said, "Gong Yi, how did you come back? How can you not say it in advance?"

Saying that the palace mother blinked to the palace.

At this time, Gong Yao knows that his dear father is angry again. He will step on thunder when he is careful. His mother reminds him to be careful when he speaks.

Gong Liao pulled the corner of his mouth and laughed. He patted his mother on the shoulder and then went into the living room.

Gong Fu is sitting on the sofa, he is silent in sulk.

"Dad." Gong Yao gave a cry.

The palace father directly cold hum response, "now you still have my father in your eyes?"

Gong fan felt headache, he raised his hand to support his forehead, "Dad, where did I get you?"

"You'd like to ask this question, I want to have grandchildren, I want to have grandchildren!"

Gong Yi has already developed immunity to this sentence. If one day his father doesn't stare at him for grandchildren, he thinks he has a fake father.

"Dad, haven't I promised to be engaged to Bai Qi? Choose a day, and we'll get married as soon as possible. "

"The palace father hums a way," you don't think so can fool me, you think I don't know you marry Bai Qi, that is perfunctory to me, I ask you, if you get married, will you give me a child quickly? "

"Dad, you're going to force people into difficulties. You've promised you to get married. Do you have to supervise me to create people? Even if you create people, they may not succeed. That doesn't mean I don't work hard."

"Hum, don't play Taiji with me. You know what I'm asking is whether you'll go to bed with Baiqi after marriage!"

Gong Gu frowned and did not speak.

"Gong Yao, tell me the truth, don't you still remember that white Beibei?"

This name makes Gong's heart ache suddenly, his face is also cold down, "No."

"If not, why can't you have sex with another woman? I really can't understand why the rich men keep changing women. Why do you just love a woman so hard? Don't you have any idea during the three-year empty window period? I doubt you have any physical problems

He has no problem with his health. He has been thinking about it for the past three years.

But this kind of thing he just wants to talk to babe. He is not interested in other people. He is a clean man and doesn't like to touch different women.

The palace father thought that his son was also sad. He fell on the night peach and spent 20 years. Now he has a fall on baibeibei. I don't know how many years it will take. His son, the son of heaven's favorite, is planted on a woman.

It seems that it is also a problem to raise a son too well."Today, I picked up a little girl on the road. She is really cute, polite and Sweet-hearted. Whenever you can let me have a grandson, I can call you grandfather!" The palace father is reading in pieces again.

As long as you think of Xiao Yingying's cute appearance, Gong Fu is angry. He doesn't ask Gong Shu to give birth to such a beautiful girl, but at least let him have a look forward to it.

"Dad, I'm a little tired now. I'll go upstairs and have a rest. I'll talk about it tomorrow."

"Gong Yao!" The palace father glared at his beard and called at his back.

"Dad," Gong Yi looked back, he whispered, "I'm really tired."

Gong Fu was stunned. For the first time, he saw his son show such expression. His eyes seemed to flow with white moonlight, so sad and sad.

In fact, he wants to have grandchildren next. He is most concerned about his son's emotional problems. He hopes that his son can get married soon, have a wife who loves him, and has two lovely children.

But now

The palace father sighed heavily.


Gong Shu returned to the room. He lifted his hand and untied the two buttons of his white shirt. Then he sat by the bed. He didn't want to do anything.

He just stare at the carpet under his feet in a daze, and his whole heart is hollowed out.

At this time, a string of cell phone rings, a phone call.

"Hello, Ajie."

"Hello, President, you asked me to investigate the situation of Babbitt in Singapore in the past three years. I have already investigated the situation. Can I send you the information now?"

"Palace is silent half ring," forget it

Forget it, she's gone, so he can't forget about her.

He's not that mean.

"President, do you really forget it? In fact, in the past three years, baibeibei

"Her business has nothing to do with me. Don't mention her name in front of me in the future." Gong hung up the phone.

Ah Jie at that end was stunned. Did the president hang up?

In fact, what he wanted to say was that babe had been pregnant for four months when she went to Singapore. Now she has given birth to a daughter, which is likely to be the President's.

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