Gong Yi didn't want to do anything, and he didn't want to go to the company, but he felt that the whole person was useless and he wanted to find something to do.

But what are you doing?

Gong Liao suddenly wants to see her mother-in-law. In the past three years, whenever he is lonely and unable to wander around, he will go to see her mother-in-law. There is no one around to talk to. He can tell his mother-in-law all his psychological words.

His mother-in-law is his best listener.

Gong Liao gets up, and he goes out with the car key.


An hour later, Gong Yi came to the tomb ridge.

He squatted on one knee and put the chrysanthemum on his hand in front of his mother-in-law's tombstone, "mother-in-law, I haven't come to see you for a long time, are you ok?"

"One thing I want to tell you is that Beibei came back just a few days ago, but now she's gone."

"Mother in law, I still don't understand the reason why she left me three years ago. Everything was fine. We were going to get married, but she left without saying goodbye. I drove to chase her, but I didn't catch up."

"This time I want to reunite with her. I want to tell her that I have been waiting for her all these years, but there is something wrong with our relationship. I always feel that a gap has been built in her heart to isolate me. I try my best to get close to her, but she is close to her heart. I can't get in. This feeling is very weak and tired."

"Mother in law, when you left, you gave me Beibei. At that time, I thought Beibei was my life's mission. When we kowtow to you, I thought she was my wife and forever wife. But now she doesn't seem to need me. Mother-in-law, I'm confused. Can you point out a way for me and what should I do in the future?"

The mother-in-law's loving smile on the tombstone has become a permanent mark. At this time, a gust of spring breeze blows on the face, and spring flowers bloom.

There was a footstep in his ear. Gong Xuan looked at him with his eyes. There was a man beside him, white Beibei.

Bai Beibei had a bunch of lilies in her hand. She also came to see her mother-in-law.

Four eyes relative, two people are stiff for a while, did not expect to meet in front of mother-in-law's tomb.

Gong Yi thinks that she is gone. Bai Beibei will fly back to Singapore by plane after seeing her mother-in-law. Both of them have no plans to see her again, but they are so caught off guard in front of her mother-in-law's grave.

It's like the arrangement in the dark.

"You Why are you here? " Asked babe in surprise.

Gong Liao stood up, his face indifferent answer, "I come to see my mother-in-law."

"Oh." White Beibei nodded her head, and then put the lily in front of her mother-in-law's tombstone, "mother-in-law, I've come to see you."

Gong Liao looked at her delicate back, lifted thin lips, "I ask you, what do you want to tell me?"

This is the last chance he gave her.

Bai Beibei's nose was sour, and she wanted to cry. She knew that if she didn't say anything and didn't detain her, the man behind her would really leave.

Disappeared from her life.

But what could she say?

She already has Sakura, let go and let him be happy.

"No Babe shook her head.

Miyazaki's facial features sink directly. He stares at Bai Beibei, and then turns around and walks away.

This time, he won't look back!


Bai Beibei is stiff, watching two people pass by. She is bleeding in her heart. Goodbye.


Gong's stride is very big, and he is about to turn. At this time, a sweet voice suddenly rings in his ear, "Mommy, Mommy, look at the dandelion I picked for my mother-in-law. Wow, it's so beautiful."


Gong's tall body suddenly shocked, and he turned around in disbelief.

His line of sight more than a small powder ball, two or three years old, the small hand of the small dough with a little dandelion, she blew a breath towards the dandelion, the dandelion flew to the air, she was happy to turn around in place, that carefree look is really a little angel.

Zuo Ying chased after her, "Sakura, run slowly, don't wrestle."

"Oh, I see." Small dough sweet smile, there are two charming small pear vortex on the cheek.

"Mommy, Mommy, where's mother-in-law? I'll give this dandelion to my mother-in-law." Sakura rushed over and hugged Bai Beibei's thigh.

Bai Beibei's face turned pale, and she turned to look at Gong Yu behind her.

The man didn't leave, he was looking at her too!

Bai Beibei takes a breath of air conditioning. What she fears most comes. Sakura is still hit by him. How can she feel?

"Sakura, let's go home first." Bai Beibei bent down and picked up Sakura and ran away.

Zuo Ying was very strange, "Beibei, what's the matter with you? Why don't you let Yingying take a look at her mother-in-law and go away. How can you look so white? Is it uncomfortable?"

"It's OK." White Beibei wanted to fly with wings.Sakura Sakura holding white Beibei's neck, she said, "Mommy, mummy, there is a good-looking corn chasing after."


Before baibeibei had time to react, her fiber arm was firmly clasped by a big palm, and she was forced to stop.

"What's going on?" The ear rings palace is angry the voice of exasperation, "you have a daughter?"

Bai Beibei knows that she can't escape now. The only way is to face it.

She side over the eyes, pulled the corner of her mouth, "well, yes, I have a daughter, cherry, called corn."

Gong Yao now wanted to strangle the smiling woman to death, but his attention was attracted by Sakura Sakura, who called him cleverly, "Hello, Shu Shu."

Sakura's facial features, especially that pair of eyes, are particularly like white Beibei. Gong Yi looks at her heart and feels soft. She hooks her lips and says, "Sakura, you How old are you? "

"More than three years old." Sakura put up three fingers.

More than three years old?

She left him three years ago, so she left him months pregnant.

Miyazaki's heart beat faster, the whole body's blood gushed to the brain, this is a kind of unspeakable wonderful feeling, there is a voice kept telling him, Gong Yi, this is your daughter!

He hardly doubts that this is his daughter!

The damned woman hid her daughter. If he hadn't discovered it today, she would never have told him!

"Sakura, come on, corn." Gong Yi wants to hold Sakura.

Sakura likes the handsome corn very much, but she still looks at her mother in an inquisitive way, and sees whether she agrees or not.

Of course, baibeibei disagrees, "Oh, it's late today. I'll hold it later when I'm free. Sakura, with millet 88, we'll go back."

"Oh, corn, we're going to fly back to Singapore." Sakura is very sorry to look at the palace.

Gong Yi's eyes are about to burst out fire. In this case, does she want to leave?

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