Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 10 If You Can't Get Things Done, It's Because You Don't Have Enough Money

Chapter 10: If things don't work out, it's because there isn't enough money.


Huang Daifu, who was sitting next to him in the Wang Mansion, was a knowledgeable person. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but inhale sharply and asked in astonishment, "Is this true Qi taking form and capturing objects from a distance? Master Yu has broken through to the mid-stage of the Innate realm?"

Yu Xian smiled modestly, as if all of this was insignificant.

"I'm still a little short, but not far off."

Now, he was only a few months away from reaching the late stage of Qi Refining. Pretending to be a mid-stage Innate martial arts master was reasonable.

The key was that the value of making friends with someone in the early stage of Innate and someone in the mid-stage of Innate was different. He wanted his friends to feel that they were getting more than they paid for.

Sun Hong, who had always been in a position of power, couldn't sit still anymore.

The strength of a mid-stage Innate martial arts master was extraordinary.

Chen Xiao had already demonstrated this firsthand before, causing bloodshed on the streets, single-handedly defeating a hundred heavy cavalry soldiers, and would have left long ago if it weren't for the appearance of someone named Lao Liu.

And that was still under his injured condition.

The Innate realm was already the pinnacle of the mortal world, and going one step further was even rarer. Sun's Medicine Shop had traveled far and wide, making connections with various sects and schools, so he understood the value of a mid-stage Innate martial arts master.

In the martial world of Yue Country, the mid-stage Innate martial arts master was the core of a major sect, while the mid-stage Innate was a patriarch of a smaller sect.

If there were late-stage Innate warriors, it would be enough to unify the martial world and proclaim oneself the leader of the martial arts world.

Sun Hong calmed his mind and put on a smile, flattering, "With Master Yu's talent, breaking through is just a matter of course. When the time comes, this old man will definitely prepare a generous gift to congratulate the master."

Yu Xian raised his cup and thanked him, "I will certainly have a hearty drink with Senior Sun when the time comes."

Whether people come or not doesn't matter, the important thing is that the generous gift must arrive.

So they continued to toast and exchange cups.

During this time, Sun Hong repeatedly wanted to say something but stopped himself. Yu Xian pretended not to notice. Since he didn't say anything, there was no need for him to create trouble for himself.

He and the girl named Caidie next to him drank cup after cup, getting closer and closer.

After Caidie saw Yu Xian's impressive display, any resistance she had towards his rudeness had long disappeared.

After all, Master Yu was good-looking and powerful. Even the manager of Sun's Medicine Shop was requesting his help. If she could have a chance encounter with him, it might become her lucky charm and raise her own value.

Working in this line of work, what you eat is the "meal of youth".

It's just a pity that this fate has been paid for in advance.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you take care of the first time, the second and third times will be free. The effect will be the same even when both parties are asleep.

So, Caidie quickly got drunk.

She stumbled into Yu Xian's arms, and soon fell asleep on his lap, leaving herself wide open, as if she was ready to be taken.

When Yu Xian lowered his head, he could see a large expanse of smooth whiteness. A hint of anger rose in his belly. His fingers lightly slid across Caidie's delicate face, and he suddenly spoke up.

"Mr. Sun, I am a bit tired from drinking and would like to rest."

If the girl is being so proactive, if he doesn't take some practical action, it would make him look incapable.

After hesitating for a long time, Sun Hong saw that if he didn't speak up, he would probably waste his money today, so he quickly stopped Yu Xian.

"Master Yu, please wait a moment. In fact, I invited Master Yu here today to ask for a favor."

Yu Xian exhaled some alcohol and seemed a little drunk.

He waved his hand with great enthusiasm and said, "Mr. Sun, we are already friends at first sight. Friends should help each other. If you have something, just speak up. If I can help, I will definitely not refuse."

Seeing Yu Xian's drunken appearance, Sun Hong seized the opportunity and quickly said, "A few days ago, our Sun family's medicine business accidentally got involved in a military case, resulting in a large ship of medicinal materials from the north being confiscated at the port.

Now all the connections have been made, but there is still a Chief Zhou who believes that our medicine business's suspicion has not been completely cleared, so he has been reluctant to order the release.

I heard that Master Yu and Chief Zhou are life and death friends, so I would like to ask Master Yu to say a few good words to Chief Zhou.

The rest of us from the medicine business can stay in Changning City to cooperate with Chief Zhou's investigation, we just hope that our medicinal materials can be released first."

This time, Yu Xian was truly stunned and asked, "Chief Zhou and I are life and death friends? I didn't know."

He only had a chance encounter with Zhou Bai, how did they become life and death friends?

But Sun Hong, seeing that Yu Xian seemed to want to decline, cursed him inwardly for being insatiable, but put on a forced smile and said, "Who doesn't know that on that day, when the assassin who tried to assassinate the prince was captured, it was Chief Zhou and Master Yu who went through life and death together.

Chief Zhou has said more than once that Master Yu is the great hero. If it weren't for Master Yu's intervention, that assassin would have escaped long ago, and it was Master Yu who saved his life.

If Master Yu is willing to help us say a few words, it would be better than others saying hundreds or thousands of words."

Yu Xian suddenly remembered the scene where he acted to save someone.

He didn't expect that Chief Zhou would be such a considerate person. Not only did he promote him, but he also shared the credit and fame with him.

From what he later learned, Chief Zhou was known for being fair and impartial, and he wouldn't give in even to his superiors.

But Zhou Bai was powerful and highly respected, he was like a pillar of the yamen. Even the Prince of Fu had to give him some face.

No wonder the owner of Sun's Medicine Shop sought him out. Perhaps others had been turned away, and only his savior would give him some face.

But after a moment of silence, Yu Xian sighed and said, "I didn't intend to take credit for saving Brother Zhou. I never expected Brother Zhou to take the initiative to take credit for me.

If Brother Zhou gives me face today and lets you go privately, will he have to give face to others in the future? How will he handle it then?

Since Brother Zhou has treated me sincerely, how can I tarnish his reputation?

Mr. Sun, the righteous will always be righteous. I believe that as long as you cooperate with Brother Zhou's investigation, he will not intentionally make things difficult for you. Instead of coming to me for help, it would be better to prove your innocence as soon as possible."

If it were an ordinary matter, this favor would be used and considered as a discount.

But Mr. Sun just mentioned the military equipment case.

Military equipment means weapons, and weapons mean trouble. It's not necessary to get involved in trouble for a few thousand taels of silver.

Yu Xian held the drunk Caidie girl in his arms, ready to enjoy the night.

Since someone has come, he has to collect the money and sleep with the girl, otherwise it would be pointless to come.

The key is to have no shame.

"Hold on!"

Sun Hong stopped Yu Xian, who was about to turn around, his voice seemed to squeeze out from between his teeth.

"Ten thousand taels!"

"As long as Master Yu can get our medicine shop's big ship out of the port within three days, I am willing to offer another ten thousand taels of silver as a token of gratitude."

Yu Xian felt the girl in his arms tremble, and he stopped in his tracks.

"Ten thousand taels? Haha, it seems that Mr. Sun is not as innocent as you claimed."

Sun Hong's face turned pale, he didn't speak, just calmly stared at Yu Xian, as if he must have an answer from him.

"But what does it have to do with me? Who wouldn't get along with money?"

Yu Xian smiled slightly and said, "I will personally handle this matter, but I can't guarantee that Chief Zhou will definitely give me face. If it doesn't work out, I will still take half."

According to his experience in the Prince's Mansion, he could only freeload two hundred taels a month. Ten thousand taels would be fifty months' worth. Even if there were any troubles in the future, he could just run away without losing anything.

And when the real trouble comes, with his cultivation at that time, the so-called trouble probably wouldn't be much trouble.

No matter how you calculate it, it's not a loss.

Seeing that Yu Xian finally agreed, Sun Hong thanked him with a cupped fist, "Master Yu's personal intervention is greatly appreciated. Even if it doesn't work out, I won't blame you."

"Good!" Yu Xian laughed, "Mr. Sun is generous. I will go and give it a try."

"It's late, I'll go to sleep first."

Not long after Yu Xian left, Doctor Huang also quickly bid farewell with a cupped fist.

Unlike Yu Xian, who was going to stay on the painting boat and have a good time, Doctor Huang called a small boat to take him ashore and returned to the mansion. He felt that he had heard something he shouldn't have tonight and needed to lay low in the mansion.

When the hall was empty, Sun Hong looked at the middle-aged man who had been silent behind him.

"What do you think?"

The middle-aged man pondered for a moment and said, "If he hasn't hidden his true strength, it's two to eight in his favor. If he has already broken through, I have no chance of survival.

I heard that his best skill is a martial art called the Crimson Flame Divine Palm, which is extremely powerful. It can instantly melt even a thick copper bell. Chen Xiao, who was in the middle of the Innate stage, lost all ability to resist after being hit by it.

And the inheritors of such hidden sects surely have many tricks up their sleeves. Unless a master from the sect takes action, there is no absolute certainty.

I suggest that we avoid a life-and-death battle unless absolutely necessary."

Upon hearing this, Sun Hong finally let out a breath he had been holding.

"Good, let's consider it as buying peace with money. But this person is so greedy, and he doesn't shy away from women. Perhaps we can take this opportunity to win him over."

"Can he really persuade Zhou Bai, that stubborn guy?" the middle-aged man asked again, "We don't have much time left."

Sun Hong sneered, "Zhou Bai is a man of loyalty and righteousness, he values it more than life and death. This Master Yu saved his life in the past, and the favor is heavy. If we use this as a bargaining chip, unless Zhou Bai has solid evidence, he will let it go."

"That's good. With this ship of weapons, it will be much easier to start a rebellion in the south."

"Yes, we have been lurking for many years, just for today."

The two men exchanged a glance, stepped into the shadows, and left the painting boat together.

Thus, the secrets in the painting boat quietly dissipated with the night. It began to drift silently on the surface of the Changning River, with only the swaying lanterns on the boat decorating the quiet night.

(End of this chapter)

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