Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 11 Emotions At This Time, This Day, Nothing To Do

Chapter 11: Emotions and the Weather at this Moment, a Carefree Immortal with Nothing to Do

Three days later.

The Fu Wang Mansion.

In Building No. 2, the osmanthus tree in the courtyard was in full bloom, with its pale yellow petals falling and a faint fragrance filling the air.

The autumn wind was refreshing. Yu Xian, with nothing to do, imitated the sentiments of ancient people. With a red sleeve adding fragrance, he splashed ink on a stone table under the tree.

When he stopped his brush and put it aside, the magnolia beside him slowly and laboriously read the words on the paper.

"At this moment, emotions and the weather, a carefree immortal."

"How is this poem?" Yu Xian asked confidently.

This was a phrase he had thought about for a long time and plagiarized. Although it was only one line, it perfectly matched his current state of mind.

Nothing to do, just like an immortal.

Especially after receiving ten thousand taels of silver notes from the Sun Family Medicine Shop, along with the previous meeting gift, based on his current spending, his savings could last for one or two years without any problem.

Zhou Bai was truly a man of integrity. After he personally intervened and the lack of evidence against the Sun Family Medicine Shop, the large ship of the Sun Family Medicine Shop was quickly released.

After this act of goodwill was cashed in, it was made clear that it would be useless for anyone to intervene next time.

Yu Xian was a sensible person. Since he had already taken the money, he consciously distanced himself from Zhou Bai.

He quickly put this matter behind him and instead looked forward to the invitation from the beautiful butterfly girl from the Lixiu Pavilion.

After all, he was someone who loved to freeload.

Thinking of the elegance of the butterfly girl that night, as well as her superb skills honed under the guidance of a famous teacher, Yu Xian felt somewhat unsatisfied. He thought to himself that she was truly professional and he had learned a lot.

When Yu Xian heard his servant's question, he thought for a moment and then smiled, "The poem is good, but as for this character, I am just a person with limited knowledge and shallow learning. I don't know which calligrapher's style it resembles. It looks like a dragon flying and a phoenix dancing, with a unique style."

Yu Xian's smile froze on his face. His servant had touched a sore spot.

In his previous life, he couldn't even write with a pen and was often criticized by his teachers for his illegible handwriting.

In this life, he could read and write thanks to the memories he inherited from his transmigration. Otherwise, he would have been a semi-literate person.

As for calligraphy...

Being able to write characters that were vaguely recognizable was already the result of his best efforts.

But who was Yu Xian? He was a man who faced the outside of the toilet when taking a dump.

He stood with his hands behind his back, maintaining a calm and composed demeanor.

"This calligraphy style was created by my master, the confused master. It emphasizes resemblance but not similarity. Most people have never seen it before and can't even recognize the characters.

The fact that you can recognize it at a glance shows that you have great potential."

"Really?" When Yu Lan heard her master praise her for having great potential, she couldn't help but giggle. But soon, she became annoyed.

"It must be the master trying to fool me. Otherwise, why haven't I felt any spiritual energy after practicing the Longchun Technique for such a long time? My legs fall asleep every day."

Yu Lan pouted and spoke in a coquettish voice.

Yu Xian calmly said, "This is a slow process. First, learn to calm your mind and not be disturbed by external things. Then, within three to five years, you will start to feel something. That would mean you have good aptitude."

In a place where spiritual energy was scarce, it was extremely difficult to cultivate Qi Refining. Yu Lan was not a genius, so it was almost impossible for her to enter the realm solely based on her own abilities.

He planned to let Yu Lan cultivate her state of mind for two months first, and then let her understand the essence of the technique.

By the time he broke through to the later stage of Qi Refining and used the power of spiritual stones to guide her spiritual consciousness, she might be able to sense spiritual energy.

After a few more years of cultivation, she should be able to break through to the first level of Qi Refining.

His main goal was to see if there would be any enhancement in the effect of dual cultivation after Yu Lan achieved some cultivation.

"But how come Xiaoyi can feel the spiritual energy?" Yu Lan, who had become bolder, no longer blindly followed Yu Xian's words and had her own opinions.

Chen Yi was the same age as her, although she entered the mansion later, she still called her sister.

Mainly because she felt that although the Chen family was gone, Chen Yi was still a member of a prestigious family.

Unlike her, who came from a humble background and was sold to a tooth shop by her family, she was lucky enough to enter the Wang Mansion.

There is a kind of instinctive inferiority complex in her.

"Well..." Yu Xian pondered, "she's different from us."

There is a kind of people called geniuses.

They are born with abilities that ordinary people cannot achieve in their lifetime. In their eyes, reaching the pinnacle and limit that others can achieve in their lifetime is as casual as drinking water and eating.

And Chen Yi is close to this kind of genius.

This involuntary girl actually sensed the existence of spiritual energy in less than a month of practicing Changchun Gong.

If he was willing to give her the two spiritual stones in his hand, she might be able to break through the Qi Refining realm in less than two months.

But he wouldn't give them to her.

Chen Yi is indeed a genius, but for him, this talent currently has no value.

Can he expect to send her to the world of cultivation and have her take care of him when she becomes successful in the future?

It would be more practical to sleep with her a few more times.

Not to mention if she dies prematurely and his investment goes down the drain, let's just say if she really becomes successful and becomes a high and mighty fairy.

Perhaps she would consider him not as a benefactor but as a disgrace to her pure and noble fairy name.

Of course, she might also remember this favor and repay him a thousandfold in the future.

But he wouldn't gamble on human nature.

However, he wouldn't deliberately suppress Chen Yi either.

If she could break through in the mortal world by relying on her own efforts, he would actually lend a helping hand, tell her about the real existence of the cultivation world, and guide her to pursue the future.

After all, they had slept together.


Yulan nodded, seeming to understand but not really, showing a look of vague understanding. However, she didn't ask further. She wasn't stupid. She clearly felt that the master's mood suddenly changed.

"Ah, suddenly I don't feel like writing anymore."

Yu Xian sighed, wiped his hand on the paper, and a bright flame ignited the rice paper. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a flying ash, blown by the wind and fell into the ground.

"Master, did I say something wrong?"

Seeing this situation, Yulan couldn't help but feel a little panicked, and she changed her address back to "slave".

For her, Yu Xian's mood was more important than anything else.

Because Yu Xian had given her too many beautiful imaginations, she had long fallen in love with this man.

"I said, you are now mine, no longer anyone's slave. Even if it's about me, you are not allowed to call yourself a slave. If there's a next time, I will..."

Yu Xian pinched Yulan's chin with his finger, gently lifted it up, and smirked.

"Enforce the family rules."

"Master, you will always be the master of this slave."

Yulan, emboldened, retorted, but her face turned red, her eyes watery, and her small hands restlessly rubbed her clothes. Obviously, she knew what the family rules meant.

"You, this girl, it seems that I really have to punish you today."

Upon hearing her dare to talk back, Yu Xian's palm couldn't help but move down her smooth neck, gradually becoming rough.

Just when the air became restless and the sparks were about to ignite the pile of dry firewood.

A clear voice suddenly sounded outside the courtyard.

"Is Yu Xian at home? I am Ding Le from the Changle Sword Sect. I came uninvited and would like to see Yu Xian."

Yu Xian stopped his actions, feeling a bit annoyed. "Damn, he really knows how to pick the timing. Ding Le, what a lousy name, sounds like a weakling."

"Never mind him, let's continue."

But Yulan didn't dare to continue. Her gaze involuntarily glanced outside the courtyard.

Although they had done many absurd things, they were all done inside the house, with doors and windows blocking the view, but they had never done it under someone else's nose.

She adjusted her breathing and hurriedly persuaded, "Master, why don't I go and greet him?"

"No need."

Yu Xian disinterestedly withdrew his hand and shouted outside, "That person, come in."

(End of this chapter)

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