Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 100 The Zhao Family Who Lined Up Overnight To Surrender (25 Begging For The First Order!)

Chapter 100: The Zhao Family Surrenders Overnight (25 Requests for First Subscription!)

Under the illumination of a miniature lighting formation, the entire courtyard seemed as bright as day.

Yu Xian sat steadily on the fishing platform, bringing along the silver fish from Courtyard 44 in his spirit beast bag.

At this moment, the silver fish, whose numbers had increased rather than decreased, swam freely in the new pond, occasionally revealing their sharp fangs as they treated the native inhabitants of the water as their food.

Under the coverage of the formation, the silver fish shimmered with a bright silver light, resembling curved blades in the water, transforming into predators and splashing sparkling water droplets.

By the side of the pond, an old Zhao family member who had appeared in the ancestral hall during the day stood awkwardly, watching Yu Xian fish.

However, the silver fish, who had eaten their fill, were not interested in the scraps left by Yu Xian and none of them took the bait.

A while passed.

Yu Xian casually threw down his fishing rod and looked at the old man, his tone somewhat teasing.

"I remember you. You were the one who led the charge for revenge during the day. So, why did you come tonight? Are you here to assassinate me?"

The old man smiled awkwardly.

"Sir, you're joking. During the day, I was just momentarily angry and lost my rationality. I would never dare to lay a hand on you, sir."

"I came tonight to seek justice for the grievances in our clan and ask you, sir, to eliminate the corrupt practices and restore prosperity to the Zhao family."

"These are the charges I have compiled against other members of the clan. I ask you, sir, to examine them."

"With this evidence, the others will definitely submit to you and be at your command."

The old man slightly bowed and handed over a white jade slip that was two fingers wide.

Yu Xian casually took it and scanned it with his divine sense. Soon, the contents appeared in his mind. They were evidence of the Zhao family members bullying men and women, embezzling funds, and prioritizing personal gain over public interest.

It seemed infuriating.

But what did it have to do with him?

He wasn't here to become a high-ranking official.

"Old man, you lack sincerity."

Yu Xian threw the jade slip at the old man's feet and sneered,

"If you want to join me, you have to show some commitment. Do you think you can dismiss me with this piece of junk?

I appreciate your late-night visit, which shows some sincerity. I won't kill you, so go back."

The old man's face stiffened, and a hint of anger flashed in his eyes.

But he still remembered the miserable state of the Dragon Elder in the ancestral hall during the day. He didn't act on the spot, just smiled reluctantly, and took out a second jade slip from his sleeve.

"Sir, look at my poor memory. I forgot that there is a second jade slip. This one contains the account books of the third branch that I have kept for many years."

Yu Xian reached out and grabbed the jade slip, and his divine sense entered it.

After a while, he put away the jade slip and taunted the old man,

"No wonder the Zhao family market has been half-dead for so many years. It turns out that you old folks have been raising a bunch of immortals. You have quite the audacity."

The jade slip contained some of the Zhao family's account books, but even this partial part revealed how shocking the Zhao family's finances were.

Regarding the third branch where the old man belonged, they secretly sold the high-quality resources allocated by Shangyang City to their own private shops at low prices, and then sold them at high prices to scattered cultivators or their own clan members.

At the same time, they exploited the lower-class members of the Zhao family, making them contribute cheap labor and bear high prices, benefiting from both ends.

No wonder after he arrived, he found that these old folks were all extraordinary, full of confidence, and seemed to be experiencing a second spring.

On the other hand, the young people in the family seemed ordinary and appeared to be of little use.

Of course, these account books were definitely only a part of it, and the more secretive parts were definitely not something the old man would easily hand over.

Yu Xian also had no intention of investigating further.

The reason he wanted the account books was to have a simple understanding of the situation in the Zhao family market and know how many spirit stones he could earn in a year.

As for how much these old folks had embezzled in the past...

Well, he would have to take a share of it.

Otherwise, wouldn't he be wasting his efforts?

With this thought in mind.

Yu Xian nodded expressionlessly in front of the old man.

"I have received your sincerity, but unfortunately you came too late. Someone else came before you.

But rest assured, you have been removed from the settlement list.

I won't kill you in three days."

The old man's face immediately changed.

"What? Someone else was faster than this old man?"

"Yes, that old man seems to be called Zhao Shaohong. Not only did he bring the account book of the main house, but he also gave me a thousand spirit stones.

Of course, the number of spirit stones doesn't matter, what matters is that his attitude is very good."

Yu Xian looked at the empty-handed old man and shook his head slightly, with an expression of you don't understand.

"So, I have decided to appoint him as the deputy head of the Zhao Family Market in the future, assisting my concubine Zhao Shiwen in managing the market."

A thousand spirit stones, enough for one-tenth of a Foundation Building Pill.

This attitude can be considered good.

The old man's eyes flickered with a hint of resentment.

"Damn you, old Hongtou!"

He was still talking about unity and resisting the pressure from the guest elders during the day, but now he secretly betrayed them, and he was the first one!

Suddenly, the old man looked at Yu Xian's smiling expression and suddenly realized.

No wonder the guest elder had always been indifferent to him.

He originally thought he was the first Zhao family member to join, even if it was out of the mentality of buying a horse bone with a thousand gold, the guest elder should have been polite to him.

But now all he got was a get-out-of-jail card.

This is not enough.

The reason he came here was because he saw that the guest elder was alone and had no one to use. Even if the guest elder wanted to kill a group of Zhao family members to establish his authority, he still needed people to do things.

Even if he lost face, the benefits were more important than anything else.

But now someone is even more shameless than him...

Then he can only be more shameless!

A smile with wrinkles squeezed out on the old man's face, like a chrysanthemum.

"Guest elder, you must not be deceived by that old Zhao Shaohong. He is from the main house, that is, the former patriarch's person.

Who doesn't know that the former patriarch offended the guest elder.

And today, Zhao Hailong, who was killed by the guest elder, is also from the main house.

He may hold a grudge and now deliberately endure humiliation and bear the burden, probably to retaliate against you in the future."

Yu Xian frowned, somewhat troubled, "He doesn't seem like that, and his attitude is still so good."

When the old man heard the word "attitude" again, his teeth suddenly felt sour, knowing that he couldn't avoid bleeding.

"In order to support the guest elder's work, on behalf of the third house, I am willing to offer 1,500 spirit stones to the guest elder for free, which can be delivered tomorrow."

Yu Xian nodded in satisfaction.

The old man's attitude is also good. It seems that although the third house is somewhat murky, with the old man's presence, I believe it will soon become clean.

In that case, the third house should also contribute a person, and the position will also be the deputy head of the market."

"After talking for so long, I haven't asked for the old man's name yet."

After giving 1,500 spirit stones, the result was just a reinstatement of his previous position. The old man's heart was bleeding.

But he also knew that this was the price of buying his life, and he couldn't afford to be stingy.

At this moment, he could only swallow his pride.

"I am Zhao Guangfu."

"Good name. Please come inside, old man. Mr. Zhao Shaohong is also waiting there. You can chat first."

"I still have guests coming."

Yu Xian's mouth curled up, enveloping them with his divine sense.

Another old woman came to the back door of the mansion, also one of the family elders in the ancestral hall during the day.

Unlike the previous two, this old woman was followed by a pair of beautiful twins, wearing thin gauze dresses, one blue and one white, about seventeen or eighteen years old, with faces like peaches and apricots, and their bodies were alluring.

"To think that she still wants to challenge my weakness with the beauty trap. Am I that kind of person?

No, I must criticize her properly."

Yu Xian loosened his belt and prepared for battle.

(End of this chapter)

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