Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 101 Broken, I Became A Traitor! (35 For The First Order!)

Chapter 101: Oh no, I've become a traitor! (35 subscriptions requested!)

Three days later.

Zhao Family Ancestral Hall.

The five elders of the Zhao family were seated on both sides, gathered in the hall.

Originally, there were six elders, two from each branch. Unfortunately, three days ago, one of the elders sought death and went to meet the ancestors of past generations.

There were also many young members of the Zhao family standing outside the hall, waiting for something.


As the first ray of sunlight fell on the entrance of the ancestral hall, a figure appeared on time. The sunlight shone behind him, as if he was wearing a golden cloak.

"It seems that everyone has already made their decision."

Yu Xian had a smile on his face, radiating with joy.

There was no way around it. The Zhao family members were too good at persuading and corrupting people. These past few days, he had witnessed the many dangers and temptations of the adult world.

Fortunately, he firmly held his ground and did not easily succumb.

Even when faced with the embrace of the twin brothers, he decisively refused and vented his anger on Zhao Shiwen, who was also a member of the Zhao family.

Otherwise, he would really feel embarrassed to make a move against them.

After Yu Xian walked into the ancestral hall, no one spoke.

Yu Xian didn't mind and went straight to the main seat, casually sitting down. He then lightly tapped the table and said in a relaxed tone, "Alright, settle the accounts."


One of the elders, a short and fat old man, slammed the armrest of his chair and angrily stood up.

"Yu Keqing, I address you as Keqing out of respect, but don't forget, you are ultimately an outsider. What qualifications do you have to investigate the accounts of our Zhao family?

Our ancestors didn't say anything, so why do you have to meddle?

You came to guard our Zhao family's territory, and we welcomed you. But if you want our Zhao family to bow down to you, to be your slaves, then you are delusional."

The short and fat old man raised his hand, puffed up his chest, and passionately declared, "Three days ago, you killed Elder Long here. We retreated that day, but don't think we are afraid.

The Zhao family has courageous and spirited members that cannot be wiped out.

Our ancestors will not let anyone who has harmed the Zhao family go unpunished."

"I know that our ancestors gave you fifty percent of the profits from the Zhao family's market. We do not oppose our ancestors' decision, but that doesn't mean we should be treated as inferior.

We are equals, Yu Keqing. I hope you give the respect that these old people who have worked hard for the Zhao family for their whole lives deserve."

"The Zhao family's market belongs to the Zhao family, and it still needs Zhao family members to operate it. Yu Keqing, I hope you carefully consider my proposal and avoid causing harm to both sides."

The words of the short and fat old man were thought-provoking and infectious.

However, Yu Xian yawned and casually asked, "Are you done talking?"


The short and fat old man reflexively took a step back, then realized that Yu Xian hadn't made any moves. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, trying to conceal his embarrassment.

"What do you want?"

"As for me, I have always understood righteousness.

Three days ago, if it weren't for that Elder Long inciting the emotions of the clan members and almost causing a riot, and if he hadn't actively sought death, I wouldn't have sent him on his way.

Sigh, looking back now, I think I was a bit impulsive. I didn't necessarily have to kill him, just cutting off his hands and feet would have been enough."

Yu Xian said these unbelievable words, his gaze sweeping over the other four elders, and asked, "Regarding this... um, slightly chubby elder, does anyone have any objections?"

"I have an objection!"

Zhao Guangfu, the elder from the third branch, stood up abruptly, his voice equally loud.

"I believe that Elder Guangyi's words are problematic. Lord Keqing is definitely not an outsider. Lord Keqing was personally invited by our ancestors to join our Zhao family as a guest.

He came to the Zhao family's ditch not to destroy us, but to build us up.

We should not exclude Lord Keqing. On the contrary, I believe that under Lord Keqing's leadership, our Zhao family will have a brighter future!"

"And Lord Keqing's request for the account books is only to have a better understanding of our Zhao family, making it easier for him to lead us. This is a great thing."

Zhao Guangfu took a few steps forward and handed over the jade slip that had been reviewed three days ago.

"Lord Keqing, this is the account book of our third branch, which details every income and expenditure of our branch over the past ten years."

"As for Lord Keqing's decision, our third branch expresses full support!"

When the short and fat old man heard Zhao Guangfu's words, he felt that something was amiss.

When he saw that Zhao Guangfu had actually handed over the account book, he trembled and his vision blurred.

He looked to the other elders for help.

Not long ago, these people were resolute in their words, saying that they would unite and resist, claiming that Yu Keqing wouldn't dare to truly kill them, otherwise the ancestors wouldn't spare him.

Among them, some even called Zhao Laozu their elder brother.

Well, it was the deceased Elder Long.

After all, the Zhao family had only truly prospered for a little over forty years, and Zhao Laozu was not even a hundred years old. These old people were only in their eighties or nineties.

It is only out of respect for Elder Zhao that they refer to themselves as "ancestors" like other members of the clan.

Because of this relationship, they dare to treat the entire Zhao family market as their private property, profiting greatly. They even dared to forcefully stop Yu Xian from entering Zhao Family Gully.

They have already sent people to Shangyang City at the fastest speed possible after Long Lao's death, waiting for Elder Zhao to come and administer justice.

But the result...

"Oh no, have I become a traitor?!"

The short and chubby old man looked at the several clan elders obediently handing over their account books, his eyes filled with rage as if his chest was about to explode.

Damn it, after so many years of friendship, they didn't even inform him before surrendering.

What should he do now?

Sweat beads formed on the forehead of the short and chubby old man, and his legs began to tremble.

The reason he dared to confront Yu Xian head-on was because he relied on the large number of people, the principle that the law does not hold everyone accountable, and the presence of Elder Zhao in Shangyang City.

But now, with a ratio of four to one, the words he just said seemed like a joke.

"Yu... no, my lord, I also support you."

"I will abandon the darkness and embrace the light!"

The short and chubby old man stepped forward quickly and presented a jade slip.

Fortunately, he had made preparations.

Yu Xian chuckled and said, "Broad-minded clan elder, you are quite insightful, but unfortunately, it's a bit too late.

If I spare you, it would be unfair to the other clan elders."

"But rest assured, I won't lay a hand on you."

"Clan elders, please enforce the family law yourselves."

As soon as he finished speaking, a shout was heard.

"Capture Clan Elder Guangyi and his associates!"

It was the only female clan elder among the five, an old woman at the Qi Refining stage.

Outside the hall, the clan members who were prepared in advance began to take action. The sound of spiritual arts being activated and the cries of the Zhao family members filled the air. They were all close relatives and confidants of the short and chubby old man.

"My lord, I suggest investigating the crimes of Clan Elder Guangyi, confiscating his family's assets, and transferring them to the clan's private treasury for future construction expenses of the new market."

The short and chubby old man finally reacted.

These four people were actually using him as a scapegoat, no wonder they didn't consult him.

"You betrayed me!"

"I want to see Elder Zhao. I am Elder Zhao's nephew. You can't lay a hand on me!"

A radiant light appeared on the short and chubby old man's body, and he wore a super-sized crocodile armor. He wanted to fly out of the ancestral hall.

But as soon as he took off, a heavy pressure pulled him back down.

Yu Xian calmly stood up, walked in front of the short and chubby old man, and dropped a piece of snow-white paper.

"Since you are Elder Zhao's nephew, you should recognize his handwriting. This is his reply to you."

On the paper were eight big characters - "Not worth pitying, act as you please."

Upon seeing the handwriting, the short and chubby old man's legs went weak, and he allowed others to seal his dantian's spiritual power, remove the crocodile armor from his body, and take away his storage bag.

"Elder Zhao won't abandon me! Without my parents, my grandparents who supported him by scrimping and saving, how could he have his current status?"

"Why does he allow an outsider to act so recklessly on Zhao family land?!"

No matter how the short and chubby old man wailed, he was dragged away by others.

"My lord, Clan Elder Guangyi is indeed Elder Zhao's nephew. What do you think?"

One of the clan elders hesitated to speak to Yu Xian.

Yu Xian smiled and said, "He is a member of the Zhao family, so rest assured, everyone. I will give him a peaceful old age. However, this position of power in the clan is not suitable for him."

"Of course, of course."

Everyone expressed their understanding.

At the same time, they mourned for Long Lao. If he hadn't been so stubborn and hadn't become the scapegoat, perhaps he would still have a position to enjoy his later years.

"Cough, cough."

Yu Xian lightly coughed twice to attract everyone's attention.

"Actually, what he said earlier was not wrong. I am indeed an outsider, excessively involved in Zhao family affairs, which makes it seem like I am taking over someone else's territory and being domineering."

"Coincidentally, your market is still lacking a person in charge."

"So I recommend a suitable person for everyone."

"Shi Wen, come in."

Outside the ancestral hall, a baby-faced girl walked in with a stiff body, her footsteps rigid.

Facing the hundreds of scrutinizing eyes, Zhao Shiwen felt her legs go weak.

But her heart began to beat violently, and her emotions gradually became excited. Her head started to rise, like a queen ascending to the throne.

Because she knew that from today onwards, her life would undergo earth-shaking changes!

All of this came from the man who quietly retreated into the background.

At this moment, his eyes were filled with encouragement, his lips curved with a smile, and his whole person seemed to be glowing.

Zhao Shiwen didn't know what love was, and no one had taught her what love meant. But she was certain that she would never fall in love with anyone else in this lifetime.

She suddenly felt extremely grateful for her brave self under the peach blossom tree that day.

(End of this chapter)

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