Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 112 The Beast Tide Comes

Chapter 112: The Beast Tide Approaches

At the same time.

Shangyang City.

The once bustling slum area is now empty, with hundreds of thousands of cultivators and mortals temporarily relocated to the inner city.

Under the command of the patrol team in the inner city, cultivators are responsible for guarding the city while mortals handle logistics.

Residential areas in civilian districts like the Xiaomi District are overcrowded with refugees.

Empty houses like No. 44 and No. 45 have also been temporarily requisitioned as shelters for the refugees.

Of course, Yu Xian is definitely unaware of these things.

Otherwise, he would have sold the house long ago.

On the top of Shangyang Mountain.

A middle-aged handsome man with a slender face and a three-foot-long beard gazes through the layers of buildings, looking at the approaching army of endless demonic beasts as if his eyes were devoid of any emotion.

He is the most mysterious Dan Yangzi in Shangyang City.

Facing the army of demonic beasts, he has no choice but to come out and take charge of the situation.

Because if the city is breached, it would be a major problem, as Shangyang Mountain, which he is responsible for guarding, would be lost.

Shangyang Mountain is a lookout point established by Xuan Yang Sect outside the Wan Yao Mountain Range, responsible for monitoring the movements of the Wan Yao Mountain Range.

As far as he knows, the Wan Yao Mountain Range stretches for millions of miles, spanning five or six domains. It is not only the habitat of the demonic race, but also their prison.

Once the demonic race attempts to break out of the Wan Yao Mountain Range and encroach upon the territory of the human race, they will face the powerful suppression of numerous immortal and demonic sects.

Speaking of which, he is just a small prison guard and scout in this super prison.

In the face of this surveillance and suppression, the response of the Wan Yao Mountain Range is an endless tide of beasts.

Every once in a while, they would let a Demon King or Demon Emperor lead countless demonic beasts to attack the territory of the human race, such as the Shangyang City he guards.

Dan Yangzi does not know the meaning behind the demonic race's actions.

He only knows that he must hold the line.

Because his hundred-year guard duty is about to expire.

By then, with the merits he has accumulated, he will have enough to be promoted to an inner sect elder of Xuan Yang Sect and have the opportunity to see the core inheritance of Xuan Yang Sect, which is the chance to achieve the Nascent Soul stage.

Fortunately, both the demonic race and the human race have maintained enough tacit understanding.

Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals.

In a small place like Shangyang City, only a Demon King or a relatively insignificant role among the Demon Kings would come.

Just like himself.

"Where is the clear wind and bright moon?"

Dan Yangzi puts away his self-pitying emotions and waves his sleeve.

Behind him, the Patriarch of the Zhao family and another handsome young man step forward.

"Here, disciple is present!"

"You two are in charge of the Xuan Yang Golden Light Formation. I will go and meet the Demon King!"

"May the true man be victorious!"

The two disciples, along with a dozen second-level formation masters behind them, all bow down.

A cloud of auspiciousness forms under Dan Yangzi's feet, and in an instant, he floats out a hundred meters. In the blink of an eye, Dan Yangzi has left the formation.

"I am Dan Yangzi, an outer sect elder of Xuan Yang Sect. State your name!"

"I am the Qingyi Demon King under the Golden Peng Demon Emperor!"

In the sky, a hundred-zhang-long grayish-blue wing unfolds, and a majestic phoenix bird stirs up a strong wind as it charges towards Dan Yangzi.

"Good timing!"

Dan Yangzi strokes his long beard, and a three-legged round-bellied brass cauldron appears above his head. The cauldron suddenly grows in size, emitting a golden light, and fiercely smashes towards the phoenix bird.

At the same time, the mouth of the cauldron opens halfway, and a burning fire dragon bursts out, causing the temperature in the air to suddenly rise, distorting the air itself.

Countless demonic beasts on the ground crawl up the walls of Shangyang City like ants.

"Xuan Yang Golden Light Formation!"

Zhao Patriarch and Mingyue, the young disciple, exchange a glance and simultaneously activate the formation. The dozen or so formation masters behind them each perform their respective duties, activating the formation.

In an instant, a giant golden light shield covers the entire Shangyang City.

The golden bricks on the city walls, which Yu Xian noticed as soon as he entered the city, seem to come alive at this moment.

The patterns on the bricks emit a radiant light, and the golden, scorching light flows like molten lava.

Any demonic beast attempting to collide with or climb the city walls instantly melts like grease on a hot iron pan, leaving only a yellowed skeleton.

In the sky, golden pillars of light suddenly rise, directly piercing through the flying demonic beasts attempting to descend from the sky.

The flying demonic beasts fall onto the golden light shield like dumplings, and their bodies quickly emit a burnt smell, crashing heavily all over the city, causing billowing smoke.

The great battle has begun...

When Yu Xian received the message from Zhao Laozu.

Shangyang City has been fighting against the tide of demonic beasts for half a month.

The demonic beast army has attacked the city several times, but under the siege of cultivators and various formations, the demonic beasts have been forced to retreat and pushed back multiple times.

Both sides have no way out, only continuous fighting, and more fighting.

There have been countless second-stage demonic beasts killed in the siege, and many Foundation Building cultivators in the city have also been injured.

There were five people killed on the spot, and there were even more who were injured, severely injured in their primordial qi, and had their lifespan shortened.

Zhao Laozu was one of the unlucky ones.

In order to repair the Golden Light Formation that was damaged by the demonic beasts, he accidentally stepped into a trap set by the demonic beasts and was almost crushed to death by a second-stage late-stage Golden-Eyed Ape.

Fortunately, he reacted in time and waited for his teammates' support with the power of the formation.

But he was also injured.

As for how serious it was, he didn't say.

After the battle with the enemy's demonic king, Danyang Zhenren returned to the palace to cultivate.

The enemy's demonic king has not appeared again, presumably both sides were injured.

Now the tide of demonic beasts is about to disperse.

But many demonic beasts have already broken away from the main force and are heading towards the depths of the human settlement, including second-stage demonic beasts.

So Zhao Laozu specifically sent a letter to remind the Zhao family to keep the protective formation activated at all times to prevent being attacked by demonic beasts and disrupting their formation.

The last part of the message is a thank you to Yu Xian for his hard work.

It says that since he came to the Zhao family's market, the Zhao family has undergone a great transformation. Not only has the market's income increased several times, but also several talented young people have emerged among the Zhao family's younger generation.

The Zhao family ancestral hall is also the meeting hall.

Yu Xian sits in the main seat, casually putting down the jade slip, pondering Zhao Laozu's final thanks.

It seems that Zhao Laozu's injuries are quite serious.

Of course, it could also be a trick by Zhao Laozu.

But he didn't have any crooked thoughts towards the Zhao family, so he didn't care about it.

Anyway, he would remain unchanged in the face of any changes.

Zhao Laozu's minor injuries would heal, and he would join forces with Zhao Laozu.

If Zhao Laozu was seriously injured and dying, he would wait to take over the Zhao family's inheritance. Don't treat him like a stranger. He would ask if there was anyone in the Zhao family who could fight him.

Facing the expectant gazes of the elders, Yu Xian cleared his throat and said:

"I have read the message, and I will give everyone a peace of mind.

As long as everyone stays obediently within the clan territory and with the protective formation, there is no need to worry about the demonic beasts breaking in and threatening everyone's safety."

"Of course, if anyone wants to go out and take a risk for wealth and fortune, I won't stop you. But life and death are up to fate, don't expect me to be your nanny."

"As for the market, if you encounter second-stage demonic beasts, I will take action."

"As for the rest, you can decide for yourselves."

Yu Xian stood up, feeling a bit itchy.

He couldn't win against the wind, but he had some confidence in defeating these defeated generals.

If he could intercept a few second-stage demonic beasts and extract their inner cores, he wouldn't have to worry about the Foundation Building Pills for Yulan.

Because the inner cores of second-stage demonic beasts are one of the raw materials for Foundation Building Pills, and they are also a core material.

In the market of Shangyang, there is a long-term task of exchanging demonic beast inner cores for Foundation Building Pills.

Two demonic beast inner cores for one Foundation Building Pill.

But it is said that one inner core can be used to refine a furnace of Foundation Building Pills, and in the end, four or five pills can be formed. So most cultivators pool their resources to provide the raw materials for alchemists to refine the pills.

If the alchemy is successful, they will pay the alchemist a reward, with each person sharing one pill, and if there is not enough to go around, they will make up the difference.

If the alchemy fails, the alchemist naturally won't receive any compensation, but it's also a way to gain experience.

Yu Xian suddenly felt like becoming an alchemist.

But when he thought that his leisure time would be greatly reduced, Yu Xian decisively put away his little idea.

The art of formations is vast and profound, and he cannot be distracted elsewhere.

"Farewell, Lord Guest."

The elders liked Yu Xian's attitude of only taking money and not interfering in matters. At this moment, they were all delighted with his promise, and their farewells seemed particularly sincere.

At the same time, they were also considering whether or not to lure a few second-stage demonic beasts over. When the time comes, they can use the protective formation to suppress the demonic beasts and exchange their inner cores for Foundation Building Pills.

Perhaps this is the first step for the Zhao family to achieve greater glory.

Crisis is also an opportunity.


They were also worried that Lord Guest would snatch their spoils of war.

(End of this chapter)

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