Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 113 Young Life, Someone Snatches The Spoils

Chapter 113: What a tragedy, someone is stealing the spoils of war.

One month later.

"Hurry up, faster!!"

Accompanied by urgent shouts.

Several Zhao family cultivators flew out of the dense forest in a panic, leaving behind a trail of blood droplets.

Behind them came the rumbling sound of trees collapsing, raising clouds of dust as if gray smoke columns were rising.

A colorful python over thirty zhang long slithered through, chasing after the cultivators who had just attacked it.

Based on its experience, it knew that although these little ones could fly, they wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer.

Then it would be able to have a hearty meal.

Eating human flesh could greatly increase one's vitality, and just like how demonic beasts could grow stronger by consuming cultivators rich in spiritual energy, the python had already eaten quite a few humans and deeply understood the benefits of doing so.

Therefore, it would never let go of these few prey.

Hiss, hiss, hiss!!

The python occasionally flicked its tongue, sensing the residual scent in the air.

It felt that the distance between it and its prey was getting closer.

Until a valley appeared ahead.

The python stopped, its cold and merciless golden pupils staring ahead, while its tail lightly swept the ground, as if contemplating.

As a second-order demonic beast, its intelligence had already awakened.

It vaguely sensed danger ahead, but it couldn't suppress its inner desire.

It only knew that there were many, many people ahead.

And it wanted to eat them.

Finally, the python's desire overwhelmed its rationality, and it resolutely charged into the valley.

"A demonic beast is coming!"

The people ahead cried out in alarm, in panic, and started to flee.

A hint of human-like mockery flashed in the python's eyes.

Because it had already experienced such scenes many times before.

Those people had all ended up in its belly.

This time would be no exception.

The faint sense of crisis it had just felt was forgotten, and desire began to dominate its body.


The python raised its head high, letting out a roar as if declaring its sovereignty, saying that all the prey here belonged to it.

But in the next moment.

"Ignorant beast!"

An ancient voice sounded.

"Four-color Bamboo Forest Formation: Green Bamboo Formation, trap!"

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!!

Emerald green, jade-like long bamboo rapidly grew out of the ground, quickly forming a bamboo forest that trapped the python within.

The python's wild instincts were constantly warning it at this moment.

Its massive body suddenly curled up into a ball, its scales tightly compressed, as if it had covered itself with an impenetrable armor, and a film-like layer covered its scales like a bubble.

In an instant, the python had assumed a defensive posture.

But it was too late.

"Four-color Bamboo Forest Formation: Fire Bamboo Formation, attack!"

The emerald green bamboo instantly changed color, transforming into flaming bamboo. Within a hundred meters centered around the python, it turned into a raging sea of fire.

One by one, fireballs that seemed to be solidified lava emerged from the flaming bamboo, floating above the sea of fire.


Giant fireballs rained down one after another, their target being the second-order python in the center of the formation.

The giant python faced an endless barrage of fireballs, with nowhere to hide. It could only hide its head under its body and rely on its strong physical body to endure the damage.

However, this was a second-grade high-quality compound formation. Once trapped in the formation, it was equivalent to facing several Foundation Building stage cultivators.

Even though the person currently controlling the formation was only at the Qi Refining stage, they couldn't fully unleash the power of the formation.

But the giant python was only at the early second-grade stage, and it couldn't withstand the damage from the formation.


The python's defense was quickly broken by the fireballs. The oily film on its body turned into a wisp of smoke and the colorful scales became charred and shattered, revealing the fresh red flesh underneath.

The python's breath grew weaker and weaker until it finally stopped moving completely. Its exposed skin no longer had any intact flesh, and the air was filled with a strong smell of meat.


A green light descended, revealing a flying sword about the length of a forearm.

The flying sword plunged straight into the soft flesh of the python, bringing out a piece of meat the size of a bowl, and hot blood gushed out.

The python still didn't move, as if it had truly died.


The illusion of the bamboo forest dissipated, and the three elders of the Zhao family gathered together, standing less than a hundred meters away from the python, laughing heartily.

"What's a second-grade demonic beast? Just a stupid creature. Facing our formation, it still has to lose its head on the spot."

"It's just that using the formation is costly. In order to kill it, I roughly estimated that we spent at least seven to eight hundred spirit stones. If it had lasted longer, the cost would have been even higher."

"Yes, if it weren't for the demonic beast's corpse to make up for it, we wouldn't be able to use the formation more than a few times before going bankrupt."

"But as long as we can kill the demonic beast, any number of spirit stones is worth it."

"Spirit stones can be earned again, but if the second-grade demonic beast escapes, we'll lose this opportunity. With our old arms and legs, we can't go to the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range to mess around."

"That's right, that's right. I haven't seen what the inner core of a second-grade demonic beast looks like. Let me handle the extraction."

A well-off-looking elder walked eagerly to the front of the python, pinched a seal in his hand, and the small green sword from earlier burrowed deep into the python's scales.

"Where is the inner core?"

The well-off elder controlled the flying sword to roam inside the python's body, quickly reaching the center of its heart. With the flying sword as his eyes, his spiritual sense vaguely saw something emitting a red light in the middle of the heart.

"The inner core?!"

The well-off elder's spirit was lifted, and just as he was about to cut open the heart to extract it, he felt the flying sword tremble. The heart in the center of the python suddenly throbbed.

The python's head buried in its body suddenly lifted, its cold golden pupils filled with pain and anger.

"Oh no! The demonic beast isn't dead!"

The well-off elder's face changed drastically, but he was used to a life of luxury and was so frightened that he couldn't move at all in the face of life and death.


The python opened its large mouth, ready to swallow the well-off elder.

"Elder Shao Hong!"

The other elders saw the situation and quickly pinched their seals, trying to activate the protective formation again.

But without prior preparation, with their cultivation levels, how could they activate the formation just by saying so?

Just as the well-off elder was about to be devoured by the python's mouth, a streak of crimson light arrived first, directly piercing the python's mouth.

Then the crimson light swelled, directly filling the python's mouth.


The red sword light overflowed, and the python's head was directly blasted into pieces. Its huge body fell to the ground with a loud crash, and there was no movement.

This time, it was truly dead.

"Bold monster, how dare you harm someone in front of me! I won't spare you!"

Only after the python's head exploded did a voice slowly sound.

Immediately, several elders were in shock, looking at the guest elder who appeared calmly and composedly. Their expressions were as if they were about to cry.

"Elder Shao Hong, are you alright?"

Yu Xian walked up to the well-off elder with a concerned expression.

At the same time, the red flying sword didn't idle either. It directly cut open the snake's heart and took out an irregularly shaped, ping pong ball-sized blood-red crystal.

The well-off elder watched as Yu Xian took out the inner core and carefully placed it in an ice box emitting a cold aura, before finally putting it into a storage bag.

"Old... old man, I'm... I'm fine..."

(This chapter is complete)

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