Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 13 Chen Yi's Ambition

Chapter 13: Chen Yi's Ambition

When Chen Yi returned, it was already dark outside.

Feeling a bit pressured, Yu Xian took some time to cultivate with Yulan and made some progress on the panel.

Cultivation was like this, accumulating bit by bit, in order to have a final explosive breakthrough.

Under the osmanthus tree.

The osmanthus branches and leaves that were cut by Ding Le's sword qi had been cleaned up by the servants of the Wang Mansion. The courtyard was lit up, giving the night a hazy beauty.

Yu Xian sat under the tree, the yellow wine gourd shining brightly in his hands. He poured himself a cup, and the wine flowed like amber.

This wine was constantly being improved by Huang Daifu according to his needs.

For example, using more expensive and better-aged wine to soak medicinal herbs, adding or reducing a few ingredients, almost every gourd had a slightly different taste.

He slowly savored it alone.

Yulan had been sent away by him to meditate and sense spiritual energy.

Although Yulan had spoken so confidently in front of him, after more than a month of continuous cultivation without any feedback, she couldn't help but relax a bit in her heart, thinking that she was so useless and destined to be a servant for the rest of her life.

In such a situation, there must be some external intervention to give her the motivation to continue working hard.

When Chen Yi walked in, he saw the lonely figure under the tree and felt a slight tremor in his heart.

This man was like a mist, hiding stories that ordinary people couldn't touch, making people can't help but want to explore deeper.

A few traces of curiosity appeared in her eyes, but were quickly suppressed.

She knew what she wanted.

The opportunity to become an immortal cultivator was right in front of her. She didn't need to compete with Yulan anymore, to be a follower of a man.

Although this man possessed her and gave her the joy of being a woman, she would never stop there.

To gain power, to gain freedom.

Thinking of what Chen Xiao had said about the world of cultivation, that was where she should go. Everything now was just a waste of time.

Yes, that's right.

Chen Yi suppressed the tremor in her heart and walked towards Yu Xian.

"Did you find out?"

Yu Xian handed the wine cup to Chen Yi. This Ding Le came out of nowhere, there must be a reason behind it, so he had to ask Chen Yi to investigate.

She was a person of the Prince Fu, and the intelligence system of the Wang Mansion was not to be underestimated.

Chen Yi didn't mind that it was the cup Yu Xian had just drunk from. He drank it all in one go, and a warm feeling rose from his belly, quickly dispelling the cold of the night.

"He is called Ding Le, the second elder of the Changle Sword Sect. He and the previous second offering of the Wang Mansion were from the same sect. This time, he took the position of his junior brother in the Wang Mansion.

The Changle Sword Sect is the number one martial sect in this county, with three grandmasters, but now there are only two.

In addition, I found out that the Changle Sword Sect originally didn't want to send anyone over because the matter of the second offering's death and compensation had not been settled with the Wang Mansion.

But I don't know why they suddenly agreed.

Ding Le coming to find you was not ordered by the prince, he should just want to establish his authority.

Also, according to your instructions, I revealed the news of your breakthrough to the late stage of Qi Refining. The prince was surprised, and tomorrow his reward will be given, and your monthly salary will also increase to five hundred taels."

"Unusual things must have a reason. Can you find out why he agreed?" Yu Xian instinctively felt that something was wrong.

But his social circle was too small, and he spent his days in the gentle town, so the information he could obtain was very limited.

But he didn't want to bother himself.

After all, he came here to retire and enjoy life. If he had to engage in intrigue and calculations, then he might as well have stayed in the mortal world.

Fortunately, power was the essence of this world.

As long as he broke through to the late stage of Qi Refining, even if there were some unexpected situations, he believed he could handle them calmly.

It was time to find a substitute for the magic tool.

Yu Xian pondered to himself.

"We can give it a try. The prince is also investigating this matter, but he may not tell me."

Chen Yi had no expression on her face, even a bit cold, just like when she faced the Prince Fu.

Since that day on the river, Chen Yi knew that her identity had been exposed, but Yu Xian didn't mention it, and they understood each other without speaking.

"If we can't find out, it doesn't matter." Yu Xian held Chen Yi's cold hand on the table, his face full of tenderness. "Thank you for your hard work."

Chen Yi's body stiffened, wanting to pull her hand back.

But she tried and found that she couldn't move it at all, so she could only let the person play with her small hand.

"I'm not working hard."

Compared to the days of her previous training, the current days could be considered heaven.

In her spare time, she had also thought about it. If Yu Xian had not agreed to let her cultivate that day, she would have been satisfied with such a life.

But there are no "ifs."

"Hey, don't always have a tense face, smile a little. It's not good to have wrinkles from frowning all the time."

Yu Xian stood up, his gaze met Chen Yi's, and his finger gently brushed her brow, as if trying to sweep away her melancholy.

Chen Yi knew very well that the man in front of her was acting. His tenderness was not much different from her own, but her heart couldn't help but tremble.

She closed her eyes, afraid to look into Yu Xian's eyes, but her heartbeat accelerated.

"If you like my previous self, I can go back to being that way."

"I don't want your false tenderness. I want to see you genuinely happy, like the day you sensed the spiritual energy. Your smile was beautiful, and it almost made my heart skip a beat. I thought we finally had some feelings between us."

Chen Yi felt that Yu Xian's deep voice was like cat claws gently scratching her heart, making her tremble all over.

It was precisely because she understood the gap between them that she couldn't resist this tenderness.

Just like an ordinary boy hearing that the goddess likes boys who are good at cooking.

So he practiced his cooking skills for his goddess, spending two months' salary to prepare a five-star luxury meal for confession.

But the goddess only took a small bite, politely said thank you, and didn't give any opportunity.

But the same woman, faced with a billionaire boss's burnt egg fried rice made by his own hands, would be moved to tears and say it's the best egg fried rice she has ever had in her life.

Is the egg fried rice important?

No, it's the status.

She would think, if he's willing to make egg fried rice for me with his own hands, does that mean he really likes me a little?

Chen Yi was the same.

He was willing to perform tenderness in front of her, but did he really have a slight affection for her?

After all, she was his possession now, there was really nothing to plot.

Chen Yi wavered.

She opened her eyes and saw those gentle eyes, as deep as the night, almost capturing her soul.

She pressed tightly against him.

Twelve seconds later.

Chen Yi firmly pushed Yu Xian away, wiped her mouth, and said firmly, "That's it!"

She staggered and ran towards the room.

Yu Xian licked his bitten lip and shook his head with a smile.

"It's so easy to move you. How will you survive in the immortal realm in the future?"

He caught up and found that the room door happened to be unlocked, so he walked in with great fanfare.

After a while, the room was filled with Chen Yi's embarrassed and suppressed voice.

"What do you want?"

"I want."

"I didn't mean that. Don't come over."

"Oh, then I'll go find Yu Lan."

"Don't... if you're coming, then come. Anyway, I'm already used to it."

"Huh? It seems a bit bigger than before..."


Second floor.

Yu Lan had been meditating for a long time, but she couldn't calm her mind. She opened her eyes in annoyance and looked at the Changchun Gong in her hand that was about to be torn apart, feeling extremely distressed.

Why couldn't she find a shortcut?

She wasn't greedy, as long as she could enter the door, she could marry the master.

Suddenly, Yu Lan's ears twitched, hearing the creaking sound from downstairs, accompanied by suppressed moans.

Her face turned red, and she quickly understood what was going on.

Then her mood became even more chaotic.

What if the master also promised Chen Yi that he would marry her when she entered the door? Then she, who came first, wouldn't even have a chance?

No, this can't happen!

Yu Lan closed her eyes abruptly, held her breath, and under the intense pressure, her consciousness suddenly emptied, as if everything disappeared little by little, including all the sounds and distractions.

Under a certain special competitive force, for the first time in her long cultivation, Yu Lan entered a deep state of meditation.

(End of this chapter)

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