Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 14 Starting To Refin

Chapter 14: Starting to Forge

The next day.

After seeing off the steward of the Wang Mansion, Li Gonggong, who came to deliver gifts, Yu Xian turned around and looked at the courtyard filled with large and small gift boxes, shaking his head involuntarily.

All this pomp and circumstance, it would be better to give him cash.

Fortunately, his monthly salary has increased, five hundred taels of silver is not much, but it's good to have a steady income.

Moreover, the price for a mid-stage Foundation Establishment cultivator and an early-stage Foundation Establishment cultivator is different. In the future, the Wang Mansion probably won't assign him any more ordinary tasks, as the cost-effectiveness is too low.

Of course, even if they give him tasks, he won't accept them.

Why bother when he can just enjoy the benefits without doing anything?

On the other hand, Yulan was quite happy.

After Li Gonggong left, she shuttled among the gift boxes, occasionally opening one to admire and play with it, especially the several pieces of brocade and silk that were said to be royal tributes, which she couldn't put down.

"Master, this fabric is really beautiful. Let me make clothes for you." Yulan exclaimed with excitement.

Yu Xian glanced at Chen Yi, who was quietly waiting by his side, and suddenly remembered her cute appearance last night, biting the corner of the blanket and refusing to speak. He couldn't help but smile and say, "Sure, there's quite a lot of this fabric. Remember to make one for yourself and one for your sister Yi."

"Master, you're so good to me! Sister Yi, will you help me?" Yulan looked at Chen Yi and extended an invitation.

In this day and age, it's rare for a girl not to know needlework, even the embroidery skills of the princess are excellent.

Chen Yi replied softly, "Okay," with a low-spirited expression.

But Yulan seemed not to notice, she came over, took her hand, and started whispering in her ear, discussing the style of the clothes.

"By the way, you two will stay home today. I'm going out to do something. If that Ding Offering comes to deliver compensation, you can accept it." Yu Xian ignored the scheming of the two girls, gave them some instructions, and left the Wang Mansion with his wine gourd.


Baibao Tower.

This is the largest commercial firm in Changning City, known as the treasure trove with millions of treasures, connecting the north and south. The wealth of the entire tower can buy half of Changning City, and it is rumored to have the backing of the Wang Mansion.

Yu Xian said that there was no need for rumors.

Because not long ago, he asked Li Gonggong, who came to deliver gifts, where he could buy jade in the city, preferably in large pieces.

Li Gonggong immediately recommended Baibao Tower and introduced it as the big boss behind the Wang Mansion.

If he went there, with his status as a Heaven-level Offering, he could get a 30% discount on purchases.

Yu Xian didn't bother with any secret operations. As soon as he entered, he presented his Wang Mansion token to the greeter, and immediately a senior manager of Baibao Tower came to receive him.

Upstairs in the VIP room.

The maid arranged two plates of pastries, bowed and left, and the senior manager personally served tea to Yu Xian, with a respectful expression on his face.

"Offering Yu, please have some tea. I wonder what you're looking for this time? As long as it's something we have in this tower, I will find it for you."

Yu Xian picked up the teacup, took a sip, and stated his intention.

"I want a whole piece of jade, the material doesn't matter, the bigger the better, at least three feet square."

In the mortal world, the probability of finding a magic tool is as low as finding a needle in the ocean. Yu Xian has never considered himself lucky enough to pick up a treasure at will.

So he planned to refine one himself.

He naturally wouldn't engage in proper refining, but he had some knowledge of primitive blood refining.

This is a method of refining tools belonging to poor cultivators.

Find a passable material, nurture it day and night with blood, mana, and spiritual consciousness. In general, it takes about three months to initially refine the tool embryo.

By continuously nurturing it for three to five years, it can probably successfully transform into a low-grade magic tool.

Such a low-grade magic tool is more in tune with the intentions of the refiner and has three times the power compared to ordinary magic tools.

If additional materials are continuously added and smelted, there is also a chance to upgrade the magic tool.

However, this method consumes a lot of time and effort, and it is easy to delay cultivation. Generally, cultivators can only refine one item at most. Moreover, once the magical tool is damaged, it will also cause significant harm to the owner's vitality.

It is said to be the original method of refining tools.

Later, due to the advancement of the method of refining tools, the cultivation world gradually eliminated this backward way of refining tools.

But for poor people, as long as they don't have to spend money, what's a little time and energy? This blood refining method has become popular and widespread.

As a former reserve who once dreamed of becoming an immortal, Yu Xian naturally didn't want to be left behind and obtained a copy early.

"No restrictions on materials, a large piece of jade?"

The steward repeated Yu Xian's request in a low voice, quickly recalling the goods in the Treasure Pavilion in his mind.

Yu Xian quietly sipped his tea, not disturbing the steward's thoughts.

In his eyes, the most valuable thing in the mortal world is probably minerals.

Whether it is gold, silver, copper, iron, or jade mines, they all have certain value even in the cultivation world.

Gold essence, silver liquid, copper mother, and mysterious iron can all be extracted from ordinary ores, but the required amount of raw materials is too large for ordinary cultivators to handle.

Not to mention anything else, they can't even afford a storage magical tool with a large capacity.

Yu Xian did consider buying some iron ore to refine it himself.

But when he thought about the amount of work involved, coupled with the environment of the mortal world where even replenishing spiritual energy is difficult, he decisively gave up.

So he chose jade.

Jade is the essence of stone, naturally containing weak spiritual energy. It is a natural material for refining tools. Its advantage lies in its simplicity and ease of use in refining tools. Even with a single material, it can produce a tool embryo.

The downside is that cheap goods are not good. The power of the refined magical tool is weak, making it easy to be suppressed in a fight.

But as long as it can be used, what more do you need?

Yu Xian has a clear understanding of his own wealth and level of combat.

The steward searched through his memory but couldn't find a piece of jade that met Yu Xian's requirements.

"Sorry, Honored Yu, our Treasure Pavilion really doesn't have the large piece of jade you are looking for. The largest piece of jade we have is a small emerald cabbage, but it is only about a foot long and wide. Would you like to take a look?"

Yu Xian was a little disappointed and shook his head, saying, "No need, just keep an eye out for me. If there is any news, send someone to find me at the Fu Palace."

After speaking, he had already stood up.

"Honored Yu, please wait."

The steward called out to Yu Xian, as if he had just remembered something. "Your words just reminded me. If Honored Yu wants a large piece of jade, it would be better to come back in a few days.

Because at that time, a group of jade merchants from the southwest will be auctioning a batch of jade ore and some jade collections in our Treasure Pavilion."

"In addition, there will be jade merchants from the surrounding counties coming to buy goods. If they don't have it in their hands, then there probably won't be any jade that meets your requirements in the entire Changning County."

Changning City is a water transportation hub, and with the help of its geographical advantage, it has a strong commercial atmosphere. Every year, merchant caravans and boatmen from all over the country stop here for trade.

The Treasure Pavilion, with the backing of the royal palace, is the best intermediary, providing communication channels and platforms for those unfamiliar merchants. The Treasure Pavilion has prospered because of this.

Upon hearing this, Yu Xian suddenly felt lucky. Although he didn't directly come across any valuable magical tools, at least he immediately found a solution to his problem when faced with difficulties.

"Okay, what's your name? I'll find you when I come."

"I'm Liu Sanquan."

The steward's smile became even more sincere this time.

The royal token that Yu Xian presented is of a high rank in the palace.

By establishing a relationship today, it will be much easier for him to climb up in the Treasure Pavilion in the future, and he may even have the opportunity to have his name heard by the prince.

"Well, I remember you."

Yu Xian didn't waste any more words and had already walked out of the room.

He always goes straight to the point when buying things, just getting what he needs and doesn't like to wander around.

But suddenly, his footsteps paused, and then he quickly walked to the two guests who were chatting in the hall.

"What did you just say about the military case? And what happened in Guangnan Rebellion?"

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