Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 15 First Heard Of The Chaos

Chapter 15: Chaos Unveiled

The two guests at the Bai Bao Lou who were chatting were not pleased with the sudden arrival of Yu Xian, and even found it somewhat offensive.

"What does it have to do with you what we're talking about? Do you have to answer if I ask?" The younger guest frowned.

Yu Xian apologized with a polite gesture. "I'm sorry, it's just that a friend of mine was involved in a military case before, so when I heard you talking about it just now, I got a bit excited."

"It's alright, it's not a big secret anyway. The news will probably come out in a few days." The older guest held down his companion's hand, stopping him from saying more, and smiled somewhat reservedly at Yu Xian. "This military case is related to the Guangnan Rebellion. About five months ago, there was a rebellion in Guangnan County in the south. A group of commoners, incited by the rebels, stormed the government office and quickly occupied several county towns. This angered the court, and soon an imperial envoy was sent down. According to later investigations, the weapons and siege equipment used by the rebels were the ones stolen from the Cangbei County arsenal two years ago. Later, each county checked their own arsenals and found that many of their weapons were missing. Because of this, the court blocked the major ports, saying they wanted to find out who was smuggling weapons to the rebels. We small merchants who rely on water transportation for a living have suffered a lot. We heard that the rebellion had already been suppressed. But just half a month ago, the imperial envoy and the county magistrate stationed in Guangnan County were both assassinated by the rebels in the government mansion. Now Guangnan County is in chaos, and even the county seat has been occupied. We happen to have some connections in the south, so we knew about it earlier and decided not to continue heading south after selling all our goods in Changning City."

"I see, thank you for clarifying." Yu Xian thanked them again with a gesture, but his heart sank.

Damn it, the rebels!

It seems that anything related to weapons is trouble. If the Sun Family Medicine Shop claims to have no connection with the rebels in the south, they just wrote their name backwards.

No, I have to report it!

Without hesitation, Yu Xian sold out the Sun Family Medicine Shop.

After all, it doesn't seem like the Kingdom of Yue is going to perish. The small turmoil should be quelled soon, and when they investigate, he will inevitably get into trouble.

Indeed, ten thousand taels of silver is not so easy to come by.

Fortunately, he was only doing a job for money, and with his mid-stage innate strength now revealed and his attitude so proper, he believed that even if Prince Fu knew, he wouldn't say much.

As Yu Xian bid farewell and left, the young man whose hand was held down and couldn't speak couldn't help but feel dissatisfied.

"Brother, we worked so hard to get this information, and you just blurted it out like that. If it gets out, won't our prices be suppressed to death?"

The young man called Brother spoke with a serious tone. "Xiao An, we're out here traveling and doing business, making money is secondary. The most important thing is to see through these tricks. Otherwise, what we lose won't be money, but our lives. Do you know where that person came from just now? The VIP room of Bai Bao Lou, and it was Liu, the steward, who personally escorted him out. I saw him bowing so low that his back was hunched."

"He's a person of grace, not someone you can mess with. If he gets unhappy, he can just say a word and we won't be selling goods anymore, we'll be going straight to prison."

"And do you think we're the only ones who know this information? Do you think Bai Bao Lou doesn't know? Don't worry, based on what I said just now, we might even benefit from it."

Sure enough, not long after, Liu, the steward, invited the two brothers into the VIP room and bought their goods at a fair market price, without any haggling.

And all of this was because they had spoken a few more words to Yu Xian just now and seemed to be having a pleasant conversation.

Liu, the steward, was happy to sell himself within his authority, even if Yu Xian was unaware of it.

After leaving Bai Bao Lou...

"Brother, you're amazing!"

The younger brother looked at his older brother with admiration overflowing in his eyes.

"This is what a big shot looks like. Unassuming, but just a few words with us and he solved a big problem for us."

The older brother let out a long breath and patted the silver notes in his arms, feeling emotional.

"Although we didn't make much money on this trip, at least we didn't suffer any losses. I don't know how many people who continued south this time lost everything."

Small merchants have poor risk tolerance. Almost every cargo ship has to put up more than half of their assets, and some even have to borrow money. Once something goes wrong, the result is the destruction of their homes and lives.

Of course, high risk means high returns. If they can return safely, they will become wealthy.

"Brother, I want to stay a few more days. I heard that there will be a jade and gemstone exhibition at Bai Bao Lou soon."

"Alright, anyway, it won't be chaotic here for a while."

The older brother put his arm around his younger brother's shoulder and affectionately smiled. "These past few days have been so tense that I almost turned my hair white. It's time to relax."


Prince Fu's Mansion.

This was the second time Yu Xian had seen Prince Fu since coming to the mansion.

Compared to the first time they met, Prince Fu's complexion has clearly improved a lot.

According to what he knows, Chen Xiao would suppress the poison in Prince Fu's body every three days, and then he would be able to enjoy a meal of chicken leg rice.

Obviously, Chen Xiao understands his situation very well. It is impossible for him to completely remove the poison from Prince Fu's body, otherwise he would lose his life. Even if Prince Fu threatens him with his nominal sister, it would be the same.

It's also thanks to Yu Xian's protection. Otherwise, Chen Yi would have to cooperate with the acting and endure several rounds of punishment and beatings in front of Chen Xiao.

"Yu Xian, this matter involves the rebel party and is not trivial. The Sun Family Medicine Shop has a good reputation for giving medicine and medical treatment to the people, and is deeply loved by the people. If there is no evidence and we act rashly, I will inevitably face criticism."

Prince Fu shook his head with a sigh, looking helpless.

Yu Xian shrugged, looking relaxed.

"Well, in that case, let's forget about it. My lord, rest well. I'll take my leave first."

Anyway, he had already given the report in person. Prince Fu didn't believe it, so he would never be able to implicate him with the rebel party. He wouldn't be so wronged.

Prince Fu stood there in a daze, caught off guard by Yu Xian's straightforwardness.

No, why didn't you try to persuade me anymore?

"Wait, Yu Xian!"

Prince Fu didn't dare to put on airs anymore and quickly said, "Since the Sun Family Medicine Shop is suspected, let's arrest them first and interrogate them. If they are innocent, we can release them later."

He knew more about the situation of the Guangnan Rebellion than the merchants on the market. It was not an ordinary rebellion, but an organized and premeditated rebellion, possibly involving cultivators.

In addition to the previous cases of stolen military equipment in various counties, it was not difficult to imagine that an underground organization had already extended its tentacles into various places, perhaps with local officials acting as insiders.

If it were ordinary warriors, it would be fine. No matter how powerful they were, they would not be able to contend with the court.

But it involved cultivators, and who knew what kind of existence was behind them.

Prince Fu felt helpless and somewhat fearful about this. Since his elder brother became obsessed with cultivation, it was clear that they, the princes, were being left to their own devices. The incident of his assassination attempt had not yet received a response from the court.

Perhaps he could use the Sun Family Medicine Shop to display his military might.

As for what to do if they were really innocent...

Well, tough luck for them. Did he, as a prince, have to apologize?

"But, my lord, there is no evidence," Yu Xian repeated his words.

"Yu Xian's words are evidence. I will entrust this matter to you, Yu Xian, to handle it fully. I will have others cooperate with you."

Prince Fu planned to let Yu Xian be the vanguard.

As for Yu Xian, who had an unclear background, an unclear identity, and joined the prince's mansion halfway through but was already powerful, Prince Fu was actually conflicted and didn't know how to place him.

A Precelestial Grandmaster was not a small help to the prince's mansion, especially after Yu Xian announced his breakthrough to the mid Precelestial stage. The prince's mansion was even more reluctant to let him go.

This time, he could deepen the bond between Yu Xian and the prince's mansion through the matter of the Sun Family Medicine Shop.

But he didn't expect Yu Xian to naturally refuse, saying, "I won't go."

Prince Fu: "..."

"Yu Xian, the Sun Family Medicine Shop was reported by you personally. It's not appropriate for you not to take action, right?" Prince Fu suppressed his anger.

It would be fine if he usually made excuses, but to do it in front of him, did he not give him, the prince, any face?

Did he still want to clear his name?

However, Yu Xian had a look of dilemma, as if torn between loyalty and righteousness, and said, "To be honest, the Sun Family's old shopkeeper and I hit it off when we first met. We were once close friends. I feel very uncomfortable reporting him this time. If I personally go to arrest him again, I really don't know how to handle it. I ask my lord to find someone more capable, such as Ding, who has strong martial arts and extensive experience in the martial world. I think he is the best candidate. Of course, if my lord insists on me going and wants to put me in an unjust position, I can naturally go. But in the future, I will have no face to stay in the prince's mansion and can only wander the martial world and find another place."

Seeing that the conversation had reached this point, if he continued to force it, he would be putting someone in an unjust position and driving them away. Prince Fu had nothing more to say.

Damn it, if it weren't for the fact that you had already broken through to the mid Precelestial stage!

Prince Fu couldn't bear to let go of a Precelestial Grandmaster who could sit in the prince's mansion all year round. So he had to suppress his anger and force a smile, saying, "I am not that kind of person. If Yu Xian doesn't want to go, then don't. I will entrust this matter to Ding to handle."

Yu Xian looked grateful and said, "Thank you, my lord, for your understanding."

Suddenly, Ding Le, who was recuperating in Building No. 3 of the Heavenly Character Residence, sneezed. He rubbed his nose and then impatiently said to the disciples of the Changle Sword Sect in front of him, "Send the money to that guy surnamed Yu, and remember, don't say anything."

(End of this chapter)

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