Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 133 The Meaning Of Practice

Chapter 133: The Meaning of Cultivation

On a scorching summer day, even the wind became hot and the cicadas by the roadside cried out in a mournful tone, while the grass drooped its head weakly.

On the expressway from Zhaojiafang Market to Shangyang City, a medium-sized merchant caravan was moving at a steady pace. Perhaps due to the weather, no one felt like talking, so the procession was quiet.

The condition of the expressway was not very good, and occasionally, cultivators proficient in earth attribute spiritual arts would step out from the merchant caravan and use their arts to smooth the road.

The originally bumpy expressway quickly became flat and spacious as the merchant caravan passed by.

In the middle of the caravan was a luxurious carriage pulled by five black dragon foals.

Black dragon foals were a rare breed of horses, standing over two meters tall, covered in black scales, and with a small horn on their heads. They possessed great endurance and when fully grown, could rival a first-order monster beast.

It was said that black dragon foals had a faint trace of black dragon bloodline. If this bloodline could be activated, they could become Black Dragon Foal Kings and have the opportunity to become second-order monster beasts.

The carriage had a floor area of nearly twenty square meters. It was made of high-quality jujube-scented redwood and intricately carved with delicate patterns. On both sides of the front of the carriage hung a string of purple wind chimes that produced pleasant sounds as the vehicle vibrated.

Inside the carriage, the temperature was comfortable, and the air carried a hint of coolness, forming a sharp contrast with the outside world.

A handsome young man was half-leaning on a soft cushion, holding an ancient book in his hand and reading.

Behind him, a beautiful young woman knelt, allowing him to rest his head on her lap, while her slender fingers gently massaged his shoulders.

There was also a pure and beautiful young girl who held his calf and lightly patted it with her small hands.

It was a complete picture of a playboy.

Sitting on one side was another gentle and beautiful young girl, who was already accustomed to the young man's absurd behavior.

In her arms, she held a large white cat that looked quite noble. Through the window, its gaze leisurely observed the scenery on both sides of the road.

They were Yu Xian and his group, who planned to take advantage of the auction in Shangyang City.

This time, Yu Xian did not fly directly there but chose to travel with the Zhao family's merchant caravan.

He had stayed at the Zhao family's residence for too long, shuttling between Zhaojia Gou and the market.

Although he was interested in the outside scenery, he had been too lazy to go and see it.

So, taking advantage of this opportunity, he decided to have a leisurely journey.

Thus, he had the Zhao family build this luxurious dragon foal carriage for him and brought along the sect leader of the married woman and her disciple to serve him.

Having lived a life of luxury for too long, he had no intention of suffering even a bit of hardship anymore, otherwise, his cultivation would have been in vain.

Just at this moment, Yulan, who was stroking the cat, saw the cultivators repairing the road and couldn't help but curiously ask Yu Xian, "My lord, why do they have to repair the road themselves?"

In her eyes, her husband has always been capable and knowledgeable.

Yu Xian enjoyed the admiration and longing in Yu Lan's eyes.

But he really didn't know about this matter.

So he cleared his throat and said, "This matter is a bit complicated, I'll let the professionals explain it to you."

He gently pulled a thin thread inside the carriage.

As a result, a copper bell outside the carriage made a crisp sound.

After a while.

A Zhao family cultivator riding a black dragon steed ran up from the front of the convoy.

"Lord Guest, I am Zhao Wanlin, at your command?"

Nowadays, the Zhao family market is booming, and the demand for higher-level commercial products by local cultivators is increasing.

So the Zhao family caravan, which originally had little presence, took the opportunity to expand and provided more than a dozen cultivator positions for the Zhao family.

Zhao Wanlin is one of them.

He was originally from a branch of the Zhao family, relying on the spiritual fields allocated to his family to support his cultivation.

Later, when the Zhao family market reopened, they recruited soldiers and horses.

Just as everyone was watching, he acted on impulse and was among the first to join.

The fact proved that his choice was correct.

After nearly ten years of hard work, his cultivation broke through to the Late Qi Refining stage. Now he is the deputy leader of the Zhao family caravan and has become the confidant of Zhao Dashou.

Hmm, Zhao Dashou is Zhao Shiwen, who did not come this time.

Yu Xian lazily said, "Let me ask you, who built this road and why do you repair it while traveling?"

Zhao Wanlin thought for a moment and replied, "This should be a convention. It is said that this road did not exist originally.

Later, various caravans appeared and there was a need for communication, so a road gradually emerged.

It's just that for various reasons, this road is often damaged, so when we encounter it, we will repair it on the go, it doesn't take much effort.

It is convenient for ourselves and others.

And the road is also a guide. If you fly in the air and see these roads, you will know where there are people."

"I see, alright, you may leave now."

Yu Xian nodded, remembering when he and Yu Lan returned to the cultivation world and had to go to Shangyang City, the roads on the ground did save him the trouble of discerning directions.

"Yes, I take my leave."

Zhao Wanlin was very sensible. Even if Lord Guest called him up just to ask an insignificant question, he didn't show any impatience on his face.

The caravan continued to move forward calmly.

The straight-line distance between Shangyang City and Zhaojiafang Market is nearly 600 miles, but that is the flying distance in the sky.

If traveling on the ground, it would take a detour of about 700-800 miles, and the caravan can travel about 70-80 miles per day. It would take about a month for a round trip.

As dusk approached, the wind from afar dissipated the heat and brought a hint of coolness.

The caravan stopped at a small village they passed by.

Such small villages are generally built on veins that are not suitable for cultivation. They are ruled by a small Qi Refining family, with about three to five Qi Refining cultivators as the ruling class, forming a small community of a few hundred people, with cultivators as the main force and mortals as the supporting force.

The former Zhao family was such a small community.

Such small communities are very unstable. They can be wiped out by a slightly stronger demonic beast, or even killed by a passing high-level cultivator in a bad mood, and no one would care.

But they are like weeds and wild fires that cannot be extinguished.

The aftermath of the beast tide has not subsided for long, and such small villages have gradually increased.

As long as there are veins, people will always gather here.

After all, there will never be a shortage of people like Yu Xian who want to live a carefree life.

They don't want to go to the mortal world, but want to be their own boss, so they occupy a vein that no one wants, call on three to five good friends, and bring dozens of mortals.

After more than ten or twenty years of development, a small village can be formed, and they can become the local tyrant.

This is thanks to the abundant resources in the cultivation world.

Although it is difficult to find high-grade spiritual objects, it is very simple to fill one's stomach. Almost all the land can yield mature crops by simply sowing seeds, without the need for hard work.

The people in the village seemed to have been waiting for a while. When they saw the caravan approaching, they did not immediately approach.

Two cargo carts came out of the caravan.

The cargo carts had cargo compartments similar to containers. When the driver activated the mechanism, a dazzling array of goods appeared inside.

Spirit talismans, spirit pills, potions, talismans, and one or two magical tools.

These things are not of high grade, but their prices are several times higher than those in the market.

But for a village that doesn't have many professionals, they are rare treasures.

When the people in the caravan were ready, the people from the village approached.

The cultivators from the village didn't have many spirit stones in their hands, so they mostly traded with goods. They couldn't avoid bargaining, and in the end, it was the caravan that made a profit.

Almost such a small village can earn a few spirit stones.

And on the way, they would pass through dozens of small villages, earning hundreds of spirit stones, which is better than nothing.

The others in the caravan started preparing food. There were not only cultivators in the group, but also many low-level cultivators and mortal warriors.

They all needed to eat.


Yu Xian and the others also got off the carriage.

The people from the caravan had already set up tents for them and prepared a bonfire for the night.

And because of Yu Xian, the caravan specially brought a skilled chef, so there was also a table full of exquisite delicacies.

Each dish was steaming hot, obviously just made.

However, Yu Xian and Yulan only tasted a few bites and didn't eat much, but the appetite of the Sect Master and Yue'er was good.

After all, the rice was spiritual rice, the meat was from a second-level demonic beast, and even the soup was made from medicinal herbs.

Just the ingredients on this table cost more than ten spirit stones.

"It's delicious."

Yue'er felt that every bite of meat she ate exploded in her stomach, making her whole body warm.

She felt that she hadn't seriously cultivated during these few days of accompanying her senior on a sightseeing trip, but her cultivation level was still improving rapidly. It seemed that after accompanying her senior for a trip, she could easily break through one or two small realms.

Perhaps she could catch a glimpse of the late Qi Refining stage before she turned twenty.

By then, she might even try to break through to the Foundation Building stage.

"The soup is also delicious and flavorful."

Yulan saw that Yue'er liked it, so she served her another bowl of soup.

Yue'er was a little surprised at first, but quickly accepted it and thanked her, "Thank you, Yulan."

"If you like it, eat more."

Yulan smiled lightly.

She has always been generous towards the women around her husband.

Because she knows that these women are just passing through her husband's life. In the past twenty years, the only person who has been able to accompany her husband all the time is her.

Everyone was full and satisfied.

Yulan suddenly noticed that her husband was unusually quiet today.

She glanced at him and saw him looking at the cultivators in the village who were still bargaining with the caravan over a few ounces of spirit sand.

"Husband, what's wrong with you?"

Yu Xian said, "I'm thinking, the entire village works hard for a month just to earn a few spirit stones, and they have to be stripped of a layer by the caravan.

If they knew the price of this table of food, it would be more than what they earn in a month. How desperate would they be?"

"I, I don't know."

Yulan was a little at a loss. She had never thought about these issues before.

"You don't need to know." Yu Xian rubbed Yulan's head and smiled, "Because this is the meaning of my cultivation."

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