Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 134 The Scary Chen Yi

Chapter 134: The Terrifying Chen Yi

The Zhao family's merchant convoy proceeded smoothly, without any foolish bandits appearing. It seemed that the Zhao family's reputation still held some weight.

After a month of travel, they finally caught sight of the outline of Shangyang City. The city walls appeared slightly redder than the last time they were seen, resembling fresh bloodstains.

The shantytowns outside the city were arranged in an orderly and unique pattern, while the main road leading into the city remained wide enough for a giant to walk through.

It seemed as if nothing had changed.

But Yu Xian knew that everything here had already been turned upside down.

The densely packed horde of beasts, the fallen Foundation Building cultivators - just by relying on bits and pieces of information, one could imagine the cruelty of it all.

Shantytown No. 3.

The Zhao family's trading company, this was their stronghold in Shangyang City.

Yu Xian and the others stayed in the inn opened by the trading company, waiting for the auction in Shangyang City to begin.


At the same time.

Shangyang Mountain, the residence of the True Immortal.

Dan Yang, the True Immortal, was waiting for the arrival of a guest from afar.

A massive floating ship descended from the sky.

Dan Yang rubbed his face, revealing a natural and warm smile, before quickly walking forward to greet the guest.

It was no wonder he was so enthusiastic.

Because the owner of this floating ship was one of the three great inheritances of the Xuan Yang Sect, a disciple of the sect's master, Xuan Yang True Lord, and the future Nascent Soul cultivator of the sect.

Not to mention that he was already a Gold Core cultivator himself, practicing top-tier techniques and possessing mastery over third-grade Gold Core divine abilities.

Compared to him, a mere early-stage Gold Core cultivator from a scattered cultivation background like Dan Yang, this disciple of the inheritance had already broken through to the late-stage Gold Core realm after a century of cultivation. It was said that he didn't even need a second move to suppress him.

There were also differences among Gold Core cultivators.

Although Dan Yang didn't know why such an esteemed disciple of the sect's inheritance had come to this remote small city of Shangyang, he knew that he had to treat him well.

Otherwise, as long as this disciple reported back to the sect that he was not good, he would have to guard Shangyang City for the rest of his life.

He had already been guarding it for a hundred years and didn't want to guard it for another hundred.

So even though he had been the Supreme Emperor of Shangyang City for a hundred years, revered by everyone, he had to act like a good grandson at this moment.

The floating ship was dozens of zhang high and hundreds of zhang long, resembling a small mountain as it descended, yet it didn't make too much noise.

A scarlet light ladder descended from the deck, and the first to appear was a white-clothed woman with a veil covering her face, exuding a cold and aloof aura. Around her waist was a red gourd.


Dan Yang was immediately stunned.

As far as he knew, the three great inheritances of the Xuan Yang Sect were all men.

And if he wasn't mistaken, this woman's cultivation level was only at the peak of Foundation Building, still a step away from Gold Core.

But then, a handsome and slender young man appeared behind the woman. His gaze was sharp, and his whole person was as dazzling as the sun.

As soon as he appeared, he could capture the attention of everyone, as if he was born to be the protagonist.

With just one glance, Dan Yang knew that this young man was none other than Zhang Yan, also known as the Flame True Immortal, one of the Xuan Yang Sect's great inheritances.

"Junior Sister Chen, I apologize for the simplicity of this place and inconveniencing you."

The young man smiled and said to the woman.

The woman replied calmly, "Senior Brother Zhang is joking. I come from a humble rural background, so this place is like a fairy palace to me."

"The host of this place has been waiting for a long time. We should go down now," she continued.

The young man smiled and said, "Being able to wait for Junior Sister Chen is his good fortune accumulated over three lifetimes."

Seeing the woman's gaze, the young man looked indulgent.

"Alright, let's do as you say," he said, extending his hand. "Junior Sister Chen, please go first."

The woman gracefully moved forward and descended along the light ladder.

The young man followed suit.

Behind them was a plump and beautiful woman, as well as a tall and sturdy young man with a hidden aura, resembling a secular warrior.

Dan Yang True Immortal greeted them and first bowed to the young man.

"Dan Yangzi Liu Tong, I have met Senior Zhang," he said.

Zhang Yan introduced the woman, saying, "This is Dan Yang True Immortal. Although he comes from a scattered cultivation background, he joined Xuan Yang Sect early on and is now an outer sect elder. With his hundred years of guarding achievements, he will soon be able to return to the sect and become an inner sect elder."

Dan Yang True Immortal felt a little flattered by Zhang Yan's words and couldn't help but have a better impression of him.

"Senior Zhang's praise is excessive. This fairy has a pure and extraordinary temperament that ordinary people cannot compare to. Could she be a talented disciple who recently joined the sect?" he asked. "Ah, Liu has been absent from the sect for a hundred years and doesn't even recognize the sect's disciples anymore."

Zhang Yan smiled and said, "Senior Liu is mistaken. Junior Sister Chen is the most outstanding disciple of the Xuan Yin Sect's Sect Master. With her Foundation Building cultivation, she is already considered a genius among the true disciples. This time, I was ordered by my master to accompany Junior Sister Chen and sever her secular ties."

"Junior Sister Chen comes from a secular dynasty called Yue Guo, which borders the Shang Yang City. Do you know which power controls this dynasty? Please make arrangements for them to meet Junior Sister Chen as soon as possible," the woman said, bowing slightly to Dan Yang True Immortal.

"Thank you for your trouble, True Immortal," she added.

Dan Yang True Immortal quickly replied, "No trouble at all. I will immediately send someone to investigate. Please, all four of you..."

His gaze fell on Zhang Yan, but he didn't know the identities of the two people following behind the two.

Zhang Yan smiled and said, "This is Xuan Yin Sect's inner sect elder, True Immortal Yu. And this is Junior Sister Chen's secular older brother, who is now a high-ranking Xuan Yin Sect Dao Soldier responsible for protecting Junior Sister Chen's safety."

Dan Yang True Immortal greeted them one by one.

"True Immortal Yu, Junior Brother Chen."

True Immortal Yu nodded indifferently, while the tall man was much more enthusiastic.

"I have met True Immortal Liu."

"Please follow me to the humble room and wait for the news to arrive soon."

Dan Yang True Immortal didn't mind True Immortal Yu's attitude.

Different inner sect elders had different statuses.

He came from a scattered cultivation background, and even if he became an inner sect elder in the future, he would still be considered a marginal figure who accumulated merits little by little. On the other hand, True Immortal Yu was clearly from the main lineage of the sect. Perhaps he would even have the opportunity to break through to the Nascent Soul stage in the future, while being an inner sect elder was just a transitional identity for him.


That night.

After a welcoming banquet.

In the guest room of the palace.

Chen Shimei looked at Yu Zhenren sitting in her room with a faint expression.

"Senior Sister Yu, this is my room."

Yu Zhenren stretched lazily, outlining her beautiful figure, and smiled, "Junior Sister Chen, don't be so stingy."

At this moment, she didn't have the slightest coldness towards Danyang Zhenren. She was completely like an older sister doting on her younger sister.

But Chen Shimei didn't say anything, just looked at her calmly.

"Don't force me to scold you. I haven't settled the score with you for betraying my whereabouts to Xuanyang Sect this time."

"Alright, I'll leave then."

Yu Zhenren stood up, sighed, and said, "I just wanted you to get to know the talented disciples of Xuanyang Sect. If you don't like it, I can find someone else for you."

"I will consider it myself," Chen Shimei said.

Yu Zhenren said, "You're still thinking about your lover in the mortal realm. Maybe he has already turned into a pile of bones. Even if not, it has been twenty years. He might already have a house full of children and grandchildren. Do you want to go and be someone's grandmother?"

It's only because our Xuan Yin Sect is reasonable and not like those demonic sects. When their disciples join the sect, they have to sever all worldly ties. It's terrifying."

Chen Shimei's tone became chaotic, but she still said firmly, "Don't worry, Senior Sister. If there is no fate, I will sever it myself."

"That's good."

Yu Zhenren was about to leave but was stopped by Chen Shimei.

"Sister, what's the matter?"

"What is it?"

"This time, I want to go to Yue Country only with my elder brother."

Yu Zhenren remained silent for a while and replied, "Okay, I will hold back Zhang Yan."

"If it weren't for your obsession that hindered your path to the Gold Core for ten years, Master would never have let you come back."

"Take care of yourself."

After saying that, she finally left.

After Yu Zhenren left, Chen Shimei flipped her palm and threw out a small formation plate, instantly enveloping the room in a formation, making it impossible for outsiders to eavesdrop.

"Brother, do you think what Senior Sister said is true? Will he really have many wives and children?"

Chen Shimei took off the veil on her face, revealing a stunning face as cold as the moon. It was none other than Chen Yi, the investment target of Yu Xian in the past.

Compared to twenty years ago, her appearance not only did not diminish in the slightest, but became even more beautiful.

Standing beside her was naturally Chen Yi's elder brother, Chen Xiao.

He stood at the door like a wooden stake, and when he heard his sister's worries, he truthfully said, "Based on what I know about him, it's highly possible. He may have already forgotten about you, or maybe not. Don't be fooled by that boy's affectionate appearance, it's all an act. As long as it's a beautiful woman, that guy will appear affectionate to anyone."

Upon hearing this, Chen Yi took off the red gourd around her waist and gently caressed it.

The once ordinary wine gourd now emitted a radiant light, turning into a top-grade spiritual weapon.

"But I'm not pretending. No matter what, I need to see him before I can say anything."

Chen Yi's lips curled into a smile, and she looked forward with anticipation, saying, "I have already become the subject of his admiration, even to the point of soon becoming a Gold Core cultivator. He will surely be surprised then."

Chen Xiao sighed and said, "I wish he were dead. Even if he hasn't forgotten about you, even if you can be together with him... the gap between you is too great. Just look at Zhang Zhenchuan today, that kid couldn't even handle a single glance from him."

However, Chen Yi seemed encouraged and murmured, "But then, he will be mine alone. I will quickly break through to Gold Core and eventually become a Nascent Soul cultivator. No one will be able to harm him. I have already asked Master for a Transcendent Origin Pill. I will turn him into a genius and keep him with me forever."

Seeing this, Chen Xiao stopped speaking and left the room, leaving his sister lost in her infatuation.

Just as he left the room and turned a corner, Fish Immortal appeared before Chen Xiao like a ghost.

"Chen Yi's obsession has become madness. You must keep an eye on her," Fish Immortal said.

Chen Xiao hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "You don't need to worry. My sister knows what she's doing and won't go astray."

Fish Immortal snorted coldly and said, "Do you know how much effort our Master put into restoring her pure Yin physique and how much effort he has invested? If you can't handle it, hmph..."

Chen Xiao nodded earnestly and said, "Please rest assured, I will definitely not let my sister go astray."

"That's good. This is my divine sense avatar, possessing half of my strength," Fish Immortal said, throwing a talisman to Chen Xiao. "Although Master has definitely given her life-saving treasures, they should only be used as a last resort. Once you activate my divine sense avatar, I will sense it within a thousand miles."

Chen Xiao put away the talisman, bid farewell, and left.

Fish Immortal looked up at the moon in the sky and murmured, "My good junior sister, please don't do anything foolish."

She would never forget how much madness her junior sister brought to her after joining the sect. She achieved Foundation Building in less than three years after changing her cultivation method, and completed Foundation Building in just ten years. Her foundation was perfect, far surpassing those who relied on drugs for Foundation Building.

Because she once fought against a lone Gold Core cultivator and emerged victorious.

If it weren't for the lingering obsession in her heart, she would have long ago broken through to the path of Gold Core and cultivated a unique divine ability that no one in the Xuan Yin Sect, except the founder, had achieved.

Compared to her junior sister, those of them who were the direct disciples of the sect, the former geniuses, were nothing more than insignificant weeds on the roadside.

It was precisely because of these miracles that her Master, Xuan Yin True Immortal, showed infinite indulgence towards her.

This was the future path of Nascent Soul cultivation, leading them, the Xuan Yin Sect, back to their ancestral home.


At the same time.

Zhao Family Inn, a small courtyard room.

The candlelight flickered, and the scent of sandalwood filled the air, exuding an ambiguous atmosphere.

Yu Xian blindfolded her eyes with a crescent-shaped white bellyband, playing and frolicking with three beautiful women in the room.

"Darlings, have you hidden well? Your king is coming," she said.

Originally, I planned to shamelessly ask for 400 more votes and release an extra chapter today, but after thinking about it, I might get beaten up, so I'll make up for it tomorrow. I don't have time today.

(End of this chapter)

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